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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton wasn’t indicted

Posted by Warren

According to James Comey, the director of the FBI, Hillary wasn't indited because her "reckless negligence" didn't give evidence of wilful intent. (poor stupid Hilary didn't mean to break the law.)

It hard to believe that destroying evidence, lying before Congress and enlisting the aid of employees and sycophants in destroying evidence doesn't rise to the level of intent but, there you are!

First of all, her actions didn't need to reach the level of wilful intent for prosecution as any former  US Veteran that held a security clearance can testify.

Second, there are other laws and regulations that reach the level of Federal law that haven't been addressed.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove records.

Under US Code title 18:
Section 793
Section 1001
Section 1924

Every year hundreds if not thousands of individuals are prosecuted under Federal law, and regulations that reach the level of law, with no provision for wilful intent for the accused. Many of them are clearly without  intent.

Hillary has used and misused the the law throughout her (political) career. First as an ax then as a shield.

In 1993, first lady Hillary Clinton engineered the firing of the White House travel office employees and the hiring of a firm of Clintons cronies. Multiple investigations absolved Bill but Hillary was found to have made false statements to investigators.

Billy Dale, who was the Director of the travel office at that time, was accused of embezzlement but was exonerated of charges by a Federal jury in 20 minutes when it finally went to trial. But not before he was bankrupted by legal fees. No restitution was ever repaid. 

Hillary also has a record of lost file and Email problems

My answer to the question is that Hillary wasn't prosecuted because of her connections to the Democratic crime syndicate and its allies in the Republican establishment.

It has become apparent that Obama knew of Hillary's private Email server and sent Emails to her using a pseudonym.

Draw your own conclusions.


  1. Quite correct. Were I to have been found doing what Clinton did, I would be escorted out of my building, leaving my badge at the security office. My clearance would be fenced pending investigation, and at best it would be promptly terminated....forever preventing me from gaining employment where it involves handling classified information.

    But Clinton is part of the political elite. Like a celebrity with a DUI, they are not held to the same standard as we Plebs.

    - CI

  2. "First as an ax, then as a shield". Perfectly said, Warren.

    Just saw on the news how Hillary was on Steve Harvey's TV talk show...he apparently asked some question and she bug-eyed him in that way she has, utterly shocked he'd ask her THAT!, and so flirtatious! Except her own campaign says she had the questions ahead of time.

    There is no reality anymore...no truth. Except Hillary's.

    1. One excerpt:

      linton evidently needed to be informed in advance that Harvey would ask whether she prefers deep dish pizza or thin crust (“Steve may even follow-up with ‘Hot sauce or no hot sauce?'” the staffers warned). Other hardball questions Clinton was warned about included “How does being a mom and now grandmother effect how you shape your policy?” and “Your campaign’s obviously off to a great start. How are things different this time around for you?”

    2. I only caught it on TV...only that moment when Hillary acted SO SHOCKED, and did a flirty eye thing at him and the audience.....then we find out she's not shocked at all, and a lousy actress to boot!

  3. Hillary and her co-conspirators set it all up with malice and aforethought. They set up shields of attorney-client privilege, plausible deniability and rings and rings of buffers.

    Her operation was so good, even the lowest-level toadies escaped prosecution. That is unprecedented that not one person got thrown in the volcano to appease the gods.

    Back up a few steps and consider she also broke federal law on the storage, retention, handling and destruction of government records. That alone is damning.

    Also, if you think Hillary is the only government overlord doing this, think again. This is how Obama's progressive government rolls.

    James Comey has damaged the reputation of the FBI by playing patsy to Hillary and Justice. He must resign and issue an apology.

    1. Or maybe there's no there, there .

      The more the foundation is probed the more it is revealed that there was no pay to play . It just isn't a serious issue.
      It can be criticized as other private foundations are criticized but I frankly wouldn't put it in league with highly politicized foundations and their shenanigans like the Gates foundation's attempt to politically privatize education.

      The e-mail's.? Well, it seems to me more a question of her arrogance which is a personality negative we see in spades in both candidates but any real damage to American security isn't apparent.

      It's all like being in a Jacques Rivette film. We sense a wide conspiracy but can't manage to uncover the truth and become distracted by the true issues.

