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Friday, August 21, 2020

DNC 2020


See Convicted Rapist, Torturer and Killer Who Squeezed Her Victim’s Testicles with Pliers Speaks at DNC as “Impactful Community Leader”.

 More information HERE, including video.


  1. I did a story on her back in 2017 when she was involved in the women's march with a chilling video of her.. not to self promote but a psychopath in action.

    1. https://bunkerville.wordpress.com/2020/08/21/convicted-rapist-torturer-and-killer-speaks-at-dnc-as-impactful-community-leader/

    2. Democrats now have even gone far beyond transforming themselves into The American Crypto-Marxist-Neo-Bolshevik Party.

      This story AOW has posted proves they are now The Party of Advanced Psychopathology and Deceit.

      I say "DECEIT," because both Kamala Harass and Gropey Joe Biden did a wonderful job of presenting themselves as affable, eloquent, attractive, kindhearted, well-groomed humanitarians in their acceptance speeches.

      Because i believe in giving the Devil his due, I have to say Ms. "Harass" appeared beautiful, intelligent, charming, persuasive, empathetic and classy –– someone you'd be delighted and feel honored to have lunch with, should the occasion arise –– someone you'd love to have as a best friend and confidante if you could.

      Yes, she DID, please don't be so churlish as to deny it –– never mind that it was all a well-rehearsed ACT put on to disguise a ruthlessly ambitious, immoral, self-serving nature eager to impose confiscatory taxation and draconian, anti-individualistic statist legislation on all of us.

      Slow Joe too presented himself as far better on this occasion than he has at any time in the recent past. Of course he was heavily scripted, and coached by experts no doubt, but only a fool could fail to admit he read his lines with a high degree of theatrical polish that seemed to indicate he is still capable of rationality and heartfelt sentiment.

      If I didn't know what REALLY makes these DemonRats tick, I might be swayed by this week's display of contrived, highly polished Platform Manner.

      We can only hope The Silent Majority has remained intact, and will still be able to carry the shambling, bumbling, syntactically-challenged-but-good-hearted, highly intelligent, well-motivated President Trump to a Second Term.

      No incumbent has ever had to face stronger headwinds and more dishonest, unprincipled, vicious, and frankly Satanic opposition than Donald Trump since the day he became a CANDIDATE for the Oval Office.

      Sadly we do live in Interestng Times, don't we?

  2. These are the dems heroes now. No shortage of examples.

  3. GAD! Is that a joke? How could they have her? Also, that young woman whose poor father died of COVID after thinking Trump had somehow said "Go to your local crowded bar and sing Karaoke with friends all night with no mask...especially if you're over 60 and have preexisting conditions..." is getting quite some criticism. I almost feel sorry for her having been used like that.

    1. Cole Porter told us EXACTLY what was going on today all the way back in 1934, Z:

      "... The world's gone mad today; good's bad today; black's white today; day's night today ..."

      What we are experiencing now is hardly new. It's rooted in the "Progressivism" that started to take over in the early 1900's.

    2. Using people and exploiting their pain is what Democrats do best.

  4. So... If I was organizing the event, I would not have chosen her, because of the optics.

    But... she paid her debt to society, and has worked hard to be a better person, redeem her life and bring some hope to others.

    The larger question is whether we, as a society, are willing or able to forgive and allow people to reenter our worlds after that debt has been paid.

    This seems to lead to the purpose of imprisonment... is it for rehab, punishment or some of both? And is it effectively forever, continuing to impact someone's life after they are released?

    1. Dave. Her debt to society has been paid? Not in my book. Torture, rape and murder don't ever get "paid off".

    2. ...although she does fit in very nicely with the DNC's "Antifa" set.

    3. Joe... I get where you're at. I have no idea about her fitting within Antifa.

      Can anyone, in your opinion, ever pay off their debt to society? In her case, from what I can find, she was a model prisoner, studied, got her degree, and from all accounts, has totally reformed. The prison board and I assume the payroll board judged her safe to release and not a threat to society after 20 something years behind bars.

      I don't claim to have an answer to this puzzle. But if no one can pay off their debts, our prisons will remain full for years with lots of people with no hope of redemption.

      Maybe that's good, maybe not.

    4. You can pay your debt and never reform.
      I've no guarantee she did.

    5. Ed... can you look at that person's life since they were released? How would we judge that? Historically it has been a life on the "straight and narrow."

      Or some might say, we would it in the fruit their life is producing.

      I admit it can be a moving target, what is reform for some, may not be reform for others. But we've got to believe in redemption don't we?

    6. There can be no "redemption" for anyone who has committed a brutal and sadistic crime, Dave. There could only be endless attempts to REPENT, and try to live a better life, but we poor mortals do not, cannot –– and should not –– have the power to "FORGIVE" crimes of that magnitude.

