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Monday, December 27, 2021

Elizabeth Gonzalez Is Back!

Some of you may remember blogger Elizabeth Gonzalez (also AKA Layla), who used to have the site called The Hill Chronicles.

After an extended absence from the blogosphere, her "mojo back" (her words to me in a text), Elizabeth has returned to the blogosphere! You will find her at Politics Rewritten.


  1. Too many bloggers disappear into the ether never to be heard from again. Sadly, some who have commented on blogs for many years just "go away" with not so much as a fare thee well.
    I often wonder what became of them... after Trump lost, the energy seemed to be gone for many.

  2. @Bunkerville I am sorry but when you become depressed, and I was, after Obama was elected and all my hard work appeared in vain I just left. I was done. I promise this time should I decide to take a break again I will announce it. I suffer with depression, so I am not always aware how my actions affect others. Thanks for your timely thoughts.

    1. Elizabeth,
      I take breaks from time to time. I must preserve my sanity.

      Silverfiddle has been a godsend. He steps up for me.

    2. Please don't take it personally. I sure didn't mean it that way. It is that I lost several commentators fellow bloggers that I had known for well over 6 years or thought I did. Just a shout out that a break was needed would have been fine. I enjoyed Political Clown and got a heads up that it was ending and so it came to be. That's all.

    3. @Bunkerville I did not take it like that. I took it constructively. You are right any time we decide to take a break as AOW put it we should let our readers and patrons know. It is only right. Mental health issues however do not always leave you thinking clearly. Funny, I should write about it because no one would apologize for cancer or diabetes and yet in 2021 we are still apologizing for our mental health. I believe it stems from the notion that we can just snap out of it. I also have PTSD and severe panic disorder.

      To be honest, my motives for blogging now are much less complicated. Back ten or so years ago I was hoping to be the next Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or Pam Geller. I know it is crazy.

      This time all I am giving is me just being me and everyone can accept me or not. I am not trying to achieve fame or get recognition as in the past. In the past I was recognized by Pajamas Media News Network, and I became burnt out. To become famous, you really have to network to know people. Fox News had been directed to my blog and I was told by this, and it is the God's honest truth that "you are too honest for us!" Some said I wrote like Thomas Paine. All of it was just dung.

      Now it's me, my thoughts and I do not care who hears of me or not. I won't allow myself to be lured like I was by a writer at the Pittsburg Times, even did a blog radio segment with her, Selena Zito to fool me all the while I wrote on her publications hoping for a job with them.
      Instead, her daughter got the job. Joke was on me.


      Anyhow, I am writing a post here so sorry. All I really want to say is now I write for the pure enjoyment of sharing my thoughts on the current political situation and all else that interests me. I am not here to impress anyone or become the next Megyn Kelly or whoever! :)

    4. Elizabeth,

      I too got burned out. I had a good relationship with the editor at American Thinker, posted there, and found it less than rewarding. Also, I just do not want to stay that plugged in to politics--bad for my soul.

      Welcome back

    5. I'm just happy to see what many wonderful writers post here. :)

  3. Thank you AOW for this kind post and letting people know I am back!

  4. Though I didn't know you previously, welcome back. I enjoy a wide variety of perspectives, so I'll check out your site.

  5. As long as we keep having these Progressive, Democratic Socialists telling us the News, and influencing us such as the people at CNN, the network of pedophiles, perverts, and Lairs our Country, as we knew it is doomed!
    It’s the network formerly known as the Clinton News Network, then the Cuomo News Network….it’s nothing more a propaganda station, filled with leftists…So this sort of OUTLANDISH behavior shouldn’t be a surprise!

    CNN is now one of the least trusted toilet bowl filled with Leftist-Democrat- Communist propaganda news networks in the history of journalism.

  6. @ The Conservative's Revenge I totally agree with you. CNN is like a dog that keeps returning to its own vomit. It is definitely not a self-cleaning toilet!

    1. I was here, just not literally. :)

    2. Why do you ask, ducky? Do you believe you saw her there as you smashed the windows with the rest of your black bloc provocateurs?

    3. Trump supporters are "black bloc provocateurs?"

    4. Dunno. I thought you were finally accepting my position that Trumpists are far left. :P

    5. Duck,
      So, you are still in the land of the living! We did notice your absence.

    6. No, leftists are anti-authority only until their 'non-traditional ideology' becomes adopted as the majority 'governing' ideology amongst the authorities (bureaucrats). Populists are anti-authority regardless of the authorities (Left or Right) ideology. And Rightists only become anti-authoritarian when non-traditional (formerly Left) ideologies become dominant amongst the authorities. At some points during the transition from Right-Left authority's majority ideology, everyone, Left and Right become populists (anti-authoritarian and anti-bureaucracy). Trumpers are former Rightists currently amongst this 'populist' camp. :P

    7. Populism, without exception, is always left-wing.

      And what is more authoritarian left than free trade cancelling tariff regimes?

