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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Musical Interlude

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Enjoy Alan Silvestri's Academy Award nominated "Feather Theme" from the 1994 film Forrest Gump, one of my favorite films and one of those rare films better than the novel of the same title, by Winston Groom.  The images in the video below are unrelated to the film.

Read about the symbolism of the feather HERE.  I concur with Sally Fields:
Sally Field compared the feather to fate, saying: "It blows in the wind and just touches down here or there. Was it planned or was it just perchance?"

About composer Alan Silvestri (1950-present) HERE and HERE


  1. The Feather Theme is beautiful and like you I agree with Sally Field, though I may add that in life there is a divine hand guiding our lives even when one chooses not to believe that. I do believe that.

  2. We almost watched Forrest Gump last night, but then I realized it was 2 1/2 hours long!

    We watched Kenneth Branaugh's Belfast instead. Great movie, beautifully filmed and heartfelt.

    The parallels between what England has done to Ireland and Russia-Ukraine are striking.

  3. Thanks for the reminder... due time I took another visit to a great film.

  4. I just heard Toeing the line after 40 years. The lead singer looks like a deceased college buddy. He wasnt a good man. He got himself into a jam with the gasoline tax scam. I warned him if he was caught the people would torture him. The only chance was to turn himself to the FBI. He committed suicide with vodka and drinking pills. No amount of money was worth that.

    This may sound messed up but BJ and the Bear and Tour of Duty had killer soundtracks. I found odd songs I forgot about listening to those shows. Yes I like Baker Street and am ready for boooos


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