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Friday, September 25, 2020

Lies, Lies, Lies!

(hat tip to Bunkerville)

By obscuring the above information, the Enemedia are promoting division and violence!  Lies of both commission and omission!


  1. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/breonna-taylor/2020/08/25/report-details-why-louisville-police-decided-to-forcibly-search-breonna-taylor-home/5593502002/

    I highly suggest reading it. She as well had a dead body in her trunk in 2016. A pal of her druggie boy friend.

    1. Bunkerville,
      You know, the Enemedia are well aware of all this. And they are not reporting it! GRRRRR!

  2. Bunkerville's entire post about Breanna Taylor is a must read -- HERE!

  3. None of this has to do with taylor it is all about rioting. A significant number of the people involved in the riots couldn't tell you her name if it wasn't written on a sign they were carrying. We are allowing them to get away with it and if you notice most are democratic controlled cities who condone if you don't agree you have every right to riot.

    If harris wins the republicans will scream the election was rigged and then they will go to work and accept the new administration.
    If trump wins the democrats will scream the election was rigged, go into therapy and riot while announcing he is not my president.

    I am not sure trump will win and that is not good but what is worse is if the left takes over the senate. We saw what can happen with the democrats holding all three. They increased healthcare costs for 310 million so they could provide for 9 million. They increased regulations to run small business out of businesses and their leader made ferguson about race so he could start dividing the nation.

    When you own the media you own public opinion.

  4. The press if flagrantly fomenting violence. The nation is coming unhinged.

  5. Look in the encyclopedia (World Book) for Fascism.
    You will see their explanation for the goings ons.
    And Extreme Nationalism (in the same article).
    And maybe the Next play will be Religion; or maybe not--maybe us Patriots.
    If were not for the Conservatives, this world would be more butterflies and unicorns friendly.

  6. The bad guys cannot attack Israel until the USA is neutralized. Tranquilized. Covid-ized. Look for more new
    designer drugs.

  7. Off topic: Trump is already screaming "fake news" over the NYT exposé on his taxes. He paid $720 dollars and took a $75,000 deduction for "hair styling".

    It will be all over the internets.

    1. Duck,
      I know that the "revelation" sounds preposterous.

      But if the deductions are legit, then what needs to be changed is the tax law.

      Hello, Congress? Oh, that's right. You want to keep those deductions for yourselves and your buddies (constituents).

      PS: Having run my own business since I was 14 years old, having been a landlord, and having a mother who was an IRS auditor, I know a lot about Schedule C's, passive activity loss carried forward, depreciation, LLC's, etc.

    2. "But others who claim to carry the Black Lives Matter mantle denounce him as a fraud, a violent homophobe and a con-artist who started his own group Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta after he was bounced out of the city’s official chapter."

      Sounds as if he shares some things in common with Trump.


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