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Monday, August 28, 2017

Pray For Texas (With Two Addenda)

(For politics, please scroll down. Active thread below)

The August 27, 2017 photograph that went viral:

Article: Nursing home residents evacuated from Harvey flood waters.


Facebook photo posted by the Louisiana Cajun Navy:

Remember the picture of patients at an assisted living center that flooded in Dickinson TX sitting around in waist high water?. Here is a new picture. All safe,warm, and dry.
One of the many comments to the photo update:
These ladies lived through the years after the Depression and WWII. I tell ya, there won't be another generation as resilient as they are. God bless the rescuers still respecting our elders. Thank you.


Hurricane Harvey: First Person Witness. Excerpt:
The Last English Prince [Tammy Swofford] has a friendship with a general manager of a country club near the city of Houston. These images were taken by my friend and permission has been received to populate them on this site. I have also included an image from a news grab which provides a strong metric for what the region has endured thus far.
See the photo essay HERE.


  1. What few want to mention about the above photo: the water was contaminated with human waste that had leaked from the residents' saturated diapers.

  2. A not-so-gentle reminder that we are MORTAL.

    Disaster of many and varied kinds could strike any one of us at any moment be it earthqake, wind, flood, fire, volcanic eruption, automobile accident, air crash, train wreck, viciius attack by rapists, burglars, vandals and political activists, or the onset of a stroke, heart attack or a disgnosis of inoperable metastaic cancer..

    It is foolish to imagine that GOVERNMENT could ever hope to do anything to control or mitigate ANY of these things let alone control the patterns of evolution affecting the climate.

    To be ALIVE means we are always at RISK –– no matter where we live,–– how rich or poor we are, –– how beautiful, how homely, how athletic, how sedentary, –-how gifted, –– how adroit, –– how clumsy and inept.

    We are ALL at RISK every second of every hour of every day.

    To waste whatever time we are to allotted WORRYING about things we cannot control simply ruins the time when we are reasonably well and relatively unscathed.

    The most heartbreaking asoect of these natural disasters to me is the way innocent animals get left behnd to face panic, terror, disease, starvation, and gruesome death.

    I would rather face certain death WITH my two cats, than abandon them in favor of some dubious attempt to reach "safety."

    Death is NOT the worst thing that could happen to us by a long shot. Living as a slave to the dictates of those arrogant fools and would-be tyrants who dare to presume they are able to guarantee our SAFETY in exhange for our external submission to THEIR will is worse than Death.

    1. FT,
      There was quite a concerted effort to rescue pets. In fact, I think that the cat in the post photo may have been rescued; I saw a carrier case in a later photo.

      BTW, all of the above nursing home residents were rescued.

    2. Yes! One of my friends who volunteers at a pet shelter just reported that FORTY-FIVE CATS and THIRTY-TWO DOGS had just arrived from one of the stricken areas in Texas.

      He was wondering how they were going to accommodate them all, but at least they are really trying.

      I hate to think how both pets and pet owners must feel at being forced to separate under such acutely stressful circumstances, but at least the animals are in a safe place for the time being.

  3. OMG, just being in a nursing home on a "good" day is bad enough and that one is probably just one of many!

    1. Jon,
      No doubt.

      The infirm are at the mercy of those who will treat them with mercy.

  4. I read a news article this a.m. about how the Republican governor wanted evacuations, but the Democrat mayor of Houston disagreed.

    General Honore (One of the few Louisiana government officials not "Stuck on Stupid" during Katrina) said they should have evacuated.

    This proves, once again, that liberal Democrats are a danger to life and limb.

  5. Houston's Democrat government: Criminally incompetent. They should get the Ray Nagin Katrina Award

    1. We MUST quietly accept DEATH when he comes knocking at our door.

      All this stsruggling and striving, hand wringing and indulgence in recriminations is a WASTE of precious time and energy.

      Call me a fatalist, if you like, but I truly believe "When your number's up, your number's UP, and there ain't nothing you can do about it."

      The tragic story of our late friend Jersey McJones is proof enough of that, I should think.

      "Man proposes, God disposes."

      I've never really believed in this End Times business, but the way things appear to be going, I'm slowly changing my mind

      We have given God every reason to be displeased with us as a species. It may very well be time for us to become extinct.

