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Monday, April 11, 2022

Unhinged Teachers

In my view, the individuals such as those below should be drummed out of the field of education. They aren't really teachers but rather _____________ [you fill in the blank]:

See the two relatively-mild examples embedded below:

The madness is not limited to matters of "gender identity":
More madness at Libs of Tik Tok on Twitter.  Take just a few minutes to see posts on that site.

Child abuse in the name of "education"!  Malpractice of education!


  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-furryprotocol-wisconsin-idUSL2N2W51FO

    1. Jez,
      If true, that's a relief.

      Still, as one who has taught the lower grades, K-3rd, I can assure you that imaginative children often "identify as" furries. Especially horses! I put a stop to the neighing in the classroom, but outside on the playground they could neigh all they wanted. BTW, it was typically girls pretending to be horses.

    2. PS to Jez,
      Do an internet search for "furries in the classroom videos."

    3. lol at the horses. I can do a pretty good impression of a horse myself. If you've never trotted around the kitchen doing dressage, I recommend it.


    4. AOW,

      This whole topic is scary to me. Why in the world would teachers be speaking to kids about sex, gender identity, furries et al at all. Neighing, which like you said is mostly done by girls, and it is ridiculous that that would be an issue except to the perverted mind. We did that at school horsing around, excuse the pun, and teachers like you make it clear that was for recess, not the classroom. What a bunch of sick people we have in the public school system.

      Thank God we took our son out when we did as you are well aware for other reasons, but I would never let him be polluted as a child by some sick adults that should not even be allowed in a classroom let alone call themselves teachers!

      Timely post AOW and thank you for the reminder we must stay on top of this.


    5. These teachers think of the kids as their kids and want them to grow up like them. Confused.

  2. The crazy people featured here are a reflection of our increasingly crazy society. It all panic and hysteria all the time.

    1. SF,
      Millstones needed!

      I was a school administrator for some 10 years and also a homeschool administrator for some 18 years. In both capacities, I had hiring and firing power for teachers and expulsion power for students.

      I never had to fire a teacher. Nor did I ever have to recommend that a teacher not come back the following year.

      I expelled only one homeschool student: a bruiser of a guy (11th grade), who drew back his fist to hit a petite parent (On chemo!) in the face! We found out later that he was a baby daddy with a long criminal record and on probation, to boot. None of that was disclosed at the time of registration, of course.

      I'm sure that over the course of my years in education, I must have recommended that a handful of students not be allowed to register for the following year. In each case, violence and/or on-campus drug use in the line of sight of other students* resulted in the recommendation not to be allowed to return.

      But I'm telling you now that if I had teachers such as those pictured in this blog post on my faculty, out they would go! If not, out I would go!

      * I did know of a few students who used on campus or just off campus, but there were no witnesses; in each case, they came to class high, which was obvious to me. They all admitted to me privately that they had a drug problem. I had conferences with the parents, of course. All the students went into treatment -- as of this writing, successful treatment. They have good jobs, and they're clean.

  3. "In a normal year, public school enrollment usually goes up slightly. With the pandemic raging in the fall of 2020, public school enrollment dropped 2% with more than a million students who didn’t enroll in school either in person or online."


  4. Ah but of course, new week, new latest and greatest conquer and divide go-get-em from the propaganda think tanks: escalate the war on teachers.

    To those who indulged in the Tucker Tea prelude for this weeks narrative, please don't storm classrooms and beat up teachers because of gay penguins.

    1. If you clap your hands and say "ork" Joe, perhaps your maters will toss you a fish.

    2. FJ, your rubber/glue meme is cute but I'm not the participant. I'm just watching the show.

    3. Just a pot calling a kettle black. Got it. Sure doesn't sound like "not participating," though.

      What's you favorite "propaganda think tank". Brookings, I suspect.

    4. Sadly, no...

      They are one of many same-sex penguin couples in the world, including a pair of female gentoo penguins at an aquarium in Spain, a male king penguin couple in a Berlin zoo and a male gentoo penguin pairing at a Sydney aquarium.
      But the most famous couple remain male chinstrap penguins Silo and Roy, who found love at the Central Park Zoo in 1998 and hatched and raised a chick named Tango. Although their love didn't last -- Silo left Roy for his new flame Scrappy in 2005 -- their family did inspire an award-winning children's book."

    5. "Got it. Sure doesn't sound like "not participating," though."

      I have no control of the sounds you hear.

      However, good boy!

  5. Abolish the Department of Education, unless it's perfumed princes [princesses? princi? they/them?...I give up] can point to the enumerated power.

    A large part of the problem goes away with that. Run for school board. A larger part of the problem disappears as well.

    Of course, when the extremists from the other end of the spectrum get that power, we'll have an additional set of problems to deal with.

    1. CI either way it is an issue I agree. But what children are being taught -- I do not want my kid's teacher talking to them about their personal marriage or marriage in general outside of context. These teachers are ludacris. It is insane.

  6. Layla said... "I do not want my kid's teacher talking to them about their personal marriage or marriage in general outside of context."

    I'm trying to understand this...

    So let's say we have a 2nd grade child in school who has been adopted by two gay people, either, let say for the sake of discussion, conventional men or women.

    And that child get's asked by another kid about his or her parents and states they have 2 dads or 2 moms. Now the kid asking the question is confused and asks the teacher about it.

    What do we do?

