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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Joe Biden, Gaffe Machine & Racist

Tonight is the big debate between President Trump and President Wannabe  Biden. So, this list just might expand: The Worst of Joe Biden in Forty Quotes.  Spew alert!


  1. 4 years ago i got up early for the first debate. Doubt I'll bother this time...

    1. too predictable. Last time round, not having seen the American apprentice or any of his other appearances, I didn't know what to make of Trump. Now I do.

    2. Jez, I should think you'd be consumed with curiosity to see for yourself how Joe Biden performs, since I suspect you rather hope he wins.

      Or am I wrong?

    3. Biden seems dull, if I had a vote I'd pay more attention but it's not my business. I don't understand how the Primaries don't work better. Seems they're waaay more interested in not selecting Sanders than in winning the election.

    4. Jez,
      The Dems' primaries are a dog and pony show.

      Biden was chosen by the higher ups because he has more electability -- or so the focus groups show.

      Are the GOP primaries dog and pony shows? They were until 2016. The higher ups were determined to run Jeb Bush (Ick!), but WE THE PEOPLE rebelled. Thus, the bull in the china shop: Donald J. Trump.

      Was it the same with the choosing of Boris Johnson?

    5. I thought i'd replied to this... The system the Tory party uses is candidates have to be nominated by sitting MPs, then eliminated by MPs in successive rounds of votes down to the last 2, from which the new leader is elected by the wider party membership. Nb party membership is much rarer here than in America... only about 1.5% of us belong to one of the 4 biggest parties, and even that figure is inflated by automatic membership of Labour along with some Unions, so it would be really disastrous to let the fanatical membership elect their leader without guidance from the MPs who have an eye on re-election... for example Labour doesn't do that, and their membership voted directly over 4 candidates to choose corbyn.

  2. Frankily jez, I'm tempted to ask you what you make of Trump but I don't really care.

  3. If predator joe stays awake he wins the debate tonight. Trump has set the bar so low for biden that no matter how he does our impartial news media will say biden was the clear winner.

    1. Since when has the news media had much to do with determining a debate winner?

    2. Particularly since 1960.
      Radio listeners gave it to Nixon.
      TV viewers to Kennedy.
      That was the difference in media.

    3. In actual fact Kennedy STOLE that election. Cemetary Dwellers, and a host of dogs and cats swelled the Cooke County, Illinois vote totals enough to give JFK a wafer-thin majority.

      Nixon COUD HAVE –– and I've alwas though SOYL have challenged the results and demanded a recount.

      Nixon, however, too the High Road and let the Kennedy Clan get away with their skullduggery, because NIXON didn't think i would have been right to disrupt The Nation's Business to press the point that he had actually WON th election.

      Who would behave that way today in a siilar situation? Certainly not DONALD J. TRUMP, thank God!

    4. The Chicago mob cinched it for him.
      And LBJ became a congressman via fraud, the start to his being president.

  4. I do honestly believe that Donald Trump could walk onto the stage tonight, put the mic to his ass and fart, drop the mic to the floor and walk off stage, and it would not sway a single Trump supporter or Dem hater. It would likely only leave them in awe of how he so owned the libs.

  5. In fairness RJ, Biden could probably walk in, mispronounce Trump's name ask where he's at and fall asleep, ala Admiral Stockdale and not sway a single lib or Trump hater.

    The numbers are pretty baked in. Over 85% say nothing will sway them.

    1. @Dave M,
      Not even. You paint with an overly large brush then include different groups as if they have the same ideology suiting your own ideological preconceived notions.
      (See FJs comment below)
      People that are anti-Jewish are anti-Semitic, not racists.
      Jewish isn't a race it's a religion and heritage, -to be specific.- Louis Farakan et Al are also anti-Semitic as well as most so-called "Palistinians". Are they racists, yes they are because they are anti-white.

  6. Trump needed a KO and didn't deliver. Biden didn't soil himself, so Biden won.

    Biden will get a bounce in the polls.

