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Monday, April 18, 2022

Elon Musk

Unless you've been living under a rock for nearly a week, you've heard about this: Elon Musk Makes $43 Billion Unsolicited Bid to Take Twitter Private

Musk is apparently a "free speech absolutist."  Libertarians and others on the political right would love to see a "free speech absolutist" take over Twitter; the Left and other cancel culturists, not at all.

Conservative commentator Brian Lilley on this topic:


  1. I can't say that I much care who runs Twitter, but some of the breathless exhortations by Leftists, at how Musk's venture would hasten the apocalypse, are breathtaking in their absurdity.

    1. A society is in big trouble when it's press comes out openly against free speech

    2. @CI: I agree, twitter isn't that important. it is not representative, its users are a highly self-selecting minority, and it is structured to promote the clamorous and the combative. Even if you skillfully avoid the trolls and dive into the well researched expert commentary, good luck not getting distracted by transient details which are irrelevent 24 hours later: again, twitter's structure favours ultra-recent blow-by-blow minutiae over meaningful trends.
      I don't think these bugs/features are fixable, so I hope Musk loses more money than Murdoch did with myspace.

    3. Jez,

      All of social media--and most commentary in all the infotainment media complex is a "self-selecting minority" or aimed at a self-selecting minority, or designed to inflame as many people as possible. Its a dung heap.

    4. twitter isn't that important

      Well, as far as I have seen, every U.S. politician in office (federal, state, local) -- and maybe out of office -- has a Twitter feed.

    5. So, I'm with you, although I'm rooting for Elon in this latest kerfuffle.

      I think it was on the Fifth Column podcast where I heard someone observe that people in the press stopped championing freedom of speech when they lost their almost absolute control over information flow and content.

    6. AoW: I bet they all have fax machines too. ;)

    7. SF: Most of the West's chest-beating about freedom is sounding pretty hollow to me these days -- not in Putin's boring tu quoque sense, but it does seem suspiciously heavy-handed.

    8. Jez,
      AoW: I bet they all have fax machines too. ;) Glad to see the wink.


      Now, back to being serious....

      Here is one recent example of a local government's use of Twitter: house fire in Vienna, posted on April 16 by Fairfax County Fire/Rescue. Nowhere else that I know of would have posted such detailed information and so many photos -- of great interest to us local yokels (although I now live in Indiana).

      Quite the historic house and familiar to all living in that region.

      I grew up in that neck of the woods and lived there nearly 70 years. My father (1911-1998) lived in that area his entire life and told me many historic stories. Quite possible that Dad was in that house at some point. Just sayin'.

    9. Jez, I'm trying to understand what you mean by your chest beating comment.

      I'm not taking offense, and I don't know if you're directing at at me, and even if you are, I take no offense.

      I can only speak for myself. I am fed up with people censoring other people. Covid was rightly called a novel virus for a reason: it's new. The authorities tried to control the narrative even though they didn't know what the hell they were doing or what was going on. Serious doctors and serious scientists got silence by social media and more subtly by governments in different places. I don't like that. It is antithetical to what our Western civilization was built upon.

    10. @AOW - Well, as far as I have seen, every U.S. politician in office (federal, state, local) -- and maybe out of office -- has a Twitter feed.

      Sure, but Twitter isn't a government venue. Users abide by the TOS, or find somewhere else to post. Why can't FEDGOV institute something similar for official use?

    11. @SF: I'm not sure what I was getting at yesterday, I was exhausted. I may have been contradicting myself recently, so I'm having a little bit of a think to myself before saying anything more about twitter.
      Re chest-beating freedom: I don't mean you, I mean the incessant rhetoric you hear from politicians, journalists, advertisers, exploitative bosses, sports pundits etc. Maybe I'm a cynic, but I can't help thinking that they're trying awfully hard to convince someone of something.

    12. Jez, okay, fair enough. That's interesting, your comment reminds me of the quote, can't put my finger on who said it right now but the quote that said the more I hear people shouting about their freedoms, the more I hear their chains rattling

  2. Sundance of Conservative Treehouse thinks that Twitter is a front for the US Intelligence Community. It is a plausible working theory....

    1. It is no stretch of the imagination, either, that a US black bag operation would partner with Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi billionaire, or that he would step forward to become the mouthpiece for USTWIT LLC.

    2. You would have thought that the SEC would have been all over a foreign national owning such a large stake in a US media company that the US media uses to coordinate journalistic narratives with...