      I'd be the last person ever to want to Immanentize the Eschaton, but if that dreaded Event is close upon us, there is nothing we could do with our last days and hours, but earnestly pray for our Salvation, and hope for a better life in Eternity.

    2. FT,
      I agree, but only to a point.

      I am not, at this stage of my life, willing to go along with this:

      We MUST quietly accept DEATH when he comes knocking at our door.

      As Bunkerville mentioned in a comment below:

      I won't be waiting for any government decree on telling me what to do. Therein lies the problem. Everyone pointing fingers but each of us had access to the information out there. Each of us is responsible for our lives. As soon as we get the hang of it, the better chance we will have of being a successful specie.

      I subscribe to this (not a mantra original with me):

      Pray to God as if everything depends on Him, then act as if everything depends on you.

      I've weathered hurricanes. My location, the highest natural point of this county, is certainly an advantage. Still, Mr. AOW and I (and since his stroke, I by myself) made preparations. We had access to the storm information and made a judgment call each time.

    3. SF,
      Houston's Democrat government: Criminally incompetent. They should get the Ray Nagin Katrina Award.


      Could he not have taken some lessons from the Outer Banks, which often has to evacuated ahead of a storm?

    4. AOW, remember the deaths after Houston ordered evacuation for hurricane Rita?

      There is no proven method of handling an evacuation of 3.5 million people.

    5. As TC noted, they had ten days to evacuate.

      Secondly, if you dig into the story, the entire region did not necessarily need to be evacuated; just the low ground.

      So, hearty people who are prepared, can fend for themselves, and not living in a flood-prone could weather it.

      Government failed.*

      *-I agree with TC that this was also a failure of able-bodied people to take responsibility for themselves. Another example of government short-circuiting and benumbing our God-given common sense.

    6. TC,
      I truly hope that he isn't an a-hole.

      I have to wonder why she is in a nursing home in the first place. Apparently, she is sharp enough to have taken a photo, then email or text it.

      Her choice to be there? Sometimes it is the elder's choice -- as it was in the case of my great aunt after the amputation of one of her legs.

      Note: I just finished reading Atul Gawande's Being Mortal. Quite a thought-provoking read.

    7. Houston's responders seem to be doing a heroic job, and I do not include them or Chief Acevedo and the PD in my criticism. Once again, brave men and women in uniform step up where politicians have failed.

    8. I'm sure you agree, AOW but the Mayor made a call.
      The choice was to shelter and prepare for evacuation or try to manage a huge evacuation from on of the worst traffic areas in the nation.
      What was the optimum choice? No way to know.

      As it is the rescue effort appears to be very effective and well organized so I have to say the criticism of the mayor is more a pathological blaming of Dems than anything else.

      And silverfiddle wonders why we are such a bifurcated nation.

    9. Point your nattering nib of negativity to my comment above yours.

      Democrat incompetence killed people in New Orleans.

      Thankfully, Houston has done a better job. I doubt waiting until helpless senior citizens were up to their necks in floodwater was part of Houston's contingency planning.

      My comments stand, and you cannot refute them. A limited evac of the helpless to higher ground within the area would not have caused chaos. Go look up fallacy of the excluded middle.

    10. Come on, Silverfiddle, the issue isn't Katrina. That's a separate discussion ("You're doing a hell of a job, Brownie".

      Neither of us is close enough to the situation to comment on the logistics.

      Now you've moved to a limited from a full evacuation. Let us know when you decide.
      In the mean time we can be thankful that emergency workers are well directed and effective.

    11. AOW,

      I've heard of elderly people who stay on cruise lines (free food, activities) because it's cheaper than a nursing home.

      I still have to wonder where the staff of that nursing home was, if not the families of the people left there.

    12. The staff was there.

      The residents were all successfully evacuated.

    13. With 13 days notice that a storm was coming, complete with stories of the surge flooding it caused in Mexico and Cuba when it was weaker, they evac'd a nursing home when it was 4 feet underwater. Yay.

      If Trump wasn't such a far left bleeding heart liberal pansy eager to show compassion with everybody else's money, he'd launch airstrikes on the relief efforts.

    14. Ducky, I never said "full evacuation," so once again, your argumentation is specious.

      I said the rescue workers were doing a great job, so thank you for agree with me on that one.

