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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Amrika's Long March

Guest post by Silverfiddle

"Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda." -- Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951

We are witnessing North American Maoism on the march, the...

"total destruction of the traditions and values of the past."

Human nature does not change, and history repeats itself, but in new and interesting ways contoured to time and place, so no historical analogy is perfect. The neonazi racists and Orwellian-named antifa street fascists are indeed 21st century avatars of demons that have plagued humankind throughout our history.

The neonazis are about as subtle as a club to the face; any analysis of them would be uninteresting.

The unfurling of Maoism right here right now is fascinating, starting with how the rural/urban conflict is flipped, as it was in Argentina by the Peronists: 

America's urban ant heaps are the revolutionary vanguard, fighting the rural demons and small-minded traditionalists who prevent "progress,"

"Cultural Revolution directed against traditionalism"

"People's War"

"Revolutionary struggle of the vast majority of people against the exploiting classes and their state structures."

Hate Totems

Its not enough to disagree with the dissidents and stubborn nonconformists. You must demean them and make your enemies objects of hatred. They are a threat to the hive. Has anyone on the Maoist left said anything charitable about any person who diplomatically opposes gay marriage, transgenders in the military, or climate change?

Speech Codes

Maoism demands forced public mea culpas & compulsory statements that echo the ideology and include zombie-like repetitions of approved words, phrases and credos. Just ask President Trump or Governor McAuliffe following their incorrect statements in the wake of Charlottesville neonazi-leftwing fascist riot.

Only a Progressive Icon like Barack Obama, on the event of yet another assassination of police officers, can issue a double-message: condolences to the families of the officers bla bla bla, and in the same breath, suggest it was all justified by police oppression.

Taliban-like Iconoclasm

Once the Maoist mob has toppled the last confederate statue, do you think they will clap the dust from their hands, exchange satisfied smiles and flop down for a nice nap? Anyone who believes that is a fool, is not paying attention, has not studied history, and is ignorant of human nature. Washington and Jefferson are next. The red brigades would love to jackhammer those white slaveowner faces off Mount Rushmore.

Next, a great wave of renamed streets, universities, whole neighborhoods. Even town and city names will fall in the great purge.

All this will be aided and abetted by dissidents being banned from twitter, facebook, YouTube, blogs and other social media, all in the name of stopping "Hate Speech," which is whatever the People's Councils say it is.

"Control the Language, Control the Debate"

Leftwing deconstructionists are also hijacking the vocabulary for the purposes of putting certain dangerous and "incorrect" concepts off limits.

Repeating "White Nationalism" (an academic term, just like black nationalism) over and over, using it to besmirch the age-old and non-racist concept of nationalism.

The goal is to paint everyone outside the hive as evil and racist, goading those caught in the middle to take sides.

Take Sides! There is no middle ground.

Do you voice incorrect opinions about gender, immigration, pop culture? You're a bigot

Keeping your own counsel won't protect you. You must mouth the platitudes and credos: If you do not give vocal support to high school men who think they are women showering and using the toilet with your daughter, you are a homophobe, transphobe cisgendered troglodyte and you cannot be trusted.

Better to "Go Green!" than be thought an anti-science moron by the cool kids (who will out you for "triggering" them)

So, good people throw up their hands and allow themselves to be frog marched into the hive...

..But in the hive, some drones have more privileged than others by virtue of their special victim status.

They may insult others, but to insult them is to commit a grave transgression.

They may self-segregate, but you may not.

They can start and stop conversations at will, force you to participate, but you may not ask inconvenient or embarrassing questions.

They can call names, casually slipping derisory pejoratives like "Old white men" into our cultural mainstream, giving the proles a good laugh as the "old white people" "die off," ushering in a glorious progressive tomorrow.

The protected classes also enjoy full license to stereotype whole groups of people by race, religion, etc as bigots, racists, murderers, usurpers of privilege, etc.

Often, this linguistic vandalism slips into petty, catty revenge: Calling an act of violence by a white person Christian terrorism, white nation terror or some such clunky formulation. That'll teach those white devils to defame Muslims!

Will we end up like Mao's China or Pol Pot's Cambodia?

No. No one will be marched to the country to be machine-gunned or worked to death in the rice paddies. No mountains of conservative skulls.

Dissidents will simply be cut off from Twitter and Facebook (having their tongues cut out) or get their websites shut down (printing presses smashed), and the red hordes will cheer the "progress."

We are a cloven nation, most likely permanently.

The feel good pheromones of urban ant heaps will continue to attract.

But rural and small town America's intangible benefits of lifelong friend and family ties, tradition, and community will keep that half of America from wasting away. Also, there will always be jobs there. You can't drill for oil, mine and farm in the city, and although some dumbarrogant urban hipsters don't realize it, they wouldn't last a week if the trains, trucks and tankers from the hinterlands stopped rolling in.