    I know for a fact that these types of conversations happened in America when we had black/white couples and mixed race kids. And teachers told kids those relationships were wrong and in many states, against the law.

    i know for a fact that teachers in mixed race marriages were asked about it by their students, who maybe saw a picture of their teachers spouse on the desk.

    We can pretend those questions won't come up, but putting heads in the sand won't make it so.

    So how do we respond? Especially in states where there is mounting legislation aimed at stopping teachers from essentially answering those questions.

    1. Clearly the onus should be on homosexuals to make their relationships invisible, just like we do. Never mention our spouse, never wear our rings, pretend we live alone. What's the problem?

    2. @jez - I see what you did there. +1

    3. Why can't we teach about exotic airborne respiratory and enteric diseases found in great concentrations of waste water and sewage treatment plants as one of the primary factors behind the government ban on using waste water and sewage to irrigate farm crops, as well as measures to contain animal run off and other biohazardous wastes. Talk about the recurring risks of diseases like Covid and Hepatitis concentrating and being aerosolized back into communities by sewer waste management processses and how municipal zoning laws are typically geared towards mitigation of these risks by not allowing even low income housing and businesses to be build in the proximity of sewage treatment plants. How even mobile homes and RVs must deal with sewage disposal safely. Point out that even septic tank systems and above ground outhouses must follow regulatory health and safety guidelines in dealing with biohazardous waste to minimize their contact with people and their food and clean water supplies.

      Teachers should demand OSHA step in and mandate that gay children and others sexually aroused by the smell and texture of other people's feces wear hazmat masks and suits and undergo full hose down decontaminations before class, just as sewage treatment plant workers must do on the job before leaving their facilities.

    4. Dave,
      And that child get's asked by another kid about his or her parents and states they have 2 dads or 2 moms. Now the kid asking the question is confused and asks the teacher about it.

      What do we do?

      I'd handle it the way that I handled the matter of biracial students: "Some families are just that way." Such a response satisfied every 2nd grader with whom I interacted in this fashion.

    5. I taught 2nd grade for a few years.

      Not a single student ever asked me about any of the rings I wore.

      My students didn't know for certain that I was married or single. My relationships were not the point of my teaching.

      I think that I did tell stories about my cats, though.

    6. Lower elementary students are hilarious! So many of them thought that I lived at the school. After all, I was there when they arrived in the morning and there when they left.

    7. AOW and Z... I guess i don't see as out of question, that once it's known that a kid has two dads or 2 moms, there might be some kids who would tease that kid, or tell him or her that their parents are wrong or sinners for being in a same sex marriage.

      Those things did happen not too long ago, in our lifetimes actually, in many southern states to mixed race children.

      When that happens, when a "some families are just that way" won't work, what's our option?

      I'm thinking back in the late 50's, early 60's, and I bet there were plenty of people who felt teachers should keep confusing questions about race to themselves. Especially in those states, including Virginia, where popular opinion was soundly against mixed race families and it was in fact, illegal.

    8. Alright Dave, enough with the crap. Going beyond your calm and appropriate response would involve a teacher making a values judgment statement.

      We're all on to the left's game here. You poke and prod at the corner cases when what these laws are blatantly designed to do is prohibit the sexualization of our children in public schools.

      So what the hell is your solution? Teach kindergarteners about gay sex and cutting off body parts?

      Teachers have always had to deal with questions in the category of "where do babies come from?"

      Our schools have gotten away from providing children a solid education that prepares them for adulthood. Declining test scores are a testament to that.

      These laws are designed to stop the grotesque curricula that sexualizes our children, teaches them age-inappropriate subjects and breaks down clear (and natural) gender boundaries in their impressionable little minds.

      Children and adolescents are malleable, and that includes behavior and sexual identity. What a great time to groom recruits.

      How do you explain the explosion of teens identifying as "gender diverse?"


    9. Silver... thanks for the reasoned response. As many do, in this instance you seem to think I'm advocating a position, instead of yes, pushing and prodding, to learn how people will deal with what will inevitably come up. And see what i can learn from people with a different viewpoint.

      But I get it.

      Because I'm as frustrated as you are with people who really don't want to deal with reality, as much as score political points. I mean really... I ask a question and I get tirades from TC on motorhomes, OSHA and what ever else he can bring up.

      And that's before we get to the great majority of ppl decrying CRT that is not taught in elementary schools, and the "grooming" of little children.

      I actually agree with Z... let parents handle it. But then let's make sure schools are neutral.


      But I'm not sure conservatives would like that.

    10. Yes, let the parents handle it. That's how its always been done. Children have always asked precocious questions of teacher, and often the teach would call the parents just to let them know their child was asking such and such questions so the parents could answer in the way they wanted to address it.

      I do not want this to stifle normal conversation or cause gay teachers to hide basic facts about their spouse or partner.

      I've been saying for over 10 years now, that instead of leftwing or rightwing whatever, schools should be teaching toleration and the Golden Rule.

    11. I try to not automatically ascribe nefarious motives to the actions of those I disagree with.

      Much of this curriculum grew out of a noble aim to teach children tolerance, but there are many cases where it got way out of hand.

      There really are cultural firebugs and societal vandals out there wanting to tear it all down because they see our nation as racist, patriarchal, etc. They go too far, imo.

    12. Dave,

      My kids would never be in a school that allowed their parents marital status sexual preferences to be open fodder of any grade. Those are personal issue and of a private nature. AOWs response would be appropriate for young students as they tend to see their teacher as an authority figure and knowing, at least they did not used to question beyond what they are told. Now it is open fodder in schools, and it is wrong.

