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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Comment Of The Day

September 16, 2020 comment made by Baysider at GeeeZ on Z's excellent post "WHY TRUMP DOES BETTER… look at the comparisons!": 

...De Blasio says, with all the people leaving NYC, that we need to raise taxes on the rich AND “we have to redistribute income.” How about YOURS, your honor? He just announced he’d furlough his salary, but I suspect it’s a rebound from the terrible optics of “redistributing income.” To quote from his Wikipedia page: he did “a brief stint as a campaign manager for Charles Rangel and Hillary Clinton …[and] started his career as an elected official on the New York City Council. So your career never took you into the real world of working for a living. 

 Plus, he said restaurants would continue to be closed for indoor dining (only very reduced sidewalk dining), because dining out was “an activity for middle- and upper-income New Yorkers.” Really? Are these higher income folks the ones who 1) shop for the menu, 2) deliver food and supplies, 3) cook the food 4) serve the food, 5) bus the dishes, 6) wash the dishes, 7) clean up the restaurant, 8) ferry diners to the restaurant, 9) service the equipment, and 10) grow the food in the first place? CLUELESS!! 

We hear stories of people who stayed not working because the combined state and federal unemployment benefit (of which I received ZERO) was more than their salary. Then I ran into one. My locksmith had to furlough his helper in April. When he could work again and asked him to come back to work, he did not want to – and didn’t. It was because he made a lot more in gov’t $$$....

If you have time, it is worth your time to see why Z stated that Trump does better. Read Z's post HERE.


  1. Replies
    1. Franco
      We're more civilized than that. He should be tarred and feathered, and then run out of town on a rail.

    2. Jayhawk,
      I favor that method instead, too.

  2. What's the big deal with Z's post?

    1. A mixture of red and blue states have large welfare rolls. Okay, what next.

    2. A stat that's been repeated and contested since at least the Clinton administration. What's it got to do with Trump?

    3. So what?

    What the post is is nothing but a bunch of descriptive variables which prove nothing.

    1. Duck,
      I disagree with your tossing away of Point 3. It's very important!

      Point 3 of Z's post:

      The percentage of each past president’s cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is: A real-life business not a government job.
      Here are the percentages:
      38% T. Roosevelt
      40% Taft
      52% Wilson
      49% Harding
      48% Coolidge
      42% Hoover
      50% F. D. Roosevelt
      50% Truman
      57% Eisenhower
      30% Kennedy
      47% Johnson
      53% Nixon
      42% Ford
      32% Carter
      56% Reagan
      51% GH Bush
      39% Clinton
      55% GW Bush
      8% Obama
      90% Trump
      This helps explain the bias, if not the incompetence, of the last OBAMA administration: ONLY 8% of them had ever worked in private business!

    2. That’s right! Only eight percent – the least, by far of the last 19 presidents! And these people tried to tell our corporations how to run their businesses?
      How could Obama, president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he’s never worked for one?? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And, when it’s the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They spent most of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs or as “community organizers.”

    3. This is why Obama came up with such profundities as saying of the Taliban, who were fighting us only because we were occupying their country, that, "We are fighting them to deny them space in which to plan their attacks."

      This despite the fact that it was Al Queda which attacked us on 9/11, not the Taliban, and that attack was planned in Germany, not Afghanistan. Not to mention that attacks could be planned in my garages as easily as in the Middle Eastern desert.

    4. What does that have to do with the pct. of businessmen in his cabinet?

      What does the percentage of businessmen have to do with anything?

    5. Duck,
      Do you really not understand the significance of the 2nd paragraph of what I copied and pasted above, @10:48 AM?

      I know your political ideology, and now state the following you may not like the concept, but I'm sure that you can understand the concept.

    6. If these "descriptive variables" as Duck calls them are important, as AOW and Z claim, is that true for all of these types of statistics regarding the Trump Cabinet?

      As our country diversifies, is the fact that the Trump Cabinet is the most white male dominated group since the Reagan Admin. Is that as important or instructive as the 92% business people stat?

    7. What's important is what policies the cabinet enable. Whether they have a business background or not is only significant as it pertains to their policy implementation.

    8. Is increasing the federal debt good policy?

    9. Dave,
      In my view, diversity is a euphemism for quotas.

      All this racial identity nonsense needs to stop. Get the best person for the job. Period. Full stop.

    10. What does the percentage of businessmen have to do with anything?

      Experts w/ skin-in-the-game.

    11. AOW said... "All this racial identity nonsense needs to stop. Get the best person for the job. Period. Full stop."

      Perhaps sports can be instructive here. For years, despite their qualifications, minority candidates were denied opportunities to coach at the highest levels. So, no matter what happened, they would never have the "right qualifications" on paper.

