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Monday, August 29, 2022

Trump's Original Sin...

The rest of the above title: Forget Russiagate, TRUMP CREATED THE COVID VACCINE, Yeah, That's The Ticket.

Worth a few moments of your time:

Well, at least now, perhaps the truth about the dangers of the COVID vaccines will be allowed to come out.  All the law suits that will be flying around will be an outcome, of course.  Get ready for the storm.


  1. Interestingly, though, I'm reasonably certain that neither Trump nor anyone in his administration ever ordered or commanded anyone to accept injection of the vaccine. I seem to recall that it has been Democratic administrations which have spent almost two years mandating that people accept the vaccine or be subject to loss of jobs, social status, etc. It was certainly Biden who presided over the order that military service members be vaccinated or discharged. Oh well, water over the bridge, let's reelect Biden.

    1. The federal government, under Donald Trump, forced DOD members to get the vaccine, resulting in many good people getting out because they did not want to obey the order.

    2. COVID was a very good limits test on Trump's belligerence.

      He will bluff and blow about all kinds of things, and ignore all kinds of norms, but he was uncharacteristically deferential to the medical quote unquote experts.

      He allowed them to run rampant, destroy small businesses wreck the economy, throw people out of work, and shut down schools.

      Clearly, they scared the you know what out of him, and he did not want that blood on his hands

      DeSantis did a much better job assessing the risks and adjusting accordingly.

    3. Probably because unlike Trump, DeSantis reads, and studies issues and depth.

    4. Trump was a little more culpable in the chaos than that. Federal assistance to states under Trump was decidedly determined by what party the Governor of the state asking for assistance belonged to, and now there's billions of dollars worth of Covid relief funding that nobody has a clue who got the money. At the same time Russia mysteriously emerges with a stockpile of cash to invade the Ukraine. Pretty sure that's not related, but we can't really rule it out given Trump's documentable loyalty to anyone opposed to American interests. Such a plan would be "genius."

    5. Carlson and Kirsch and Desantis oh my!

    6. Trump was an ineffective administrator, but as a high profile vector for divisive messaging and misinformation he was extraordinarily disruptive. So while he lacked the professional discipline required to limit the technocrat experts who stepped up to run the country in his stead (I don't find that sinister necessarily, somebody had to do it), Trump's primary "contribution" was to reduce almost all anti-covid measures to political symbols -- a significant percentage of the population adopt their stance (be they pro- or anti-) regarding masks and vaccines to signify their political identity, regardless of the practical merits or limitations of either measure.
      As Trump would say, sad!

    7. How many "medical treatments" became "disinformation" during the pandemic? TDS on steroids.

    8. Can't you think of anyone who used their attitude towards chloroquine as a political symbol?

      Broaden the context beyond covid treatments and let me know if you still want to argue that Trump wasn't a vector for disinformation.

    9. The WHO and CDC weren't also vectors for disinformation? Trump wasn't the one who took away your right to even talk about it.

    10. The "unelected bureaucrats" supposed to "know", but who didn't and still don't.

    11. The medical technocrat experts did not cloak themselves in glory during the COVID panic.

      They quashed speech and ignored good doctors and scientists who wanted to contribute to the project of forming a better understanding.

      More to the point, they were often wrong. A little humility perhaps would be in order

    12. Don't count on ANY corrections or admissions of mistakes. Weinstein & Co on "The Real Anthony Fauci"

    13. Trump was an ineffective administrator. We can talk about that. But what we CAN'T talk about are all the other INCOMPETENT administrators who cloak their mistake in "confidentiality of records" and the SuperEgo prerogatives of unelected PARTISAN bureaucrats.

    14. IMO Trump's careless and misleading comms affected the messaging coming out from the rest of government, technocrats included. If they weren't cleaning up after a rhetorically incontinent potus, maybe they could have afforded to be more circumspect. I've no idea if they would have actually taken that opportunity under different circumstances, but I can certainly sympathise with the predicament they were in.

    15. Trump did not speak the "normal Science" of bureaucracy. For his speech was "revolutionary Science". The Deep State NEEDS a paradigm shift. In 2024, they'll get it.