      Personally, parents need to keep their sex out of the schools, teachers and students don't need to know it. You do not see heterosexuals making it known unless we are talking about AOC!

    13. Because I'm as frustrated as you are with people who really don't want to deal with reality, as much as score political points. I mean really... I ask a question and I get tirades from TC on motorhomes, OSHA and what ever else he can bring up.

      This is so much "other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

      Political points? What's wrong with teaching children that revulsion is a valid response to actually disgusting behavior? That homosexuality is a disease vector for many of the same reasons that coprophagia and bathing in raw sewage are? That documented cases of sexually transmitted diseases overwhelmingly ravage the gay community, with promiscuous heterosexuals being a distant second place.

      Deal with reality? Or hide from it to make some turd gargler feel better about themselves?

    14. ....I categorically reject the attempt to make homosexuality analogous to interracial marriage.

    15. SF: "I do not want this to stifle normal conversation or cause gay teachers to hide basic facts about their spouse or partner."

      I believe you, but I think some people do.

    16. Dave,
      I guess i don't see as out of question, that once it's known that a kid has two dads or 2 moms, there might be some kids who would tease that kid, or tell him or her that their parents are wrong or sinners for being in a same sex marriage.

      Anywhere I have worked since I left the public school system in 1977, when I was forced out for not passing the star football player with a 30-something average in the course I was teaching, I have worked in private education (1978-1997 in private schools and 1998-present with classes of homeschoolers). In these private-education situations, teasing for any reason wasn't and is not now tolerated.

      BTW, in those private-education situations I've worked, several of the students ended up there with me because of getting teased and bullied in the public school system.

    17. TC,
      I categorically reject the attempt to make homosexuality analogous to interracial marriage.

      What is analogous, though, can be how to handle the teasing of children in those situations.

      In the 50 years I've been teaching in classrooms of whatever type -- 50 years! Ye, gods, I'm old! -- some parents of my students have had lifestyles that I found strange. Never, ever, did I allow ridicule of my students' parents. Full stop.

    18. AOW,

      It's one of those feelings are irrelevant to facts situations. My scorn doesn't kill. Disease-magnet behaviors do.

    19. SF,
      I do not want this to stifle normal conversation or cause gay teachers to hide basic facts about their spouse or partner.

      It should not be the job of any teacher in elementary school to discuss personal lives to the extent that any student or parent is made uncomfortable.

      Take this example.

      In the Christian school where I worked, a school that did not require registered students or families to be Christians, sometimes -- not often, but occasionally -- a student would want to discuss the Christian plan of salvation because that student's parents were not Believers. In that same private school, we had several parents who were Muslims, a few parents who were Jews, and several parents who were atheists. Typically, elementary school children follow their parents' lead in those matters.

      I can't recall ever being approached by those young students to discuss their families' salvation -- only their own, and very rarely at that. My response: "Salvation is between one individual and the Lord. Nobody else's business!"

      I did receive one end-of-the-year essay in which the Muslima student (6th grade) wrote that she had accepted Jesus into her heart. She also wrote that she'd had trouble memorizing the weekly Bible passages because her Muslim parents would not allow her to bring a Bible home. I had no idea! But I certainly could not force her to take a Bible home.

      The private Christian school where I worked for 18 years (1978-1996), was not a Baptist school, wherein the altar call might frequently been made, nor was the school affiliated with any church or particular Christian denomination. We were a unique school in that regard. And a very effective institution of education -- secondly only to Madeira School for Virginia private schools as rated by achievement-test scores and college acceptance to Ivy League schools. The only reason the school's doors closed: the owners and directors aged out (in their 70s and 80s by 1996). No buyers could be found to continue the school's policies, particularly admissions policies.

    20. Silver stated... "I do not want this to stifle normal conversation or cause gay teachers to hide basic facts about their spouse or partner.

      I've been saying for over 10 years now, that instead of leftwing or rightwing whatever, schools should be teaching toleration and the Golden Rule."

      I agree. 100%.

      But we both know there are parents from both sides who do want those basic facts hidden from kids if they do not agree with a certain lifestyle.

      Sadly, I'm guessing your POV is not ascendant in conservative circles. And nor is my POV appreciated in more progressive circles.

    21. Quoting Silver... "I try to not automatically ascribe nefarious motives to the actions of those I disagree with.

      Much of this curriculum grew out of a noble aim to teach children tolerance, but there are many cases where it got way out of hand.

      There really are cultural firebugs and societal vandals out there wanting to tear it all down because they see our nation as racist, patriarchal, etc. They go too far, imo."

      As for motives, I've seen that to be true with you. You're wrong sometimes, just like me, but willing to be fair.

      As evidence, your "many cases where it got way out of hand."

      So often in posts and comments, people state opinions as fact. As in I believe it to be true, so it is. Again, while we don't always agree, you typically rise above that.

      Must be that tolerance you learned in school.

    22. Layla, I get what you're saying, but again, I'd offer up the example of any teacher who maybe keeps a picture of their wedding, or a picture of them with their spouse on the desk.

      I saw those frequently as a kid in school. Maybe that is not allowed now.

      But if it is, and the teacher has a non traditional spouse, there will be parents who don't want their kids seeing that.

    23. AOW... I'm not a teacher, but I applaud your stance on the underachiever. Bravo. Sadly, now for "social reasons" few ppl ever get held back.

      For the life of me, I've never understood how that was good for a student.

      You stated to TC... "What is analogous, though, can be how to handle the teasing of children in those situations.