    3. Hmmm... I hadn't heard the Twitter theory... But I don't frequent places like conservative treehouse. However, I have thought for years that Tor was some kind of invention by one of the US alphabet agencies, with built-in back doors

    4. Check out this information about Prince Alwaleed. Back in 2005, Northern Virginiastan and I were onto his ways. He's had significant impact at Georgetown University.

  3. In a world where misinformation and conspiracy theories have run rampant while the wealth has shifted considerably to the most wealthy (with over 700 billionaires conning the Basket of Gullibles to promote COVID infections while they more than doubled their wealth), nothing like handing social media moderation over to the most wealthy to fix the problem.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    After all, we can't depend on Mike Lee's free speech alone to inform peaceful patriots when the no longer need to "stand by".

    1. Ronald, have you turned to drinking or drugs? Seriously, your comments have gotten much stupider over the past few months.

      The wealthy control all the media right now and moderate our speech.

      Misinformation? You mean like Russian conclusion? You mean like Vladimir Putin changing the results to the 2020 election? Lab leak theory?

      People like you deserve to be in a tightly controlled dictatorial society.

    2. Silver, aside from your sophomoric "you mean like" or "here' I fixed it for you" deflection, you say:

      "The wealthy control all the media right now and moderate our speech."

      Considering in your world where Putin really isn't all that bad and Fauci is a dictator and where you disavow the Big Lie yet find things fishy so-you know-just maybe and being a faucet of echoing soundbites from your rabbit hole masters, I don't know if you construe your statement as a good thing or a bad thing.

      I would hope you find it not so good but then your statement of justifying totalitarian dictatorship on your fellow Americans you disagree with doesn't exactly support that hope.

      So I guess if you find our speech moderated and controlled by the wealthy to be a positive thing, Musk would obviously be an asset.

    3. Jeff Bezos doesn't own the WaPo. And the crazy woke Disney heiress doesn't donate to Democrats.

    4. I don't know what is motivating Musk to tilt at Twitter. I kinda doubt that if he were successful in aquiring Twitter he would unban far-left America-hating Taliban supporters like Donald Trump. Honestly I think the guy's just trolling the snowflakes.

    5. Ronald,

      Please name the "700 billionaires conning the Basket of Gullibles to promote COVID infections"

      Provide a list. Or did you pull that out of the same place your store your head?

    6. TC,
      Honestly I think the guy's just trolling the snowflakes.

      Nothing wrong with that, IMO.

    7. AOW,

      Of course. I freakin' love Elon Musk lol

    8. My dad worked on the aluminum battery housing for the first Tesla prototypes, changed the mold a bit to make it more easily mass produced.

    9. The moving parts (transmissions, brake systems) are smaller and require more precision and machining, but yes. The guys that repair the dies and redesign them to eliminate scrap, bad castings and such... My dad was one of those guys. Tesla still doesn't have anyone in house to do that (yet), but such work can be outsourced to contracted foundries, the way Toyota has been doing for decades.

    10. Elon Musk is super-rich because he only takes loans he can pay off before the interest kills him. Tesla never left the foundry my dad worked for on the hook waiting for payment, as so many other companies did.

    11. ...so if he does buy Twitter, he will make the purchase pay for itself.

  4. Elon Musk is a genius with Asperger's. Read here:

    Elon Musk Asperger's

    I would love for my son who has both Autism and Asperger's to be mentored by him!

    1. Layla Elizabeth,
      I would love for my son who has both Autism and Asperger's to be mentored by him!

      Has you son ever been mentored by someone who knew what they were doing? Aside from you and your husband, of course.

      In my experience, autists need mentors. Sometimes, desperately.

      I could discuss this in teacher-professional detail, but will not because of confidentiality issues. As a teacher of 50+ years, I have had the privilege of meeting several autists and Aspies, some of them clearly geniuses -- and nearly all of them very verbal as I have always taught in the area of Language Arts.

    2. AOW,

      My son has never been mentored. He need to meet certain criteria within the Virginia Department of Education and sadly they decided him not a "good fit." So that left me to look within the private sector and write essays requesting mentors, which never were responded back to. In addition, I have reached out to various programs that are private, but as you know they are extremely expensive and for those of high middle-class and/or wealthy. Sadly, when I suggested a payment arrangement it was unacceptable to them. Probably because they did this for others who failed to pay the bill so people like myself and my son suffer the consequences. No one does anything for anyone without being paid. There has to be incentives for the other party. Without that people like my on fall through the cracks.