    16. They may need their paradigm to be shifted, but not in the direction of trump.

    17. So you think that the Biden "absent Executive" model is better? Please.

    18. 1 master, I can deal with. 3 million Civil servant masters? Foggeddaboudit!

    19. For his speech was "revolutionary Science".

      Wow. That is the funniest label I've ever seen, applied to the bloviating, faux-tough guy facade of Trump.

      It's beautiful....I mean if you're gonna troll....troll hard!

      'Revolutionary'.......that's going to keep me giggling all night.

    20. One of the worst travesties coming out of the government-fomented covid panic was the shutdown of schools and masking children, not mention scaring parents into getting their children jabbed with the "vaccine."

      Trump's untethered ramblings and rantings on covid and uninformed speculation was the least of it.

  2. Yet another strange episode of the Tucker Carlson Show where we ironically hear about things allegedly no one is talking about.

    It's quite a cipher, but if you take the time to annotate the transcript at each point Mr. Carlson's voice goes high-pitched prepubescent, you get a collection of letters that indeed does spell out a message. It's a very clever application of Shannon's source coding theorem that will always place a mathematical upper limit on how much data a complex encryption system can encode without losing coherence to entropy noise. Video and audio in combination adds more layers to the data compression and encryption, such as how Jeremiah Denton was able to signal to the US military that the Viet Cong were torturing captured American pilots by blinking his eyelids in Morse code in POW videos. Perhaps a decryption key involves the color Tucker Carlson chooses to wear when his captors at the news network force him on television to not talk about the news. Further analysis is definitely needed, but clearly the methodical chirping inflections contain, in fact are saturated, with data our man behind the enemy lines of the media is trying to convey past the censors to us, the information starved public.

    I'm still working with the substitution cipher, but is the message "remembertodrinkyourovaltine" meaningful to anyone here?

  3. If you think the Mother Ship and its captain be it Captain AOW, or Admiral Lisa are hopeless the Trumper freaks who wouldn't know the truth if it sat on their face, you should read the rightwing sites, articles and comments, to see the degree of twisting and denial that is applied to evidence of malfeasance and crimes by the FPOTUS!

    If the Capt. of that ship ever took the time to understand declassification and why what Trump did is so damning and dangerous she'd of found out that the status of the classified documents is stamped on every page. Anyone who thinks Trump has a magic declassification wand is an ignorant conservative fascist. It doesn't work that way.

    1. I love people who think that the President has no power to declassify documents, when in reality w/o the president, the bureaucrats have no power to classify them in the first place.

    2. But do you really love them when they point out, correctly, that that Presidential power and executive privilege ends at the end of their term and then their successor has that power and can classify and reclassify and declassify documents at will as long as they are President?

      If Biden declared Trump's eyes to be classified he could send the FBI to gouge them out and put them in a SCIF. Now what?

    3. So if the current President decides that the ex-president's daughter's school homework was now "classified", he can order the FBI to bust into the ex-president's home and arrest him based upon the evidence of the gold-stars on his daughter's graded homework assignments magnetized to the refrigerator? Wow, Trump should have done that with Obama...

      That's some power.

    4. btw - When were Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws) of the Constitution rescinded? Just wondrin'.

    5. ps - Does that also negate the principle of In dubio mitius when in comes to sentencing?

    6. I wonder if Biden is now regretting having revoked Trump's security clearance and de-funded Mar-a-Lago's SCIF?

    7. Wanna know what's really funny? Not a single classified-marked document recovered in the raid to date has even been verified as currently "classified".

    8. They weren't. A President's powers end at the end of his term.

      Now, do me a favor, and before you read my next statement, sit down in a chair, put your feet up, grab a paper or plastic bag to hyperventilate in, grab the arms of your chair white-knuckle style and brace yourself for this paradigm-shattering revelation:

      Former President Trump's term ended at noon Eastern time on January 20th, 2021. He has no more power over dick all than you, me, or the guy spraying disinfectants on the shoes down at the bowling alley.

      Let me repeat. Donald Trump is no longer President of the United States of America. He has the Constitutionally-granted powers of not a god-damned thing. Don't go attacking Capitol police officers. Trump ran for re-election, and lost. In an Electoral College landslide. It wasn't even close. He lost the office, and lost the power that goes with it.

