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Friday, March 10, 2017

Hypocrisy On Display

No joke!

Does this Congress critter ever listen to what spews from her mouth?


  1. Say what you will, she sure has always known how to keep her troops in line. No back talking their fellow Dems, when she let a vote go through she had the numbers. Seven years later and the GOPers are spinning in the wind. A vote they made over 50 times defunding Obamacare, now is too hard to muster up. Tells us everything.

  2. ""The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff, which the and driveth away,"

    My best advice would be to cling to that Bible verse, and your best to FORGET creatures like Nanny Pelousy and Hairy Red, and the disgusting perverts in the ENEMEDIA, and concentrate on the most positive aspects of President Trump's agenda you can, and then think of ways to ENHANCE what the president is trying to do.

    NAYSAYING in my never humble opinion is a WASTE of TIME, unless we are able to work together to find a way that might possibly UNSEAT the OLIGARCHS who truly RUN –– and try very hard to RUIN –– our lives from behind the scenery.

    Unless i am very sadly mistaken –– always a possibility ;-) –– Donald Trump is trying to do exactly that, which is why, of course, all the powers on earth have marshaled these;yes against him.

    The tyrants, the bullies, the nutless, the gutless, the grifters –– and the parasites –– ADORE the status quo.

    Most of the rest of us prefer to moan and groan, because we don't have a clue as to what we could DO to change things for the better.

    1. FT,
      FORGET creatures like Nanny Pelousy and Hairy Red, and the disgusting perverts in the ENEMEDIA, and concentrate on the most positive aspects of President Trump's agenda you can, and then think of ways to ENHANCE what the president is trying to do.

      Ahem. That's what I'm doing in my own way.

      Discrediting the Dems is one way of enhancing Trump's agenda. I've been using that strategy lately to persuade some lifelong Dems that today's Democratic Party is no longer the political party they used to support.

    2. Myron Breckinridge said

      Whatever floats your boat!

  3. "Does this Congress critter ever listen to what spews from her mouth?"

    Obviously not! She steadfastly demonstrates a propensity for nonsensical utterances with no regard to introspect/circumspect. What does that say for her constituency or, for that matter, her party given her status in the House?

  4. Cuckoo Clock Pelosi and Max Insane Waters must be dragged off to an institution for criminally-insane geriatrics.

    They are an embarrassment to the United States of America.

  5. So...the crazy cat lady is a hypocrite?? Whodathunk it?

    1. Well, well I was in hopes that some Liberal would enlighten us as to what Botoxi is providing in any positive way. I guess that silence, speaks volumes. Liberal DemocRATS; aren't you proud of her?

    2. It would be bad enough if the Dems merely tolerated her, but no! They make her their leader!

    3. Jon,
      Botoxi's face certainly is showing the results of too much face work. Her eyes have taken on a wild look, too.

    4. Mike,
      I wonder how many Democrats nationwide want Pelosi as their leader.

    5. Who should get committed to nut house first; her or her supporters?

    6. Toulouse Morales said

      Perhaps, but her SUPPORTERS are the PROBLEM. Without 'em Nasty Nanny would never have gotten on the team let alone made it to first base.


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