      This literally made me physically ill twelve years ago and was the cause of me being on blood pressure medicine because of the constant fighting and begging for help for my son from the Virginia Department of Education.

      My husband wrote the DOJ, that dumped it to the bottom of pile later discarded. We received this information from a person on anonymity at the DOJ.

      After this we had many meetings with the heads within the Virginia Department of Education and we requested he be placed in a private school that they paid for (they call this "tuitioning out" in Chicago where it was done for my other Autistic son who is now deceased). They refused saying everything was time bared.

      I am sorry maybe we can discuss this privately, but for now I cannot go on. Every time I think about it, talk about it, have to explain how my son fell through the cracks I have a panic attack and cannot breath.

      I will say I am damned angry AOW, because we did do the best for our son but no damn person would work with us and compromise. It was their way or no way. Who the hell do they think my son is? He is NOT THEIR SON, HE IS MY SON!

      They are to me ELITIST PIGS!

      As always thank you for your concern and asking these questions. You are a great teacher and I know for a fact the children you taught and still teach benefit from your knowledge and genuine caring about what you do for them.

      Layla Elizabeth

    3. I failed to mention that when we went on with these meetings, those bastards hired Reed, Smith Law Firm in Richmond to represent them in our case. Of course we could not afford an attorney so we represented ourselves to no avail. Amazingly, they could pay that law firm upward of 5 thousand dollars but were unwilling to put one penny toward helping an Autistic so he could have a better life. Chicago is bad, but they are good to the intellectually challenged unlike Virginia. I hate Virginia and wish I could get the hell out of here. God willing soon! Sorry I am very bitter and do not mean to be, but this place is useless.

  5. Ronald has no defense when I list three pieces of leftwing disinformation that the gullibles on the left gobble up and then spread like manure.

    Ronald, I'm calling you out. Its time for you to put up or be revealed as the indoctrinated leftwing dimbulb you are.

    1. First, produce a quote from any of my comments where I said anything that could be interpreted as "Putin really isn't all that bad"

    2. Provide proof I called Fauci a dictator. I never called Fauci a dictator. I have called him a preening, pontificating egomaniac. The dictators are the government officials who let him run wild and star in his spotlight-hogging one man show for two years, despite not knowing his ass from a blowtorch when it comes to covid.

    3. Stick with us and stay focused, Ronald. Provide a quote where I was "echoing soundbites from your rabbit hole masters."

    I did not justify dictatorship. I simply observed that you little leftwing proles have proven by your own actions and cringing squeals that you would be more comfortable under a strong man or strong woman government that protected you from all the messiness and unpleasantness of people exercising their God-given liberties.

    Your last sentence is just an incredible stupid and failed attempt to ignore the fact that right now the wealthy control our speech and attempt to control the information we consume.

    You need to up your game, Ronald. You're looking stupider by the day.

    Don't duck out on us. You made three incredibly stupid and reckless accusations against me.

    We're all waiting, Ronald. You can either prove your claims, or reveal yourself to be a propagandized, lobotomized fool. Which is it?

    Democracy Dies in Dumbshittery!

    1. "Provide proof I called Fauci a dictator. I never called Fauci a dictator."

      Which was the hardest Silver, typing that with a straight face or resisting your signature title of "Doctator Fauci"? Seriously, I think that's the 1st time I've seen you refer to him as simply "Fauci".

      "First, produce a quote from any of my comments where I said anything that could be interpreted as "Putin really isn't all that bad".

      I suppose that like your "Doctator Fauci", unless it's verbatim, it ain't true? Is that what you're saying?

      Perhaps I'm guilty as charged for not being able to produce those exact words coming from you. I guess you sucking Trump butt when the media chastise him for sucking Putin butt over the invasion doesn't count?

      "Stick with us and stay focused, Ronald. Provide a quote where I was "echoing soundbites from your rabbit hole masters."

      First of all my deflective friend, I've stayed on topic here. You're the one getting all butthurt and veering off course.

      Your memory seems rather short as I recently called you out as being no more than a spewing vomit of programmed talking points-cramming as many right-wing playbook soundbites into your diatribe attack as you possibly could. Then, you played dumb, couldn't understand, put on you Gomer Pyle hat.

      This is what you do. You ignore any relative facts that goes against your right wing programmed agenda. You spew red meat partisan shit and then admonish anyone who counters your narrative as being partisan. Or you just ignore their argument or you play Gomer.

