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Monday, March 13, 2017

More Microaggressional Absurdity

The absurd promotion of "white guilt" continues apace — as does the creation of more fragile little snowflakes.

From Heat Street, dated March 2, 2017  (emphases mine):
Scripps College, a prestigious women’s school outside Los Angeles, is promoting the idea that non-white students must be given monetary compensation for the “emotional labor” of having to deal with so-called microaggressions.

Campus resident assistants at the school are hanging up two sets of posters titled “Emotional Labor 101”: one for whites, and another for minorities, whom the posters dub as “victims of emotional labor.”


The posters mirror what you might find on social media—where social justice warriors often demand financial recompense for calling people out, and yell at others to “educate themselves” when taken to task for their statements.

Here are the aforementioned posters (Click on the image to enlarge it):

Read the rest of the Heat Street article HERE.

Just what America needs, right? More division.



  1. That's the intended outcome of identity politics - divisiveness. When speech becomes "assault".....when a particular race is expected to kowtow ["cultural appropriation" was absolutely intended] for the emotional gratification of other races.....our society is beyond redemption.

    If ignoring the absurdity doesn't work...it's time to "appropriate" this tactic, and begin filing grievances to these same snowflake factories....recording our marginalization"....

    Being referred to as a "person of no color"....offends me, so suck it.

    - CI

    1. First, let's test your power to discern a shovel from a spade based only on repeated and vigorous impact about the head.

    2. I'm not interesting in abetting FT's racist theater.

  2. Sure, and all the money needs to come from the rich progressive elites who give lip service to all this crap while shielding themselves and their families from the fallout.

  3. How is it that a student putting up a couple of posters in college is a news story? Aren't printers fairly cheap now?

    1. Jez,
      This kind of promotion of white guilt is a pattern.

      Most of the promotion of white guilt is ongoing -- sometimes quietly, sometimes noisily -- in classrooms from elementary school through graduate level.

    2. The patterns we see are often a function of our choice of emphasis. How would you argue against the BLM protestor who sees a pattern of police brutality directed against black members of the public?

    3. NOT by promoting white guilt. The cases you mentioned must go through the process of adjudication. Is that process always satisfactory? No. But it's the best that has so far been come up with.

    4. Well, Jez, there are things called "facts" that show that blacks are responsible for a hugely disproportionate amount of crime and, therefore, are much more likely to come into contact with the police. Which, in turn, makes it more likely that some of them will do something to cause the police to physically restrain them.

      The problem is, you can't argue facts with BLM members because they refuse to accept facts. Accepting facts would destroy their sense of self-righteousness - and that is what they live for.

      I still have scars from encounters with police from 30 years ago. I'm the whitest guy you'll ever meet. Explain that in racial terms, please. I was no saint, and the vast, vast majority of these black guys whining about police brutality aren't either.

    5. So, Exile, your argument towards BLM would be to claim that police are equally violent to all criminals, and police are held equally accountable for the violence they deploy against all populations; the "pattern" they are protesting against is entirely due to the behaviour the police encounter from those different populations? And you expect the BLM activist to reject that argument by dismissing that there is any difference in underlying behaviour?

      Could it be argued that the "pattern" of "white guilt"* promotion that AoW sees is an entirely legitimate response to the behaviour of expressed by different communities too, and that you may be reluctant to recognise those behaviours for similar reasons to the BLM activist?

      I'm not endorsing either argument, I'm just pointing out what the shape those arguments might take.

      BTW, if you were roughed up by the police but hadn't done anything wrong, or perhaps only something trivial, I wouldn't be hugely shocked but I would expect you to demand recourse, and probably get it. Black Americans do not share that expectation -- that's the difference.

      *Anyway, I don't accept that eg posters above are a guilt thing. It contains some practical advice, maybe it's effective, maybe not; but I don't see it as any big deal, either way. And I think it's important to distinguish student activity from college policy.

    6. Dorcas X. Witheringson said

      Could it be that this Jez person just likes to ask pointed questions to which he doesn't really want an answer just to see if he can get someone's goat? If so, it's a subtle form of trolling. Baiters come in many different varieties.

    7. My question to AoW was rhetorical but I don't believe it that makes me a troll; that's for her to judge.

    8. You're not a troll, Jez. You're a Liberal, but at least you're a critical thinker. But trolls do certainly appear in many different forms...as we often see in familiar places.

      What is not legitimate however, per your post above, is the projected presumption of 'white privilege' as some sort of quasi-scientific fact. It's disingenuous, intellectually lazy....and racist.

    9. Wasn't the purpose of my post, which was not polemical; but i do think wp exists. Do you think it doesn't?

    10. I think notions of class privilege exist, where it indeed exists....not as a blanket generalization as "white privilege" is used in lieu of intellectual honesty. Circumstances affect peoples lives....but their own - willful - decisions affect them even more.

    11. I almost brought that distinction up in previous remark -- class is a big deal, perhaps more so over here (I'm English).

      I don't think it's dishonest to acknowledge class or race; it doesn't explain everything, of course.

    12. Dorcas X. Witheringson said

      Trollishness is like beauty in that it exists in the eye of the beholder not the opinion of the troll.

  4. "the exertion of energy for the purpose of addressing people's feelings ,making people comfortable or living up to social expectations."

    Doesn't that describe a big hunk of everyone's life?
    So how does someone become a victim?

    Doesn't make sense to me.

    1. Naturally, it WOULDN'T make sense to YOU. You are, apparently hard-wired to think in perpetual opposition to "normal" people, although such are getting increasingly difficult to find –– thanks largely to the persistent, unending influence of the advocates of forming a Brave New Topsy-Turvy world where foul is fair, black is white, south is north, up is down, truth is a lie, good is evil and vice versa.