Will we end up like Mao's China?

No. We are becoming Argentina built upon a Tower of Babel, with DC politicians dividing us up and pitting us against one another, while they get fat and rich off "public service." 

 Argentina: Once government corruption, regulation, and debt have hobbled our economy, and social engineering has reduced our military to the level of the average NATO nation, we'll be there.

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  3. SF,
    Thank you for being willing to post here at Always On Watch. Great essay!

    1. Yes SF, thank you. It really is a great post.

    2. Well stated, SF! Not that the; leftista/progressives would approve. But then, one cannot educate the toddler with their eyes closed, their fingers in their ears, chanting, "La-la-la-la, I can't hear you!" and, "Don't confuse me with the facts! I've made up my mind!"


  4. Maoism demands forced public mea culpas...

    As long as we're on the topic of assuming mea culpa, should not the New York Times disband as a result of having been built on a foundation of white supremacy?

    Recently I read this: Confederate Flags in Times Square? and found the information quite astounding.

    Let's not stop with the removal of the tiles. Let us move on to tear down the New York Times, built on a foundation of white supremacy.

    Remember Adolph Ochs, who is credited with the newspaper's masthead motto "All the news that's fit to print"?

    Again, Ochs was clearly a Southern sympathizer.

    And a member of the Ochs Family still holds sway at the New York Times.

    Destroy the New York Times! It must make atonement for its white supremacy!

  5. SF stated in the blog post: Take Sides! There is no middle ground.

    Throwing over the traces of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, which relied on compromises. And one of those compromises was the the Three-Fifths Compromise.

    No choice other than compromise was possible if our newly founded nation was to be a nation at all!

  6. Excelleny post, SF. I might read it on air today.

    1. Thanks. I'm prone to rambling, so feel free to excerpt and edit with abandon.

  7. Shall we also destroy these these monuments? These monuments are "sacred cows" for the Left. See the list, please.

    1. You forgot the "Fremont Lenin", AOW which has an interesting history.

      It's interesting that statues of Lenin are still up in Russia but Stalin's image is extremely scarce. Wonder why they both weren't torn down.

    2. statues of Lenin are still up in Russia but Stalin's image is extremely scarce.

      The power of pc cannot be denied. Stalin went the way of Robert E. Lee. He wasn't an "Internationalist," like Lenin.

  8. WoW! Awesome post sf! Best I've seen in years.

  9. "Control the Language, Control the Debate"

    Yeah, use "Maoism" a lot. Hyperbole is the fringe right's friend.

    Use "Antifa" as often as possible. That's the new "Alinsky" and you didn't understand that either.

    Well, the fringe right Nazis seemed to have fizzled in Boston today.
    So far it looks like:
    Normal Americans - 200,000+
    Fringe Right - two dozen

    1. Control the Media, Control the Debate. Racist Charlottesville overcame Libertarian Boston. All they had to do was paint them with the same (racist) broad brush.

    2. The Blue Kite is a superior chronicle of the damage caused by the Cultural Revolution.

    3. Hit a little close to home, eh Ducky? Heh heh heh...

      Thanks for letting us know. I came up with the concept on my own, unlike you good little hive drones on the left cutting and pasting the propaganda the politburo outlets provide you.

    4. @ Ducky:
      "Normal Americans - 200,000+
      Fringe Right - two dozen"

      You fringe lefties are also outside the "Normal Americans" mainstream

      And, unlike the left, who need enemies, we normals outside the Maoist hive cheer the demise of fringe elements.

    5. @ Ducky: "The Blue Kite is a superior chronicle of the damage caused by the Cultural Revolution."

      ...and you and your grubby confrères of the Weekend Warrior Resist Revolutionario Brigages (Latte Leftist Platoon) have learned absolutely nothing from the film. Sad

    6. Actually, a lot has been learned.
      It's been obvious for some time that a sudden violent revolution is a harbinger of disaster.
      It's not so obvious how to affect change in an environment where the oligarchy has complete control of the media.

      The urban/rural conflict you mention is just a small part of a complex problem.
      One way to make progress is by name calling.
      I feel sorry for the hard core right, however.
      Now that they realize the idiot they elected has feet of clay they aren't able to learn but merely double down. It won't end well.

    7. The "hard core right" is a fringe element, and unlike the fringe left, is powerless.

      If you think that tiny cohort put President Trump over the top, you really are indoctrinated.

      "the oligarchy has complete control of the media"

      ...and they are on your side.

    8. @ Nostradumbass:
      "Hyperbole is the fringe right's friend."