      And that is part of my point.

      Parents with a viewpoint like TC has expressed here do not want their kids to think there is anything normal about relationships different from theirs. So they will stifle what Silver called "normal conversation" and "cause gay teachers to hide basic facts about their spouse or partner."

      Because of their views, which their kids will internalize, as children did for years with racism, more kids will be teased and bullied.

    24. Dave, if this situation of teachers teaching inappropriate material had not gotten out of hand, we would not be discussing it.

      As for personal information about teachers, or students in their parents for that matter, it should be restricted to those things that can be observed outside of the home out in public.

    25. SF,
      Dave, if this situation of teachers teaching inappropriate material had not gotten out of hand, we would not be discussing it.


    26. AOW, the situation of teachers teaching inappropriate material hasn’t gotten out of hand.

      This is an election year.

      In 2010 Fox News was telling us to be afraid of death panels. In 2014 they were telling us to be afraid of Sharia Law. In 2018 they told us to be afraid of caravans. Now they’re telling us to be afraid of our schools.

      This isn’t rocket science, regardless of how one does their math.

    27. Parents with a viewpoint like TC has expressed here do not want their kids to think there is anything normal about relationships different from theirs.

      Wrong. Normally, homosexuals engage in practices that promote disease. Highlighting the fact that down that down that road lies the diversity of contracting exotic diseases that cause discomfort, pain, and death that most people avoid be not poisoning themselves with fecal matter is just one service we can provide. We have science and medical data. They have self-delusion.

      I'm fine with children being "scared straight" (mind the pun) by a healthy grounding in science.

    28. When I was in high school, GRIDS (Gay Related Immunodeficiency Syndrome) became AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Same disease, same vectors of transmission, still killed mostly homosexuals. Did protecting the fragile widdle feelings of the population mostly responsible for that epidemic save any lives? It's not like we made them wear masks or banned them from restaurants.

    29. It is an amusing irony that those crossing our border from the south quickly turn into conservative working class Americans who detest the cultural vandalism perpetrated by leftwing progs

    30. Indeed. The Republican Party used to understand that.

    31. SF: "if ... teaching [of] inappropriate material had not gotten out of hand, we would not be discussing it."

      Huh, well Farmer insists racism ended in the '20s, and he claims that any discussion of it now is generated by the imgaination of the left. I don't agree with him in that case, but I do think it's common practice for the media's culture warriors to invent their own targets. So, I think it's not necessarily the case that it must be real because it's being talked about. OTOH there are so many schools and so many teachers that you could find examples of pretty much anything you care to look for. Whether it's a trend demanding legislative attention is another matter.

      TC: "Did protecting the fragile widdle feelings of the population mostly responsible for that epidemic save any lives?"

      yes, I think it did. Compare and contrast the West's response to AIDS with the tragedy still unfolding in Africa. I attribute a large fraction of the difference in outcome to that continent's more-or-less unrestrained homophobia -- apologies to any non-homophobic Africans for my incredibly broad strokes! I accept that Africa is a vast, varied place; there may well be progressive African cities or even countries which I don't know about. But aren't you arguing that the general homophobia over there should have helped rather than hindered?

    32. Jez, What do you think has cause the explosion of children and teens identifying as lgbyqie+ and of those who want change their gender?

    33. It's not an area of interest for me, so I've thought about it less than someone personally wrestling with these issues and their immediate families would have. Caveats declared, I think it's a combination of
      1. pointlessly confining gender roles
      2. less secrecy/repression than previous generations
      3. extra attention due to this issue's status as a culture war wedge
      I have no idea which of these are the most significant.

    34. ...and 90% of corporate marketing caters to liberal-progressives at the expense of conservatives and/or cultural "balance" /neutrality.

    35. Conservatives LOST the culture war. The globalist RINO's were the recipe for surrender.

    36. ...it's all in the New Left/ SDS's plan for politicizing everything, the Port Huron Statement.

    37. ...and sadly, the only "push-back" to this agenda is coming from Russia and its' former satellites (ie Viktor Orban).

    38. China just "sells us the rope" with which we hang ourselves with a cultural suicide death pact like the Port Huron Statement.

    39. ...of course the world is awakening and beginning to rise up against this corporate globalized liberal-progressive cultural capitalism. In the Yellow vest's in France, Brexiteers in the UK, AFD in Germany, and Trumpublican populist movements in America.

      The world doesn't want to go to the New Left's Zabriskie Point".

    40. ...and no "reasons" to hate and denigrate their own cultural heritage.

    41. ...so as to pretend at "objectivity" through universalism.

    42. How much longer do you think you can keep beamish in the Ludovico chair, jez?

    43. Even inter-passivity has its' limits. 8.5% inflation doesn't bode well for future inter-passive strategies.

    44. FJ,
      Earlier you typed in this, which included a video link:

      I'll tell you reason behind the explosion. Liberal "grooming".

      I see this kind of propagandizing in the public libraries. All over the place! The kids practically drool when they see certain books -- particularly the BHO books.

    45. FJ,
      At some point -- probably next week -- I'll be posting that video. It's a gem!

    46. The "Boycott" and "Divest" elements strictly enforce cancel culture in the corporate sector.

    47. ps - I never realized how bad it had gotten. These books started showing up when my kids were little 80s/90s... but I never paid them much mind, as there was always an alternative in Dr. Seuss (now cancelled).

    48. It started with South Africa, moved to Israel/Palestine, and now attacks Dr. Seuss. Creeping cancel culture.

    49. ...the greater the perversion, the more sensational the story.

