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Monday, January 23, 2023

Has Dystopia Arrived?

(Note: off-topic comments will be deleted as soon as a blog administrator becomes aware of such comments. Please do not respond to off-topic comments)


  1. I think some of this was panic. Viruses evolve into less deadly forms.
    The vaccines were an oversell okay you still get it but it lowered your chance of death.

    I am somewhat leery with blaming everything on the vax. However, I also abhor mandates.

    The government is selective in enforcement. Chasidic Rabbis funerals and religious services were enforced but BLM riots are sacrosanct. Meanwhile the government is looking for white supremacy nuts while ignoring ANTIFA and BLM criminals. Its to the point the Biden minions are comedic.

    Even taking politics out and moving to math. Killing jobs here for enemies of the USA is nuts. Expensive green mandates that only the elites can afford is crushing working families. Then there is this myth that electric cars are cure alls while railing about power plants and ignoring performance issues in cold weather.

    The Davos elites hypocrisy needs to be front and center. I want government out of my life other than to produce infrastructure, minimalist law enforcement ( local laws ) and defense. I dont want them censoring views and want equal justice. Where is the IRS with the leaders of BLM? Why is SBF and his parents treated differently than Madoff.

    1. I agree with SO much of what you say..... COVID was pumped up by the hideous scenes we first say in the beginning two months of its arrival....NYC and gurneys and ambulances and wives saying final goodbyes to husbands on laptops, etc....body bags piling. What could have been worse? The people "didn't see" much because all of that blinded them; sheer fear. GOod comment, thanks

  2. After yet ANOTHER batch of Classified Documents were found at Joe’s Delaware Home
    NOBODY has has yet to say WHAT these "documents" are.......much lunatic assumptions of them, as they did with Trump.

    Just another Democratic SCAM to sidetrack people from their heinous, unconstitutional and treasonous back room evil deeds!!!
    One has to wonder how many more of these classified documents does Potatoehead Joe have?

  3. BS, is being sold to Americans as Code Words It reaches different individuals and groups who have different needs and that treats everyone the same way, but may not lead to fairness or equality.
    Yes it isn't difficult to realize that the "Code Words" are only another word or name for Communism! Need proof? Just open your eyes and look around.

  4. Dystopia arrived here, with flags flying, wrapped in the 'Patriot Act'.

    1. CI,
      Agreed. At the initial passing of the Patriot Act, I didn't see the dangerous abyss that law created. I was naïve about politics before 2001.

    2. Amen, amen CI! I am a patriot and that creepy name of that law sent red flags up my spine. I remember the argument "what do you have to hide if we know what books you checked out of the library?" And thought "uh-oh, someone is using a crisis for another agenda." Legislation that poured out in the next 2-3 years clinched that observation. I have been "Always on Watch" ever since.

  5. Excellent summary of everything that's going on to erase the freedom and autonomy of law-abiding citizens.

    PC - I'm afraid the Dems think if they have to lie to make their point it IS worth making - to them. It's so important to their agenda (and truth is not a value to them) - like all the steps listed in What the People Didn't See - that they feel they can and MUST lie. What is scary is how we saw in the last WEF meeting they don't feel they have to lie about their goals any more.

    Bret Weinstein has to lot to say about this. For one, during these 2 hours with Joe Rogan: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gxkzi. As a biologist with solid critical thinking skills he lays it out well.

  6. A related thought is about the former vaccine mandates in the military. What was the purpose? Since the age group was more harmed than helped, what WAS the purpose? As we were so whipped up to be concerned for the health of our service members and force readiness, what did we NOT see? Other than they were a bad idea in this age bracket. Much has been discussed on the legality of these orders, including from experienced JAG's. It took civilian courts to knock off one after another.

    Maybe we did NOT see is how the armed forces were being purged of people who will not obey illegal orders. If that is even partly true, WHY? What is next? Perhaps a force that will cross the Rubicon into dystopia?

    1. I'd offer from my personal experience, is that armed forces throughout history have uniformly lost more men to disease than to enemy fire. Nothing can affect combat readiness more than epidemiological threat. That was the foundation behind Covid vaccine mandates, irrespective of everyone's opinion of the vaccine.

      Now, everyone can argue if the mandates were medically warranted or not.....but there is precedent. Most recently with Pyridostigmine Bromide pills during the Gulf War (with FDA waiver) and Anthrax shots during the invasion and occupation of Iraq. I was 'lucky' enough to receive both.

      Both were administered as pre-exposure prophylaxis, and both had service-member refusals resulting in UCMJ action, and legal battles regarding the compulsory administration.

      I'd argue that the current debate is not so different than the previous instances, but in the world of on-demand news and social media.....it has grown larger than it really is.

    2. That is correct and many have put the two together.

    3. "...in the world of on-demand news and social media.....it has grown larger than it really is." SO true, CI. Good comment. thanks

  7. More on the above: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bret-weinstein-darkhorse-podcast/id1471581521?i=1000583093830

  8. Note: I have just "taken out the trash" -- that is, deleted comments not pertaining to the blog post.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Anonymous,
      Many of them are very sensible, and true, but thats just my opinion.

