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Friday, April 1, 2022

Get it Off Your Chest 4/1/22

Open Comments 


  1. Ah, but in the last picture, do you know what vegetable he keeps in his pockets? If so, you still have great eyesight!

  2. That's a nice fuel depot fire in Belgorad. Be a shame if the Ukrainians came back and hit the firefighters.

    1. Well, the Russians did announce they were going to shift their efforts towards eastern Ukraine. Might as well blow up their ammo dumps and fuel depots on the Russian side of that. It's not like the Russians were going to use those logistics effectively anyway lol

    2. Weird that the world thinks only Palestinians know how to mount homemade artillery rockets on a Toyota truck...

    3. I heard this was a missile attack from helicopters. Maybe CI can help out here to provide our expert analysis???

    4. There was a missile attack on a ammo dump on March 30, and a helicopter attack on the fuel depot on April 1.

  3. A nice touch for a gray morning. Mr. B being from Portland, it's especially sad to ponder the truth of graphic #2. But #1 is BRILLIANTA!

  4. Kursk --> dig in artillery --> shell southwestern Moscow

    Teamwork makes the dream work :)

    1. Ah, the artillery raid! A logistics nightmare, but one of my favorite small-scale offensive moves.

    2. Ukraine should start announcing that they will only accept an unconditional surrender of all Russian territory west of Vladivostok :P

    3. Seriously though, the Ukrainians hit a munitions in the suburbs of Bolgorad with a tactical missile two days ago. If Russia really wants to keep their fight in the Donbas region going with fuel and ammo, they're going to have a tough time with it. Their logistics trails on Russian soil are getting hit now.

    4. One cheeky Ukrainian military spokesman posted on his Facebook page that the de-Nazification of Russia has begun lol

    5. The Ukraine is going to be turned into a plain of glass if it doesn't restrain itself.

    6. TC... I think in the history of war victories, Russia and France normally stand alone in the loser's bracket.

    7. Per Wikipedia, Russia has been in 168 wars since 907 AD. 3 of those are currently ongoing (Syria, Central African Republic, Ukraine), only around 85 of those wars were decisive victories, and most of those decisive victories were alongside allies in which Russians played a minor role. I'd give them 50-50 odds against unarmed peasants at best.

    8. It might be unfair to count the Kievan Rus victories against the Byzantine Empire though, as the Byzantines eventually did win and Christianize Russia.

    9. Remember the Mongols didn't reach Europe without smoking the Russians first lol

    10. My favorite example though is that the leader of the real Nazis wrote a book declaring he was coming for the Ukraine (which had been taken from Germany and Poland) and the Russian leader Stalin (who was a Georgian that could speak and read German) had 14 years notice to prepare Russia for it...

    11. Only the threat of nukes maintains what little grasp the Russians have on their own soil if really anyone wanted to take it...

    12. The Communist government itself in Russia collapsed without shots fired...

      Russians generally do suck at warfare.

    13. The Romanovs put up a better fight for control of Moscow than Yeltsin did...

    14. Really just about every war Russia has won their opponents were handicapped by being bogged down with everyone else they conquered before they came for Russia.

    15. America is protected by oceans and distance, Russia is protected by neighbors that know how to fight.

    16. ...and they're pissing off the neighbors...

    17. The same one's in Mathew 22? Eastern or Western?

  5. I knew it had to be you, Warren! Who else would think of Captain Kangaroo! LOL! BTW, my joints only hurt sometimes! Trying to stay positive while gravity goes south! lol ;)

    1. Elizabeth, I'm so old that I remember I remember when Bob Keeshan (Captain Kangaroo) was Clarabell the Clown on "The Howdy Doody Show". Clarabell, never said a word until the very last show.

    2. Oh, Warren that is a hoot! I do not remember the Howdy Doody Show! Thanks for making me feel like a young buck! :)

  6. How very brave /sarc
    Now shuffle off, pervert.

    1. Oops. I deleted the troll you were responding too... Apologies

    2. No problem. I've did the same thing to you, what.... 3 or 4 times now. I will admit, I'm a little more careful now but crap happens. If that one appears again, I'll have a few words for it.
      Remind me to tell you what we did the the one that called itself john brown.

    3. SF,
      What we, a group of fed-up bloggers, did to John Brown was epic. All these years later, I'm still laughing. And what we did bonded us, too.