    50. Ludovico chair? I'm the one with the movie and the saline eye drops ;)

    51. ...but of course, as our good friend Ronnie Ward would tell us, "the Right-wing suffers from acute conspiranoia, and Fox News fuels it mercilessly. If only you trusted in the official narrative, all would be well."

    52. If you were running the projector, beamish, wouldn't we all be watching "Triumph of the Will" reboots?

    53. ...with "electric shocks" applied every time a mother and/or babies face appeared.

    54. ...or have nausea drugs administered during a 24-hour Sound of Music revival marathon?

    55. Bambi - hunters killing his mother scene with repeated rifle blasts (because cartoon deer hunters are trigger happy maniacs lol) set to Dead Embryonic Cells by Sepultura. First one to laugh is cured.

    56. Huh, who is Beamish? Is he a member of your legion?
      Is this entire spray of comments addressed to me? I'm not sure how to respond, it's like ink from a distressed octopus.

    57. Oh here's something I can help with: dr seuss is not cancelled.

    58. ...just "some" of his more "apocryphal" books. Those that don't mesh well into the "progressive" canon.... like that depict orientals with "slanty" eyes....

    59. The canon must be cleansed in every ideology: religious, secular, or 'other'...

    60. They're children's books. The fact that you press Seuss as a problem casts doubt over all of your free speech "concerns".

    61. Jez,
      Huh, who is Beamish?

      (Mr.) Beamish is TC's former name on the web.

    62. Really?

      Isaiah Berlin letter to George Kennan:

      We distinguish to this extent between factual and value judgement--that we deny the right to tamper with human beings to an unlimited extent, whatever the truth about the laws of history; we might go further and deny the notion that "history" in some mysterious way "confers" upon us "rights" to do this or that; that some men or bodies of men can morally claim a right to our obedience because they, in some sense, carry out the behests of "history," are its chosen instrument, its medicine or scourge or in some important sense "Welthistorisch"--great, irresistible, riding the waves of the future, beyond our petty, subjective, not rationally bolsterable ideas of right and wrong. Many a German and I daresay many a Russian or Mongol or Chinese today feels that it is more adult to recognise the sheer immensity of the great events that shake the world, and play a part in history worthy of men by abandoning themselves to them, than by praising or damning and indulging in bourgeois moralisings: the notion that history must be applauded as such is the horrible German way out of the burden of moral choice.

      If pushed to the extreme, this doctrine would, of course, do away with all education, since when we send children to school or influence them in other ways without obtaining their approval for what we are doing, are we not "tampering" with them, "moulding" them like pieces of clay with no purpose of their own? Our answer has to be that certainly all "moulding" is evil, and that if human beings at birth had the power of choice and the means of understanding the world, it would be criminal; since they have not, we temporarily enslave them, for fear that, otherwise, they will suffer worse misfortunes from nature and from men, and this "temporary enslavement" is a necessary evil until such time as they are able to choose for themselves--the "enslavement" having as its purpose not an inculcation of obedience but its contrary, the development of power of free judgement and choice; still, evil it remains, even if necessary.

      Communists and Fascists maintain that this kind of "education" is needed not only for children but for entire nations for long periods, the slow withering away of the State corresponding to immaturity in the lives of individuals. The analogy is specious because peoples, nations are not individuals and still less children; moreover in promising maturity their practice belies their professions; that is to say, they are lying, and for the most part know that they are. From a necessary evil in the case of the education of helpless children, this kind of practice becomes an evil on a much larger scale, and quite gratuitous, based either on utilitarianism, which misrepresents our moral values, or again on metaphors which misdescribe both what we call good and bad, and the nature of the world, the facts themselves. For we, i.e. those who join with us, are more concerned with making people free than making them happy; we would rather that they chose badly than not at all; because we believe that unless they choose they cannot be either happy or unhappy in any sense in which these conditions are worth having; the very notion of "worth having" presupposes the choice of ends, a system of free preferences; and an undermining of them is what strikes us with such cold terror, worse than the most unjust sufferings, which nevertheless leave the possibility of knowing them for what they are--of free judgement, which makes it possible to condemn them--still open.

    63. Public Libraries shadow banning children's books isn't a problem?

    64. Publishers of children's books driven by a BDS agenda doing likewise?

    65. I guess they aren't, provided they're pushing YOUR agenda.

    66. Free speech doesn't entitle one to resist the crowd mimesis of the market and/or moment? We must all "go along to get along" in totalitarian progressive-liber lockstep?

    67. You are free to groom and/or mould the mind's of children in whatever ways you so desire, despite their parents objections, the very people who bear legal responsibility for their behaviour as minors?

    68. ...to offer them sex selection operations and a lifelong dissatisfaction and unhappiness with their sexual identities at the tenderest of ages?

    69. ...to subvert the "Oedipal" development of the human psyche that allows a civilized person to trade their impulsive desires for adherence to a legal/legislative system? Is a "patriarchcal adherence to rule of law" so offensive to you that you must wallow at Zanbriskie Point beginning in early childhood?

    70. ...like Oedipus, to follow your impuslese, have sex with your mother, kill your father, then NOT "blind" yourself by the shame of it all and then NOT "regretfully" bind yourself to and follow your father's laws for the rest of your adult life?

    71. Jez sez... "Huh, who is Beamish? Is he a member of your legion? Is this entire spray of comments addressed to me? I'm not sure how to respond, it's like ink from a distressed octopus.

