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Saturday, March 12, 2011

This Is Too Much!

Chris Matthews shills for Obama during coverage of the devastating earthquake in Japan, the resulting tsunami, and possibly a pending nuclear disaster (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):

And Leftists dare to opine with some frequency that the Right is heartless?


  1. Tingles is beyond words anymore....

  2. The only thing wrong was it was Indonesia that Zero relates to.

  3. This is what we call journalism now-a-days. Mathews is the biggest Obama shill in the media ... and that's saying alot

  4. Chris Matthews - The Tingle Never Ends.

  5. It was irrelevant to the point of irrationality.

  6. It's Chris Matthews, what should we expect? shameful

    Right Truth

  7. WHAAAAT? That is unbelievable. Maybe even certifiable? What did any of that have to do with the disaster in Japan. Okay Mr. Tingles, you're in the tank for Obama, we all know that. But even a brown noser like you should be capable of showing a little class when covering a situation that has nothing to do with your Messiah and the American political scene. Never mind...certifiable people are incapable of doing that. I think I just answered my own question but do most Americans notice or even care?

  8. To these blind leftists, everything is always about Obama, all the time, no matter what.


  9. It doesn't look good at all! Those poor people!

    liberals are humanitarians?

    The picture is so clear why are others in the fog!

  10. The man irks me. I have never seen a guy have so much of a man crush in my life.

  11. I think the earthquake in Japan is Obama's fault.

    Hey, if they can make stupid accusations, so can I.

    Remember this?

  12. Mark...I agree obviously Obama is racist. He went golfing instead of rushing to help the Japanese


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