      You're totally blind to your own BS.

      "That's the new "Alinsky" and you didn't understand that either."

      Oh, we understand it readily enough. Surrounding a dead skunk with lofty and flowery platitudes doesn't make it stink any less.

      "Normal Americans - 200,000+"

      You mean like these "Normal Americans"?

    9. More "Normal Americans" (right click -> open in new tab)

      BTW, some of those "Normal Americans" started attacking the police about 2:30 pm EST.

  10. Well written article, SF. Articulating the connections between the rival political factions facing off today is accurate. Labeling the left as Maoist is also an excellent insight.

    I can't say exactly what the solution will be. But I believe it's not likely to be resolved until we recognize that the left and right as rival political entities may well both be directed by a power that transcends both factions. Somehow we are not allowed to identify how this may even be done with a supreme control of the media, academia and the financial and banking system of the country.

    Somehow focusing on the political infighting while ignoring the higher mechanism existing leads to the ugly street fights with thugs bashing each other over the head with heavy clubs while the real manipulators sit back and eat pop corn while observing from a distance.

  11. Free speech died in Boston today. It's over folks. Embrace pc, and the Uniparty and expect to be excluded from social media, soon. The thought police are in FULL control.

    1. ps - You don't need to wait for the Two Minute Hate.

    2. Wow! How badly was she hurt?
      She was uninjured.

    3. Duck,
      How do you know that?

      The footage I watched seemed to show a scrape on the right side of her face.

    4. how does Ducky know? He was the person in the background shouting "Hey! We need some muscle over here!"

    5. ...and a video of Leftists spitting on the same women later (and posted below).

  12. Has anyone on the Maoist left said anything charitable about any person who diplomatically opposes gay marriage, transgenders in the military, or climate change?
    What's to be said?
    Is it possible to discuss the reason we don't want to exclude parts of the population from a CIVIL institution?

    Military leaders came out in opposition to invoking the transgender ban. Whom do we rely on for the facts? The military actually has a successful history of inclusion. Why does Trump want to impose on it?

    It seems to me that climate change opposition manages to mount its cogent argument by resorting to calls of "junk science" and hysteria that a green platform will "destroy the economy"? You've been very successful with that message.
    How difficult was it to start the "war on coal" meme and avoid investigating the actual causes of the world wide coal glut?

    You really are on shaky ground.

    1. Why discuss anything when you can punch them, and get away with it?

  13. Just cross-pollinated this over to my site. Excellent and cogent arguments.

  14. Pardon the off-topic, but why are we seeing rightwing haters who were previously on the left?

    The Portland murderer enraged by seeing a burka was a Bernie Bro.

    Now, the San Fran electrician fired when they saw his participation in the Unite the Right rally over social media, has been revealed to be previously with OWS and BLM!

    How does a rational person makes such a drastic swing?

    How many more cases of this are there?

    I don't say this to exonerate anyone. Real racists showed up at that and other rallies and they say and do racially hateful things.

    I simply wonder how many of these trans-ideologues there are, and why?


    1. SF,
      I've been noticing to that which you are referring. In fact, last night Warren and I discussed one of these individuals: Jason Kessler.

      Are they really trans-ideologues, or are they agents provocateurs?

      Or are they sociopaths?

    2. BTW, SF, your question isn't really off-topic.

  15. City of Boston and the Boston Police did a great job handling the crowds, while still letting everyone express themselves peacefully.

    McAuliffe's Virginia could learn a thing or two.

    1. SF,
      From where I'm sitting, the authorities in Charlottesville were, at the least, negligent.

      At worst, the clashes were desired -- perhaps even promoted.

      Which is it? All of the above?

  16. History repeats itself primarily because human beings have the corporate memory of a gnat. Worse, growing numbers of our fellow citizens are unconcerned about their fellow man. It is interesting to note how nonchalant the leftists are whenever there is a tragedy of one form or another. A bridge collapses; a police officer is assassinated; a bomb goes off in Boston, killing several and injuring several more. Does anyone on the left drop what they’re doing to pitch in to provide immediate assistance? No ... the immediate response is a litany of derisive comments, scoffing, and snickering in the manner of adolescents. The response we hear from the left whenever a police officer is shot in the line of duty is, “Well the pig had it coming.”

    The differences between these two groups is like night vs. day. When Tea Party folks hold a demonstration, they clean up after themselves; leftists leave their filth on the street for someone else to deal with. Whenever a tragedy occurs, I see folks on the right doing something to help. It may not be much, but it is what they are able to do. Every little bit helps. Everyone can do something.

    There is an unfurling of Maoism ... SF is absolutely correct ... and the left isn’t even subtle about it. Here are but two examples, but don’t overlook the link at the bottom of this comment.