      Calm down, I know reality is harsh when you avoid it for too long. Sorry to dunk you deep in the brutal immersion therapy without psychological water wings, but ding ding. Trump is not President. What he could do as President is inapplicable.

      So, there's nothing to wonder about, except perhaps why the FBI hasn't bashed his face in with a rifle butt, like they would you, me, and the guy spraying bowling shoes if we had stolen classified documents and bragged to the wrong people about it.

    9. Not a single classified-marked document recovered in the raid to date has even been verified as currently "classified".

      How is that funny? The documents are still being investigated. You can bet however, that by now.....some information has already been verified, one way or the other.

    10. @TC - If the cult wants to pretend that Trump has more claim to powers (or immunities) above and beyond any other Citizen....let them. It's entertaining.

    11. Ex-post facto powers are AWESOME!

      What are you rambling about? It's always been illegal to mishandle classified documents. Trump even signed the legislation making the penalty more severe.

    12. Another win for the Biden Admin. The Iraqi presidential palace just fell to a mob, and the PM bugged out in a helicopter.

      As I've said from day 1, ya'll shoulda back Moqtada al Sadr...

    13. Another win for the Biden Admin.

      Cool. When I was getting rocketed in Iraq a couple of years ago....I can now blame that on the Trump administration.


    14. You weren’t wrong on the helo story. Much of the media got it wrong early on when they claimed the U.S. Embassy was being evacuated. The MI-8 was Iraqi and probably bringing the PM or other Cabinet official to the Embassy.

    15. I think Trump's morbid ADS (America Derangement Syndrome) really went irrecoverably off the deep end when the National Weather Service disobeyed Trump's orders and argued with him that no, they couldn't actually steer Hurricanes Dorian towards southern Alabama so that he could launch nuclear weapons at it. You just know there are tapes of him fuming mad in the Oval Office screaming "what kind of Weather Service can't even steer a @#*%ing hurricane! How did Bush steer Hurricanes Katrina into New Orleans? I'm tired of you Deep State @$#¥'s undermining my authority!" Right then and there, the plot to pass nuclear weapons information to North Korea, who he had fallen love with, began to form...

    16. After crushing around two handfuls of Sudafed pills and snorting the resulting powder, Trump went on television to insist that the NWS disobey his orders to steer Hurricane Dorian towards the Florida Panhandle, marking on a map with a Sharpie where air units from Biloxi Mississippi and Pensacola Florida were to deploy and attack it with nuclear weapons.

      This weird plan came almost a year after the resignation of Secretary of Defense Mattis after an argument over Trump's plan to make the War in Afghanistan "more exciting" by arming the Taliban with Tomahawk missiles. Trump was quoted as saying "I like soldiers that don't get shot and killed. Fuck 'em."

    17. beamish, "I like soldiers like John McCain who get shot down and spend the war in POW camps. His father was a real *sshole".

    18. "What about all the innocent Nazis America firebombed at Dresden?"

      I vaguely remember when Republicans scoffed at moral equivalence fallacies, back when they weren't a far left political party.

    19. You want to arrest and charge Billy Mitchell, be my guest. Who needs PGMs, anyways?

    20. Spartan general on Archimedes Syracusan defenses... "you'll turn my men into cowards".

  4. As with all things Trump, it's easy to get lost down in the weeds. With El Donaldo, its always the meta-narrative aiming at some larger thing.

    Farmer and I are simpatico on most issues, but I part ways with him on much of this. Based on our legal framework, he ain't got a leg to stand on, and I have an ingrained anger at the cavalier mishandling of classified information (Which all manner of DC personages and agencies routinely engages in as a political game.)

    Having said that, this is what it looks like to me based on what we think we know so far:

    The President held onto his "greatest hits." Probably because much of it is exculpatory, in his view.

    He is fighting The Establishment, and we have all witnessed how they rig the game by alternately playing hide the ball and then selectively leaking classified information when it furthers the Establishment's goals. It can break the rules with impunity and the public will never find out unless someone on the inside turns on the syndicate.

    Forget about whether a cutout president can declassify something. The Establishment is King. It classifies and declassifies whatever the hell it wants to protect the franchise and increase its power.

    How do you fight that?

