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Monday, August 6, 2018

Wearisome: The Double Standard

Check out Sarah Jeong's hate-filled Tweets HERE.


  1. Divide and destroy. It's what the left does best. Via their dominance of the Infotainment Media Complex and the Education Cartel, they have inculcated this societal vandalism into whole generations.

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    3. they will turn to internecine warfare and eat each other alive. It never fails.

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    1. Private corporations will do what the constitution forbids the federal government from doing: Control and smother speech.

    2. Conservatives need to take a page from progressives and demand these public forums be legally declared "public accomodations" and forbid them by federal law from discriminating against anyone.

    3. ^^^
      Libertarians cannot call for this because it violates the libertarian principle of respect for property rights, a concept the federal government raped and killed decades ago.

      Step up, Cons!

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    5. Franco,
      I don't believe that CRANKS should be given a platform on which to spit their venomus idiocy.

      Slippery slope! Danger, Will Robinson!

      Each side believes that all other sides are CRANKS.

    6. Alex Jones is a conspiracy Kook. that's how he makes his living. Inflamed tittybaby progs scream for him to be banned because they've been propagandized to hate him, even though most never would have even heard of him had it not been for Leftwing propaganda rage campaigns against him.

      Of course there could be some standard set for censoring speech in public forums, but with Jones and others, they are making it up as they go. *

      It is mob rule maoism.

      * - I don't like Alex Jones, and I don't think he believes his own BS. He has found a very stinky and lucrative pot, and he is stirring it vigorously. That puts him squarely in a long line of muckraking, carnival barking Americans.

    7. Sarah Jeong and her ilk are dangerously mainstream and therefore a much greater threat to our republic than the fringe kook Alex Jones types.

      I don't want her silenced, either.

    8. Good points all, SF. However, even if I don't think Jeong should be 'silenced' does she belong on the editorial board of an ostensibly 'great' newspaper? Says mucho about the paper, all the foot shuffling aside.

      Do we ever learn something on Inforwars? Someone sends me links at times, and I've 'found' useful info. But I check it out elsewhere before I park it in my knowledge database. Well, I strolled over there just now, and find that the Wikipedia activists are making sure comments about Jeong's racists remarks stay off her Wikipedia page. So I checked it out. There are, after all, Wikipedia activists who take over pages and mercilessly skew them away from the truth. Not in this case, at least today. Dennis Prager's team used to try to correct factual errors on his page and they were almost immediately re-instated. No amount of communication with the Wiki folks is changing this.

      And yah, we are ALL persons of color when we feel like. How convenient.

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    10. Franco,
      I banned This One because he, more than once, called me a vile name in a personal attack.

      I did not ban him because of differences with my political views. Big difference!

    11. BTW, I've been at this blogging thing since Spring 2005. That's 13 years -- almost 20% of my life!

      My blog-administration policies have always been the same since day one. And my blog-administration policies are very similar to my classroom policies.

    12. I don't want her silenced, either.

      Exactly. Not only should we not enable precedent of censorship that will invariably haunt us....we should want to see people for who they really are, rather than the facade they may construct for themselves.

    13. CI,
      She shows the NYT for what the NYT is.

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    16. You are a liar.

      I saw what you recently called my friend The Beak: a synonym of the name you called me.

    17. Note: my above comment was addressed to the commenter immediately above.

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  4. More progressive dingbattery from Sarah Jeong: She calls herself a "person of color."

    Somewhere in a leftwing isolation ward, Rachael Dolezal rattles her chains in outraged indignation.

    1. SF,
      Somewhere in a leftwing isolation ward, Rachael Dolezal rattles her chains in outraged indignation.


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  5. I didn't read all the comments above, but I'm in total agreement with Baysider and, particularly, Silverfiddle. Yes, the media hypocrisy is all about 'divide and conquer'...and nobody would have heard of Alex Jones had the left not gone off on him. I remember, years ago, Ducky slamming Jones (and pulling all Republicans into that) and my asking "Who IS he?" I'm still not sure I've heard or read one word of Jones'. They're now doing this with SOCIALISM... Cynthia Nixon having said that Republicans are going to scream "Socialism!" at every Democrat so "we might as well DO socialism"...rendering Socialism just FINE and only a wrong as a figment of Republican imaginations....Making socialism normal is another 'divide and conquer'...and, along with public school teachings, it's got a good chance because, after all, "we just haven't seen it done RIGHT, but America can do it" welcome to Venezuela, Ms Nixon, have a blast.