      Comrade Trump is an uber-leftist. Why do you think Biden has never touched the Trump tariffs? Why do you think the left complained more about Trump's mouth than his tariffs?

    8. The average household got $850 in tax cuts in exchange for $1200 in additional annual consumer product costs due to tariffs. Trump did nothing for you.

    9. One third of farm / agricultural income is government subsidies, there is zero growth in steel and aluminum production, zero manufacturing jobs created. Even the stated goals of Trump's tariffs have been a fail

      The unstated goals - turning China into a permanent economic superpower, reducing the American standard of living, enslaving our future to trillions in debt, destroying America.... Those Trumpian goals are on track.

    10. "Populism, without exception, is always left-wing.
      Who knew that The American Revolution and Boston Tea Party were manifestations of left wing ideology?
      Free trade and fair trade are very different things and tariffs are one means of restricting dumping of under priced foreign products on domestic markets.
      Put the bottle down, you sound stupid.

    11. Like I said, put the bottle down. -preferably, before you puke out what's left of your brain with the alcohol-

    12. I get it Warren. You want, desperately, to say something intelligent, but don't know how. Don't panic. This is a common affliction among morons such as yourself. I'm not trying to be an asshole, it's just what you're saying is entirely imbecilic. Except for the punctuation marks. You used those correctly in an otherwise non-sensical post. Baby steps.

      Monarchism is in fact right-wing, right-wingedness in its oldest form. So acts against a monarchy, such as the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party, would be manifestations of left-wing ideology. Not as extreme as putting said monarchs to the guillotine, but still left-wing. Political Science 101. Try to keep up.

      Tariffs / trade protectionism is left-wing. The massive choke on free trade by big government as well as the tide of subsidy increases to prop up the industries the tariffs are destroying should have been your first clue that tariffs are left-wing, but I'll try to go slower for you. There is no way to tax away the comparative advantage of a foreign country with cheaper labor. This is the same imbecilic leftist mentality that gives us taxing companies out of business or into off-shoring to "pay" for unemployment programs. Kill opportunity so we all equally have none.

      Find me a left-wing criticism of Trump's tariffs. I'll wait.

    13. So, are you going to put down the bottle?

    14. Left and Right were not operative terms during the American Revolution.

    15. You're correct, Silverfiddle. But if we hold left and right definitions to their origins in French history, we can say the American Revolution was more left than right. Calling it center left would probably be fair.

    16. Warren - you're going to have to give me a sign that you're self aware and honest enough to debate me. A sincere admission of your imbecility will suffice.

    17. So Yeltin was a Left Wing populist opening Russia to free trade, and Gorbachov was a right wing communist trying to keep foreign products off of Russian shelves. Who knew?

      You don't debate stupid. It's self-evident.

    18. Once a communist gains power, he moves his seat from the Left side of the duma to the right. It must be something written down in Robert's Rules of Order.

    19. Last I checked, the terms 'Left' and 'Right' wing were descriptive of ideology, not it's governmental power status.

    20. @ TC
      "You don't debate stupid. It's self-evident."
      Put the bottle down.
      Populism is the ideology that the common people have the capability and -rightfully- should have the power to control their government and personal life's. You simply attempt to re-define it in a way to bolster your stupid arguments. -And you throw in a few straw men for good measure.-
      I don't really care what you say to me -really I don't- but if you continue to disrupt the blog, I'll delete your comments. I shouldn't have allowed them on this post anyway. They were totally off topic and I've been trying to rein in off topic comments.
      Let me know when you're ready to quit being the 12" prick in the joke.

  7. We need good, and honest people in Washington So that we don't have to list to people like Chuck Schumer, Adam Shiff,Maxine Waters, and even, Jen Psaki ..

    1. Sadly, we still have to also listen to Mr. Hypocrite McConnell who sways with the wind any way its blowing. Another arse that needs to go! Let's not forget Pokahontas! (Liz Warren)

    2. CNN a pedophile channel?

      Anderson Cooper still eating babies for breakfast?

      I thought we were past that.

    3. Like the poor spoken of in Deuteronomy, the fringe kooks shall never cease out of the land...

    4. I almost put "The Conserviative's Revenge" in the spam bucket, but AOW and Warren are back, so I defer to them...

    5. SF,
      Feel free to monitor comments. Warren and I are not on the web for very long each day.

  8. Why not put Ducky's here in "the spam bucket"

    1. ...because he "usually" sticks to the topic of the thread and doesn't stray off-topic. You may not like what he says, but he is "usually" on topic.

      This thread was about Elizabeth's return to the blogosphere. Ducky's inquiry was related to her activities during her absence.

    2. Progressive Hunter: because ducky is not spam, moron.

  9. Something here for you AOW... :)


  10. And now Elizabeth is on my blog list also! Yay!


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