    "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

    1. Remove their "authority" for it. It comes from the President through the Constitution. Which is why they'll lose.

    2. ...but of course, nobody wants the answers to the mysteries buried in classified data like the fact that the Deep State is recording every communication over phone and computer and using it to violate your 4th and 5th Amendment rights... or accidently releasing deadly virus' on the public. This information must remain hidden, and anyone who threatens to expose it, eliminated.

    3. What would the country think if the FBI was using NSA intercepts to monitor their political rivals and then using legal firms like Perkins Coei to fabricate parallel constructions to "take them out".

      Why even have a "Bill of Rights"?

    4. Silver, how is this game rigged? How are we hiding the ball?

      The law says the documents belong to the American ppl and belong in the National Archives. The law he himself signed, says it is now a felony to not turn over those documents to the National Archives.


      And that includes the US map where he altered the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie.

      He knew the laws. Heck, he signed one of the laws. He broke the laws. Plain and simple. In broad daylight.

      You're right, he has no legal leg to stand on.


    5. Silver, how is this game rigged? How are we hiding the ball? Hunter Biden laptop? Russia-Russia investigation?

    6. SO when are the Obama papers going to become "accessible" to and by the public? Right now, you still need Obama's "permission" for a FOIA request to get filled.

    7. Oh, THATS right, laws only apply to Republicans. That's why they call it lawfare.

    8. btw - The so-called "classified documents" in contention don't even fall under NARA (44 USC Chapter 22) as a presidential record.

      § 2201. Definitions

      As used in this chapter--

      (1) The term "documentary material" means all books, correspondence, memoranda, documents, papers, pamphlets, works of art, models, pictures, photographs, plats, maps, films, and motion pictures, including, but not limited to, audio and visual records, or other electronic or mechanical recordations, whether in analog, digital, or any other form.

      (2) The term "Presidential records" means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise or assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term--

      (A) includes any documentary materials relating to the political activities of the President or members of the President’s staff, but only if such activities relate to or have a direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; but

      (B) does not include any documentary materials that are (i) official records of an agency (as defined in section 552(e) of title 5, United States Code; (ii) personal records; (iii) stocks of publications and stationery; or (iv) extra copies of documents produced only for convenience of reference, when such copies are clearly so identified.

      I'd argue that the label "Top Secret" implies just such an identification as an "extra copy" of an agency document.

    9. The so-called "classified documents" in contention don't even fall under NARA (44 USC Chapter 22) as a presidential record.


    10. Anybody remember those thousands of e-mail Hillary didn't turn over because they didn't match her lawyer's "key word search"?

    11. Exactly, CI. So stop trying to apply NARA presidential records laws to them. You want to apply National Security laws, have at it, because it turns own they don't apply to the President, either. :)

    12. The only "law" that applies to the president is the US Constitution.

    13. Why are you inventing arguments that I'm not making?

    14. ...and have fun claiming "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the documents in Trump's possession hadn't been declassified by him during his tenure as president.

    15. @ CI: "Why..." Because you aren't the only one arguing, CI. Dave says they're NARA owned.

    16. That will actually be pretty cut and dry....as we've argued previously.

    17. OK....seemed like it was directed towards me.

    18. ...and I just put a "legal leg" under the argument for Trump to stand on.

    19. I've already given you the legal basis under National Security laws why Trump wasn't violating any "taking classified documents" laws as they, too, did not apply (he wasn't an "officer").

    20. Hunter Biden's laptop? What about your laptop? When are the alphabet agencies going to release every keystroke log the surveillance state has on you? Release the NSA intercepts of all the cognitive dissonant bloggers! Especially those who speak in hushed tones and furtive language without evidence! Let's get to the bottom of why Edward Snowden lives in welcomed hiding in Russia but Donald Trump can't show his stash of Mika and Joe porn to party guests!

      Lindsey Graham is threatening to come out of the closet and lead a riot in a feather boa if Trump gets prosecuted. Why? Is the evidence against Trump that damning and conclusive that even the statistical likelihood of just one Trump supporter on the jury can't stop a guilty verdict?

      I can't take Trump supporters seriously. There would be no point in doing so.

    21. I "consent" to keystroke monitoring, beamish. That doesn't mean that you should have to.

    22. I've already given you the legal basis....

      You do realize of course.....that 18 U.S. Code § 1924 was not a basis for the search warrant.