    2. Well, it seems to me more a question of her arrogance....

      Her e-mail spillage was a violation of the terms of her security clearance, and her signature on her SF-312, which in part, states:

      I have been advised that any breach of this Agreement may result in the termination of any security clearances I hold; removal from any position of special confidence and trust requiring such clearances; or termination of my employment or other relationships with the Departments or Agencies that granted my security clearance or clearances. In addition, I have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classified information by me may constitute a violation, or violations, of United States criminal laws, including the provisions of sections 641, 793, 794, 798, *952 and 1924, title 18, United States Code; *the provisions of section 783(b}, title 50, United States Code; and the provisions of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982. I recognize that nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violation.

      Violations of this nature are not measured in terms of what damage to national security has occurred, but what damage to national security could

      - CI

    3. Technically she's guilty of a violation of the letter of the law.
      But in the absence of any damages is the government likely to indict a major party presidential candidate?
      Especially after they wasted so much time and effort going after her husband for a sex act?

      There's a realpolitik aspect here.
      Her actions may well be a reason to withhold your vote but if we are going to arrest or impeach political figures for any reason, we would have to at least accept a resulting chaos and maybe explain why Iran/Contra and the Iraq invasion didn't constitute criminal violations.

    4. God forbid we hold our elected officials accountable for their action that are in violation of the law.....differently than the rest of the mere citizenry.

      If you don't support her indictment, you support a protected, political class....not unlike a monarchy or dictatorship.

    5. Not that simple.

      Is this a matter of reforming the privilege of the political class or a witch hunt?

      Just why is this the place you want to pitch your war tent?
      The Clintons have been targets ever since Newtie and his Contract on America decided they'd use any manufactured fantasy to take them down.

      I have no pretense to supporting a Manichaean view of the world and I accept some of the resulting negative fallout.

    6. CI: Ducky is a leftwing progressive, therefor, he supports "OK for me, but not for thee" when its his political heroes engaging in it.

    7. SF - oh, I know......but it's fun to watch him twist uncomfortably in the rhetorical wind. See him trying to deflect a very real violation of the law, with distractions of "witch hunts" and "manufactured fantasies".

    8. No, it's quite clear that my concern is selective application but continue with your musings.

    9. Here's Ducky believing there's absolutely no truth to the myriad things we're seeing Hillary's done....no truth at all in Comey's admissions about her, no sense in Comey denying there was intent, all 33,000 emails are JUST FINE, Stevens never asked for more help in Benghazi, she did all she could to help him, no problem with phones and computers being bleached and/or destroyed with sledge hammers...who doesn't do that to old equipment, right? No problem with people deleting and bleaching emails just after they're asked to present them to the feds...on and on and on..."no story here..move on"
      Lucky Hillary...so nice to be so protected, everything covered up....even liberal friends of mine can't stand the woman anymore...

      My latest personal favorite is Lester Holt demanding that Trump supported Iraq when the only time he 'sort of' said "ya...whatever" was on Howard Stern at the spur of the moment....everywhere else, Trump said he didn't support it. Do any of you remember HOlt asking HILLARY about the fact that SHE supported it? NO? huh...odd, eh? (Not)

    10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/64716f78-1a0d-310c-9a02-5913e24c9152/ss_fbi-files-reveal-missing.html

      yet another.....there's so much smoke you could choke to death on it 1000 times but no fire, ..nope...never any fire for Hillary.

    11. Congratulations on being the first to bring up Benghazi.
      When will it be appropriate for Trey Goudy (loser) to schedule the first Benghazi hearing after her inauguration? January 21st is a Saturday so let's say January 23rd, right?

      It's common knowledge that Hillary supported it just as much as it's common knowledge that Republican bullet head are denying their role in the worst foreign policy decision since Vietnam.

      Still mentioning Benghazi. Pathetic.

    12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/1683200f-8bbb-3d92-9937-658d433958e7/ss_fbi-agents-are-ready-to.html

      Just another sad story the left won't carry....and, you know, because it's Hillary, nobody'll care.

      Benghazi is where four Americans died..it's anything but pathetic. Look how much like your hero Hillary you are....shameful.

      If ONLY the left would actually listen to people who actually were there and tell a compelling story...but, ya, because it's Hillary, it must not be true.

      really pathetic, Ducky...utterly pathetic of you.

    13. Z,
      Just another sad story the left won't carry....and, you know, because it's Hillary, nobody'll care.

      I wonder if the FBI has been completely neutered.

    14. Bill's out raising money today for Haitian "hurricane relief". He must need money for gold mining expenses...

  4. Our only hope is President Trump and Attorney General Giuliani.
    That should clean things up.

    Or we could vote Libertarian and just stock pile munchies.