    1. Speaking of Venezuela, was that drone stunt screwed up enough to be a Bolton operation or did he just green light a couple of independent whack jobs?

    2. But seriously, what Nixon means is that progressives are no longer frightened of the bluster from ignorant right wingers when the word socialism is used.

    3. Ducky,

      The Caracas drone job had CIA written all over it. When you give a group of criminally incompetent bumblers a huge budget and no accountability, you get the CIA. They have done our nation way more harm than good and should be disbanded.

    4. Unless of course it was a false flag operation designed to allow further repression.

    5. Ed, Could be, but based on my experience, that had CIA botch-job written all over it.

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    7. ......that had CIA botch-job written all over it.

      Could be, but a cornered, failing despot has more to gain by staging an assassination attempt...than does a U.S. intelligence agency attempting a ham-fisted stunt like what we witnessed.

      If we wanted Maduro taking a dirt nap.....there are far better ways to go about it.

    8. Franco,

      I would never want to aid and abet the "foul feathered fiend." (I love your formulations.

      The incident was so amateurish it lead me to my surmise, but it was probably a real internal plot that failed because of crummy equipment and poor execution.

      Who knows

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    10. This book posits the best theory I have ever studied on the subject:


    11. The foundation of most of Central & South America societies is paternalistic-Roman catholic we'll-take-care-of-you-and-tell-you-what-to-do, so don't-rock-the-boat-or-you-die. The 'we' is church and the landed oligarchy. This is a complete reversal of our founding philosophies and utterly at odds with it.

      I hate it when people bring it HERE when they want to escape from THERE but don't understand why. Then they turn HERE into THERE. (Since we have termites in the Republic who want to do they same they aid and abet their infiltration here by every means possible.)

      I can think of no other reason on God's Green Earth why lovely people willing to work hard, get skilled, work smart and driven to provide for family and community cannot succeed in such resource-rich countries as Mexico and Guatemala, e.g. What an example is Venezuela, yet so many Venezuelans think it's just the corruption, if they only get a better socialist. Corruption hurts, of course, as it restrains energy and enthusiasm to make something out of yourself and lets thuggery rule. But it's NOT the whole story.

      Dennis Prager has gotten many young callers from South America who say "we never heard anything like this [Prager University videos] here." There IS no market-driven, liberty-driven opposition - center right or classic liberal. I've heard several men say "we used to think it was just that Chavez was too corrupt, and if only we could find an un-corrupt one, but now we understand there is another way." Indeed.

    12. Your first paragraph doesn't really describe reality there.

      Actually, the oligarchy takes care of itself and doesn't bother to even worry about those less fortunate. Populists who do, do it for their own political gain.

      I hate to say this--and I'll get pounded for it--but in many ways, much of Latin America functions day to day as an anarcho-libertarian society.

      - People there can go months and years enjoying no contact whatsoever with government, and not really being impacted by government, unless things really go off the rails like in Venezuela. Here, we are constantly answering government, begging permission for something, filling out paperwork...

      - People don't trust government or the police, so they band together in families and neighborhood communities and take care of things for themselves, for better or for worse. This contributes to nepotism

      - A job is just a job, rarely with benefits, so entrepreneurship flourishes, from people running full-blown restaurants or business out of their home, to children selling pens, single cigarettes and sticks of gum on the streets.

      To your larger point, which I probably agree with if I understand it: the Spanish came for conquest and exploitation, seeing themselves as an extension of the King and Queen of Spain (actually of Aragon and Castilla).

      The South American revolution of Bolivar, O'Higgins and San Marti came only after the Bourbons took over the Spanish throne. The Criollos had no loyalty to the Bourbons, so they cut ties but the abuse and exploitation continued.

      Precisely because government promises of taking care of everybody remain aspirational, it is a continuing theme with populist demagogues promising to finally deliver on that aspiration.