    23. .and have fun claiming "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the documents in Trump's possession hadn't been declassified by him during his tenure as president.

      And yet the search warrant executed gives no particular weight to whether or not the documents stolen by Trump are classified or not. It was known what Trump had, a Trump appointed FBI director and a Trump appointed judge agreed he shouldn't have possession of it, and the FBI went and seized it. It's worse for Trump that he had classified documents among that stolen government property, but how are we hearing anything about this anyway?

      If Team Trump *never said a thing* we wouldn't even know his house got searched. The FBI never issued a press release, never invited the media down to Mar-A-Lago to watch them tote truckloads of criminal evidence out of his house while narrating that he was illegally storing military and intelligence documents in his home and refusing to surrender them to a legal subpoena. We never got to see flashbang grenades deployed and dazed Trump family members frog marched and face planted into the dirt and hogtied while the government recovered its property.

      As an effort to "get Trump and make him look bad" where is the FBI? They didn't summon the media. Trump did. This could have been handled quietly had Trump cooperated with law enforcement and obeyed the law. Anyone else pulling this stupid game with law enforcement would have won the stupid prize on day one, in the moment, pepper spray, tasers, batons, and choked to death in the gutter included.

      The FBI doesn't need to make Trump look bad. He's done that all on his own.

    24. ps - Anybody remember during the trouble CIA got into for hacking Senate Computers back in Feinstein's Day violating the Separation of Powers between Executive Branch and Legislative Branch?

    25. I "consent" to keystroke monitoring, beamish. That doesn't mean that you should have to.

      It sure doesn't mean you have the right to the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop, whatever that is.

    26. @TC - The grift has always relied on a facade of victimhood.

    27. The president alone determines whether a record deserves "Executive privilege" beamish. The president alone determines whether a record is a "privileged attorney-client info" He has rights. Or perhaps I should say, he/we "used to" have "negative liberty" rights... places the government couldn't go and things they couldn't do.

    28. Hunter's laptop was contractually turned over and became the property of a third party Computer Repair Shop owner under the repair agreement he signed. :)

    29. Diane Feinstein and Lindsey Graham grandstander with nothing in the past? You don't say. C'mon. You're pulling my leg. Those feckless blowhards would never ham anything up for the cameras. Perish the thought!

    30. The president alone determines whether a record deserves "Executive privilege" beamish.

      And the President, Joseph Robinette Biden, is good with determining that Trump's blather is meaningless.

    31. @TC - The grift has always relied on a facade of victimhood.

      I'm in the "Why did I ever believe the Republican Party is not a wing of the Russian FSB" stage of recovery

    32. Hunter's laptop was contractually turned over and became the property of a third party Computer Repair Shop owner under the repair agreement he signed. :)
      ...which he then gave to Rudy. :)

      So the laptop passed from a guy stiffed for payment for repairs to a political operative famous for lying and incompetence and being part of a scheme to have the Ukraine manufacture dirt on the Biden's.

      I think they forgot to soak it in pig blood and allege Satanic rituals.

      I thought Trump hired the best people?

    33. And the President, Joseph Robinette Biden, is good with determining that Trump's blather is meaningless.

      ...and so are presidential bills of attainder.

    34. ...except one is an impeachable offense by a sitting president.

    35. Funny, Rudy's "incompetence" managed to break Tammany Hall and get the heads of the mafia's five families locked up. :)

    36. ...and that "Tammany" thing is precisely what ails us today.

    37. Funny, Rudy's "incompetence" managed to break Tammany Hall and get the heads of the mafia's five families locked up. :)

      And then Trump grabbed her by the pussy.

    38. So what's the name of the perfume you're advertising now, beamish, Eau de Graft? ...or is it Eau de Greffe?

    39. -FJ... this is a long thread, but a couple of thoughts.

      1. I'm not playing warfare. You, the person who has admitted existing to drive lefties crazy, maybe. I can be right, I can be wrong, but warfare? Hardly.

      2. Two things can be true at the same time and be 100% completely unrelated. Hunter Biden might have gotten a sweet deal, or even criminal activity swept under the rug. But that has nothing to do with whether or not Trump broke the law. Same with Hillary Clinton.

      They could all be guilty, or innocent. But they are not related, or germane to the others.