    The third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Tse-tung and Mother Teresa. Not often coupled with each other. In 1947, when Mao Tse-tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, the Nationalist Chinese helped the cities, they had the army, they had the Air Force, they had everything on their side. And people said, ‘How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this? Against all the odds against you?’ And Mao Tse-tung said, ‘You fight your war and I’ll fight mine,’ and think about that for a second.” — Anita Dunn

    We get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system, to beat the market or at least find someone who will pay you a lot of money because they’re convinced that there is a free lunch. We know this is largely about power, that it’s an adults-only, no-limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political ‘power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.” —Ron Bloom

    It isn’t so much that America is rapidly becoming an indecent nation; we are already there. Our once virtuous society is long gone. So too is our common sense. The left has created a culture of unparalleled intolerance; anyone in disagreement must sit down and shut up ... or suffer a verbal or physical assault.

    So, you want a demonstration of how bad this has become? Witness this anti-fascist group applaud as actual speeches of Adolf Hitler are read over a bullhorn. Link: https://twitter.com/ten_gop/status/883818815150321664

    1. Mustang,
      The culture of unparalleled intolerance has become toxic.

      Are we in the midst of a kind of civil war?

    2. Ed,
      Yes, my dear friend Mustang is still around.

    3. I'm sorry, I thought that my comment was in reply to another comment that I was surprised hadn't been removed. I have no idea what comment I was thinking of. Unless it was since removed with no residue.

    4. Ed,
      No worries.

      I can try to track everything down if you need for me to do so.

    5. No need, I was merely taking out the "trash".

      I had to go back later and do it again. You'd think that after ten years it would get the general idea. It posted the same comment again after I removed it the first time.

    6. Warren,
      Stuttering and perseverating.

      Those that troll sites seem to forget that those sites are owned by someone else. Private property, in other words.

  17. Perfect.

    "any analysis of them would be uninteresting."

    yea, all part of the strategy? I have no interest in engaging with 3 yr old's, so they are free to fire at will.

    Comrade Brevmenov.. "And this they do not realize. Until a military booth crashes into their fat bottom, but not before and this is the tragedy of the situation".

  18. @mustang - leftists leave their filth on the street for someone else to deal with.
    When have you ever been in the aftermath of a leftist demonstration?

    There have been two large demonstrations in Boston since Happy Hands was elected and the Commons and the march routes were not trashed.
    After the initial march (largest in Boston history) the only problem was overflowing trash cans. We care about our city.

    It wasn't trashed today either.

    1. When have you ever been in the aftermath of a leftist demonstration?

      Tell that to the 80,000 Black Bloc and Autonomists at the G-20 in Hamburg, ducky.

  19. @mustang -- a bomb goes off in Boston.

    We were complacent?

    We din't give blood and contribute to the injured or aid the injured?
    Or are you so deluded that you believe only the right does those things.

    Beyond ignorant.

    1. No, Nostradumbass.
      Mustang was arguing in general terms and you, as almost always, were arguing from the specific. The people of Boston were almost frantic and the rest of the "Progressive" establishment was worried about the "poor Muslims" being discriminated against. A specific case does not diminish a general argument. It's always personal when your own ox gets gored.

      You argue like a elementary school debate team 2nd stringer.

    2. I have to admit that we (and Obama) handled the bombing aftermath much better than the hysteria that followed 9/11 and got us into one of the worst foreign policy decisions in history.

    3. Suppressing the Freer Speech of a couple of dozen Libertarians with 20,000 thugs must make you feel pretty good, eh, Ducky?

    4. "we (and Obama) handled the bombing aftermath much better than the hysteria that followed 9/11"

      Oh most certainly, you rolled over on your collective backs and threw your legs wide.

    5. An international, coordinated Islamic terror attack that crashes airplanes, damages the pentagon, and brings down buildings in New York, is orders of magnitude larger than a pressure cooker bomb, planted on a Boston street by a US citizen "refugee."

  20. A. Hedda Hayer said

    What a wonderful forum you all have created for Ducky to spew his snotty, sarcastic, bilious, supercilious anti-American rhetoric. And how he must appreciate it when you keep feeding his inner beast by engaging him in seemingly endless dialogue that accomplishes nothing but furthering his chances to vomit more bile in your direction. There ought to be an award for this kind of supreme folly, but I'm damned if I know what to name it.