      My firth thought was a distressed squid. But octopus is good too.

      But related to the theme of his question, I too am confused.

      Are -FJ, Joe Conservative, Thersites, Beakerkin and (((Thought Criminal))) one and the same, the same person, all different people? I see those five names frequently, but can't make it out.

      Then someone tosses in a response to "Farmer" and all is lost.

      As we said in Little League back in the day... how about a little help?

    72. These are the one's he knows about:

      Beantown AntiFacist
      Inspector AIPac
      Joe Blow from Kokomo
      Joe Cameltoe
      Joe Conservative
      Joey Conservative
      Mrs. Grundy
      Red Herring
      Speedy G
      Stanley Kowalski
      The Absolute Marxist
      Titan Uranus 2
      Vrag Proletariata

    73. ...and I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of others (unless you specifically ask). No Beamish, Beakerkin, TC are NOT me.

    74. OMG -FJ... I forgot about Beamish.

      So who is Farmer? And is he/she a farmer?

    75. I am Farmer of The Farmer's letters. -FJ stands for Farmer John. And I farm "ideas" not crops. I spend my summers as a boy on a farm in Iowa where my uncles owned a centennial farm (Corn/Soybean/ Hay/ Hogs/ Cattle (Beef & Dairy)/ chickens/ eggs/ sheep)

    76. ...and Farmer John after John Dickinson, of "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania" fame, 5th President (not governor) of Pennsylvania, a major Maryland land-owner who also wrote the 1st draft of the Articles of Confederation (although he refused to sign the Declaration of Independence).

    77. A bit of history from Wiki... When the Continental Congress began the debate on the Declaration of Independence on July 1, 1776, Dickinson reiterated his opposition to declaring independence at that time. Dickinson believed that Congress should complete the Articles of Confederation and secure a foreign alliance before issuing a declaration. Dickinson also objected to violence as a means for resolving the dispute. He abstained or absented himself from the votes on July 2 that declared independence and absented himself again from voting on the wording of the formal declaration on July 4. Dickinson understood the implications of his refusal to vote stating, "My conduct this day, I expect will give the finishing blow to my once too great and, my integrity considered, now too diminished popularity."[14] Dickinson refused to sign the declaration, and since a proposal had been brought forth and carried that stated "for our mutual security and protection" no man could remain in Congress without signing, Dickinson voluntarily left and joined the Pennsylvania militia.[15] John Adams, a fierce advocate for independence and Dickinson's adversary on the floor of Congress, remarked, "Mr. Dickinson's alacrity and spirit certainly become his character and sets a fine example."[16]

      Dickinson is one of only two members of the First Continental Congress who actively took up arms during the war.

    78. Going "against the crowd mimesis"... not succumbing and denying my beliefs like Peter and subsequently binding my self with La Clemenza de Tutti or writing undelivered letters to my father (the Law) ala Kafka.

    79. For it was Peter's denial that made him "the rock" upon which Christ built His Church. Bound by Divine Clemenza...

    80. As for me, a story for another day?

      Thersites, - Most reviled soldier of all the Greeks at Troy.

    81. When I'm not writing most of the articles at Wikipedia or campaigning for Elon Musk's 2036 Presidential run, I blog I vandalize the Internet as ((Thought Criminal)) and also blog about golden ratios in snail calligraphy.

    82. Sounds like you're almost "shamelessly" ready to kill your own father, Tyler, e-r-r-r-r-r, beamish.

    83. Oh, wait, you're still waiting for him and the Mitch McConnell/Sleepy Joe Biden Neoliberal Team to make "globalism great again"... my bad.

    84. Globalism already is great and preset to become greater. Sure we pull strings to make perpetually bankrupt real estate flippers say crazy things and even let them be President of the US for the lulz, but we all need off-clock hobbies. The real fun projects are things like forcing Putin to evaporate 50 years of Russian strategic planning on a failed adventure in Ukraine. The hourglass is still running on China's losing over a third of its population to old age at the same time they hit 400% debt to GDP ratio 28 years from now. Ain't no thing but a chicken wing. Make popcorn.

    85. Yes, but who's gonna change Sleepy Joe's dirty nappies once Putin annexes East Ukraine?

    86. who's gonna change Sleepy Joe's dirty nappies once Putin annexes East Ukraine?

      Can Russia and China build another Trans-Siberian oil pipeline in less than 30 days? Because the one they have currently requires Russia's other three pipelines, which are easily choked off, and would be if Russia figured out how to be successful in Ukraine. In 30 days, that lack of energy starts starving Chinese people by the millions.

    87. Like I said, chicken wing. If China knew how to build a self-reliant nations they would have already

    88. Oh damn... Everyone that knows how to build pipelines and maintain them done said F Russia and went home to Europe and the USA.

    89. Really depends on how fast Xi wants 500 million Chinese to die... 30 days from starvation or 30 years from old age...

    90. Russia is a nation full of resources. Be a shame if China needed it bad enough to take it. What's Russia going to do, conscript Belarus?

    91. So you think that unifying China and Russia against us by destroying their means for maintaining a commercial form of energy interdependence will somehow save "globalism"? Won't they just join and collectively kick our asses (with another third of the world joining in on the bully beat-down)?

    92. Believe me when I say that in a unipolar world, the victim will have deserved to get singled out.

      Thus, even though the scapegoating process allows a society to manage its crisis, avert mutual destruction, and restore peace, it does so only because it is able to disguise from itself the reality of its actions. As the myth prevails because it hides the truth we cannot bear to see, we recognize that scapegoating only works when we don’t know it’s working—that is, it only works when we are thoroughly convinced that the victim deserved to be singled out.

