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Friday, March 17, 2017

Unanimous Agreement On This Definition?

One of my Facebook finds:

In my view, our Founders made what could well be a fatal mistake: no Constitutionally-mandated term limits for elected public servants.

The term-limits rules for the POTUS were added many years later — via the 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951.

Do you see any possibility that the Congress will impose any term limits upon themselves? I don't. They're too busy getting the rake off!

Congress critters get elected once, and they're set for life. At public expense (i.e., taxpayers' dollars).

Career politicians are a plague upon the land!


  1. "That judges of important causes should hold office for life is not a good thing, for the mind grows old as well as the body."

    ~ Aristotle (382- 322 B. C.)

    the same, of course, holds true for ANY public officials whether elected or appointed.

    Look at Senator John McCain, if you want to see a prime example of a thoroughly mediocre mind who has held public office far too long, and has helped fan the flames of discord and dissension within his own party ranks for decades. McCain is nothing but trouble yet he hands in and on and on, even though he is now past eighty.

    I imagine he will hold that seat till the day death finally claims him. What a shame!

    1. FT,
      Aristotle was right.

      John McCain was the first name that sprang to my mind, too.

      I think that he's stay on Capitol Hill until complete disability or death overcomes him. And he'll be proclaiming his "nuggets of wisdom" until that day arrives.

    2. Not Ted Kennedy?
      You're losing a step, AOW.

      Of course the left would counter with Hatch, Grassley, McConnell, Shelby.

    3. I am not losing a step, Duck. Ted Kennedy is dead. Why would I drag his name into this discussion?

    4. The first name that came to my mind was Nancy Pelosi. The second was Edmond G. Brown Jr aka Governor Moonbeam. The third name is John McCain. Don't worry AOW, I'm holding my fortune cookie sayings back and being nice. (Hee hee hee hee!)

  2. Our founders perceived the service to government as a part time job. The other flaw than no term limits.

  3. One of our Founders' role models was Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus:

    In the fifth century BC, the Roman Senate called on Cincinnatus to lead the army of the republic against foreign invaders and granted him dictatorial powers to deal with the crisis facing Rome. After leading the army to victory, he resigned his commission, returned power to the Senate, and retired to his farm, refusing rewards for serving the republic. For the classical world, Cincinnatus was the embodiment of civic virtue—characterized by a willingness to sacrifice private interest and private gain for the good of the public.

    Cincinnatus and the characteristics he demonstrated—humility, unselfish personal sacrifice, commitment to the public welfare, and the subordination of the military to civilian rule—were admired and emulated by the leaders of the American Revolution. They believed that these characteristics were essential to the survival of republican government. George Washington, who refused to accept a salary for leading the Continental Army and conducted himself with humility and in strict subordination to the will of Congress, was widely celebrated as an American Cincinnatus.

    1. Activity informed and guided by Principle has too long been out of fashion. Today, Alas! it's little but "What's in it for me?"

      Mr. Trump may be a notable exception. Though hardy a notably righteous, pious, self-effacing individual, he has, nevertheless, made a great personal sacrifice at an advanced age to run for and then fulfill the duties of the utterly thankless task he's taken on.

      TRUE righteousness, notable achievement and worthy endeavor rarely-if-ever get much applause.

      SELF-righteousness posturing accompanied by bossiness and captiousness surrounded by an aura of highly inflated self-esteem DESERVES none.

    2. FT.
      the utterly thankless task he's taken on

      My father used to day, during every election cycle, of the various candidates running for POTUS, "Who would want a job like that?"

      It's even worse now in that that the barbs and spears emanate from all sides -- 24/, instead of merely from the nightly news of 30 minutes and the newspapers and, of course, from members of one's own political party. Today, there's truly nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

  4. The Founders also believed in "limited government". Yet today, every Democrat has been screaming for "their" Caesar (Obama) to cross the Rubicon.

  5. Congress will never do anything reasonable with itself. If they pass term limits, I can only assume it will be to their benefit to do so.

  6. "In my view, our Founders made what could well be a fatal mistake: no Constitutionally-mandated term limits for elected public servants."

    I believe that is most of our views. In fairness to the founders, how could they anticipate a time when a man wouldn't be anxious to get back to his home and hearth to tend his crops? With that in mind, how DID Chuck Schumer's ancestors survive?

    Congress will never self-impose... Article Five Convention of States is our only chance.

  7. Great definition, sadly!
    Like I just posted at Bunkerville's blog...the blood suckers are all over Trump, who I'm not a big fan of either, by the way,...ignoring that he was elected, ignoring that we couldn't stand Obama but didn't break things and burn things in our horror......and there they all are doing everything they can to keep us less secure, more broke, to stop allowing him to do what this country elected him to do. We should have been nastier toward Obama, but I think we'll have our chance when he gets his new group going and starts to operate..maybe the funds are what's come out of that lunch he "stopped off for" (as the media said) in Nebraska with Warren Buffett?

    1. Z,
      The effect on me of "the blood suckers": I'm turning out of watching and listening.

      As for Obama, il not sure that we will ever get the chance you mentioned. He's "The Teflon Man"!

    2. Um, make that "I'm not sure...." Damn iPad.

  8. Watching politiciansgo through their paces reminds me of this classic definition of a Horse Show:

    A bunch of horses showng off their asses to a bunch of horse's asses showing off their horses.

  9. Replies
    1. Rehashed blog-bait from 2012, of a whistle-blower who resigned from the NSA after 9/11/2001, in the case of Binney.....and if it's the same Dennis Montgomery, a certified conman.

      It's typical garbage from WND.

    2. CI,
      You'll note that I used a question mark.

      I don't have much use for WND. But even a stopped clock is used twice a day.

      One of these days, the dust will clear. Maybe!

    3. I know that you post these things for information and consideration...not that you necessarily buy into the story.

    4. CI,
      Yep. That's my blogging methodology.

  10. AOW, Agreed. While it would be sad to lose a good person - Cruz and Gowdy come to mind, it would be far better to get rid of the bad ones. Those probably being the majority.

  11. I can name a few good Congressmen from California: Ed Royce, Dana Rohrabacher, Darrell Issa, Devon Nunes and Kevin McCarthy. They are working alongside PRESIDENT Donald Trump to bring progress while being balanced.


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