      Not until they were forced to look outside of the white male pools of applicants, did owners decide to hire coaches and managers of color. But before they were forced, people of color were never able to be the "best person for the job." Yet once they got hired, they shined and were effective.

      What is an equitable way for society to address those issues?

      Trumps cabinet, is 90% business dominated. Getting past the fact that the 8% Obama number is incorrect, if we can infer a biased approach from the Obama Admin towards "academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs", is it fair to say the Trump Admin could also be biased towards business interests?

    12. Having the ex-CEO of Eli Lilly as Sect. of Health and Human Services has sure helped tRump lower drug prices.

    13. @ Dave miller & the Duck

      Outside of the fact you are both "Progressive" racists that believe all good things come from a, totalitarian in nature, bureaucracy. You are both dumb as a rock.

      Neither of you are anything but failed sowers of discord.Dave through passive aggressive BS and Ducky through his completely fogged over ideological glasses.

      Business people know how to run things, bureaucrats know how to pad payrolls institute unnecessary and obscure rules that cripple the economy without suffering any harm to their jobs or paychecks and make sure their staffs are manned by their sycophants and toadies. Evidently, neither of you favors merit and instead either wishes for racial quotas or nameless faceless yes men with Harvard or New School "educations" that think that milk comes from the 7-11.

      Oh, Dave, we all know that Obama could do no wrong and always told the truth. Ever the self depreciating servant of the people, racial healer and uniter. --Rolls Eyes--

    14. Businessmen know the difference between productive and nonproductive expenses.

    15. Businessmen hire programmers and machinists. Bureaucrats hire clerks and secretaries.

    16. From Warren... "Outside of the fact you [Dave and Ducky] are both "Progressive" racists that believe all good things come from a, totalitarian in nature, bureaucracy. You are both dumb as a rock."

      Nice personal attack Warren. It 100% shows you know nothing about me, my views, what matters to me or my stances on things like governance, freedom, faith and race.

      You also show you know nothing about my views on Obama or his presidency. and his

    17. @ Dave Miller,
      Uh huh, glad you liked my attack. Change my mind.

  3. 8%? Wow. But a little surprised at TR's 38%. Perhaps moneyed "grandees"? Don't get me wrong, I like TR.

    45's 90% is telling.

    Let's see a landslide.

  4. According to Jewish tradition, a person who dies on Rosh Hashanah is a tzaddik, a person of great righteousness.

    R.I.P. RBG

    1. Tzadik is also the root of the word tzedakah ('charity', literally 'righteousness').

  5. So telling that poor Ducky doesn't think businessmen with business minds might do better running an economy :-)

    AOW, thanks for this 'nod'...I appreciate it.

    Ducky, I've never been for advocates in the SCOTUS and she was one of the very first....sad. I'll never believe 'all women' as she hoped for is better than 'all really bright people,' but I know it's important for lefties to play gender/sex games.
    I do admire much about her...she was quite an achiever, no doubt about it. May she rest in peace, for sure. She was a figher; that, I admire.

    1. How did the president of Exxon Mobil do as Secretary of State? Do you want a businessman as Secretary of Defense? Have you thought this out?

    2. He cleaned out the Clinton Foundation rat-hole formerly known as the US Department of State. He also supported Russia and Saudi Arabia in the face of a united DNC lead witch hunts against "Putin's puppets" and embassy assassinations. I'd say that over time his wisdom has been borne out.

    3. @ the Duck,
      You understand so little about our armed forces that your comment was laughable.
      Businessmen know all about logistics, efficiency and accountability, bureaucrats know all about making it look right on paper without actually doing anything but more paperwork. The phrase "paper tiger", comes to mind.

    4. According to what I can find easily, there are about 23 Fortune 500 CEOs who are veterans.
      Suck it up buttercup.

    5. The CEO of Boeing would make a great secretary of the Air Force in your administration, right sunshine.

    6. The EO of J&J during the asbestos/cancer debacle would probably be your choice for HHS, right?

    7. Duck, could you please be a little more ridiculous? I'm finding it harder to work up a good laugh at your "regular" BS.
      I suggest you stick a peacock plume in your ass and dance around in your Bozo the Clown outfit while reciting from the Communist Manifesto.
      Oh, and I guess your choice would be Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh or Castro.

    8. Ducky, you just can't be this misinformed or unwise....no way. Yes, "running an economy?" I'm for businessmen...As Warren says, most good businessmen even learn enough about non-economic issues to do well.
      Please remember if it was a lefty businessman, you'd be ALL OVER IT. Don't let your politics make you sound silly.

  6. Why I detested RBG -- who by advocating that did not uphold the Constitution of the United States; she broke her vow to uphold our Constitution.