      At least Silver and CI seems to acknowledge some basic facts instead of trying to obfuscate the issue. And for that, I'm appreciative. They're honest ppl, as much as we can be anyways.

      And it makes a difference.

    40. The term used was "lawfare". It's a strategy of establishment Democrats from the Brooking Institute. It's their "game" since Trump got elected.

    41. In other words, they represent the politicized institutional DNC corruption of the Intelligence Community and US Government.

    42. Sancho Panza was a little more down to Earth. He just called them "windmills."

    43. @Dave - Remember, being a 'victim' is all part of the big grift. The Left may have pioneered it, but the Right has perfected it.

    44. Objection! There is not a damned thing right-wing about Comrade Trump.

    45. Donald Trump, far-left snowflake

      Wash that off before you come back to the Right.

    46. I’ll allow the objection Counselor, but the Cult of the A$$hole is bigger than Trump. He merely tapped into the low self esteem snowflakes who pine for the good old days when they could keep certain people ‘in their places’.

    47. Careful TC......you're close to being told that Avlon is a 'deep state' CIA plant.....

    48. I guess that's better than calling Liz Cheney a communist, but then there's only so many spaces on the Trumpist Speak and Spell.

      The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to claim to be a Republican. It's been horrifying to watch.

    49. Dave, I didn't say you were doing it. I said the deep state was.

      I also said I don't think Trump has a legal leg to stand on.

      What part of that does your partisan outrage-fed id not understand?

      I'm not arguing right and wrong. I am trying to get to the underlying logic of the situation.

      You're seriously going to tell us the government never uses its total control of information to exonerate friends and damn enemies? Really?

    50. Dave,

      I shouldn't lose my patience with you. Based upon blog tittle-tattle I am unfortunately subjected to, maybe you are finally bringing your 'authentic self' to this side of the fence.

    51. Silver asked... "You're seriously going to tell us the government never uses its total control of information to exonerate friends and damn enemies? Really?"

      Of course it does. us lefties have been saying this for years and have been told to pound sand by conservatives for a long time.

      But now that this problem is turned the other way, suddenly it looks bad.

      Look, for years conservatives told and wrote of those of on the left that we're soft on crime. Now those same people are saying we too tough when ppl break laws.

      My true side? I'm a centrist and an institutionalist. I assume this American experiment will sometimes swing left and other times swing right. That's the thing... elections have consequences.

      But the far right has seemingly jumped the shark. So far no one on the right will even hazard a description of extremist right wing views.

      Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I find that telling.

    52. There a reason why Moqtada al Sadr and Donald J Trump both have loyal followers. Ones' an Iraqi. The other is an American. 'Nuff said.

    53. ps - I know just the institution that all you "institutionalists" belong in. BelleVue.

    54. Paging Dr. Caligari, your cabinet requires Senate confirmation....

    55. Dave,

      Your main argument seems to be, "see? We told you the government abuses it power in pursuit of lefties it didn't like. I'm going to sit back and chuckle while I watch that same government do it to people on the right."

      Lefties can be so snotty and angry. When someone's eyes are finally opened to a position you have held for a long time, the reaction should be, "welcome aboard."

    56. And my eyes were opened years ago. As a much younger and trusting man, I was shocked at the revelations of how the FBI spied on Dr King. Don't get me started on the CIA...

  5. Drudge has a pretty good splash on the Trump documents kerfuffle this morning.

    Looks like el Donaldo was hoarding government information in an effort to try to run his own smear and blackmail operation.

    He should have born in mind Ron Paul's admonition: The government hates competition.

    Also, it's never a good idea to start a business with stolen information.

    1. Trump has endangered human Intel assets. They need to get out from under macrons bed now! And scurry back to the US.

      How will the world react to the shocking Revelation that the US spies on allies?

    2. I'm not connecting these dots....yet. But there is speculation on the timing of the deaths or disappearances of a number of Agency assets.

    3. That could actually be true. Also, I hate to sound like Alex Jones here, but I never underestimate the governments ability to confect whatever quote-unquote evidence they need.

      I can defend everything I have said in this thread, while still also agreeing that hoarding these documents if the circumstances are as they say, is illegal, and hoarding classified information like this is dangerous, and very illegal, and must be punished.


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