    1. Well, Hedda, in my view, something else is accomplished -- namely the opportunity for silent visitors to assess these exchanges. This blog's site meter indicates that there are many silent visitors to this blog. Recent page loads (since midnight, I think):

      42 Hits 88.40% United States
      32 Hits 6.40% United Kingdom
      14 Hits 2.80% Canada
      2 Hits 0.40% Iraq
      2 Hits 0.40% Australia
      2 Hits 0.40% Anonymous
      1 Hit 0.20% Turkey
      1 Hit 0.20% Sweden
      1 Hit 0.20% New Zealand
      1 Hit 0.20% Netherlands
      1 Hit 0.20% Italy
      1 Hit 0.20% Belgium

    2. "Punch a Nazi, even if he talks like a Libertarian."

      More likely to pee his bloomers.

  21. Stay from that Left wing colt of Boston......27 mamalukes were there arrested this past week for throwing rocks, and bottles and urine at police officers....is that what they mean by a wicked Stay classy Boston......27 mamalukes arrested for throwing rocks, bottles and urine at police officers....is that what they mean by a wicked pissah?

    And some of the leftwingnut blogs are saying how proud they are of Boston.

    And some of the leftwingnut blogs are saying how proud they are of Boston.

  22. SF,
    They can start and stop conversations at will, force you to participate, but you may not ask inconvenient or embarrassing questions.

    On very small scale, but I had a taste of the above at the swimming pool the other day. I went there NOT to discuss politics.

    No dice!

    No matter what the mundane topic in our conversation, a 70-year-old, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat turned the conversation into Trump bashing.

    *ATDS on display.

    Her husband, also a Democrat but not suffering from *ATDS, rolled his eyes.

    I got up and left so as not to get into a loud debate. I'd have shocked the woman, who has no idea about my political views.

    Who wants to get involved in that in the presence of the couple's 6-year-old granddaughter, who was already alarmed as she picked up on her grandfather's distress with his wife's *ATDS?

    The swimming pool should be an apolitical venue -- and nearly always has been a neutral zone for me. Hells bells! All my pool reading is "light stuff." Beach reads, as opposed to political material.

    *ATDS = Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome.


    Virginia city, site of two Civil War battles, cancels upcoming reenactment weekend

    For as long as I can remember, these re-enactments have been help. I've actually attended two of the re-enactments. History brought alive.

    1. I've been to a few myself. Nothing beats it for gaining an appreciation of what it must have been like.

  24. Replies
    1. Did you see the Old Leftist, Progressive Hag?

    2. Can Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine account for their whereabouts the day of the Urine throwing ?

    3. The Old Leftist Progressive Hag was Ducky.

    4. For the record, the bottles thrown came from an Emerson College dorm across from Park Street. They weren't thrown by marchers.

      There was one arrest for a concealed firearm -- a Trumpista.

    5. Let's see:

      In Charlottesville we know a man suffered a stroke after being beaten by Hitler Youth with tiki torches.
      A black man was hospitalized after being beaten with rods by teh Hitler Youth.
      As the pièce de résistance there was of course one dead and 20 wounded when a Neonazi drove into a crowd.

      You're comparing that to a minor argument that ends with someone spit on.

      Get real.

    6. Careful, Mrs Grundy,

      Leftwing propagandists have whole lists of "They did it too."

    7. ...or just be honest and say, "If you are an old woman and you hold up an American flag, you deserve to be dragged across Boston Common and spit upon."

    8. btw - Were the "fascists" in Boston the cops who surrounded and protected the couple of dozen Libertarians? It must of been, cuz the only "hate groups" in Boston were Antifa, It's Going Down, and Black Lives Matter!

    9. Question for ducky. I noticed that you didn't included the two cops killed in the helo crash in your list of "victims of Charlottesville". Can I concluded from this that THEIR DEATHS were Antifa's responsibility?

  25. Here are some interesting polling numbers concerning President Trump and what is going on:


    This article cogently explains how the press criminally mis-characterizes President Trump's statements, and provided the unedited link to his press conference so you can see for yourself:


    Scott Adams is right: We are in a massive hysteria bubble, inflated to the bursting point by shrieking propagandists, leftwing fascists and #Resist stooges.

    1. "The people who thought Trump had no chance of winning...decided that the only way their world made sense, with their egos intact, is that either the Russians helped Trump win or there are far more racists in the country than they imagined, and he is their king. Those were the seeds of the two mass hysterias we witness today."

    2. "But if you are not experiencing mass hysteria, you might be totally confused by the actions of the people who are.

      They appear to be irrational, but in ways that are hard to define.

      You can’t tell if they are stupid, unscrupulous, ignorant, mentally ill, emotionally unstable or what. It just looks frickin’ crazy."

    3. The "Occupy" movement fizzled and died, and was reborn post-Obama in a strategic shift to Trump "Resistance" in the form of European ANTIFA, Autonomie, and Black Bloc tactics. The violence escalated as the press shielded and incubated the tactical shift to violence by blaming every violent incident of the Alt-Right, Racism and White Nationalism, a tiny, but "sympathetic" minority within the Alt-R.

