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Silverfiddle Rant! |
The US press is a rotting shell of its former self. It is a monoculture of self-described elitists for self-described elitists where diversity of thought is verboten. Witness media grandees like Anderson Cooper hobnobbing with the plutocrats at the "Billionaire Summer Camp" in Idaho. They no longer investigate and report on big business and government; they are on the inside, coming out every now and then to blow their propaganda trumpets.
Meanwhile, real journalists (mostly liberal) like Abigain Schrier, Kevin Drum, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are no longer welcome, so they now do real reporting from Substack or other independent platforms.
By and large, the Intellectual Dark Web and the independent journalists like those I just described have refrained from the official propaganda calling all Trump voters white supremacists who want to overthrow the government.
I think I've had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and probably even Trump himself.
Here are the facts - actual, confirmed facts - that shape their perspective: 1) The FBI/etc spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign. We now know that all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan's July 2016 memo, etc).
The intel community spying on a presidential campaign using fake evidence (incl forged documents) is a big deal to them.
Everyone involved lied about their involvement as long as they could. We only learned the DNC paid for the manufactured evidence because of a court order. Comey denied on TV knowing the DNC paid for it, when we have emails from a year earlier proving that he knew.
Trump supporters see that the Regime is not partisan. They all know that the same institutions would have taken opposite sides if it was a Tulsi Gabbard vs Jeb Bush election.Glenn Greenwald (who detests Donald Trump but who does not detest Trump voters or blame them) gave Darryl Cooper--the thread's obscure author--his substantial platform to elaborate on this observations.
Many of them don't know for certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020, but they know for absolute certain that the press, the FBI, etc would lie to them if there was.
They watched the press behave like animals for four years. Tens of millions of people will always see Kavanaugh as a gang rapist, based on nothing, because of CNN. And CNN seems proud of that. They led a lynch mob against a high school kid. They cheered on a summer of riots.
We know as fact: a) The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used to justify spying on the Trump campaign, b) The FBI knew the Steele dossier was a DNC op, c) Steele's source told the FBI the info was unserious, d) they did not inform the court of any of this and kept spying.
Author of the Mega-Viral Thread on MAGA Voters, Darryl Cooper, Explains His Thinking
As Cooper notes, he does not share all of the perceptions and beliefs he is conveying, although he shares many of them. Instead, based on the recognition that most media outlets are incapable of understanding let alone accurately describing the views of a group of people they view with little more than unmitigated contempt, condescension and scorn, he believes it is imperative that people understand the actual reality of what is motivating so many Trump voters in their views, perceptions and beliefs — regardless of whether each particular belief is accurate or not.
We also believe this understanding is vital, which is why we are happy to publish Cooper’s essay. It should go without saying that, as it true of all of our articles published on Outside Voices -- which we treat as an op-ed page -- our publishing of this article does not signify agreement with all of its claims, but only our belief that it is a viewpoint worth airing.
"Many of them don't know for certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020, but they know for absolute certain that the press, the FBI, etc would lie to them if there was."
ReplyDeleteHmm, maybe. Not as certain of that as I am that, if there were no faked ballots in Nov 2020 that Trump would lie to us about that. (unless he won, then he'd tell us how the ballots were perfect and the envy of the world. He, unlike the Regime, is exquisitely partisan).
Elections must have trustworthy oversight. Whom can we turn to?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
DeleteTrump is not the issue here. Could you please engage the topic? Can you understand people you do not agree with?
I believe my final question is pertinent, and I thought it was useful to observe that Trump and his team are unsuitable for that role.
DeleteSF - I actually think that most people can understand other positions that they don't agree with.....unfortunately, most people then apply a projected narrative [usually replete with fallacies and pejoratives], in order to bolster the narrative of their own party/position.
DeleteIt takes me a tremendous effort to understand an opinion I disagree with, and I assume it's the same for everyone else.
Delete...especially since you know that regardless of what we may say, are prime motivations are always racism and white superiority...
