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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ron Reagan, Jr.

Ron Reagan's recently published book My Father At 100: A Memoir suggests that President Ronald Reagan was afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease while still in office — as early as three years into his first term as President.

What the mainstream media are omitting from their mention of the book is the following, indicating that (1) no conspiracy existed to cover up the President's alleged incapacity to govern and (2) President Reagan likely would have voluntarily left office if he had believed that his thinking processes were compromised by dementia:
"I've seen no evidence that my father (or anyone else) was aware of his medical condition while he was in office. Had the diagnosis been made in, say 1987, would he have stepped down? I believe he would have...
Read more of the book review in U.S News HERE. In my view, the portion about Ronald Reagan's having brain surgery revealing signs of Alzheimer's in 1989 does not contribute to Ron Reagan's credibility.

Also, please read Michael Reagan's response to his half-brother's book HERE. Not unexpectedly, Michael Reagan, whose book The New Reagan Revolution is due for release on February 6, is speaking out against Ron Reagan and his book.

As far as I can tell right now from the few available excerpts of Ron Reagan's book, the mainstream media are selecting statements out of context from that book so as to denigrate the memory and the accomplishments of President Ronald Reagan. Therefore, I have reserved a library copy of My Father At 100: A Memoir and will read the book for myself. Although I don't like Ron Reagan, Jr., I know of no way to judge what he has written other than to read his book and check his statements against the available facts from other sources. I've also reserved a copy of Michael Reagan's The New Reagan Revolution.


  1. What a heartbreak for Nancy,is all I can think of. Some things are left unsaid. Especially if the suspicion is that it is for money.

  2. this is so vile...some children just do not understand the concept of honoring parents.............

  3. Ron, hated his father! They got into all kinds of disagreements!

    Pamela Geller had a one to one with this moron of a son. He is just doing what every liberal jerk is. Practicing takya!

  4. Boy are in trouble. 2012 can't come fast enough.

  5. It was pretty well known. Cameramen setting up before his press conferences realized that he often didn't know where he was.

  6. Ron Reagan Jr. was in no position to judge then, or now whether his father suffered from Alzheimers while in the White House. He rarely saw his father during that time and as he admits, even doctors could find nothing wrong with Reagan.

    As you say: "the mainstream media are selecting statements out of context from that book so as to denigrate the memory and the accomplishments of President Ronald Reagan."

    I don't intend to read Ron Jr's book, and I imagine that he may also describe some of the better moments of time with his father. Unfortunately, these statements by him tarnish the reputation of his father but will help Ron Jr. sell books.

    The left will of course pounce on this information and distort it and use it to try an derail the celebration of the 100th anniversary of President Reagan's birth on February 6.

  7. Junior has made a career of trading on his old man's name. He's not about to stop now.

  8. Ron "Little Bunny Foo Foo" Reagan has always had issues with his father. As Michael Reagan tweeted, "Ron embarassed his father while he was alive, and today he's embarassing his mother."

  9. Ron Reagan’s raging leftism probably justifies institutionalization —before he hurts someone. I too think that President Reagan may have entered the early fog of Alzheimer’s long before his diagnosis; I think it is likely it affected his memory. Still, his post presidential speeches do incorporate his unique sense of humor, which suggests to me that his presidency was not in jeopardy.

  10. Sam Huntington said:

    Still, his post presidential speeches do incorporate his unique sense of humor, which suggests to me that his presidency was not in jeopardy.

    I say: Humor is a good measure as to what stage of Alzheimer's an individual finds himself.

    Regarding mental fog, let me point out that women after menopause notice a sort of fog -- likely because estrogen levels have dropped. Both Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi could be suffering from low estrogen, huh?

  11. Mike's America said:

    The left will of course pounce on this information and distort it and use it to try an derail the celebration of the 100th anniversary of President Reagan's birth on February 6.

    And Little Ronnie fully well knows so, too.

    He also knows that his father is getting a lot of attention this anniversary year and, by default, so will Little Ronnie.

    I will not buy Little Ronnie's book and help to inflate the sales figures. That's why I'm getting a library copy.

  12. Duck said:

    Cameramen setting up before his press conferences realized that he often didn't know where he was.

    I say: Do we have any documentation of that?

  13. Dcat,
    I'll check out Pamela's one-on-one. Thanks for the link.

  14. Bunkerville said:

    What a heartbreak for Nancy,is all I can think of.

    I say: Little Ronnie is dissing his mother with his allegations. Nancy Reagan is frail enough as it is. It would be more respectful of Ronnie if he considered his mother's feelings in all of this.

  15. Woman Honor Thyself said:

    some children just do not understand the concept of honoring parents.............

    Little Ronnie Reagan has never much respected his parents, IMO. What's up with THAT?

  16. Cube,
    As Michael Reagan tweeted, "Ron embarassed his father while he was alive, and today he's embarassing his mother."

    Thank you for bringing that to our attention. I think that Michael Reagan's statement is a true one, too.

  17. I've been expecting more of this, particularly after Carter bashed Reagan while the MSM was hailing his memoir. If you want to discredit a movement without facts or evidence, you have to attack the credibility of the leaders of that movement. They lie about everything else, so this wasn't really all that surprising.

  18. Forgive me AOW but Ron Reagan is a JERK! I cannot believe he is our former prez's son. He is a left wing nut job. Period. I do not blame Michael one bit for being angry.

  19. Ron has a long history of issues with his father.

    "As far as I can tell right now from the few available excerpts of Ron Reagan's book, the mainstream media are selecting statements out of context from that book so as to denigrate the memory and the accomplishments of President Ronald Reagan. "

    And we are surprised by this how? The MSM won't hesitate to use misinformation to bash a conservative!

