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Monday, March 14, 2011

The Foreign Aid We Dish Out

From Reaganite Republican's post "US Taxpayer-Funded Foreign Aid Received by 150/192 Countries in the World!":

Look at the map again (Click directly on the image to enlarge it):

Think about it:
That's us dishing-out an allowance to
over 78% of the nations in existence...
As you compute your taxes this year, remember how much of your hard-earned money is being given to foreign countries.


  1. It boggles the mind. WE are borrowing money to fund other nations. And this is a winning economic strategy?

  2. It boggles the mind. WE are borrowing money to fund other nations. And this is a winning economic strategy?

  3. I still like Rush's idea from years ago. Put them all the excrement list until they see things our way!

  4. Blogginator nailed it. We aren't actually paying for the aid at this point, our kids are.

  5. No doubt we will rebuild Japan once again. Apparently it is not bothering anyone else that the Prime Minister said it was their worst "crisis" since WW II. "Crisis"?? But I digressed.

  6. I think we must make a distinction between the billions of dollars wasted in foreign aid every year, and reaching out to help a people who are in severe distress. Sending the Navy to carry metric tons of disaster relief materials and medical support teams is not the same thing as flushing billions of dollars into corrupt societies, where it ends up stashed away in Swiss banks in the name of a despot. The solution to this waste of resources is to flood your congressional representatives with letters. Of course, the state department will argue is not a waste of resources at all —but then, our State Department has been inept for the past 100 years.

  7. Sam,
    I think we must make a distinction between the billions of dollars wasted in foreign aid every year, and reaching out to help a people who are in severe distress.


    I had this post queued up long before the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan.

  8. Bunkerville,
    the Prime Minister said it was their worst "crisis" since WW II.

    I heard that and think that the statement is politically loaded. Maybe I'm wrong.

  9. When this jive Texas moron tries to cut aid that originates from arms companies in Texas he'll change his tune.

    Hypocritical right wing thumper is what we have here. Wonder where the components for those tanks we send to Egypt are made.

    Damn the right is dumb.

  10. the Right "is dumb", Ducky, but you've said Breitbart should be in a body bag and Bachmans "too stupid to live"....
    Also, Ducky, you've said how the Tea Party's losing power; did you see LIndsay Graham's endorsement, finally, before his election? Gee, maybe his handlers figured he should hook his wagon with losers, huh?
    Keep pitchin', Ducky....talk about dumb. (no offense :-)

  11. Z,
    Thanks for that response.

    Blogging this afternoon was catch and catch can because my friend V came over to give Mr. AOW a haircut, beard trim, manicure, and pedicure -- all before I "threw" Mr. AOW into the shower.

  12. I hate to share those things DUcky's said because they shock even ME (imagine?) but when he slings it, I have to sling back....

    Your friend V is a saint! I hope you didn't "throw" Mr AOW in too hard! :-) xx Tell him HI from Z!

    I'm spending the afternoon going through hundreds of books...again....my stepson's helped me go thru hundreds of Mr Z's files and we've finally taken his desk and book shelves, etc etc etc out... Feels weird, but had to be done.
    Now it's kind of luxurious having many books taken to the Jewish Center nearby and just dealing with the ones I want...still culling a bit, but mostly what I've got I'm alphabetizing and also putting on shelves by genre...FINALLY.
    I just wish Mr Z was helping. x

  13. The Federal government is out of control and needs a harsh hand to bring it back in line. Foreign aid is one of the main places that begs for the financial knife.

  14. Z,
    I know what you mean by cleaning out. It's so stressful. I still haven't sorted through all my father's stuff, and he died in 1998.

    Mr. AOW will have some difficult sorting-decisions to make. All those tools and auto parts! I wish that all we have to sort were books. Some of those tools and auto parts are a mystery to me.

  15. I realize leftists like Duck have an attention span about the length of the life of a gnat, so I will try to speak using small words.

    How in the world can most of it be going to just the "welfare queens of Israel" when we are giving aid to almost every country on the planet? Provide some numbers to back up your assertions or keep your rhetoric to yourself.

    As to this guy or some othe right wing guy or whatever, we never said Republicans were not as responsible as Democrats for this nonsense. News flash both parties have had control of Congress in the last 20 years.

    We dont weant to waste another day in some silly finger pointing exercise like children on a school yard.

    If you want to engage in such nonsense you do so knowing that we think your argument is childish.

  16. To clarify, I was not talking about aid in situations such as Japan.

    Prior to the Obamination Regime, the US lead the World in its speed and amount of aid when disasters happened around the globe. Because despite the hot air of certain liberals the US is a compassionate country. However recently, even the UK papers remarked that it was odd that the UK was evacuating people from Libya while the US sat on the sidelines.

    I guess Obama had to get in another round of dinners, dancing , and golf.....running for President is such much easier than actually being President.


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