Delete"It’s simply demoralizing sharing a country with people who think Donald Trump is someone worth emulating: to be surrounded by that kind of moral inversion every single day, to be continually encountering such cruelty. It’s a source of profound and sustained grieving to believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and afforded opportunity—and to know how many simply do not share that belief. I don’t hate these people but I am deeply saddened by them.
DeleteIt isn’t just the reality of the despicable human being who we’ve allowed to ascend to the Presidency that [brings] that sadness, though that would be reason enough for despair. It’s the ugliness we’ve seen in our neighbors as he’s made his way there, and perhaps even worse now following his departure: the doubling down despite all we know about his reckless[ness] and incompetence. It’s the sickness that the America we love has shown itself afflicted with: the weight of every horrible reality about our nation; all our bigotry and discord and hatred set upon our chests, hampering our breath." --John Pavlovitz
h/t - pShaw
Who needs CRT once the theory has been adopted and has entered almost universal actual practice...
Delete....ah, developed in hindsight in order to JUSTIFY the continued practice... that's why.
DeleteI'll take it that the Texas Fleebaggers don't really believe in Democratic "theory" or "practice". But I do sometimes wonder why they still insist upon calling themselves "democrats"? Could it be merely to serve as a form of "cloak of Gyges"?
DeleteActa non verba!
Delete"Hmm, maybe. Not as certain of that as I am that, if there were no faked ballots in Nov 2020 that Trump would lie to us about that. (unless he won, then he'd tell us how the ballots were perfect and the envy of the world. He, unlike the Regime, is exquisitely partisan)."
Your certainty of that should be 100%. After Trump accomplished in 2016 what you, me, or any of our dirty socks in the hamper could have done - beat Hillary Clinton - Trump took to Twitter to proclaim without evidence whatsoever that he would have won the popular vote as well if not for 3 million "illegal votes." The guy can't even be magnanimous in victory against a candidate the Republican Party campaigned against for 25 years before she and her husband asked him to run against her. Who cares now that Trump lies when he wins and when he loses?
Trump wasn't maligned by the media any less than any of his Republican Presidential predecessors. The difference is, and only is, that Trump has the backbone of a salted snail and even less integrity.
prime motivation != institutional bias / subliminal tenet
Delete^^the mind-reader theory of institutional racism^^
DeleteNot that I agree that the private separate hinterlands of an institution's individual members are necessarily related to the phenomenon of institutional racism, I have to say that this "mind-reading" complaint is an exaggerated naivity of the sort I haven't witnessed since your pathetic defence of Steve Bannon. Reading intention from our neighbours' words and actions isn't mind-reading, it's our species' evolutionary niche!
DeleteThe current state of journalism in this country, is a direct reflection on the current state of politics in this country. They are symbiotic.
ReplyDeleteAny attempt to separate the two, or to insulate a particular party...is gross naivete at best. The path that these two have skipped hand in hand down, is littered with the corpses of allegations that served to spin up the masses, and then died when lack of veracity sealed their sell-by dates. Lather-rinse-repeat.
An important lesson lost upon both the media and the political class: allegations don't equal evidence. This fact leads some of us to conduct thoughtful introspection and reasoned analysis....others, to storm government buildings and assault law enforcement.
Do you wonder why when Rudy Giuliani was tasked with presenting evidence in several court appearances that the election was rigged against and stolen from Trump that all he could do is fart and claim he wasn't alleging fraud? Recounts and audits have come up with nothing but even more votes for Biden.
DeleteDude lost. Definitively. All that's left is him trying to argue in tax court that he's a business failure too. Fork the overdone turkey already.
State by state, if everybody who voted for the Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen in 2020 had voted for Trump instead, the vulgarian dreamsicle would still be President.
DeleteThe Republican Party should have run a viable candidate.
Giuliani didn't want to charge fraud because he'd have to prove intent and not merely government incompetence.
DeleteBoth are problems that need fixing.
