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Monday, March 2, 2020

Thank You, President Trump!

A few weeks ago, around 8:45 A.M., I announced to Mr. AOW: "I'm headed upstairs to work on our tax return."

Mr. AOW replied in a downcast voice: "I won't be seeing you till tonight.  And you'll be in a terrible mood."

That pattern — work on taxes for hours on end (data entry into Quicken, into customized categories for both my business and our medical expenses), followed by becoming the grouch of the year — has held for over a decade.

That is, until the tax reform law that President Trump sponsored took full effect.

At 11:45 A.M., I joyfully danced down the stairs.  Mr. AOW was in shock — pleasant shock. I was ecstatic.  I love that provision for the increased standard deduction.

Thank you, President Trump!

Another reason to thank President Trump... Public charge': Trump enforces rule linking immigrant welfare use to green card chances. Excerpt below the fold (emphases mine).
Conservatives have been trying for decades to create an immigration system that rewards immigrants who won’t be a burden on society and discourages those who will.

The Trump administration is taking a major step toward that goal Monday when the “public charge” rule takes effect, giving U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services the authority to refuse green cards — the key step on the path to citizenship — to people who have used a wide range of nonemergency welfare programs.


Like most of President Trump’s other immigration moves, this one has survived an onslaught of court challenges, howls of complaints from Democrats on Capitol Hill and fierce opposition of immigration rights groups, who called it racist and elitist.

The administration said the vision of self-sufficient immigrants has been part of the American vision since Colonial times and was explicitly written into law in 1882, when Congress banned any immigrant who was “unable to take care of himself or herself without becoming a public charge.”...


  1. I was singing hallelujah last year when in the middle of my Turbo Tax session I realized I didn't have to do all that itemization.

    1. SF,
      It was the same for me last year, but I had already done all the 2018 data entry -- hours upon hours of data entry.

      I didn't bother with that data entry for 2019. Hip hip hooray!

  2. President TRUMP is a GOODY! I look upon him as a BLESSING –– true Gift from God –– for which I'm very grateful.

    People opposed to President Trump fall into these categories

    1. SATANIC LEFTISTS bent on destroying the U.S.A. as founded.

    2. Stuffy, Conceited, Unimaginative, Narrow-Minded "BY-THE-BOOK" types with NO VISION who are trapped "In The Box" and can't get over their sense of OUTRAGE at Mr. Trump's pointedly UNCONVENTIONAL Behavior.

    3. Moronic PARTISAN BIGOTS who ar madly ADDICTED to HATRED as a WAY of LIFE

    4. Decent, Well-Meaning-But-Non-Thinking CITIZENS who've been DUPED –– i.e. tragically MISINFORMED and effectively BRAINWASHED –– by the Deep State and Corrupt Establlshment Propaganda aided and abetted by the ENEMEDIA and the POISON IVY LEAGUE.

    I'm very glad the president's tax policies have provided you, my friends, –– and doubtless millions of others –– , with so much relief.


  3. Glad to hear that you have good news after all you’ve been through lately. This is the first year I’ve ever been on track to owe money at tax time, but I’m still winding my way through TurboTax to figure out why.

    We really need a movement to campaign on ending withholding and instituting a flat/Fair tax.

    1. ++ Amen!

      I have no problem paying taxes. What I find abhorrent is the federal government forcing ordinary free citizens to sit down and do hours of paperwork.

      Other than getting a passport and going to the post office, the average citizen should never have to deal with the federal government under ordinary circumstances.

    2. SF,
      I have no problem paying taxes.

      Well, I had a problem when I lost one third of my income (SE). We never had much disposable income as neither of us had a government job. Just sayin'.

  4. One for our side.... and now I don't need a tax preparer to do mine this year... :) It is the little things in life....

  5. Now if only we can get another 40 years or so with only Americans in charge of government.

  6. Let me add - Congress hasn't written tax law for DECADES. In fact Congress doesn't even write law, "others" do - for their benefit.

    1. PPS - But Trump made it happen. The first president to actually make something happen that wasn't designed by crony capitalists and organized crime - in Forever.

  7. I'd love to see Fox News pick up Chris Matthews. I might start watching again.

    I used to love Hardball back in the day before MSNBC came unhinged and went all leftwing nutball all the time.

    1. I said this last night to Mrs KP. I used to tape his show years ago. Take the job if offered Chris.

  8. Was that in the days when Chris felt a tingle go up his leg from listening to George W speak?

  9. Replies
    1. Concluding paragraph of the above:

      Matthews is either the target of a witch hunt, which the available evidence doesn't seem to corroborate, or he's only facing the music because an executive found it politically expedient to care about sexual harassment. Both possibilities are reprehensible, and those in the Hardball orbit ought to clarify.

  10. So It's Not Real Socialism … It's just "Democrat Socialism." But What I wanna know is, What THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE!

    1. Six of one, half-a-dozen of the other, DD.

      Leftists always speak with forked tongues.


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