    2. FreeThinke in mufti said

      It is a simple statement of fact. Your response simply affirms what i said.

      You've spent so much time in denial of patently obvious truths I don't believe you are capable of recognizing the truth anymore –– IF you ever were.

    3. Wow. Ducky's still here. He must be the oldest living troll, ever! I used to taunt him a second time 10+ years ago.

    4. Exile!

      I haven't seen you in ages!

      How are things with you?

      And, yes, Duck is still here. He's persistent.

  5. Mark Steyn sat in for Rush Limbaugh today –– always a treat. Anyway, Mark reported that the U.S. Air Force Academy no less has just posted a BAN n ten words and phrases in common use since time immemorial. Among these now FORBIDDEN words and phrases:

    All lives matter
    You People
    It's all Greek to me

    and three other perfectly innocent, utterly innocuous terms I can't remember.

    What next? It's horrible to contemplate the ever expanding list of Thou Shalt Nots dreamt up daily by these pernicious advocates of a Brave New Topsy-Turvey World.

    1. FT,
      At the USAFA? Snowflakes there, too?

    2. FreeThinke in mufti said

      No need. Mark Steyn is neither a liar, nor a fabulist. He IS a brilliant satirist, but this was not that. If he reported it, I believe it. PERIOD!

  6. I'd say something about this, but I'm not allowed to.

  7. Being of English descent, they really need to stop speaking my language. It is cultural appropriation.

  8. Do you think that they'd take a couple of ounces of lead in payment? Or perhaps some aluminum in the form of a baseball bat?

  9. I think they should all stop appropriating western culture and start using drums and smoke signals. They should also consider going to a witch doctor for their abortions.

    1. Warren,
      They should all stop drinking bottled water, too. Let them drink from the local streams (filled with crytosporidium).

  10. USAFA - http://popularmilitary.com/airmen-given-list-banned-words-boy-girl-beacause-might-offend/

    News item tonight: a college in Canada is removing the scales (weight) from the gym because a coed complained that they 'triggered' her. The appropriate response, of course, is "so?".

    1. I often tell people I was never in the military.
      I'm an Air Force veteran.

    2. Baysider,
      That story about the weight scales being removed is, well, something else. Does just the sight of scales serve as a "trigger"?

      It seems that just about everything triggers these special snowflakes -- the consequence of the promotion of self-esteem for the past (at least) three decades. How are these special snowflakes going to deal with what life throws their way when they enter the fray of adulthood? Will every real bump in the road throw them into a state of despondence?

      And God help them if they ever have to face what I'm facing with this kidney disease and the resulting neurogenic pain syndrome!

    3. Here's a thought....Perhaps one reason there is an opioid epidemic is that special snowflakes want the big guns (heavy duty narcotics) for every little twinge of pain.

    4. Looking at the overdoses, the epidemic is mostly affecting middle-age and older (45--65) patients I think. http://uk.businessinsider.com/opioid-overdose-death-statistics-2017-2016?r=US&IR=T

    5. Thank you, Baysider, for affirming MY report on what I heard Mark Steyn report yesterday on Rush Limbaugh's daily broadcast.

      My initial report was, of course, attacked by Ducky, who knows no other means of communucation than persistent, relentless ATTACK. I'm glad you helped put the Beantown Quacker in his place.

    6. "Reportedly leaked by an itate(sic) airman, the email was a (sic) comprised of words and phrases that could be construed as offensive, with the senior leader advising airmen not to use the words or phrases- on or off-duty.
      The email -which was acquired by Town Hall– was sent to an unknown number of airmen at Lackland Air Force Base and Joint Base San Antonio, Texas.

      Well that's rather murky.
      Steyn couldn't even get the supposed source correct, nothing to do with the academy.

      All it takes is some unsourced page on the internets.

  11. From the link that Baysider provided above, there is the list of banned words at the USAFA:

    You People
    Sounds Greek to me
    Blondes have more fun
    Too many chiefs, not enough Indians


    1. Thank you, AOW, for confirming MY report on what I heard Mark Steyn report yesterday on Rush Limbaugh's daily broadcast.

      My initial post on this subject was, of course, immediately attacked by Ducky, who knows no other means of communucation than persistent, relentless ATTACK on anything that smacks of Conservatism. That's what he, apparently LIVES to do. Tiresome old nag that he is!

      I'm glad you and Basider helped put the Beantown Quacker in his place.

      I did try to find the "documentation" after I heard Steyn's broadcast yesterday, but I couldn't at the time. Perhaps it appeared later in the day?

      However, I have learned NEVER to DOUBT MARK STEYN, who isa superb champion of Honesty,Freedom of Expression and Good Humor.

    2. "Interestingly, a USAF public affairs spokesperson reportedly denied that the email had any weight behind it.

      “The Air Force has no list of prohibited terms,” the spokesperson said. “It was sent out by an individual simply reminding Airmen to be respectful to others.”"
      Because the right will believe anything.

    3. Duck,
      Because the right will believe anything.

      Not limited to the Right!

      As Mark Twain said:

      Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.

  12. Soon enough we "whites" will be in the minority... I am sure our "feelings" will be honored just as much....

  13. I'm just angry I can't wear my hoop earings anymore.

    1. Laurence Dartmoor said

      As long as it's not your hoop SKIRT it don't bother me none.

      Now a KILT that something quite different.

  14. Martin Callery said

    Could we please change to an open thread? This one seems to have worn itsel out.


    Please cease and desist from ad hominem attacks. Now.

    Thank you.

    1. HUH? I didn't see none of them things nowhere hereabouts.


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