      Meanwhile, people there take care of themselves, which is why people from there can come here and prosper.

      There are many other factors. The entire continent south of here is shot-through with Marxist rhetoric. While rarely put in practice, Marxism does form the basis of political, economic and social conversations and debate, which in itself explains much of their dysfunction.

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    14. It can be idyllic, if much more rustic than here, but government inaction has its downside when the gangs and militarized criminal cartels move in because government is too weak and/or corrupt to stop them.

      Arrogant people living in advanced nations could embrace some humility by considering who would perish and who would survive it the global lights went out.

  6. And then there's this...

    Peter Fonda encouraging voter fraud so Dems can win in 2018:

    Then we have to take them by the hand and lead them to the water and teach them to drink! If you have a millennial in your family, take their early ballots, fill them out and mail them in, or take the ballot to the voting place and give it to the officials… no more worrying! https://t.co/wiDXP9sl60

    — Peter Henry Fonda (@iamfonda) August 4, 2018

  7. Read this and weep for the toilet bowl downward spiral our society is experienceing thanks to the anger-indulging, rage-filled victimhood-stoking leftwing progressives.

    At this point, I'm rooting for 4chan.

    1. This is what social media hath wrought. As a species, we’re clearly not evolved enough to use it responsibly.

    2. I read the HuffPo piece.

      Victimology on steroids -- or on something else.


    3. Call me a throwback, but I think the evidence clearly shows human beings are not wired to process a constant torrent of news from all over the world, we are not wired to care about all the nations and tribes and peoples of the world, and we are not wired to interact with people from all over the place who are outside our immediate circle of influence and concern.

      You want a conspiracy theory? Somebody created the "Global Village" by deliberate design, and they wired it up with malice and aforethought.

    4. The Vulgar Gasbag celebrated his 30th anniversary today if you want to track the beginning of the end.

    5. Ducky, What the hell are you talking about? Are you being self-referential?

      Say what the hell you mean for once.

    6. Simple progressive answers for simple progressive minds.

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    9. Franco,
      They will raid and plunder each other.

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    1. The Gateway Pundit did a traffic analysis of Facebook.

      Damn, you'll believe anything.

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    2. Unfortunately, if you bust one of the troublemakers' head open, you're the bad guy facing prosecution.

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    4. I recall past presidents marginalizing their unhinged critics by praising the freedom of speech. Now every Cindy Sheehan wannabe in the nation gets to dictate what Trump will tweet about. Sad!

    5. Free speech is the only antidote to unhinged, fringe rantings. Those who would censor political speech via the power of the State are....Traitors.

    6. CI: Read this, and weep:


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    8. Read this, and weep:

      Oh...I have read it. Sigh.....

    9. SF and CI,
      Could that possibly be passed into law?

    10. Sure it could. I could see plenty of GOOPers voting for it.

      The less-understood piece of 'net neutrality' essentially paved the way for government to declare the internet a utility and regulate it as such.

      We are facing dangerous and serious cyber threats that make 'election meddling' look like harmless grade school hijinks.

      When--not if--when--they lock down the internet and ironclad regulate it the way airline travel is regulated, minimizing cyberthreats will be the pretext.

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  11. When you welcomed far left liberal Democrats like Donald Trump into the Republican Party, what did you expect to happen?

    1. Chest-beating summer soldier "real conservatives" to run screaming like little girls from a spider.

    2. What did we expect? To see "principled" Republicans like Steve Schmidt, Jen Ruben, and John Kasich stomp off in a huff because they would rather see Republicans lose gracefully and bend over for one more kick from Democrats than watch a Republican president roll up his sleeves and start kicking some ass.

    3. Never fear, your candidate Politburo Chairman Hillary it thinking of giving it one more try.

    4. And there we have it. If Hillary Clinton became a Republican, Silverfiddle would lead her fan club, sneering at the pricipled.

      Shut up. That's exactly what happened when Trump "became" a Republican, kicking our asses with that 26% increase in gasoline prices.

    5. You're the Hillary fan, not me, Beamish.

      I left the Repubelicon Party a long time ago. Couldn't stand the fat, sweaty, unctuous "religious right."