      Now for what possible reason would you insist I name those 700 billionaires? Again, your memory fades as I brought this up some time ago as a justification in one of your brainwashed COVID promoting threads. You ignore it then (just like you've ignored the connection of CRT to the Southern Strategy just as you ignored 130 out of 143 TX lawmakers refusing to denounce the Big Lie just as you refuse to acknowledge the all out right wing media's orchestrated selling of "grooming" just as on and on and on) so why would you entertain the argument now?

      So no, I'm not going to be your fetch boy (which was your original saying which you then claimed not to understand its meaning) and provide you their names or their ages or their favorite restaurant.

      I would add that while you shine your bi-partisan straight-shooting halo, it's interesting how you will challenge or correct people such as myself, there's considerable batshit crazy conspiracy theory buffooneries that you let sail by from your right-wing propaganda promoting cohorts.

      In short, you're an argumentative fraud, a hate infested partisan hack, and a glazed over indoctrinated cultist.

    2. So, in summary, Ronald cannot back up his blather. Yep, ooh I called fauci a funny name, doctator Fauci. Good catch! You got me there!

      So, other than catching me using an amusing and derisory name for a public figure, once again, you got nothing.

      You really do need to think before you speak, you are a fool with egg on his face.

    3. Well, I don't know about your imaginary eggs but if fabricating some self-proclaimed victory gets you through the day, or perhaps help eases you being triggered, perhaps we could get back to how handing the social media keys over to Musk would somehow remedy this moderation of our speech which you say is controlled by the wealthy.

      Or, if you feel it more important and relates more to the issue of this thread to discuss what 700 billionaires had for breakfast this morning, I understand.

    4. Ronald, you serially blather inanities you cannot substantiate when challenged, and then you go off on tangents and accuse me of "deflecting." Please consult a dictionary. I didn't deflect. I asked you to substantiate your unhinged rant, and you couldn't.

      You can't name the billionaires (I don't know what it has to do with what they had for breakfast... That must be you providing an example of deflection).

      You will not repudiate the fake foreign interference dossier, you cling to conspiracy theory that Putin changed votes for Trump... You're a blubbering mess.

      So, name the billionaires, cite where I said "Putin really isn't all that bad," and provide a quote where I was "echoing soundbites from your rabbit hole masters."

      You look like an ignorant, blathering fool right now. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. This is not deflecting, this is not ignoring facts. This is me asking you, one more time, to back up your blather with some actual proof.

    5. ‘’You cling to conspiracy theory that Putin changed votes for Trump”

      And you’re a goddamn liar.

      You challenged me so now I’m challenging you.

      Provide 1 quote from me, 1 insinuation from me, 1 glimmer of some alluding from me that I ever, ever, ever, said, suggested, or hinted what you claim.

      Do it.

      You can’t because not only have I never said such a thing but I don’t even support it.

      Fuck you!

    6. You're getting a little testy there. Careful you don't blow a vessel, old man.

      My apologies. 78% of Democrats believe Russia changed the election outcome for Trump. So, I will retract that and congratulate you on being in that elite group that rises above the great lumpen mass of indoctrinated stupidity that is the Democrat party.

      Now, you still have not backed up your wild claims, so we can all take that failure--along with your immature rage-filled burst of vulgarity--as an indication that you stupidly blurt out leftwing talking points and then serially fail to back them up when challenged. But, we knew that already, didn't we?

      Check and mate, Ronald. You might want to be more careful with your words in the future. You sling idiotic accusations at me, I will take you down and humiliate you every time.

      Here's a pro tip. Drop the ad hominem (yes, I called you names, but you earned it, and I also attack your argument, in the rare occasion you actually deploy one).

      Don't attack a commenter, or say they are using Tucker Carlson talking points, or that they suck Donald Trump's ass or whatever. That just makes you look like a foolish boob.

      Instead, focus in on what the person has said, and attack that. Argumentation 101.

      Let's see if you can learn from your failures.

    7. TC,
      Ron White? Used to love watching him.

      What's he up to these days?

    8. I answered your questions above but in Silverfiddle fashion, you simply didn't like the answer, too lazy to check it out, or too overwhelmed with owning the Dems to accept it.

      I keep bring up those 130 out 0f 143 TX candidates refusing to acknowledge Biden won legitimately for a reason. They may not be on record as openly endorsing the Big Lie but their silent nod gives it oxygen. So again with the exact quotes and researching names, knock it off.

