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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Musical Interlude

(For politics, please scroll down) 

We live in a time of turmoil. Turmoil everywhere! People of all stripes have their hair on fire. 

Relax for a few moments by turning down the turmoil and the temperature by enjoying this harp arrangement of Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706):

Read details about the above piece HERE.


  1. Nice start for the day...thanks for the details.. :)

  2. When my kids were little, we called this the Taco Bell Cannon...

    Beautiful piece.

    1. SF,
      Taco Bell Cannon? That's funny.

      Reminds me of "Oh, for Tuna!" (O Fortuna chorus from Carmina Burana. Hilarious!

    2. Thanks for the laugh AOW... reminds me when in my youth I read the translation of Madame Butterfly words and thought how absurd...


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