      Apologies, didn't mean to insult you there...

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    8. Franco,

      I summed up my philosophy on politicians at Western Hero on October 13th, 2010 when rightwing religious kooks and unhinged tea partiers stuck with a political charlatan because he was the "conservative" "outsider."

      Those unhinged conservatives handed the governorship to Democrat John Hickenlooper (not a bad guy actually... plays the banjo)

      Here is my post:

      Your Politicians: Drive 'em Like You Stole 'em!

    9. Excerpts:

      "Political hero worship blinded us to Bush's wild progressive spending, and it put an inexperienced community organizer in the White House."

      "Like Wall Street, The Big Three, and every other welfare queen standing in line, I see a politician as a vehicle to get us where we want to go. The difference is, I want it to go down Constitution Freeway, they want to steer it down Handout Highway.

      We need to stop worshiping our politicians and start riding them like a stolen motorcycle. And when it don't go no more, ditch it and grab another one. That's how the hijackers who are looting our treasury see things."

    10. We need to stop worshiping our politicians and start riding them like a stolen motorcycle.

      That is pure peotry right there! If only more Americans thought likewise.

    11. That's hilarious stuff. "We need to stop worshiping our politicians," from the resident authoritarian here worshipfully jam-stuck in the binary mode that only Hillary supporters can oppose Trump.

      Don't worship anybody, unless it's Trump lol

    12. Beamish,

      You would look slightly less pathetic if you find a quote from me that is "worshipful" of President Trump.

      "Authoritarian?" Awwww, poor baby, are you feeling oppressed? Do we need to send Pajama Boy over with a comfort pig for you?

    13. I tripped over a four-sided triangle on the path to you criticizing Trump on conservative or libertarian grounds. Found plenty of posts where you've attacked others for criticizing Trump, on any grounds. Particularly hostile are your posts against conservative and libertarian critics of Trump.

      All we really know for sure is that now that you're unmoored from any kind of principles whatsoever, all Nancy Pelosi needs to do for your support is change her party affiliation.

    14. Repubelicon has nothing to do with it. 2016 was a two-car race with only two outcomes: Statist Prog Hillary as President or Molotov Cocktail Donald Trump as president.

      I respect the views of others, including those who voted for Obama once or twice and those who voted for Hillary.

      I also reserve the right to ridicule and laugh at the whiny diaper rash babies still throwing tantrums over the election of President Donald J. Trump.

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    16. Franco,
      Danger, Will Robinson!

      It depends on who decides what the standards are. We live in an age of fluidity--not that I like that, but fluidity is now the norm.

      First they came...

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    19. Yeah, Silvwrfiddle. "At least he snot Hillary."

      Never mind that the 20 or so other people running for President weren't Hillary either. The key words there are "at least."

      I can respect the bare minimum thinkers among us - whoopee we put off a Hillary / Democrat Presidency for 4 years - but what are we getting "at most?" Is the price of denying Hillary the Oval Office for 4 years worth the long term damage to conservatism and libertarianism Trump is gleefully inflicting?

      Who exactly is Trump rallying. Sure he has his little redoubt of choir members singing "o woe is me" (in some cases, all the way to prison) but outside that impregnable bubble of gormless sycophants, what new appeal is Trump building? He's reduced himself to celebrating that 46% of a small sample of Americans approve of him. Say what you will about Trump's enemies but you can't deny that he's actively cultivating them. Opposition to Trump is growing. Support for Trump is not. I believe a major cause of Trump's lack of support is that all critics - left and right - are lumped together and thrown under the bus. Trump's bus ain't big enough for that.

      Viewed as a team sport, all of the 2018 primary elections (including yesterday's) have seen a massive surge of Democrat voters in states Trump won. Republicans that recieved Trump's kiss of death, I mean endorsement, lost their elections handily. The allegedly "most vulnerable" Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill is going to win so handily I've already bet good money on it. If McCaskill wins, so does every other Democrat running for the Senate this year. It's math. The Senate will flip to a Democrat majority, and the House probably will too.

      But, "at least it snot Hillary." Well yeah, mission accomplished. Hillary lost, now what?