  7. Trump's telling the Proud Boys to "stand by" was the defining moment.

    1. The Proud Boys notoriety may be undeserved. I don't know. I see nothing of the Proud Boys here in Northern Virginia -- except to pray for our nation.

    2. Ducky... not stand down, but "stand by."

      Even Fox News thought this was a bad moment... Responding to Trump's failure to simply say "White Supremacists have no place in America, no friend in the White House" here's what Brian Kilmeade had to say on Fox and Friends this morning...

      "Donald Trump blew the biggest layup in the history of debates by saying, not condemning white supremacists...”

      When did condemning white supremacy, Nazism, groups chanting "Jews will not replace us and outright racism become controversial?

    3. What would it cost him to full-throatedly denounce white supremacists? Do his campaign believe there are enough supremacists in swing states to decide the election?

    4. @ jex,
      He has but leftist don't want to spoil their "he's a racist" narrative.
      The proud boys aren't "white nationalists", they are pro-American. Calling them "white nationalist" is just another way of accusing Trump of being a racist. They are nationalists but the non-whites that belong to the group would disagree with the characterzation "white nationalists". Leftists just like to play fast and loose with reality.

    5. Warren, by that logic, the marchers in Charlottesville, who chanted "the Jews will not replace us", are not racist either, rather they are pro-American.

      BTW, Trump's own FBI classifies the Proud Boys as an extremist group.

    6. @jez

      The KKK and Neo-Nazi's were also in Charlottesville. Does that make EVERYONE in Charlottesville at the time racists? How about the people who were in their homes that night when the racist elements were marching, like the Proud Boys, 3%ers and Sons of Confederate Veterans? You need to start painting with a "finer" brush.

    7. What are you talking about? Trump responded to questions about white supremacists with an ambiguous shout-out to the proud boys, nobody else mentioned them specifically.

    8. Biden did...

      1:05:00 TRUMP

      You want to call them -- What do you want to call them? Give me a name, give me --

      1:05:04 WALLACE

      White supremacists and, white supremacists and right-wing --

      1:05:07 BIDEN

      The Proud Boys.

      1:05:07 TRUMP

      Proud Boys, stand back and stand by. But I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing problem

      1:05:19 BIDEN

      His own FBI director said -- white supremacists. Antifa is an idea not an organization. Militia --

      1:05:27 TRUMP

      Oh you’ve got to be kidding me

      1:05:27 BIDEN

      His FBI said --

      1:05:28 TRUMP

      Well then, you know what --

      1:05:29 WALLACE

      Gentlemen, we’re done, sir. We’re going to go on to the next-

      1:05:39 BIDEN

      Everybody in your administration tells you the truth that that’s a bad to bad idea. You have no idea.

      1:05:43 TRUMP

      Antifa is a dangerous, radical group --

      1:05:46 WALLACE

      Gentleman, we're now moving on to the Trump and Biden records.

      1:05:50 TRUMP

      -- they overthrow you

    9. The transcript I read doesn't have that (it just says "crosstalk"), but you're probably right... I'm not gonna dredge up the video

  8. Replies
    1. More of an OUTRAGE really!

      Always a strident SOB Chris Wallechinsky (his real name!) is a distinct ANOMALY at FOX News.

  9. Trump did not bash the proud boys, whoever they are, and predator joe said ANTIFA was not real but just an idea. Looks like both of them were in denial but trump is the major focus.
    I have contended for months that trump will not be reelected and after last night I am proven right. We need to prepare for a harris administration massive tax increases on Everyone.

    How can harris pay for all the ideas put forth by only raising taxes on those making over 400K. Everyone is going to pay for her plan.

    Rev, since you are from vegas what is the betting line on how long it will take predator joe to pass the torch. I am in for six months but don't know the odds.

    Duck, hope your feeling better

    1. Trump isn't clueless. The Proud Boys aren't racists (although I can't speak for every individual). Joe was clueless in naming them, and not Richard Spencer's neo-Nazi's.


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