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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nuclear Fallout Map

If the nuclear reactors in Japan melt down and release radiation, consider the map below:

(Click directly on the image to enlarge it)

(hat tips to Will and Alex)


  1. This is a horric tragedy. I am really concerned for the people in Japan and neighboring islands and nations. What concerns me most is the atmosphere and if, if at all there will be fallout in Western Europe and the U.S. and (Americas.

    I am praying for the Japanese and the loss is so sad. I just cannot imagine it.

  2. typo as usual, my bad, "horrific"

  3. so much suffering AOW and the terrorist enabler in the WH is golfing again!

  4. Thank GOd for FAITH! :-)
    Let's hope the worst doesn't happen......it usually doesn't.

  5. Oh yeah take those iodine pills!


    I will let you all know how bad it is on the West Coast if I'm still alive lol.

  6. Luke 21:11

    There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

    Mark 13:8

    Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

  7. What happens in Japan will determine the future of all nuclear power in the US, if not the world.

  8. That's a scary map.

    The toll will be horrific as they start digging through the rubble.

  9. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2011/03/13/no-harmful-levels-of-radioactivity-expected-in-us/

  10. USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Crew Said to be Exposed to Radiation


    Right Truth

  11. and the liberals begin their rant against nuclear power....

    Ok so we stop drilling because of an explosion on one rig. Now we should stop using nuclear power because a natural disaster.

    There was a plane crash last week..should we stop using airplanes?

    There were probably like a hundred car accidents while I typed this...quick everyone stop using cars.....

    I guess we could all go golfing......

  12. Blogginator,
    and the liberals begin their rant against nuclear power....

    Ok so we stop drilling because of an explosion on one rig. Now we should stop using nuclear power because a natural disaster.

    As in "Never let a crisis go to waste."

    Good point about cars. Perhaps that's why BHO wants high speed rail?

  13. Its all about control...If you own a car you can go whenever and whereever you desire. If you have to take public train, the government when and where you go.

    In short run, the Obamination Regimen has backed a loser automobile that costs too much and runs unefficiently. The only way to sell this lemon is too make it too expensive for you to drive that fossil fuel vehicle.

    Its all about control


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