Giuliani is a drunken boob. He needs to seek help
DeleteGuiliani is an unpaid Trump campaign debt who thought he was going to profit from the "stop the steal" grift.
DeleteGiuliani in 2024!
ReplyDeleteIncredible accomplishments for America done by an American President, overwhelmingly voted in by Americans, who loves America, hated and pounded on by 95% + of the media like he was an over the hill, incompetent, pedophile wanna be, criminal, treasonous, worthless POS with dementia.
If it came to "it", which it won't, and I were in position to, which I won't be, the crosshairs would be on media scum. You can't even 'vote' that human garbage in or out.
If you lie one time, your veracity is destroyed. If you are a witness on the stand, all an attorney has to do in cross examination is make it plain that one single thing in your testimony is false and the entirety of your testimony becomes unbelievable. Lie to a judge just once, and he will believe nothing that you say from then on.
ReplyDeleteThe media lied to us about Ukrainegate endlessly. It came out into the open and even when it was known that they were lying they continued to lie.
And you think they would not lie to us about the 2020 election?
Certainly they would. But who is trustworthy to oversee your elections?
DeleteYou ask a very important question. Any system is only as good as the people running it. I know that sounds jaded and defeatist. But, what we should have, is a setup for elections where there is a chain of custody in a verifiable audit trail. That and a few other things would go a long way towards restoring trust in our elections. Unfortunately, once again common sense falls victim to politicians who would rather have the open sore so they can do political fundraising off of it
Jez - That's the million dollar question. It's pretty indisputable that many people don't care if their own political master lie to them, they only care if the opposition party lies. Since the media business model is to foment dissension and drama within the two-party paradigm, it's not necessarily in their interest to be trustworthy; that doesn't generate ratings and revenue.
DeleteAnd we certainly can't trust the political class. Perfidy should become the new national motto.
Ah, Perfidious Albion. ;)
Delete...and their Grub Street sycophants... :P
DeleteIrrelevant and deflection, jez. The establishment is saying there was no fraud, and you are saying that's true and that we don't need investigation because the establishment says there was no fraud. i.e. You believe them. I ask why you believe why you believe a proven liar, and you respond by asking who can oversee the elections.
You did not answer my question, so I'll ask it again. Why do you believe a proven liar.?
jayhawk: I don't recall claiminging that there was no fraud, nor that it should not be investigated. The question you asked was "And you think they would not lie to us about the 2020 election?" which I answered "Certainly they would."
DeleteHope this helps.
Let's make this simple and please note I've related this more than one time in other sites and on my blog.
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to say the election was stolen and highly believe it. The spite coming from the left about this coupled with the fact they still claim Al Gore an Hillary had it stolen, yet are hell bent to stop investigations and so forth on this one.
Whether you like a candidate or not, the fact that the left, Media and far to many on the right in fact support the complete lack of integrity in these elections because it supports their own agenda and worse is abhorrent to me.
So don't even begin to try to tell me this couldn't have happened.
Just remember. The Kennedy election. Do not think for one moment the dead did not vote in 60. I know it as a fact because my father, a proud Democrat at the time came home on election day with $200 and 4 bags of groceries. We were not rich by any stretch of the imagination. Where did the bounty come from. He had voted 200 times and what was more was damned proud of it because he had helped stopped the "crook" (His exact words) Nixon.
Seeing it seems far to many now believe in Socialism(Red Communism to take it further) and the complete control of public though and opinion is supposed to be the only mantra preached and believed, one can say we are pretty much done as a country if we don't get off this crap.
This election was a sham and everyone knows it, but it runs far deeper than just the election. It runs to the very root of what America was and how we let it slide into thuid world status.We're becominf=g a craphole and no one seems to care
...and that's because we condone the South African brand of "vengeful" Civil Disobedience, and not the Thoreauian "constructive/ responsible' kind. I say at the next BLM protest we give them all a Napoleonic "whiff of the grapeshot" of 13 Vendémiaire.
DeleteIt should be very costly to afford "principles".
DeleteNews flash! They are animals!