      For the very first time, this week, the press has reported on ANTIFA, thanks to President Trump's Charlottesville remarks blaming bad actors on both sides... yet the media still shrilly calls on President Trump to further denounce Right-wing groups and ignore and thereby shield the violent resistors on the Left seeking the collapse of capitalism and an emergent Socialist/Communist State.

    4. The Press argues that the condemnation be "unilateral", as any denunciation of the Leftist provocateurs will be interpretted as "support" for racist Klan and WHite Nationalist Groups. The actual complexity of the situation contradicts the media narrative born in the 1960's Civil Rights Movement, which now advocated for "More Dead Cops" and "Punching NAZI's". It's message has evolved from peaceful non-violence to violent totalitarianism. Yet the media is unable to contradict their 60's narrative, as the laws born of "Affirmative Action" demand affirmation and "affirmative coverage" for these now violent groups.

    5. SF,
      That essay to which you linked is an excellent analysis. Definitely a mass hysteria bubble rules the day!

    6. The Washington Post claims that the Left has abandoned violence. Talk about to your face LIARS!

    7. Thersites,
      I just read that load of crap at the WaPo a few minutes ago.

      BTW, SAT prep includes having D.C. area students read the "Outlook" section of the WaPo every week. Just sayin'.

    8. ...meanwhile "It's Going Down" and Bill Ayer's supported "Refuse Fascism" can advocate the violent overthrow of the USA government... and the media is absolutely silent. The press has "normalized" sedition.

    9. Remember when Senator turtle said he wanted the Obama regime to fail? Remember the press outrage? But advocate the "ovrthrow of the Trump/ Pence regime" and you'll hear crickets.

    10. That's because Mitch mouthed off before Obama's administration was even completely formed.

      People have had ample time to see the disaster that is the Happy Hands administration.

      Even a sophist can see the difference.

    11. LOL! The Trump Administration is completely formed? I thought that only half had even been appointed? Who knew?

  26. We're reaching the Night of the Long Knives phase of the Trump revolution.

    1. No. This more closely resembles the toppled fascist regime regaining strength and deposing the popular revolution that usurped their throne.

  27. Meyer Wolfsheim, Swastika Holding CompanyAugust 20, 2017 at 3:49:00 PM CDT

    Who knows where this madness will end.

  28. SF,
    Earlier, you left this link. Did you see the update thereto?

    UPDATE: Oh wow. A black CNN commentator, Angela Rye, said this today on the air:

    “The heart of the problem is the way many of us were taught American history. American history is not all glorious. I love John to death, I couldn’t disagree more about George Washington. George Washington was a slave owner. We need to call slave owners out for what they are. Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not. He wasn’t protecting my freedom. I wasn’t someone – my ancestors weren’t deemed human beings to him. To me, I don’t care if it’s a George Washington statue or a Thomas Jefferson statue or a Robert E. Lee statue, they all need to come down…I’m calling out white supremacy for what it is. And sometimes, what it is, John, are blind spots. Sometimes what it is, is not acknowledging this country was built upon a very violent past that resulted in the death and the raping and the killing of my ancestors. I’m not going to allow us to say it’s okay for Robert E. Lee but not a George Washington. We need to call it what it is.”

  29. Well Angela, Obama is a slave owner too -- and you're one of them.

  30. Great article Kurt!

    "total destruction of the traditions and values of the past."
    Is it really total? I see a re-evaluation of the past and a visceral disgust for a few of them. Plenty of values remain.

    "Human nature does not change, and history repeats itself..."
    both true, yet progress has occurred over the last thousand years. Feudalism is considered primitive, democracy is at least gestured towards, and war (among ourselves) has been put aside. Those things couldn't have been said with confidence two hundred years ago.

    "any analysis of [neonazis] would be uninteresting."
    Agree, they bore the interstitial fluid out of me. But that alone doesn't make them safe. Unfortunately dull matters are sometimes the most urgent. Maybe white supremacists are like taxes, you won't get any intellectual pleasure from it but they need taking care of.

    I think the reason urban centres are more socially progressive is that if you live in a city, you frequently encounter the minorities whom the disputed traditions and values disadvantage; IOW, the urban population see the problems 1st- or 2nd-hand before their friends out the country do.

    "You must demean them and make your enemies objects of hatred."
    well that doesn't help but it's a much broader problem, you can't hang that on the Left. How often do you see a Conservative describe a progressive position without lapsing into parody?
    My policy is, if I can't rehearse my opponent's argument I don't deserve to hole my own opinion.