      Democrats Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch on Katrina and people died. You going to deny that?

    15. I'm still trying to figure out why evacuating with advanced warning for hurricane Rita caused so many deaths but that wouldn't be the case with Harvey.

      Houston must be less congested.

    16. Keep thinking--and ignore the smoke--you'll get there!

    17. Cassandra Rattling-Skeleton said

      Oh the Sorrow, the Pity, the Horror, the Viciousness, the SHAME of it all!

  6. Ah. Texas Democrats know what all the windows taste like.

  7. Still, regardless of party affiliation, that's a lot of people watching a tropical storm cross the Yucatan and build up to a Cat 4 hurricane heading for them for 12 days. That's a level of stupid only Texas could field.

  8. I won't be waiting for any government decree on telling me what to do. Therein lies the problem. Everyone pointing fingers but each of us had access to the information out there. Each of us is responsible for our lives. As soon as we get the hang of it, the better chance we will have of being a successful specie.

    1. Amen.

      But, that's nevwr going to happen until it's made illegal to help stupid people. It's bad enough the federal government is paying to house Katrina victims 12 years later. Now alot of those will get Katrina AND Harvey assistance indefinitely.

      Screw that. Being stupid is supposed to hurt.

    2. TC,
      Now alot of those will get Katrina AND Harvey assistance indefinitely.


  9. TC,
    Talk about low double-digit IQ points per square mile. Harvey had been making a beeline for Texas since August 13...

    Mind-bogglingly stupid not to get out of the way!

    I understand that the sick and the infirm cannot move themselves out of the way. But what about all the other people? They should have hit the road days ago.

    Here we are in the Information Age, and people will not put the information to good use.

  10. @TC,

    "That's a level of stupid only Texas could field."

    Yes and what about allowing a metropolis of millions to be built in a well known disaster area, in the first place?

  11. Everything is big in Texas, especially the stupidity.

    It's not so much that the area is a disaster area but that the fact that a 200+ mile wide storm producing storm surge flooding all along its path was heading for them for at least 12 days after it crossed the Yucatan peninsula and the brightest thought anybody had was that they could go fishing in their living room.

    These people are breeding.

  12. So you're on subsistence level employment.
    If you miss a day, you get fired. You got no one to put you and yours up somewhere safe anyhow and not enough to rent a room and buy meals. Whatcha gonna do?

  13. "It's not so much that the area is a disaster area"

    Do you disagree that the Texas
    Gulf Coast has a history of disasters?

  14. So you're on subsistence level employment.
    If you miss a day, you get fired. You got no one to put you and yours up somewhere safe anyhow and not enough to rent a room and buy meals. Whatcha gonna do?

    Move back to Guatemala.

  15. Oh, in that case I'd quit working at Taco Bell and avail myself of a $62,000 a year lifestyle provided by food stamps, housing subsidies, utility assistance, and be an economic parasite somewhere else.

    Missing from your question is why it isn't effin' hilarious that people would suffer from their life choices.

  16. On the news currently is footage of a guy standing in 3 feet of water with the hood up on his Dodge Caravan like he's got a solution for his exhaust manifolds being underwater. Then there's four rescue workers devoting their efforts to carrying a dog over their heads on a stretcher through waist high water.

    Texas. The stupid is astonishing.

  17. TC,
    For many people, a dog is the only family they have.

    As for the fellow with the Dodge Caravan, he must not have a clue about exhaust manifolds.

  18. Ed,
    I have personally made an offer for shelter to someone I know in the flood zone. I'm not sure that they live at subsistence level, but I do know they've lost a lot of work hours because of illness/accident. No word yet as to whether or not my friends will need to flee the rising waters.

  19. So, given the big L libertarian thought found on this weblog the consensus is that evacuation should be strictly voluntary and not by big gubermint decree?

    1. In my view, the government should recommend either evacuation or sheltering in place.

    2. A confused person staggered out of a progressive rage cage and said this:

      "big L libertarian thought found on this weblog..."

      RNUSA: What in the hell are you talking about? Big L libertarianism refers to the Libertarian Party.

      Which comment stated Libertarian Party "thought?"

      Also, how did you arrive at your posited "consensus?" The good comments here reflect a wide diversity of opinion.