      Only God, HIMSELF, can do that.

    7. Franco,
      That's how I see it, too.

      The magnitude of Donna Hylton's crimes makes my skin crawl.

    8. I guess that Charles Manson wasn't available.

    9. Charles, will probably be voting Democrat in this coming election though.

    10. You can pay off minor misdemeanors, Dave, not violent and vicious felonies. People like that NEVER get to vote again.

    11. @ Ducky "She's an ordained minister."

      So was David Koresh and Louis Farrakhan...

    12. Is there anything in the new testament about this limit on forgiveness?

    13. Why is it that leftists always want to stand up for the very WORST elements in society while they invariably find reasons to inveigh against the BEST?

      Why is it that in the leftist mentality good is regarded as bad, and vice versa?

    14. I simply asked a question that struck me as interesting. It's ok if you do not share my curiosity of scripture :)

    15. Jez,
      Sorry for my late response. Bad day here at the AOW Nursing Home.

      Please read Romans Chapter 1.

    16. Jez,
      Addendum: I like the Amish concept of forgiveness.

    17. Mortal and venial sins have a long church history, jez

    18. ...and the operative word in Mathew 6:14 is YOU. Forgiving sins against Others is G_d's job, not ours.

    19. Hang in there Always :)
      JC: Read the KJV version or older. Was the "operative word" or sense present back then?

    20. Jez,
      I'm trying to hang in there. Not easy. I've been at this caregiving since November 2009, when I brought Mr. AOW home from the skilled nursing facility.

    21. Still works, Jez,

      [ˈtrespəs, ˈtresˌpas]
      enter the owner's land or property without permission.

    22. always: it can be so hard.. my parents took an elderly relative home from a nursing home when I was about 11, I remember it vividly. You must be doing a really good job :)

      Red herring: isn't it more likely the archaic
      "a violation of moral or social ethics : TRANSGRESSION
      especially : SIN"
      "To err, or sin"

      It doesn't seem likely to me that Jesus would cheapen the moment (he had just given his followers the gift of the lord's prayer) by making some point specifically about trespassing in the modern sense.

    23. Jez,
      Thank you for understanding. Right now, we have been thrown another curve ball. Out of nowhere, Mr. AOW is in remal failure -- cause unknown. Fortunately, he is symptomatic. Things could be worse! But no available appointment with the preferred nephrologist until September 10.

    24. @ Jez, You think that Jesus was telling his followers to forgive (virtue signal), forgiveness of impersonal trespasses against others, and not forgiveness of the more difficult to forgive sins committed against them, personally? Notice there is no definitional 'modernity' in this interpretation.

    25. I certainly don't think he was excluding sins against the person, but I honestly wouldn't know where to begin building a scriptual foundation to your argument that some sins should never be forgiven, and that a christian should continue indefinitely to treat ex-cons as non-persons. As I understand it, the central themes of Christianity are forgiveness and redemption.

      But I could always be wrong.

    26. aow, are you considering seeing another consultant? Not a doctor, but that sounds serious :(

    27. Jez,
      Not sure yet what we're going to do.

    28. Luke 15.
      The parables are obviously applicable, but notice also how Jesus draws criticism for the people he associates with. Are Christians called upon to behave differently?

  5. Throw in this piece of work.. After all they say they have a big tent.

    Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour said at the DNC that the Democrat party “is absolutely our party,” when she spoke at the DNC on 8/18/2020.

  6. ________ SOME CHEERY GOOD OFF-TOPIC NEWS: ________

    In the stock market today both the NASDAQ and the S&P achieved RECORD NEW HIGHS, while the DOW-JONES INDISUSTRL AVERAGE gained ONE-HUNDRED-NINETY points to finish just shy of TWENTY-EIGHT-THOUSAND.

    Since President Trump won the 2016 election, –– DESPITE all the manufactured "scandals," and maliciously engineered "crises," and the endless barrage of vicious, fabricated false charges levied at Mr. Trump –– the DOW has gained FIFTY-SEVEN PERCENT since the president took office.

    While we may take issue with President Trump's mangled syntax, limited vocabulary, rambling-sometimes- incoherent verbal style, and excessive use of superlatives, we must at the same time admit that no sane person should dare to argue against the frankly SPECTACULAR good results he has achieved against insuperable odds in the areas that count most –– Economics and National Security.

  7. Sure, we can forgive someone for their misdeeds.
    But, But, we can never let them be an influence to our younger generation. That part is strictly OFF LIMITS.
    Like The Weather guy helped Obama--and is a College Prof.
    No,no,no, noway should he or anyone like this Woman be in the Public position as a leader or anyway influential to the community/Nation.
    They have paid their debt, but that does not give them cart-blanch to the level on common decent social acceptance.
    They still have to be shun from the younger generation.


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