      Oh? That's too principled of a football game? Well huh huh at least Trump totally dominated the coin toss.

    20. @Franco

      I find it telling that you see "tidal waves of contempt" for the current government. I agree that it's unhelpful to maintaining a "decent, productive, more enlightened society."

      Fortunately or unfortunately, we don't have one of those to maintain. The Donald Trumps of our society could not and would not exist in one of those.

      So how do we deal with the scum that has risen to the top?

    21. Every election is an opportunity, not a solution. I understand the argument that President Trump's election as the Republican president damages conservatism, but let's face it; nobody's done more damage to conservatism than Republicans. They talk free markets, smaller government and balanced budgets, but they do the opposite.

      President Trump does no harm to libertarianism since he's never espoused it and probably doesn't know what it is.

      I have lamented on numerous occasions that he is a vulgar blowhard who delivers truckloads of ammo daily to his growing army of enemies and haters.

      Here we are. It's conjecture, but I prefer where we are now to where I think we would be with President Hillary.

    22. Franco,

      Thank you for the kind words on the old blog post, but its all road apples behind us now. Boy was I naive.

      America and the world are entering a Brave New Future whether we like it or not.

    23. @Silverfiddle

      The "At least it snot Hillary" candle doesn't even have a wick to light anymore.

      You said "nobody's done more damage to conservatism than Republicans." I agree, in the sense that they crowned the successes of running hundreds if not a thousand or so Democrats out of office in state and federal elections since 2010 with... Donald Trump.

      It's a sad fact that Barack Obama increased the power and stature of American conservatism and libertarianism more than Trump has - or ever will. Whatever you want to call the "Deep State" - from Obama's IRS targeting conservatives back when Trump was financing Obama's allies to now - none of that has handed a defeat to conservatism or libertarianism quite like the idea that we have to support Trump.

      I've got an idea. Why don't we let Trump supporters pony up the $12 Billion in farm relief that became necessary because of Trump's tariffs? Make America Great on your own dime, left-wing idiot.

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    25. The meaning of the catch phrase Danger, Will Robinson:

      Phrase uttered by Robot B9 from the TV series "Lost in Space". Used now as a catchprase to warn someone that s/he is about to do something...downright dangerous.

    26. Beamish: You're crying over a measly $12 billion? When George Bush and Repubelicons doubled the national debt from 5 to 10 trillion?

      Repubelicons also had their snouts in the trough when Obama almost doubled the national debt again.

      And speaking of hogs and troughs, President Trump is adding around a trillion a year to the national debt, with GOOPers happily joining in on the larceny, so spare us your soggy diaper wailing over a piffling $12 billion.

      See? This is what has happened to conservatives and Republicans. They have no credibility left, and its their own damned fault. They didn't repeal Obamacare, they didn't do jack about illegal immigration, they blew money like wild-eyed democrats and they bloated the federal government. They supported various endless global wars that have consumed over $10 trillion, and they did more damage to "family values" and religion than any rabble of God-hating communists could ever hope to do.

      President Donald J. Trump is not the cause of this GOOP self-immolating debasement; He is the result.

    27. We need to stop worshiping our politicians

      Music to my ears. I've been singing that tune for years. But so many still do - hence the basis of much of the 'never Trumpers' on the center right. A more extreme example is that at some level I understood how femiNazis stood square behind Bill Clinton, despite credible claims that he was a rapist and other obnoxious personal behavior toward women (ditto for Hillary). He CARRIED THEIR WATER, and they weren't about to deep six him for the sake of a few individual women whose lives he ruined.

    28. SF,
      President Donald J. Trump is not the cause of this GOOP self-immolating debasement; He is the result.

      Spot on, my friend!

    29. Baysider,
      It is un-American to worship any politician!

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    31. "President Donald J. Trump is not the cause of this GOOP self-immolating debasement; He is the result."

      Actually, President Hillary Clinton would have been a more poignant result. Now the Republican Party is openly hostile to conservatives. Hillary's hand-picked opponent is doing exactly what the left sent him to do.

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  14. This is a recent lefting fascist tactic: Identify and attack the enemy. Personally. They are already doing it to ICE agents.