    1. Or we could vote Libertarian and just stock pile munchies.

      At least you wouldn't have government nannies telling you how much sugar could be in the munchies....or requiring them to be free range, organic, free trade, non-GMO, environmentally-friendly......

      - CI

    2. I don't know of an blocks on the amount of crap we can eat.

      However, attempts to get GMO labeling, necessary if people are to make informed choice required by a free market, has been consistently blocked.

      If people wish to purchase non-Gmo, why should you object?
      Can you really justify non labeling on a restraint of trade basis?


    3. You guys are all wrong about Nostradumbass. He's just a sentimentalist who dreams of the good old days of the USSR and wishes he could have been an apparatchik.

    4. Isn't this the place in the script where you tell me to move to North Korea ?

      I haven't heard the commie line for awhile.

    5. I was thinking more Moscow. :)

      Juche is a "foreign" concept to you.

    6. Well Ducky, in all fairness, you are enamored of a strongman government strong-arming people into correct behavior and punishing dissenters.

    7. @ SF, Nostradumbass likes to think of it as the genteel father figure who sometimes uses his firm hand to correct his retarded children. (Then starve them and beat them to death when they complain.)

  5. One bright spot I can report. Finally Trump is running some terrific ads here in Florida concerning her corruption. Up to now nothing except the NRA who have been real troopers and are spending a fortune. Clinton's have been nonstop.

  6. Andrew McCarthy has written another good piece on this


    What the JustUS Ministry and the Fraudulent Bureau of Instigation did was unprecedented.

    The obvious motive for this criminal conspiracy within the bowels of government? Hillary'd Democrat party candidacy was too far down the road. It was too late to replace her and still have a solid shot at winning in November.

    The fact that millions of Democrat voters don't just look away, but actively defend this official corruption reveals just how much of a third world banana republic toilet we have become.

    Thank you, Democrats. You all owe President Richard M. Nixon a giant apology. His actions were just some over-eager pranks compared to what your government criminals are up to.

  7. she wasn't indicted because comey was paid off (and possibly threatened) and loretta lynch was paid off (and/or threatened) and because we live in a lawless country from a federal law point of view.

  8. Lynch didn't need paid off, she's on the payroll.
    Also there seem to be rumblings about a possible nomination of Lynch to the Supreme Court.

  9. Rumblings where? On Breitfart and WND?

    Lynch has been a good girl and kept the lid on any big bank litigation ( example: The HSBC deal).

    They've got a nice corner office for her at some high power law firm specializing in financial litigation.

    1. Duck,
      Lynch has been a good girl

      Hell's bells! You don't know that.

      That meeting with Bill Clinton drips with and reeks of political slime.

    2. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/scotus-analyst-tom-goldstein-loretta-lynch-most-likely-candidate-replace-n518916

      nbc is saying it...Oh, DUCKY! That must hurt...imagine a leftwing media actually confirming Warren's rumors?

      By the way, how many years have you 'known' Warren and you think he reads WND? :-)

    3. Z,
      Duck "impeaches" any source with which he disagrees. Let's call it political-socio cognitive bias.

    4. ...or political-socio relativism.

      Warren will be along at some point to design better terminology.

      Paging Warren!

    5. Its a form of cognitive dissonance. Its like the ghetto momma telling everyone how good a child her murdering progeny is.

      He's too much invested emotionally to have a rational viewpoint.

    6. Why would she nominate Lynch?

      It looks more and more as if the Senate will remain Republican.
      Ignoring the fact that previous AG's don't get nominated often, why would she want to make such a contentious nomination? It's unlikely that she's going to look to pick that fight.

      If she doesn't nominate her for the immediate vacancy Lynch will be comfortably ensconced at a Wall St. firm and that's the end of it.

    7. I hate to agree with Ducky, but yeah, Lynch's future is being a wall street pirate or some kind of political fixer.

      That is also what drove Comey's actions. They system loves clean guys like him, and they keep them in the toolbox for just such an eventuality. His reputation is shot now, along with the FBI's, and they will reward him handsomely for doing the dirty dance on demand. Had he refuses, none of that nonsense about the Clinton Machine offing him--He simply would have been shut out of the DC power structure. No cushy lobbying jobs, no lucrative book and speaking deals, no cocktail circuit, no Davos invites, shut out of Aspen... He'd be frozen out, and nobody relishes that prospect.

  10. Replies
    1. Why is this a big issue?

      First, it is a voter registration issue not voter fraud.