    93. It's all kind of "Oedipal"... if you see what I mean.

    94. The great thing about nationalism is the ability to scapegoat... and scapegoating is really a means of conflict "avoidance". Without it, the world in condemned to make all humans compete as "twins" in bellum omni contra omnes w/o an ordered "hierarchy" of nations. World democracy is not America, or the West's, "friend".

    95. China is coming for us, and it would be extremely foolish of us to supply them with an immediate "casus belli" as well as powerful allies.


      Girard ends the discussion by suggesting that China is another response from the East, in addition to Islam. This goes to show how long the periods of suspended polarity truly can be: the last three centuries, according to Girard, China has been on the losing defensive side waiting for its opportunity to regain primacy. China and the US are fighting because they are so similar. Furthermore, the Chinese are effective because they understand, much like the Clausewitzian hero, that one must operate within mimesis:

      Everyone now knows that the looming conflict between the United States and China, for example, has nothing to do with a “clash of civilizations,” despite what some might try to tell us. We always try to see differences where in fact there are none. In fact, the dispute is between two forms of capitalism that are becoming more and more similar, except that the Chinese, who have an ancient military culture, have been theorizing for three thousand years about how to use the adversary’s strength against him. The Chinese thus feel less attraction for the Western model but imitate it more in order to triumph over it. Their policy is thus perhaps all the more dangerous in that it understands and masters mimetism. In this sense, Islamist terrorism is only a sign of a much more formidable response by the East to the West.

      This is also an example of how countries behave like egos and experience mimetic rivalries:

      The Chinese will not stop; they want to beat the Americans; they want there to be more cars in China than in the United States. We always want to be better than the one we see as our model: we’ve heard that tune before. This is the insurmountable horizon of our history, which puts the Islamic attacks somewhat into perspective.

    96. The real battle is between Chinese centralized authoritarian capitalism and American federated-distributed capitalism. In an information/computer age, the former is rapidly becoming the dominant form.

    97. If the Chinese knew anything about math, they'd be screaming at Russia to get the hell out of Ukraine. Just sayin'.

    98. China = imports 80% of its needs

      Be a shame if they needed stuff, and couldn't get it. If they're not seeing the absolute hell Russia is going through being exiled from globalism, they need to remove their dental floss sized blindfolds.

    99. Russia can't adequately supply an expeditionary force a few hundred miles from their capital city on terrain and logistic trails they 100% control, and they're going to save China from themselves thousands of miles away from their food and fuel supplies? Russia's demographics were already on the brink of being too old or too young to draft into a labor force, much less a military force. What happens when 500 million Chinese find out lies aren't nutritious?

    100. I mean, they should take a submarine down to the bottom of the Black Sea, wave to the crew of the Moskva and go visit the cargo of Justinian's plague ships from when the bubonic plague gave the Byzantine Empire a lack of manpower to bury the dead.

    101. Alexander Dugin will be like "NO CHINA DON'T EAT CATS WE NEED THEM TO CAST SPELLS."

    102. Who will be the next Avar Khaganate? Hungry Asians on horseback what?

    103. Orwell's "Eastasian" death-worshippers couldn't even get west of the Caspian Sea ;)

    104. Meanwhile in Central Africa, Oceania is crushing the Eurasians in a pincer from the north and the south ;)

    105. So unless we want to replace the Avar's with the USMC and their inter-married families for the next 500 years, why should we even care about what happens in Ukraine?

    106. The Avars weren't stupid like us. They either colonized or they stayed home.

    107. Please rise and sing our national anthem before we join Tucker Carlson in a special four-minute hate of Neoconservatives.

    108. The Avars fled a starving Asia and betrayed their fellow Muslims for food security. History knows no other guitar riffs.

    109. Enjoy the increases of your chocolate rations ;)

    110. ...rave party on Captain Fokke's Flying Dutchman

    111. ... the eternal rave party on Captain Fokke's Flying Dutchman...

    112. So is Pakistan your <a href='https://youtu.be/3jFNJtjm-wI">next Ukraine</a>?

  7. Dave, this isn't such a new subject. In the past, we let parents handle it. I honestly believe that, even many years ago when I was in school, if a student responded to me that he or she (can we still even say 'he or she'?) had two mommies, I'd have said "oh..." What do these teachers expect them to say? We teach children to be kind, and sometimes they're not; life is tough, sometimes a child gets hurt. That child with two mommies might laugh at a little girl who's fat, or taller than the boys (that was me!)...it grows us up and makes us just that much tougher in order to face problems of the future. Feelings get hurt...we grow. How much does a teacher have to tell a 6 year old? Just encourage kindness....and keep confusing questions about sexuality to yourself, teachers. Let the parents answer their child if it actually means so much to that child that she came home and asked how anybody could have two daddies...??

    1. Z,
      keep confusing questions about sexuality to yourself, teachers. Let the parents answer their child if it actually means so much to that child that she came home and asked how anybody could have two daddies...??

      HEAR, HEAR!

    2. We're starting to need to write down societies "unwritten" rules.

    3. At least send the kid home informed about disease control and sanitation. How are they going to know their parents are disgusting if no one tells them?

    4. FJ,
      We're starting to need to write down societies "unwritten" rules.

      No kidding!