    The philosophy is to get people serving in hated government organizations to quit or turn by threatening them, their property and their loved ones. "We know where you live" can be chilling.

    This was quite effective in fighting corrupt regimes in Latin America. I saw it first hand and heard many more stories.

    As always, our pampered latte leftists here are playacting another time and place that they naively romanticize. 99% of them would soil their dainties if they came up against real government brutality.

  15. About the banning of Alex Jones, from Facebook, YouTube, And Apple Ban Alex Jones. Here's Why They're Dead Wrong:

    ...Trust in social media is declining nearly as fast as trust in media overall. There’s a reason for that. And it’s NOT because social media tolerates voices like Jones. It’s because they don’t tolerate voices like Jones while tolerating voices who are just as bad on the political Left – and they show no signs of limiting their censorship to Alex Jones.

    Read the rest at the above link.

    First they came...

    1. They're still coming....:

      One day after what appeared to be a coordinated attack by media giants Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google on Alex Jones, whose various social media accounts were banned or suspended in a matter of hours, the crackdown against alternative media figures continued as several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, found their Twitter accounts suspended.

      On Monday, Twitter suspended the editorial director of antiwar.com Scott Horton, former State Department employee Peter Van Buren, and Dan McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute.


    2. CI,

      Thanks for providing that link.

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    5. What are the Vichy Republicans going to do about it?

      The left literally dictates Trump's tweets now. I can almost imagine them snickering over what they are going to make Trump cry about tomorrow.

    6. Republicans? When the government finally seizes total dictatorial control of the innerwebz--complete with speech codes permission slips to publish so much as a comment on-line, it will be because of GOP votes in congress.

    7. SF,
      speech codes permission slips to publish so much as a comment on-line, it will be because of GOP votes in congress

      No doubt! Grrrrr.

  16. Replies
    1. That was a good read. Thank you for the link.

      You asked in you comment, what can we do? All we can do is vote. A vote against a Democrat is a vote against the press. Hugh Hewett made the point that the national press is mobilized in Ohio today to actively support the Democrat and defeat the Republican in that congressional election.

      Here is where government wants to go:


      Of all the advanced nations, we have the freest speech, and it scares the elites.

      The Infotainment Media Complex, the Government Education Complex and social media have been enfantilizing and propagandizing us for generations. All it will take is a few false-flag operations (or a few more acts of rightwing violence like happened in Charlottesville) and a plurality of people will be clamoring for government to "do something," and those same sheeple will voluntarily give up their rights. The thing of it is, those are not their rights to give up.

  17. On the West Coast, it's become unhinged. Just as a reminder, Google, Blogger, You Tube and Facebook are based in Northern California, so go figure why these kooks banned Alex Jones. And now, The Moonbats in unholywood want to remove Donald Trump's star permanently. And yes, AOW, I decided I'd better stop by after I read your tweet and responded to it. I'm one of your eyes and ears in Southern California. And out of respect for staying calm and cool, I held back from slapping Quackobyrd and Pookie Toot Toot around here. Better that I show self restraint, rather than slap a moonbat around like the goons who took a whack at Donald Trump's star with a pick axe.

  18. Another benefit of electing Donald Trump: The ACLU has abandoned their potemkin "protect all speech" charade. They are only for speech that vandalizes our society, blowtorches our morals and shreds the social fabric of our nation and our values.

    1. What's the ACLU in a position to do?
      A bunch of private companies decide to give Alex Jones the bum's rush. It's not actionable.
      The test would be if Jones somehow brought suit. Would they join the suit but that won't happen.

      So for the time being you'll have to get your chem trail news somewhere else.

    2. I am not a fan, but ...First they came for the kook conspiracy blowhard, but I was not a kook conspiracy blowhard...

      You progs are fit for chains.

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    1. We have slander and libel laws, as well as laws against incitement to violence and provoking speech. Those are good enough for a free, thinking people.

      We don't need a government politburo protecting us from meanies and loonies spouting crap.

    2. SF - +1, spot on as usual.

      POTUS and members of the media should remain free to continue lying and slapfighting. Freedom is messy...but it beats the alternative.

