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Saturday, August 25, 2018

What An Alpha!

(For politics, please scroll down)

One of my Facebook finds. Enjoy!

We know all about alpha cats here in the AOW household:

Our Minxy, born September 8, 2017

Minxy sits like a human.

Our Cameo (2001-2017)


  1. Minxy showed her alpha status at 6:20 this morning. Our the door she went as Mr. AOW was going out to the porch. Hearing him yelling her name brought me up out of bed in a hurry -- never mind my back procedure yesterday.

    1. Of dear! I hope the sudden move gives you no ill effects, AOW!

      Funny coincidence! Yesterday, my older, usually well-behaved black and white tuxedo female, now 14, dashed into the house from the patio while I was trying to feed both her and my little blind tabby, who I'm sure is mentally retarded, since, –– even after more than three years with us ––, he can't seem to learn a blessed THING (;-o He's STILL peeing in inappropriate places, despite copious applictiins of Felaway and Dr.Elsey's Cat Attract – a special brand of (very expensive) litter we have to SPECIAL ORDER online.

      Oh well! The poor little fellow is so cute –– and so INNOCENT –– there's nothing to do but put up with his shenanigans. (SIGH!

      Well, anyway Mlle. Black and White DISAPPEARED into the bowels of the house, which nearly drove me crazy, since my mobility is limited these days.

      Fortunately Lady Luck was with us, because the wayward female surfaced from underneath the bed about six hours after I'd given her up for lost.

      I hope we may assume you got Minxie back into the house without having to call out the Riot Squad? She's precious.

  2. Replies
    1. I can't imagine living without at least two cats, Bunker. I had to when I went away to college, but we had feline friends I grew up with at home, so I got to see then at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and all summer long.

      Funny though how you get more attached to them when you get older! I've always loved all our cats, but NOW that everyone who was ever close to has died I've come to see the cats as my BEST FRIENDS.

  3. Yow! My 5th rescue was a kitten about 3 1/2 weeks old. He had been hiding in a parking garage for 3 days (no food or water - put out, but he wasn't weaned yet). I captured him at midnight on day 3. He was soooo exhausted and dehydrated, but put on a performance worthy of this video, rearing back and fluffing out his miniscule, emaciated body and wrinkling up his face trying to hiss but too dry for any sound to come out. We brought our 'cat-catcher' net with us, but he was so weak it wasn't needed.

    So you know it had a happy ending (for 13 years) In the next hour he had a nice warm bath, got 200 fleas combed off of him, and at least some water. Kitten formula followed the next morning.

  4. Interesting. Our cats have all gone total submissive at the vet. To the point that Mad would trim their claws and brush their teeth at the vet's office with no problem. (We always have multiple cats, so while the vet is checking one out, we do the others and no Vet time wasted.)

    1. You must be one of the GREAT ailurophiles, Kid.

      My two do only what THEY want to do.

      I love 'em anyway, of course, but there ARE times when I could cheerfully MURDER them.


    2. Kid,
      Our cats have all gone total submissive at the vet.

      Same here.

      But our Sheba (1988-2008) panicked every time and peed all over the exam table. Every time.

      Also, getting any of our kitties into the carrier was a nightmare. One reason that I switched to a home care vet.

  5. NEWSFLASH! JOHN McCAIN is DEAD and now The Hurricane of Hypocrisy and Fuillades of Fulsome Rhetoric Begin

    1. I'm going to ignore all the syrupy accolades.

      I see that BHO is going to speak at McCain's funeral. Ugh.

    2. The commentary on C-Span's Washington Urinal was NAUSEATING this morning.

  6. There's nothing like a charming household cat
    To break up an unpleasant household spat.

    ... A. B. Arbiti


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