      Seems like the 1st time I brought those 143 into an argument you responded with insults and slinging poop. Come to think of it, you did the same when I mentioned the Southern Strategy being a driver of CRT. I'm thinking you responded similar when I mentioned the orchestrated role or right wing media going all out on "grooming". And the list goes on. If it doesn't kowtow with your own-the-dems agenda, your response is some hate filled diatribe in which you claim victory. It's getting old.

      Even the above, my argument (albeit taking a jab at insurrection pioneer Sen Mike Lee) has merit. With social media being such a powerful tool allow those with mass wealth and power to gain more wealth and power, how is handing over to those with mass wealth and power a positive thing?

      But that wasn't what you wanted to hear and so, you go into your childish shit slinging mode.

      You have no interest in any civil discussion if it counters your own-the-dems mission. It's gotten worse over the past few months and I suspect as the midterm election nears and the propaganda machine that feeds you steps up their game, you'll respond accordingly.

      If there's anything for me to learn from my failures, it's that one cannot have an intelligent or constructive conversation with a MAGAnut.

    9. If 130 out of 143 TX Reps refuse to accept Biden, perhaps "The Big Lie" isn't a lie AND you need to "fix" something instead of sweeping everything under a tech censorship rug.

    10. RJW,

      The "Southern Strategy" canard isn't flexible enough to bend that way. Aside from the perhaps unintentional giving credit for the existence of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs to racist Southerners, you can't even demonstrate that this so-called election strategy had any real time effects. The South didn't become a Republican fixture at any level of government until 25 to 30 years later. Not exactly expedient for people that were trying to get elected then.

      You may want to look at what was really happening then to figure out how Democrats lost the South. Playing nuclear chicken with Cuba, disproportionate conscripting of Southern men to go fight Vietnam, etc. Etc.

      Jimmy Carter? Launched his bid for the Presidency from a Ku Klux Klan headquarters. Bill Clinton? Mentored by the ardent segregationist William Fulbright. Al Gore Jr.? Son of toxic racist segregationist Al Gore Sr.

      Southern strategy? What?

    11. Surely Joe Biden was no segregationist.


    12. You really don't want to explore the injustices towards black people "engineered into the system" as alleged by CRT advocates and find out all of their examples are laws and regulations enacted by Democrats, do you?

    13. Really Joe? you opined "If 130 out of 143 TX Reps refuse to accept Biden, perhaps "The Big Lie" isn't a lie AND you need to "fix" something instead of sweeping everything under a tech censorship rug."

      Since when does the number of people believing something make it true? Or false?

      I think if ppl were stuffed in a room and forced to find a reasonable way forward on elections and voting, it could get done. But how does that happen?

      What everyone is dancing around on that issue is this... federal vs state control.

      Conservatives have a legit skepticism of federal control and progressives have a legit skepticism of state control.

      So how do we move forward?

      BTW... I've not seen so many people talking about Musk since the days of Jovan...

    14. TC, I agree there's plenty of variables and missteps from Democrats in the last century.

      What I've argued specifically over CRT was the connection to Lee Atwater's death bed confession- that Republicans could no longer simply point and say "nigger nigger nigger" as an effective strategy due to the "backlash", that they needed to become more "coded and abstract" in their messaging.

      This is precisely what the birther movement was, that Obama was from Kenya, a Muslim, and well, not like us. And this is exactly what CRT is, a culture war stratagem ginning up fear and division over a nonexistent problem to energize their rabidly racist base.

      And I would add, it's an advantageous and effective tool.

    15. Ronald, still waiting for you to produce a quote where I said Putin wasn't that bad. Also waiting for the names of those billionaires. Face it, you made a bunch of stupid comments that you can't back up.

    16. Ronald, you also need to demonstrate how I echo talking points of some TV pundit you have in mind.

      Your opinions are just that. Opinions. You can believe whatever you want about Mike Lee or the senators of GOP or whatever. Don't expect me to be your cardboard cutout stand in for your bugaboos. Don't expect me to apologize for others or explain what others are doing.

      You want to argue with me? Then challenge something that I said that I believe.
      I don't make a comment unless I can back it up. You should learn from that.

    17. RJW,

      I listed all four post-LBJ Democrat presidential administrations with either segregationists at their head or as Vice President. No exceptions, all of them. Looks to me like appealing to racists *still* puts Democrats in the White House.

      Your opinion needs work.