      Registration forms are improperly filled out or incomplete and they were rejected by the election commission. This is standard procedure.

      Sounds like much ado about nothing.

  11. Breaking. Wikileaks Just Dropped Nuclear Bomb About Hillary’s Health, She Is suffering from a very serious disease Folks!

    1. Unless you provide links to a credible, verifiable source of information, your tasteless assertion is worthless and should be deleted.

      It's in a class wth sending a telegram informing your neighbor that her husband has just been killed in a car accident while away in a business trip.

    2. Excerpt from the latter:


      *Clinton Said That The Blame Placed On The United States Banking System For The Crisis “Could Have Been Avoided In Terms Of Both Misunderstanding And Really Politicizing What Happened.”*

      “That was one of the reasons that I started traveling in February of ‘09, so people could, you know, literally yell at me for the United States and our banking system causing this everywhere. Now, that’s an oversimplification we know, but it was the conventional wisdom. And I think that there’s a lot that could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened with greater transparency, with greater openness on all sides, you know, what happened, how did it happen, how do we prevent it from happening? You guys help us figure it out and let’s make sure that we do it right this time. And I think that everybody was desperately trying to fend off the worst effects institutionally, governmentally, and there just wasn’t that opportunity to try to sort this out, and that came later.” [Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]


    "Bog zhep, ol"

    1. You are also like an attack of SHINGLES that BLINDS its victim as it reaches his eye.

    2. You are a SUPPURATING BOIL in the hind end of a goat.

    3. You are the rain that RUINS a PARADE.

    4. You are the RATTLESNAKE lurking in the grass threatening picnickers in an otherwise-idyllic setting.

    5. You are the moral equivalent of a STOPPED UP TOILET at a dinner party..

    6. Yours is the KISS of FIRE that BURNS EVERYI ASS you try to osculate.

    7. You are a VOMITING VIRUS that tortures its victims for weeks on end.

  13. You are a one man attack of BUBONIC PLAGUE.

  14. FT, I Don't think he's "the moral equivalent of a STOPPED UP TOILET at a dinner party". I think he is the STOPPED UP TOILET at a dinner party. After all, they're both full of crap.

    @ Nostradumbass, Not N. Korea, I was thinking more along the lines of Venezuela but I wouldn't want to afflict you on the poor starving peasants.

  15. @FreeThinke --- You are the moral equivalent of a STOPPED UP TOILET at a dinner party..

    Is that a reference to Bunuel's Phantom of Liberty ?


    1. You mean the moral character of a woman who refused to provide security for the men and women she sent into harms way in Libya, turning down request after request for more men and security....and then, when they were actually attacked, never even sending in a rescue mission....you mean like that kind of moral character? And then telling their families that it was a video tape when she knew it was a terrorist attack...having told her daughter and the President of Turkey that it was a terrorist attack....but telling the mother over the casket of her son that it was a video....you mean like that kind of moral character?
      The liberals are developing an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Every little unimportant remark he makes, they are taking, examining carefully, blowing it up into astonishing size, having heated discussion with each other about what it might mean, and determining their entire voting patterns from it.

      Although somehow, their voting patterns never change, they were already going to not vote for him before he made the remark. :rolleyes-41:

      These people are getting increasingly desperate almost every day,...As compared to a woman who stole money from a charity fund for Haiti, where children are starving to death...you mean like that kind of moral character?

  16. Whatever made you think it stopped? Rape is as American as motherhood and apple pie.

    Perdita Caramia Olvidados

  17. YE GODS!

    According to various talking heads, Trump's use of a certain p-word eleven years ago during a private conversation with another man on a Hollywood studio bus will bring down the entire GOP.

    Many GOPers are up on their moral high horse and horrified and outraged that he engaged in guy talk using terminology quite the norm for Trump's generation.

    Has America gone so crazy that voters will base their votes on Hollywood studio nonsense?

    Do people really believe that such bragging doesn't happen -- even among those who don't have money?

    Ever been around guys? "Men are pigs" -- as the saying goes.

    Yes, Trump bragged about having so much monetary power that he could cheat on his wife. I can't imagine that it was a warm night in the Trumps' bed last night. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" -- true in Shakespeare's day and true now.

    1. I have it on good authority, AOW, that WOMEN are every bit as bad when it came to the use of vulgar language as men. In fact many on thedistaff see are far WORSE than Mr. Trump.