  7. Welcome to Late State Democracy where artificial stupidity is all the rage...

    The last extreme of popular liberty is when the slave bought with money, whether male or female, is just as free as his or her purchaser; nor must I forget to tell of the liberty and equality of the two sexes in relation to each other.

    Why not, as Aeschylus says, utter the word which rises to our lips?

    Freedom among the animals. That is what I am doing, I replied; and I must add that no one who does not know would believe, how much greater is the liberty which the animals who are under the dominion of man have in a democracy than in any other State: for truly, the she-dogs, as the proverb says, are as good as their she-mistresses, and the horses and asses have a way of marching along with all the rights and dignities of freemen; and they will run at any body who comes in their way if he does not leave the road clear for them: and all things are Djust ready to burst with liberty.

    When I take a country walk, he said, I often experience what you describe. You and I have dreamed the same thing.

    No law, no authority. And above all, I said, and as the result of all, see how sensitive the citizens become; they chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority, and at length, as you know, they cease to care even for the laws, written or unwritten; they will have Eno one over them.

    Yes, he said, I know it too well.

    Such, my friend, I said, is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny.

    -Plato, "Republic"

    1. Thomas Sowell is brilliant. His observation, that even if this indoctrination was correct and a faithful passing on of our collective wisdom, it would still be detrimental because it does not teach children how to think.

    2. Amen!

      Although I sometimes wonder if Berlin wasn't correct, and it is somehow "deliberate" in a counter-productive attempt at ideological purity to avoid Immorality".

      If pushed to the extreme, this doctrine would, of course, do away with all education, since when we send children to school or influence them in other ways without obtaining their approval for what we are doing, are we not "tampering" with them, "moulding" them like pieces of clay with no purpose of their own? Our answer has to be that certainly all "moulding" is evil, and that if human beings at birth had the power of choice and the means of understanding the world, it would be criminal; since they have not, we temporarily enslave them, for fear that, otherwise, they will suffer worse misfortunes from nature and from men, and this "temporary enslavement" is a necessary evil until such time as they are able to choose for themselves--the "enslavement" having as its purpose not an inculcation of obedience but its contrary, the development of power of free judgement and choice; still, evil it remains, even if necessary.

      Communists and Fascists maintain that this kind of "education" is needed not only for children but for entire nations for long periods, the slow withering away of the State corresponding to immaturity in the lives of individuals. The analogy is specious because peoples, nations are not individuals and still less children; moreover in promising maturity their practice belies their professions; that is to say, they are lying, and for the most part know that they are. From a necessary evil in the case of the education of helpless children, this kind of practice becomes an evil on a much larger scale, and quite gratuitous, based either on utilitarianism, which misrepresents our moral values, or again on metaphors which misdescribe both what we call good and bad, and the nature of the world, the facts themselves. For we, i.e. those who join with us, are more concerned with making people free than making them happy; we would rather that they chose badly than not at all; because we believe that unless they choose they cannot be either happy or unhappy in any sense in which these conditions are worth having; the very notion of "worth having" presupposes the choice of ends, a system of free preferences; and an undermining of them is what strikes us with such cold terror, worse than the most unjust sufferings, which nevertheless leave the possibility of knowing them for what they are--of free judgement, which makes it possible to condemn them--still open.

      You say that men who in this way undermine the lives of other men will end by undermining themselves, and the whole evil system is therefore doomed to collapse. In the long run I am sure you are right, because open-eyed cynicism, the exploitation of others by men who avoid being exploited themselves, is an attitude difficult for human beings to keep up for very long.

      Isaiah Berlin, "Letter to George Kennan" (1951)

    3. Like Sowell says, Left wing "Activism" college activism just creates millions of Karens... and takes Mrs. Grundyism to heretofore unimagined heights. Narcissism run amuck.

  8. Is this some kind of joke by the greatest blog jokester ever. That picture of Putin as Black and trans looks like Obama. Putin may be evil but he isnt stupid. Biden is stupid even by Obama special ed standards.

    Mark Zuckerberg should be prosecuted under the RICO act for fixing an election.
    The government should seize his assets and break up facebook into smaller companies with his proceeds and the board going to the government. The rest goes to the shareholders.


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