    18. Even Trump's birther nonsense originated with Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the Democratic nomination, when Trump was still a Democrat party donor in good standing. You're not going to find me accusing Trump of suddenly becoming a decent human being by switching parties.

    19. Once again TC, I'm not absolving the last 50 or 100 years of Democratic electoral strategies of anything.

      What I've pointed out was that birtherism (regardless of its origin) and CRT are both GOP strategies that were built off of the Atwater foundation.

      This is an off presidential election year and the GOP think tanks have mastered the art of instilling fear in their Basket of Gullibles. In 2010 they told the Basket to fear death panels. In 2014 they told them to fear Sharia Law. In 2018 they told them to fear caravans. Now they're telling them to fear CRT and groomers.

      Yes, Democrats have done deplorable deeds but that doesn't mean I buy into the fearmongering nonsense.

    20. I don't even mind CRT being introduced mutatis mutandis (changeable as needed) if they'd get the first licks right starting with Andrew Jackson challenging the Supreme Court to come stop the US Army from driving the Cherokee to Oklahoma. You know, $20 bill Andy, the first Democratic Party president. We can go administration to administration finding every grievance CRT has. Want to talk about when President Grant stamped out the KKK or when President Wilson resurrected the KKK with federal subsidies? I ain't skeered of CRT if it's done right.

      But see, I grew up in Alabama. I remember when the state Democratic Party motto was "White Supremacy." No code. Unfiltered, like your grandpa's Pall Malls. I remember the early efforts to sell a false history to students. My 5th Grade teacher swore up and down that Bull Connor was a Republican. Even thought Bull Connor at the time was a Democrat and remained so until the day he died. And the irony that we were in Birmingham's school district at the time. So yeah, let's vet what the hell we present to students. A crash course in the history of the Democratic Party ain't going to create Democrats. Let's go.

  6. Is there a person on this planet who, if he paid real attention to what's happening with Musk, wouldn't finally realize it's only Conservative speech being censored? Why else would the Left be SO upset about Musk taking over ANY social media?! The Twitter employees had to take a day off last week in mourning for his possible take over! What will they do when it actually happens!? He was the good ol' boy when he was making electric cars but now that he might let EVERYONE speak, he's had nothing but leftwing derision :-) ?? Then they blame Conservatives for threatening democracy, as they erase/ban/or otherwise do away with two sides of issues? You can't make this up. I wish I was.

    1. Z,
      Great comment!

      The revelations and the contradictions make me guffaw. But the matter is a serious one.

      And, not you can't make this up!

  7. Matt Taibbi has written the perfect post Ronald Ward and his fellow progs who have drunk the political poison and gone blind.

    Twitter's Chickens Come Home to Roost

    After spending the last six years practically turgid with joy as other unaccountable billionaires tweaked the speech landscape in their favor, they’re suddenly howling over the mere rumor that a less censorious fat cat might get to sit in one of the big chairs. O the inhumanity!

    Congratulations Ronald to you and your howling herd of indoctrinated progs. You are right in there with neocon Max Boob:

    "I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter. He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less."

    1. Look, Ronnie is just another Left-wing cry-bully that wants to shut down Conservative speech. He complains and complains about what the "Right" is doing to resist liberal indoctrination, as if occasionally acting as a collective (ala: socialism) was a "bad" thing. He then pretends that he's not being a hypocrite. It's the pure chutzpah of a fatuous troll.

    2. Just about every if not all grievances lifted by CRT were the direct results of (and often the intent of) legislation enacted by Democrats, particularly the Democrats that called themselves "Progressives." Actions. Concrete.

      But the key of course is Lee Atwater channeling LBJ.
      ::eye roll::

  8. I recently compared Elon Musk's Twitter bid to my childhood kicking my grandfather's chicken coop to create a panic of bottlenecked chickens trying to run out of the exit at the same time.

    (Yes I got my ass whooped, but it was funny)

  9. The the problem with progressives is they cannot handle uncertainty and ambiguity. Look at the lifting of the mask mandate yesterday, people were actually confused. What's confusing? No more mandate. If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. If you don't, don't.

  10. Obviously the virus is safe to be around in enclosed spaces, as long as the enclosed space doesn't move. :P

  11. Was the video game redneck rampage really just simply a day in the life of Mr Beamish.

    Of course saying my urban neighborhood is so bad we play fortnite daily will get you in trouble with the left

  12. Somehow a rampage of running people over in Grand Theft Auto V while the Bee Gees "How Deep is Your Love" blares in the background is soothing after a long day at the office.


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