      You sound like a blithering boob who can't read and who understands nothing about libertarianism, either little 1 or Big L.

      Your presence here risks endumbening anyone unfortunate enough to read the twaddle you belch out.

    3. I think when you have nearly two weeks notice that a hurricane is heading towards you and you can see FEMA and the National Guard setting up relief stations, if someone has to go into the affected area to rescue a dumb ass, the costs for said rescue should charged to said dumbass, up to and including removal of skin, corneas, livers, of kidneys that might benefit a productive person. (((TC)))

    4. Flesruoy K. Cufog said

      OMG! LORD LIGHTWEIGHT, the World Champion Mental Midget, has landed!

      Whatever are we to DO?

  20. I just posted an update in the body of the blog post. Please take a look.

    One of the many comments to the photo update:

    These ladies lived through the years after the Depression and WWII. I tell ya, there won't be another generation as resilient as they are. God bless the rescuers still respecting our elders. Thank you.

  21. From my friend Tammy (RN)...

    Hurricane Harvey: Perspective from a Nurse.

    Worth reading because too many think that once the flooding is under control, people will be okay. Not likely!

  22. Here comes another blow to the Houston area...

    From the Associated Press:

    ...Insurance experts say only a small fraction of homeowners in Harvey's path of destruction have flood insurance. That means families with flooded basements, soaked furniture and water-damaged walls will have to dig deep into their pockets or take on more debt to fix up their homes. Some may be forced to sell, if they can, and leave their communities.


    Homeowners insurance typically covers just damage from winds, not floods. For that, you need separate coverage from the federally run National Flood Insurance Program. The insurance must be bought by homeowners with federally-backed mortgages living in the most vulnerable areas, called Special Flood Hazard Zones.

    People in those areas and near them have complained for years that the premiums are too high, though they would be much higher still if not subsidized by the federal government.

    Much of the Houston area falls outside those most vulnerable zones and many homeowners who aren't forced to have coverage have decided to do without. Now they are stuck because much of the damage in the nation's fourth largest city won't be covered by their homeowners insurance.

    Unlike Corpus Christi and Rockport, much of the Houston area was damaged by flooding, not winds....

    1. Thank God the government doesn't have a federally-mandated food insurance program. Imagine the grocery bill!

      Instead of setting up a smartly-regulated marketplace to keep corporations (including insurance companies) from screwing us, Uncle Sam joins in on the orgy.

      Maybe we can bring back Obama to hand even bigger checks to insurance companies...

      It's all a fun circus until the calliope catches fire and crashes...

  23. AOW,

    Also, FEMA owes the treasury $23 billion from past disaster payouts. But, who cares? Congress can wipe that out with the stroke of a pen. It's all monopoly money anyway, right?

    Let's face it. We are an economically-ignorant people trapped in a fantasyland economy, besieged by corporate rent-seeking and counter-productive government regulation.

    It's no surprise 78% of full-time workers say they live paycheck to paycheck, 56% say their debt is unmanageable, and millions more are unemployable.

    1. SF,
      It is difficult for me to imagine that ANYONE has zero dollars in savings.

    2. It is difficult to save when you barely make enough on a 50 hour paycheck to house, cloth, and feed yourself and family. There actually are individuals who live paycheck to paycheck. And, their situation is not any fault of their own. Having said the foregoing I do acknowledge there are folks that are responsible for their circumstances.

    3. We've all been there, Les. I am not throwing rocks at poor people.

      This is the crux of my statement:

      We are an economically-ignorant people trapped in a fantasyland economy, besieged by corporate rent-seeking and counter-productive government regulation.


    Brazoria County.

  25. Replies
    1. I'm not on site, so I don't know how.

      But I HAVE offered a blogging friend and her significant other in the Houstob area a place to stay with us -- including their dogs. They have a pickup truck and an SUV. Right now, they are helping others get out.

      A bit crowded if they can get here. ! Five adults on one bathroom. Oh, well.

  26. And more rain is coming as the storm, after heading into the gulf, returns for a second, or third visit.

    Reports are that this is the biggest storm to ever hit the US. I'm not gonna speculate on the causes but if that is true, then no amount of computer models could have prepared us.

    It is highly likely that no amount of planning, game theory, government preparation or individual responsibility could have done much to safeguard the amount of people and property in Houston.