  20. If you hadn't posted this, i wouldn't have known about it. The news reports i've seen are only the smears. Typical, fact-free reporting from the useless msm.

  21. I need not comment on RR Jr.-ICK-

    So glad that Mr. AOW is progressing---


  22. MK said:

    If you hadn't posted this, i wouldn't have known about it. The news reports i've seen are only the smears.

    Same here -- and my reason for this post.

    When I first heard about Ron Reagan's book about his father, I said to myself, "This a terrible thing for a son to say!"

    In fact, I first avoided reading much about the book.

    Then, I happened to see a few excerpts in Parade Magazine and happened across the portion about President Reagan and stepping down if he'd thought he had Alzheimer's.

    Would he have stepped down?

    I don't know, and neither does anyone else for a certainty.

    However, if people are going to take as truth the negative allegations in the book, then people should also give credence to the positive statements.

    Now, if this book were about a liberal President and included such negative allegations, would not the mainstream media also bring out the positive statements in the book. Absolutely!

  23. Matt said:

    If you want to discredit a movement without facts or evidence, you have to attack the credibility of the leaders of that movement.


  24. Layla,
    I agree with your assessment of Ron Reagan.

    Something else I find interesting about this recent smearing of President Reagan: the recent proposed miniseries about the Kennedy family got scrubbed from broadcast, while, at the same time, the media are jumping all over Ronald Reagan's book about his father. Note the double standard.

  25. CS,
    Mr. AOW had a long way to go!

    Early this morning, he decided to practice with his scooter. He ended up forgetting about his left side (left neglect) and scooted the TV stand all the way across the room. **sigh**

  26. Yeah AOW, they were friends in the business. The guy was well in his dotage in his second term.

    The hero worship you people have for that mediocrity is stunning.

    I'll remind you of some of his greatest achievements:

    1. Amnesty for illegals

    2. Aiding terrorists by the cut and run in Beirut.

    3. Guns for hostages, although at that point he really didn't remember the details.

    Never mind deregulation and the deficits he created. The guy was a real prize. Although, to be fair, he wasn't in charge most of the time. Be thankful Brezhnev died when he did or they might have started a war.

  27. yup during the Reagan years there was no Congress approving spending bills...he was solely responsible for the deficit spending during his term. in all fairness the democrat led congress was busy during his term....writting bad checks. Of course personally I would rather they write bad checks than the bad legislation coming out of the DNC today.

    Just a guess but I think the USSR was a bigger threat back then than terrorists. Of course today it would seem odd and amateurish to waste time on a treaty with the Russians in like of the threat posed by terrorists today.

  28. for the record, unlike my hypocrit liberal and democrat "friends", I am opposed to deficit spending regardless of which party is controlling the spending.

    I do find it amusing that liberals can dredge up the deficits under one President and ignore or concur with those run up during "their" President.

    Even more laughable is poking at the deficits under Reagan which equaled what after 8 years maybe 1 Trillion. Obama went through the first trillion in what 6 months.

    Now we sit at a staggering 14.2 trillion and someone wants to talk about deficits from a President over 30 years ago????

  29. "I don't know, and neither does anyone else for a certainty.

    However, if people are going to take as truth the negative allegations in the book, then people should also give credence to the positive statements."

    AOW - in our society, far too many people are willing to accept mere allegations as proof of guilt. That is why the Left pounds its enemies with allegations and repeats them often and vehemently. Eventually the allegation is perceived as reality.

    Ron Reagan has absolutely no respect or love for his father. If he did, he would not capitalize on his dad's shortcomings, true or not. The episode says more about Jr. than about Sr.

  30. Duck,
    Yeah AOW, they were friends in the business.

    Friends? With an agenda, maybe?

    As you so often like to point out, your evidence is anecdotal.

    The hero worship you people have

    A point of clarification, please. I've never indicated that I worship President Ronald Reagan. Yes, I do respect him, but that's a far cry from hero worship. I never said that his Presidency was a perfect one in my view.

  31. Alligator,
    in our society, far too many people are willing to accept mere allegations as proof of guilt.

    And, there is a lot of selective willingness to accept certain allegations and not others.

    The episode says more about Jr. than about Sr.

    I wonder how many parents would like to have a son like Ron Reagan, huh?

  32. Ron Jr. is a fink. I read an excerpt of this in my local paper, and in spite of his professed admiration of his father, suggests that he was a moron.

  33. The Left need's something to promote the Kennedy "diamond anniversary" legacy... even if it means tarnishing enemies.

  34. What BS!

    Even conceding President Reagan had early Alzheimers, so what?

    What's Obama's excuse?

  35. Silverfiddle,
    What's Obama's excuse?

    One of entitlement to reparations?

    [heavy sarcasm]

  36. Ron Reagan on another topic:

    Ron Reagan, man with a book to promote, isn’t content to sit back and wonder why brother Michael Reagan isn’t responding to his evites after writing that dad Ronald Reagan’s bout with Alzheimer’s Disease may have begun while he was still in the White House.

    Now, the younger Reagan is sharing his opinions on former vice president Dick Cheney, who recently gave an interview to NBC. Reagan told HLN’s Joy Behar that Cheney was a “Gollum-like figure” popping up everywhere and called Cheney’s opinion that President Barack Obama is not as committed to fighting terrorism and protecting the U.S. as his predecessor George W. Bush “an offense of stupidity.”

    He also shared that he feels Cheney is an “unindicted war criminal” for “presiding over a policy of torture” that went against his own father’s policies. We’re getting the distinct impression that he’s not a fan.

    Leftist idiot.

  37. Ron Reagan says that "something was wrong" with dad when he was in the White House, but then in interviews says no one diagnosed or though he had Alzheimer's.

    So which is it? He insinuates but then backtracks when called on the carpet. What a coward.


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