    5. So what do you do when the normal kids want to fog the classroom with Lysol and other anti-baxterials when the gay kid speaks?

    6. "We're starting to need to write down societies "unwritten" rules."

      As a society becomes more heterogeneous that is one natural outcome.

    7. Bravo Z and like AOW agree as they are teachers and would know better than us.

  8. TC,
    Well, I had zero 2nd graders with two mommies or two daddies.


    I would have handled the matter as I said above (the way I handled the matter of biracial students). I might also add to the student doing the questions, "Talk to your mommy about this."

    BTW, I can recall only one time that a student asked about another student's two-races parents. Where I taught -- in a small private school -- we had a lot of brown skins and Asians (Filipinos -- at least 25% per classroom). This weekend I attended the funeral of one of my long-ago Filipino parents. I'm not sure, but I might have been the only white person there. I didn't even think about that at the time. LOL. And today, I'm the only white person in the classroom every week. All of my students are Asians!

  9. All of my students are Asians!

    My sister-in-law is Filipino. Lumpia and a whole hog roasted on a spit is the highlight of family holiday parties :)

    1. My sister-in-law makes tons of lumpia for holiday gatherings.

    2. My best friend's auntie used to spend weekends filling their freezer...cuz we had a pot-luck every other weekend. ;)

    3. We even did the pig-roast thing over the bi-centennial in '76.

    4. PS- I'm the one who caught it in the barnyard. Ever try and catch a "greased pig"?

    5. Feeding my grandfather's hog was traumatic enough. I still savor the Easter we ate that big bastard lol

    6. @TC: "Feeding my grandfather's hog was traumatic enough."

      Don't fall down in the pen...

  10. Near as I can tell, the management levels of the teacher's union are all criminally insane. Literally.

  11. The right continues to see itself as the controllers of human sexuality.

    1. Nah. We're just not a CDC study that wonders why fecal matter in the larynxes of homosexual men is causing a spike in diseases among them.

    2. That's almost as damning as woke leftwing progs attempting to retool Castellano and telling the "latinks" how to speak their own language.

  12. Is the below accurate? Did this really happen? I don't know. But if it did, well, I'll left unsaid what I was going to type in.

    Middle school teacher: ‘If your parents don’t accept you, f**k them. I’m your parents now.’

  13. American Wire has a pretty good rep AOW. Furthermore, why should it be hard to imagine a nut case saying this? Remember what Terry McAuliffe said that cost him the Virginia gubernatorial race? "Parents have NO RIGHTS telling teacher what and how to teach THEIR KIDS (paraphrased). I believe this is true.

  14. Ooy. Even I am surprised.

    "Furries" - my response: I'm not makin' fun of 'em. I'm trying to catch 'em for my stew pot."

    The Florida teacher. Good God almighty woman, it doesn't take someone like me who's worked in marketing for 30 years to 'craft' a meet-the-teacher intro you don't have to get all teary about. Call me. We'll have it done in 30 minutes. Or is your ONLY identifying feature your sexual nature. Good Grief!

    Need I add, I never had a teacher introduce themselves with a little "bio" like that, nor did I have one who kept photos or other personal memorabilia on their desk.


    1. Baysider,
      I never had a teacher introduce themselves with a little "bio" like that, nor did I have one who kept photos or other personal memorabilia on their desk.

      Same here!

      My bio on Back To School Night consisted of a short paragraph as to my qualifications and experience, that paragraph followed by stating my overall goals for the class for the year. Next came the Q&A so that parents could ask some specific questions.

      The only time I ever took in family photos: if the students were putting together their family trees. I recall doing this project only twice in all my 50 years of teaching.

      I did take in photos of my pets when the students did some kind of My Pets Project. Now that I'm teaching via Zoom, my dog Callie photo bombs the classes. LOL. Comic relief is always good.

      The classroom is for learning -- not for students to become teacher's buddy.

    2. PS to Baysider,
      The furries story may be false.

    3. Whew - to the furries. But that fact that it is believable in the context of schools today speaks poorly for what's happening in education. Yes, my teachers gave intros like you, if any. The focus was not on us becoming buds, but the path ahead for this segment of learning. I had a number of great teachers in 1960's public school.

  15. Hmm the NYC was wearing a gas mask. Good thing he wasn’t eating Lees Fried Chicken and ranting about a remake of Smokey and the bandit.

    1. Beak,
      LOL! I get the reference from back in the earlier days of our blogging.

  16. ...and then the Fast and Furious movies came out and wouldn't stop coming out. I warned you all.

  17. If this suspect is indeed the culprit we will have to ask where this goes. These making every black cop police interaction into fairy tales is now causing terrorism and this isnt the first case.

    While the people suffer with high crime BLM acquired mansions off of these lies.
    Exactly where is the IRS? Where are the Dumbocrats who kneeled

  18. Anti-LGBTQ Twitter account “Libs of TikTok” seemingly inspired attacks from Florida governor’s press secretary.

    "After Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw used an anti-LGBTQ slander to defend Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill on March 4, right-wing media and figures used similar absurd attacks to defend the legislation, accusing LGBTQ people of “grooming” children to be LGBTQ or to engage in sexual activity. Recently, Pushaw credited anti-LGBTQ Twitter account “Libs of TikTok” with opening her eyes to the issue, and now Media Matters has found that Pushaw and the account have interacted with each other at least 138 times since June 2021."


  19. Ronald,

    What do you think are the factors in the explosion of child and adolescent gender dysphoria? And yes, and almost 100X in less than 10 years is an explosion.





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