      Doesn't matter whether or not the comment is true! The comment must be on the same topic as the blog post. My blog, my rules.

      As far as your mention of another blogger, that mention automatically gets your comment deleted because it's "blog gossip."

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This just in another white supremacists shot up in California. Wait it was an Asian senior citizen?????? What is going on when senior citizens are homicidal. Then again there was a non white transgender
    One in nyc.

    Of course all this focus on white supremacists is sbsurd. Torch property in Atlanta media yawn. Put your feet on Pelosis desk or Wear a water buffalo lodge hat in public get crushed in the media and years in jail


    1. Beak,
      For the most part, the mainstream media are useless -- worse than useless much of the time.

      The mainstream media serve as more arms of the Democrat Party.

  10. In just only 2 years the Biden Administration has managed to give us....:
    Record inflation.
    Record Fentanyl.
    Record Rise in Crime.
    The Weakest Military.
    Shortages in the Stores.
    Outrageous Shoplifting.
    Record illegal immigration.
    Expensive groceries.
    Expensive gas.
    Expensive utility bills.
    Failing schools.
    Foreign policy disasters.
    High mortgage rates.
    The Highest Rent rates.
    Our 401k’s are WAY down.
    Thank Joe Biden and the Democrats for that!

    1. In other words, "Dystopia has arrived."

    2. Biden took the helm with an unemployment rate at 6.7% and it’s now 3.5%. We’ve seen this movie before when Obama and Democrats lifted the country above the crash and burn GWB and GOP ashes.

      At the years end, the inflation rate in London was 10.6%; 23% in Lithuania, 68% in Turkey, and 640% in Venezuela. Under Biden, it was 8.5%.

  11. Comment moderation enabled. I have a former student's doctoral thesis to evaluate.

    Trolls, go elsewhere and play there.

  12. How about those PENCE docs found at his home? Opps. Another snafu by a conservative. Thing is, even though i do not support many of VP Pence's political posistions, tRump he isn't.

    Unlike tRump VP Pence is basically a decent human being and his current situation is not the same as tRump's. Just like President Biden's is not the same as tRump's.

    1. A LOT of us don't adore Trump as a man but MOST of us here, and not ONE is stupid (trust me), know he was a FAR better president than Biden dreamed of being....I guess it takes maturity to vote for closed borders, energy independence, cleaner air and water, better help for Black colleges, more jobs, good food prices, etc etc etc, instead of just voting for one's party :-( Look where we are NOW. Pence probably got worried wondering if he COULD have anything confidential and asked to be checked; it would be like him. Trump's stuff was kept safe surrounded by Secret Service, not thrown in his garage....and he was in negotiation; no need for the FBI to have many Gmen surrounding his place.....and then Biden has HIS LAWYERS who do NOT have security clearance find more and more? Normal people just have to laugh.:(

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Anonymous,
      Comment deleted: ad hominem.

  13. I want to say there is an unspoken truth that Rand Paul said. Documents are over classified for silly reasons. Grew up with Col Khadaffi, went to Patrice Llumba school. Some of this stuff is inane but restricted

    A common misconception is you have privacy with arrests. It is a public record and at times appropriate for discussion.

  14. Can we write about the Despicable Adam Shiff? Or is that Despicable Human-Being off limits also?

    The most Despicable Douchebag of All Douchebags the Progressive Communist Democrats is the Proven Liar, Leaker, and Falsifier of Evidence Adam Schiff, who should not only be Booted of of the House Intelligent Committee, but from EVERY Committee.
    Adam Shiff STILL doesn’t know who his SO CALLED WHISTLE BLOWERS are. The alleged whistle blowers that were going to show that they had the goods on Donald Trump! It now shows that those Democrats like Shiff lied all the time.
    It's pretty pathetic you believe that a United States President should be impeached over a Telephone Call, or for colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent which NEVER HAPPENED. Karma is finally catching up to the lying little Idiot! And I’m just thrilled that Kevin McCarthy is going to throw the little liar under the Bus where he belongs.
    In fact, it’s Music to My Ears He has his rabid followers are actually making Himself, His Party and Our Country Look Stupid.
    Schiff wants voters to think he's a Patriot who sacrificed his career and lost his committee assignments to hold former president Donald Trump accountable.
    But his financial records tell a different story, a story that shows he profiled by this scam of his.
    Schiff, spent $134,000 on fund-raising, and poured nearly $2 million a
    Campaign to support his investigations into Donald Trump's Alleged Dirty Deals.

    But these donations didn't go directly into his Campaign,. Instead, they went right into Schiff's own Campaign War Chest , which now is $21 Million

  15. Any links to supporting evidence there anon? Or is this just something floating around in your cranium and you belived it time fot a rant?

