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Monday, August 13, 2018

Personal Update


Some good lab numbers from a physical!

 For the first time in over two years, my GFR, a value indicating the kidneys' filtration rate, is approaching normal. Click directly on the graphic below to enlarge it:

I've been feeling so much better, and the numbers here show why.

This round of health hell, which began in September 2016, is over — at long last. So grateful for my wonderful urologist and surgeon, who turned around my terrible numbers so that I could avoid dialysis.  The November 2016 surgery to remediate hydronephrosis was a resounding success!


  1. Thank you for sharing this great news with us! Congrats!

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  3. It's been a long, long road.

    I still have some back issues, so I will do in for radiofrequency ablation on August 24.

  4. Fantastic news... I can't imagine what you have been through. Prayers for your next hurdle to be a complete success

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  8. So glad to hear your health is improving. You encourage us by writing this blog so I hope you receive encouragement back from your followers.

    1. Linda,
      Thank you for your well wishes.

      And thank you for saying that this blog matters. There are days that I feel I'm spinning my wheels.


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