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Monday, August 24, 2020

Video: Black Lives Don't Matter To Democrats

 From the Washington Times:

Kimberly Klacik is a young Black Republican woman now running for Congress in Maryland’s 7th District — seeking to occupy the seat once held by the late Elijah Cummings. She has emerged with an emphatic new campaign video shot on the streets of Baltimore City. “Democrats don’t want you to see this. They’re scared that I’m exposing what life is like in Democrat-run cities. That’s why I’m running for Congress. Because all Black lives matter. Baltimore matters. And Black people don’t have to vote Democrat,” Ms. Klacik advises in the three-minute outreach released on [August 17, 2020]....


  1. She's by far my favorite Maryland Congressional candidate this cycle!

  2. Does she have a concrete program other than "Dems (i.e. moderates) suck"?

    1. Lack of any concrete program hasn't stopped TDS and cogniatively impaired Sleepy Joe Biden from running....

  3. There isn’t much that a member of the House can do for the citizens of Baltimore. But she’s right ... Democrats have run Baltimore for 53 years and look at the result. There won’t be any change in Baltimore until the people who live there begin voting responsibly for people who want to turn their city around. Most city politicians don’t care about Baltimore; they care about enriching themselves at the expense of dumb-ass voters. Look, life is hard. It’s a lot harder when you’re stupid.

    1. Okay, what makes you think she doesn't want to enrich herself?

      Don't say because she's a Republican.

    2. Ducky, what are you talking about? I never mentioned her motivation for running for office. I only asked what "running for congress" has to do with conditions in Baltimore's inner city, and then added an observation about city politicians. Read it again, or form a more cogent reply.

    3. The implication of your post, mustang, is that electing Republicans such as preznit Smash and Grab will resolve the situation.

      What does their political position offer?

      Why not elect true leftists?

    4. All she mentions in her ad is defunding police when it makes sense to strip the cops of some of their political power.

    5. Baltimore isn't full of "true Leftists"? Do you have to be White to be one of "those", ducky?

    6. btw - You should come to Baltimore some day, ducky. We can eat at "Red Emma's" and then do some highly productive rat fishing under the cars parked on St. Paul Ave.

    7. I've eaten at Red Emma's. Pretty good for vegan.

      Rat ,needless to say, wasn't explicitly on the menu.

  4. Whoever put the ad together deserves an award. I understand she is going to speak on one of evenings this week. Look forward to it.

    1. It was an excellent advert. She'll need a lot of money to get that ad out, though. Since she seems to be speaking directly to blacks, will BET carry her ad? I'm guessing, no.


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