    "A great wave of renamed streets, universities, whole neighborhoods"
    this is more likely than the removal of founders' statues. BTW, from an outsider's perspective (caveat: implies ignorance) the popular treatment of American history (basically "America, F**k yeah!" with wigs) is the font of much of the tension and angst over this. I haven't done a survey, but nevertheless I'd bet a modest sum that countries that don't deify their founders and elide over awkward episodes tend not to have such hysteria over issues like this. (Britain elides over her history too [to a lesser extent], and as a result we are also hysterical IMO [only a little less than America]).

    "banned from twitter, facebook, YouTube, blogs and other social media" are private enterprise and reserve the right to block whomever they want. The service is free, we have no grounds for complaint; free speech is sacred, but you may have to host your own material. Social media's mob-mentality is the big problem, but that isn't the companies' fault; it's ours, and it's distributed, not central.

    "Control the Language, Control the Debate"
    Yes. Debating as a contact sport is mostly about imposing your choice of narrative frame. Debating as a tool to reach consensus is about acknowledging multiple frames at once.

    "Do you voice incorrect opinions about gender, immigration, pop culture? You're a bigot"
    I hopefully avoid the latter by being careful when I do the former. I've certainly been clumsy from time to time and hurt people's feelings; I don't see what's wrong with taking responsibility and making an honest attempt not to do that. At the same time I don't hold back from saying what I think, and neither should you.

    "They may insult others, but to insult them is to commit a grave transgression."
    It's wrong either way round, but the transgressions are of a different character: punching up vs punching down. I'm confident you understand this really: don't be the broflake in that meme explaining that "hurting my feelings is the real racism."

    1. Jez,
      At the same time I don't hold back from saying what I think, and neither should you.

      But the problem is that the forces that be wish to muzzle those who dissent from the narrative. This muzzling goes well beyond the social media services you mentioned in your comment.

      Also, think about the matter of paying to host the material. Shouldn't both (all?) sides be subjected to paying? In the name of fairness, I mean. Otherwise, we risk a type of oligarchy controlling the social media.

    2. What do you have in mind? I agree, the print media (very conservative) have very effectively muzzled the left (in my country) for nearly forty years.

      Hosting costs are not excessive. That's an issue in principle, and it applies in practice to other media, but the internet is looking pretty good so far. What do you think of France's equitable airtime rules?

    3. Jez,

      This is not a personal cry of hurt, but rather an open-eyed view of what is going on, and drawing (always imperfect comparisons) to historical antecedents. I'm surprised you failed to draw that distinction.

      Thank you for your concern.

    4. I don't have a full grasp of all of the history you reference. I did assume that the article was sincere on some level.

    5. Apologies for not answering you line-by-line, but that's why I quit blogging. I will say...

      The quotes like "total destruction..." were taking from a website on Maoism

      Uninteresting does not make neonazis harmless. I never said or implied that. They are very dangerous as I said in a thread at this blog awhile back in response to you.

      Mankind does advance--and we have advanced--but basic human nature does not change. I never said otherwise

      I was comparing the current Taliban-like madness going on in this nation to Maoism. I never exonerated the right of anything. That was not this subject of this post.

      History is taught here, warts and all. The argument is how much good stuff v. how much warts to teach

      When the likes of Google, Facebook et al become so massively huge that a ban from them is essentially a silencing, its time to talk monopolies, trust-busting, and regulation of said enterprises.

    6. SF, Tucker Carlson has been promoting that.

  31. Duck,
    You typed in much earlier in this thread that a man in Charlottesville had a stroke after being struck by Tiki torches.

    I'm curious as to where you learned this information. I received the information via a client, whose police officer brother or cousin knows the man.

    I've not seen the story reported by any mainstream media appearing on the television screen. Mr. AOW watches loads of televised news and hadn't heard a peep about the man you mentioned.

    The man's name, BTW, is Tyler Magill, a UVA employee.

    I note that his Go Fund Me page capitalizes on the title of the memoir A Stroke of Genius, which is a bestseller withing the community of stroke survivors.

    1. Typo alert...

      withing should read within

    2. Duck,
      Maybe so. But not front and center. One would think that this story would have been a widely circulated human interest story.

  32. Silicon Valley Tech Giants doing the censorship government just can't do:

    To summarize: Liberal ProPublica, working with the smear merchants at SPLC — powered by Google — sent a reporter out to issue not so veiled threats against conservative websites. It's blatantly obvious that the goal here is to tank websites they disagree with by mounting a campaign to pressure their advertisers and tech providers to drop them as clients. This comes on the heels of Google, GoDaddy, CloudFlare, Apple, and others singling out alt-right sites for destruction in the wake of the Charlottesville riots.