    3. SF,
      We don't need a government politburo protecting us from meanies and loonies spouting crap.

      HEAR, HEAR!

    4. We'll see if the libel and slander laws have any affect on Jones.

      He's defending the suit against him for his disgusting portrayal of the Sandy Hook massacre by claiming he is simply reporting the news.

  21. I see it clearly now....

    It's not only Alex Jones who's being given the bum's rush.

    I see very clearly what's going on: the Enemedia are, in effect, silencing anyone whom they perceive as possibly helping Trump to win in 2020.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's bigger than that. The unholy agglomeration of leftists, statists and illiberal liberals believes we've hit a tipping point where they can actually drive the daggers in and cut off the air to the "reactionaries."

      This is ultimately about putting any speech opposing progressive statist dogma beyond the pale.

      Wait till they start banning dangerous "anti-science" speech by climate change "deniers."

      Bible-based religion = Hate Speech

      The crafty bastards have already structured the dialog on race, immigration, etc such that any opposition can be damned as racism or ridiculed as "white victimhood."

      The progressive left has always been about shutting down--violently if necessary--those freethinkers who refuse to go along with their master plans.

      It is a sorry development to see so many conservatives taking the same approach.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. No I haven't. My thoughts are mine and I did not restate what you said, although we are in agreement. I am certainly not being "combative" towards you.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. All the ones whom Trump endorsed won?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Here in Missouri, the Trump / Vichy Republican Party financially backed Josh Hawley, a man who consistently loses against Claire McCaskill in head-to-head polling, and he won a plurality with 43% of Republican voters voting for other candidates. Most non-Hawley Missouri Republicans share the same sentiments that Hawley can't beat McCaskill, and that the national Republican Party should not have pumped millions of dollars into Hawley's campaign months before there was even a primary. Hawley was shoved down our throats, near half of Missouri Republicans resent that.

      I believe that Claire McCaskill should thank Trump in her victory speech.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    1. here. But then again, maybe Fox isn't the MSM anymore. It's media for the unidoctrinated.

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  29. Replies
    1. Property owner Jason Badger said he and his wife had pressed authorities to remove the group from the makeshift compound on his land.

      Despite numerous complaints and tips to law enforcement and then FBI they did nothing. Like their European counterparts, they fear accusations of Islamophobia.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I suggest the FBI would not be happy without a do over of Waco. That's how they roll these days.

    4. Bunkerville,
      They are willing to risk a Beslan slaughter here on American soil. 334 deaths! 783 wounded/

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Franco The FBI had plenty of opportunities to pick up Koresh. He was in town every week for supplies. It was Hillary that gave the order to Reno.
      AOW... the FBI is totally out of control. Thanks for the reminder, less we forget.

    7. Yeah, and the psychotic Waco child molester was tipped ff by the local cops.

      The psychotic Waco child molester's cult immolated itself.

    8. If they'd only been muslims doing they child bride thing and some FGM, it'd all been cool.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. The Elian Gonzales case was in reaction to a court ruling that the boy be returned to his father.
      Rule of law means nothing to FreeThinke (what a misnomer)

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Who cares if the kindly grandpa was a WTC bombing co-conspirator?

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me: Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.

    O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands; If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:) Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust.

    Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded. So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about: for their sakes therefore return thou on high.

    The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.

    My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart. God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

    Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.
    His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.

    I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.

    ... Psalm 7 - KJV

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Although loath to admit it, I'm afraid the situation regarding intramual communication in Blogistan really is quite hopeless.

    3. Franco,
      It's the same at all the newspaper web sites, too.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. These ticks carry the following diseases:

    as Lyme spirochetes, spotted fever group rickettsiae,[13] Ehrlichia chaffeensis, and Anaplasma bovis have been detected in H. longicornis.[14] It has been associated with Russian spring-summer encephalitis, Powassan virus, Khasan virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus,[6]:4, Japanese spotted fever,[15] and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome.[10]

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think that everyone decided to take the day off. Or maybe they are all spent with the effort of arguing.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Silverfiddle has a post queued up for a few days from now.

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  39. This comment has been removed by the author.


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