    1. While I completely agee with your detestation of the late Justice Ginsburg's leftist, manifestly unconstituional, anti-American, pro Globalist thoughts on POLICY-MAKING, I believe it important to recognize, as the late Antonin Scalia did that her unique identity as a WOMAN, a PERSON and FELLOW HUMAN BEING deserved more consideration –– and APPRECIATION –– exclusive of her politics.

      SCALIA and GINSBURG could not had been farther apart politically. Their professed personal ideals were diametrically opposed, YET both were smart and humane enough to appreciate the considerable virtues, and remarkable accomplishments each had attained.

      RBG was a Red Diaper Baby born into the Brooklyn Jewish Community that almost universally embraced and actively promoted COMMUNISM in th first half of the twentieth-century –– beyond. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were, perhaps, the most egregious exemplars of the deplorable mentality that prevailed particularly among Brooklyn Jews at the time.

      No one can help the milieu into which he was born, any more than a Negro can be held personally responsible for the color of his skin, hope still springs eternal that the moral blindness that comes with traditional ethnic and cultural traits may one day be overcome.

    2. I'd forgotten about that...YES, the Left says "LET THE WORLD CALL OUR SHOTS" My God.
      She advocated pretty hard for leftwing issues in public and that did her in for me. She's even supposedly said to have regretted that choice. But the media makes it look like she did it ONCE ...that's like saying Kamala Harris did a great job in California. Just dumb and dishonest, ask my lib friends in the Bay Area. Ya, RBG was a tough woman, did amazingly well for herself and might have set women back 50 years when she pushed for MORE WOMEN instead of THE BEST PERSON, which, again reliably common from the left, is "The soft bigotry of low expectations."

    3. The left is not saying "Let the World Call Our Shots". That is strictly a fringe right fever dream. At the same time we are not advocating that the rest of the world be ignored.
      She didn't advocate using foreign law as precedent which would have been outrageous. She merely said she didn't understand why foreign law shouldn't be consulted. After all, some of the founders were internationalist.

      She was clearly the leading advocate for women's rights and deserves praise for that.

    4. Duck,
      She merely said she didn't understand why foreign law shouldn't be consulted. After all, some of the founders were internationalist.

      Um, no. The Founders believed that the United States should be a country set apart -- a New World.

      Believe what you wish. But that doesn't mean that it's based in reality.

    5. Duck,
      The left is not saying "Let the World Call Our Shots". That is strictly a fringe right fever dream.

      Says the fringe-left man.


      You must be scared out of your mind that Trump is going to win in November.

  7. @ Duck,
    The left says whatever it wants to further and consolidate power. It has no principles or morals only ambitions.

    "Consulting" foreign law is a slippery slope and is not applicable without an end run around the Constitution in what amounts to is a breaking of oath. After all, the Constitution is the law of the land.
    In case you haven't noticed, it is not in the job description of a Supreme Court Justice to change law or the Constitution. There is a process for that that doesn't include the Supreme Court, whatsoever. Those niggling little details of the law are to be handled by the legislative branch subject to the veto of the President.
    The meaning of the law is subject to the Supreme Court only under the the common understanding of the law and those that wrote it, at the time it was written. If the law is unclear it is supposed to be amended by the legislative branch. Not the Supreme Court or citation of foreign law which in itself "foreign" to our Constitution and way of life. Our Constitution stresses "Individual" rights, which in themselves, are anathema to almost all foreign nations / law --or as you lefties like to call them "negative rights"--. By the Constitution, rights are reserved to the "People as individuals". A concept you lefties don't seem to understand. The Government only has obligations.
    As for RGB and "women's rights" the only thing you are telling me is she was a one trick pony.

    So go ahead, wail and gnash your teeth, put on your sackcloth and smear your face with ashes. As for me and mine, we will not weep.

    When Trump is re-elected, I hope you lefties don't carry out your threats to burn the country down. After all, we put up with Obama for eight long years without resorting to your childish temper tantrums, riots and firebombings.
    (BTW, your hair is still on fire.)

    1. Give me one instance where RBG either said foreign law should be used as precedent or she wouldn't follow the United States Constitution. Put up or shut up.

      Being the prime mover for women's rights might not mean much to you but it was important if you give a damn about individual rights (includes women).

    2. Duck,
      Put up or shut up.

      What an unwise thing for you to say! Really, that fire in your hair is having quite the effect on you.

      Better check you pulse rate and your blood pressure.

  8. Straw-man! I didn't say that. I said "Consulting" not "as precedent". But evidently your sophomoric comprehension skills haven't improved any in the last 15 or so years. The rest of that comment had to do with RGB being a "one trick pony" because of the way you wrote your comment, it has much more to do with your writing skills than RBG.

    Now, get off your high horse or leave or I'll start deleting your comments.

  9. @ Duck,
    You better put the fire in your hair out before I "figuratively" stomp it out.


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