    Even if, as Thought Criminal had advocated, people left town 10 days ago, they'd be safe but with no jobs, no possessions and no jobs to return to. And as such, no economic future.

    How could anyone have foreseen, or prepared for something like this?

    It seems mind boggling...

  27. Houston has been plagued with floods for too many years now to count, and in spite of this, there is no meaningful change in the city’s infrastructure to channel flood waters away from populated areas. Of course, engineers did build the major highways in low-lying areas —which makes you wonder about engineers. Since 1982, no one has served as mayor of Houston who was not a democrat ... or, for the mentally challenged, 35 years of “progressive” government. Actually, it’s digressive government. On this issue, my stress level is low because I believe people deserve the governments they elect. After so many years of flooding and dealing with associated disasters, it ought to be pig-simple to map out a different direction. Will the people of Houston demand better? Nah. They love their democrats ... because democrats are big on giving people something for nothing. As it turns out, insofar as protection against flooding is concerned, nothing is exactly what they’re getting.

    1. Mustang,
      Yikes! I'm sure that you know whereof you speak!

      I've never been to Houston, so I appreciate your cluing us in.

    2. One step might be to introduce zoning ordinances to your Libertarian paradise and limit Exxon Mobil's rule of the area.

    3. Finally, someone on the left blamed Big Oil for the flooding!

      Give enough monkeys with enough typewriters... and eventually idiotic leftwing propaganda will result.

    4. So much stupidity, so little time to refute it.

      Ducky's: Please explain to the audience how the Democrat Party Government of Houston is "libertarian," and provide specific examples. I question your credentials on the subject, and I recommend you stop huffing model airplane glue.

    5. Leftwing Quack Alert!,
      Or plenty of time on their hands.

      PS: Clever blog handle you've got there!

    6. FreeThinke, the idea of no city zoning(as in Houston) is Libertarian.

      Don't play Mickey the Dunce.

    7. Ducky's here fell for the propaganda without doing his research.

      There is nothing "libertarian" about Houston and Harris County's tangle of codes. There is marginally more local neighborhood control, but it's hardly Somalia (or Oakland, where those progressive "libertarians" violated a building code and killed a bunch of people.

      Ignoramus, educate thyself before making a quacking idiot of yourself (again):


      Houston Development Regulations

      Harris County Land Use Codes

  28. TC,
    How big of a dog?

    Maybe all those rescuers were in the same boat. I dunno. I didn't see that picture. Maybe you have a link to the photo.

  29. It was video. Four rescuers carting a large dog in a dog carrier atop a stretcher over their shoulders like it was the Ark of the Covenant. I guess they wanna wait until they need boats to save humans.

  30. AOW, I appreciate the occasional happy ending.

  31. The Town Crier said

    Today's Headlines at the DRUDGE REPORT

    Trump Tours Texas Devastation...

    Divided USA embraces floods as chance to pull together...

    Incredible gospel performance lifts spirits in shelter...



    Pentagon Preps 30,000 National Guard Troops...


    Harvey makes second landfall along Louisiana-Texas border...

    Media Politicize; Blame 'Global Warming,' Mock Republicans...

    KHOU LIVE...




  32. Another addendum has been added to the body of the blog post....

    Hurricane Harvey: First Person Witness. Excerpt:

    The Last English Prince [Tammy Swofford] has a friendship with a general manager of a country club near the city of Houston. These images were taken by my friend and permission has been received to populate them on this site. I have also included an image from a news grab which provides a strong metric for what the region has endured thus far.

    See the photo essay HERE.

    1. The rainfall totals are astounding.

      Here in Las Vegas we've received 37 inches of rain too... since 2006!

      How does one fathom [pun intended] the amount of rain covering the area? How long will it take to recede? And how long to make a bazillion mold infested houses habitable again?

      It's mind boggling.

  33. Has everyone here made a pledge to the the ARC or another disaster relief agency? Now is the time to focus on helping the souls effected by this horrible disaster and devastation.

    1. I made my donation today. Yesterday, the site to which I preferred to donate was locked up. That many people trying to donate!

      And let's all beware of scams, such as this one:

      Linda Sarsour Soliciting Donations For Liberal Political Group Masquerading As Harvey Relief Fund. There are many other scams out there, too!


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