Guest post by Silverfiddle
"Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda." -- Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951
We are witnessing North American Maoism on the march, the...
"total destruction of the traditions and values of the past."
Human nature does not change, and history repeats itself, but in new and interesting ways contoured to time and place, so no historical analogy is perfect. The neonazi racists and Orwellian-named antifa street fascists are indeed 21st century avatars of demons that have plagued humankind throughout our history.
The neonazis are about as subtle as a club to the face; any analysis of them would be uninteresting.
The unfurling of Maoism right here right now is fascinating, starting with how the rural/urban conflict is flipped, as it was in Argentina by the Peronists:
America's urban ant heaps are the revolutionary vanguard, fighting the rural demons and small-minded traditionalists who prevent "progress,"
"Cultural Revolution directed against traditionalism"
"People's War"
"Revolutionary struggle of the vast majority of people against the exploiting classes and their state structures."
Hate Totems
Its not enough to disagree with the dissidents and stubborn nonconformists. You must demean them and make your enemies objects of hatred. They are a threat to the hive. Has anyone on the Maoist left said anything charitable about any person who diplomatically opposes gay marriage, transgenders in the military, or climate change?
Speech Codes
Maoism demands forced public mea culpas & compulsory statements that echo the ideology and include zombie-like repetitions of approved words, phrases and credos. Just ask President Trump or Governor McAuliffe following their incorrect statements in the wake of Charlottesville neonazi-leftwing fascist riot.
Only a Progressive Icon like Barack Obama, on the event of yet another assassination of police officers, can issue a double-message: condolences to the families of the officers bla bla bla, and in the same breath, suggest it was all justified by police oppression.
Taliban-like Iconoclasm
Once the Maoist mob has toppled the last confederate statue, do you think they will clap the dust from their hands, exchange satisfied smiles and flop down for a nice nap? Anyone who believes that is a fool, is not paying attention, has not studied history, and is ignorant of human nature. Washington and Jefferson are next. The red brigades would love to jackhammer those white slaveowner faces off Mount Rushmore.
Next, a great wave of renamed streets, universities, whole neighborhoods. Even town and city names will fall in the great purge.
All this will be aided and abetted by dissidents being banned from twitter, facebook, YouTube, blogs and other social media, all in the name of stopping "Hate Speech," which is whatever the People's Councils say it is.
"Control the Language, Control the Debate"
Leftwing deconstructionists are also hijacking the vocabulary for the purposes of putting certain dangerous and "incorrect" concepts off limits.
Repeating "White Nationalism" (an academic term, just like black nationalism) over and over, using it to besmirch the age-old and non-racist concept of nationalism.
The goal is to paint everyone outside the hive as evil and racist, goading those caught in the middle to take sides.
Take Sides! There is no middle ground.
Do you voice incorrect opinions about gender, immigration, pop culture? You're a bigot
Keeping your own counsel won't protect you. You must mouth the platitudes and credos: If you do not give vocal support to high school men who think they are women showering and using the toilet with your daughter, you are a homophobe, transphobe cisgendered troglodyte and you cannot be trusted.
Better to "Go Green!" than be thought an anti-science moron by the cool kids (who will out you for "triggering" them)
So, good people throw up their hands and allow themselves to be frog marched into the hive...
..But in the hive, some drones have more privileged than others by virtue of their special victim status.
They may insult others, but to insult them is to commit a grave transgression.
They may self-segregate, but you may not.
They can start and stop conversations at will, force you to participate, but you may not ask inconvenient or embarrassing questions.
They can call names, casually slipping derisory pejoratives like "Old white men" into our cultural mainstream, giving the proles a good laugh as the "old white people" "die off," ushering in a glorious progressive tomorrow.
The protected classes also enjoy full license to stereotype whole groups of people by race, religion, etc as bigots, racists, murderers, usurpers of privilege, etc.
Often, this linguistic vandalism slips into petty, catty revenge: Calling an act of violence by a white person Christian terrorism, white nation terror or some such clunky formulation. That'll teach those white devils to defame Muslims!
Will we end up like Mao's China or Pol Pot's Cambodia?
No. No one will be marched to the country to be machine-gunned or worked to death in the rice paddies. No mountains of conservative skulls.
Dissidents will simply be cut off from Twitter and Facebook (having their tongues cut out) or get their websites shut down (printing presses smashed), and the red hordes will cheer the "progress."
We are a cloven nation, most likely permanently.
The feel good pheromones of urban ant heaps will continue to attract.
But rural and small town America's intangible benefits of lifelong friend and family ties, tradition, and community will keep that half of America from wasting away. Also, there will always be jobs there. You can't drill for oil, mine and farm in the city, and although some dumbarrogant urban hipsters don't realize it, they wouldn't last a week if the trains, trucks and tankers from the hinterlands stopped rolling in.
Will we end up like Mao's China?
No. We are becoming Argentina built upon a Tower of Babel, with DC politicians dividing us up and pitting us against one another, while they get fat and rich off "public service."