      I love little pussy
      Her coat is so warm,
      And if I don't hurt her
      She'll do me no harm

      I'll sit by the fire,
      And give her some food,
      And pussy will love me
      Because I am good.

      I believe Mother wrote that the day she got goosed for the very first time. (;-o

      And who could ever forget PUSSY GALORE and Her Lesbian Flying Circus made famous by Ian Fleming in the annals of James Bond?

      PUSSY, elegantly portrayed by Honor Blackman, even appeared in one of the Bond MOVIES. And it was rated PG!!!

      My but we've became an ASININE society, haven't we?

    2. FT,
      WOMEN are every bit as bad when it came to the use of vulgar language as men.

      Certain vulgar language -- probably. But I don't think that women engage in such sexually-loaded language as often as men do. At least, not in my own experience.

      My but we've became an ASININE society, haven't we?

      No doubt!

      PS: I'd forgotten about PUSSY GALORE and the PG rating for the film Goldfinger. Yes, there was Pussy Galore's Flying Circus, but I don't recall the circus having the appellation of "Lesbian." (link)

    3. Save your reverence for disgusting for after Hillary is elected.

  18. Let he or she who cast the First StoneOctober 8, 2016 at 7:30:00 AM CDT

    People are asking me “am I embarrassed at what Trump said” Embarrassed? NO, in what way? Why should I?

    I am pissed off with my candidate for getting into a scandal- it was stupid- and I wish that it hadn’t happened, but it did! . But Hillary is still a BAD CHOICE for the Presidency with the baggage that she brings.

    I am pissed off that Donald Trump might have lessened his chance to be elected our President- this is a guy that tells it like it is, and that’s what gets him in trouble... , but has a chance to be running our country just because he says exactly what this country wants to hear.

    But I am not embarrassed. In fact I have been embarrassed for my country since day one when Obama was first elected to the presidency of this country. "Let he/or She who is without sin cast the first stone."... I'm STILL not ready to vote for a lying criminal.

  19. I am a not a prude, and I am not against talking about sex with another person in a private setting. I certainly would never climb into the pulpit on a Sunday morning and have that kind of conversation. But I have been known to sit around a campfire and talk about those kinds of things. Besides this happened over a decade ago!

    There is a time and place for everything. Look, we all say things in public that we are more direct about privately. We all say things privately that are not appropriate for a broad audience. Let’s face the fact, even Jesus Christ had “private” conversations with his Appostles, and those discussions remain off the record to this day. So before you grab your pitchfork and go after Trump for being a man, think about the context of the conversation.

    There is NO question that The TRAP was set for Donald Trump!

    I had reservations about sharing this, but I decided to share it anyway. I want to tell you why! Donald Trump had a conversation with a man who intentionally had a hot mic and set him up with personal questions! That pisses me OFF! That man asked him questions and led Donald Trump to believe he was speaking with someone who genuinely wanted to discuss that topic. Someone who would not be offended by his bluntness. Donald Trump believed it was a private conversation! In fact, he invited Donald Trump to be blunt! This entire thing was a setup! Plain and simple. In the end, Donald Trump is a MAN, and men have these kinds of conversations in private, just like women do!

    As they get off the bus Billy Bush even encourages Donald Trump to give his co-host of the show a “hug”. COMPLETE SETUP!

    So, here it is the , so called “damning evidence”. I am still voting for Donald Trump, at least some of his private communications are out there, and he isn’t making excuses. Hillary deleted 33,000 of her deep dark secrets! If the worst thing about Donald Trump is his past experiences with women I don’t see a problem since he has been married to his current wife for over ten years!
    Trump however DID apologize over his words... has Hillary Clinton EVERr apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? NO, all she does is either LIE or made excuses! Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?
    And by the way.
    I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.

    Billy Bush should be brought on charges for illegally recording a private conversation.

  20. One more delicate flower religious conservative falling on his fainting couch over how some vulgar men talk with one another.

  21. Come on now. Trump was in his 60s then. Barely grown.

  22. As someone else said :

    It's too bad it's not considered "lewd" and "disgusting" to leave your ambassador and 3 others to the wolves to slaughter.

  23. Rape?

  24. What he says in public today Trumps what he said in private 11 yrs ago.
    But of course, she's not above speaking crude on the record:

    1. Ed,
      On and on goes the droning about Trump's locker room talk.

      Just now on CNN, a sober looking liberal declared, "People go to jail for saying what Donald Trump said."

      IT'S A CRIME!!!

      Is that so? Good grief!


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