    Ducky: I agree with you, "the oligarchy has complete control of the media", and they are on your side, attempting to silence your enemies. I bet that gives you a nice steaming-diaper warm totalitarian feeling of smug correctness...

    1. Speaking of Net Neutrality, is it time to declare all web hosting services and Social Media platforms "Public Accommodations," to prevent them from discriminating against those they don't like?

    2. That's not what net neutrality means.

      It's time (as it always was) to prefer hosting companies and platforms that don't censor their customers / contributors.

    3. Jez, Thank you for the attempted correction, but I have a comprehensive understanding of Net Neutrality, and I understand the distinction of its bundle of issues from those of anti-trust and public accommodation.

      Being a Brit, the public accommodation reference probably didn't ring a bell with you. It is what forces business here in the US to do business with anyone who comes in the door, regardless of what the business owner thinks of them.

      I referenced Net Neutrality because it just went through a Request for Comment period and has been in the news here.

    4. Clarification was for the benefit of a hypothetical uninformed reader, not yours. Apologies for offence.

    5. A nutjob in Indianapolis found a Confederate Monument (in the North) and started to wail upon it with a pair of hammers. It commemorated (by name) the 1,600 Confederate prisoners who had died in a Union POW Camp. I wonder if it was the Union equivalent of Andersonville....

    6. Oooops. Comment above applies to post below:

    7. "public accommodation". That's a tool Carlson should promote.

  33. More Leftwing Taliban Iconoclasm Hysteria:

    Leftwing nutballs in Detroit couldn't find any confederate statues *Duh! Detroit is in the NORTH!* so the angry termites converged upon a statue of Christopher Columbus.


    Can't make this stuff up...

    1. Christopher Columbus has been a target, especially by native americans, for decades.

      Nothing new.

    2. He didn't say anything about it being new. Clean your eyeglasses!

    3. I think it's funny that the moment all four confederate monuments in Baltimore and the Taney statue in Annapolis get removed, that Chris Columbus gets attacked. The liberals claim there's no "slippery slope" yet their actions prove otherwise.

    4. ...and for the record, the Columbus monument was in Baltimore. Lafayette and Washington won't be far behind.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Try and placate me... just TRY!

      America MUST be PURIFIED!

  34. "The immediate condemnations from left, right, and center affirmed that there is no confusion about right and wrong here. There are no sides. There is no other argument. We will not tolerate this hateful ideology in our society. 

    I still firmly believe this hate exists only on the fringes. But so long as it exists, we need to talk about it. We need to call it what it is. And so long as it is weaponized for fear and terror, we need to confront it and defeat it.

    That is why we all need to make clear there is no moral relativism when it comes to neo-Nazis. We cannot allow the slightest ambiguity on such a fundamental question."
    Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, (R) Wisconsin

    1. I think that Boston proves that although hate may only exist on the fringes, mix a couple of those haters in with enough human shields and you can get a real good riot going. (33 arrests... number about the same number as attendee's at the permitted NAZI-free march).

    2. BB: Agreed. And President Trump agrees as well.

      Do yourself a favor, stop listening to what the rage-filled yappers in the press say President Trump said, go to YouTube and watch for yourself his unedited comments and exchange with the shrieking pissants in the Press at Trump tower.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Program's... Program's.

    You can't tell the Leftist players without your programs...

  36. SF,
    From the above Vox link:

    The ACLU’s new line post-Charlottesville: firearms and free speech don’t mix

    Were shots fired?

  37. Of course not. That's the cowardly cover they are crouching behind.

  38. Russia killed more People (JEWS) than Germany.
    Stalin came to power by eliminating Jews from the new motherland. Hitler and Stalin were buddies until Hitler got the idea he could walk in and take over Russia.
    Communist and Nazies are the same.
    If you look at the videos from Charlottesville one can see armbands on the BLM rioters-/HAMMER AND SICKLE\.
    Locals have seen Nazies and Communist and BLM -

    1. TS/WS,
      Locals have seen Nazies and Communist and BLM -
      ALL exiting the SAME CHARTERED BUSSES.

      So I read this morning.

  39. I cannot wait until we remove all statues of Rosa Parks too, because in her case, it was political theater and she agreed to play the role of victim. It was a giant set up which guaranteed her fame and a lifetime of adulation.

    Don't misread the intent of what was written. The intent is we should honor those who sacrificed in stand-alone manner for their convictions, not those who "sacrificed" knowing they would get quickly sprung from jail to move into a spotlight which was created to serve a narrative. Yes, the dialogue was needed. But I would have preferred if Ms. Parks had taken her stand impromptu and of her own volition not as an actor on a stage.

  40. Reminder: Mohammed was a slave owner. Shall we attack the frieze on the SCOTUS building?


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