  16. Photos Place Hunter Biden in Corvette at Site of Classified Documents!
    Hunter Biden's access to Corvette also suggests he most probably have had access to the classified documents as well.

    1. Anonymous,
      Photos Place Hunter Biden in Corvette at Site of Classified Documents!


      There is at least one such photo on Hunter Biden's nasty laptop.

  17. Right. Where can alledged photo be located? Open and inquiring minds want to know.

    1. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/unvetted-hunter-biden-behind-wheel-corvette-pics-laptop
      "The photos... are confirmed to have been taken on July 30, 2017, just outside Joe Biden’s Delaware home in Wilmington."

  18. Thanks BAYSIDER. Appreciate the link.

  19. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Joe Biden is going to get us all killed.
    As he has told Russia, and the world that HE and the United States of America is going to send 100's of Tanks to Ukraine, and train their soldiers how to use them.

    What does he think is going to happen after that? Dies he really think that Putin is going to withdraw from Ukraine after THAT Threat? . He's Gonna Get the Us Nuked One Way or Another.
    Its amazing to watch those LOONEY liberals like Gore and Kerry whine about Carbon while Biden is shipping our Tanks, and Weapons to Ukraine via Aircraft and Ships to kill people... what the hell are those Democrat's thinking?....Sooner or Later, Russia will be getting our Tank technology because some Ukrainian Soldier Will Run off and Leave it on the Battle Field, like they did in Afghanistan.

    1. This comment is off-topic compared to the video in the blog post. Nevertheless, I will let this comment stand.

    2. Correction....The US is sending 30 Abrams Tanks to the Ukraine. Not 100's.as I fist thought and wrote. Sorry

  20. At least correct the disinformation. The USA is sending 30 Abrams to the Ukraine. Not 100's.

    Germany is sending fewer and the total of both is way below 100's.

    It is Putin and Russia who invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine. Without any provocation.

    The rant above is but an emotional, irrational, and barely honest expression of disagreement of US policy as it's been for decades.

    I hope Anonymous at least feels better after their rant.

  21. Adam Schiff the Sleazy, Creepy, Liar, and Leaker of Classified Information, and the Creator of False Evidence, and who is the Worst Politician In History of American Politics. Argues against being thrown off of Committee, and who now wants to be promoted to US Senator and has officially announced plans for a U.S. Senate run in California announced his candidacy for Senate on Tuesday, joining Katie Porter in the 2024 primary race to fill a California seat that hasn’t even been vacated yet by Dianne Feinstein.

    “I wanted you to hear it from me first. I’m running for the U.S. Senate in 2024 to protect our democracy and to build an economy that works for everyone.
    If you’re with me, chip in $10 right now to be one of the Founding Members of Team Schiff. Here’s a personal link: secure.

    Our democracy is under assault by an extreme and power-hungry GOP whose leadership doesn’t care about truth, decency, or right and wrong. And they must be stopped. We did far better than expected against these radical Republicans in the midterms
    Over the last six years, I’ve taken on Trump and Trumpism to protect our country. And I’d do it again. In a heartbeat.
    "Today's Republican Party is gutting the middle class, threatening our democracy. They aren't going to stop. We have to stop them," Schiff said in a video announcing his official candidacy.
    Already, the Republicans are going after me. Trump bellows at me at his rallies. Fox News runs its constant smears. Kevin McCarthy just removed me from the Intelligence Committee. They don’t want me to continue holding them accountable, and they certainly don’t want me in the Senate.
    Many of Trump’s worst enablers are in the U.S. Senate, and it’s where a lot of the critical fights for the future will take place.

    When I led the Senate impeachment trial against Trump, I stood my ground, no matter what they threw at me. And I will take on anyone to protect the country I love and its proud legacy of self-government. As I run for the Senate.
    Can I count on you to be a Founding Member of Team Schiff before the end of the day? I'm not accepting corporate PAC money in this race. Even $3, $10, or $25 goes a long way.”

  22. this was Taken form another blog , and I just had to Copy it

    There are LAWS about illegals sneaking into America!! Doesn’t this administration KNOW THAT? Don’t the Republicans who should be HAMMERING the Democrats on this?
    In just only 2 years the Biden Administration has managed to give us….:
    Record inflation.
    Record Fentanyl.
    Record Rise in Crime.
    The Weakest Military.
    Shortages in the Stores.
    Outrageous Shoplifting.
    Record illegal immigration.
    Expensive groceries.
    Expensive gas.
    Expensive utility bills.
    Failing schools.
    Foreign policy disasters.
    High mortgage rates.
    The Highest Rent rates.
    Our 401k’s are WAY down.
    Thank Joe Biden and the Democrats for that

  23. Rants without any supporting evidence seems to be the only way repub cons fly these days. Angry. Childish. Deluded.

    Be very careful what you wish for.

  24. What puzzles me is that by this time a "normal" vaccine should/could have been developed similar to the flu vaccine as opposed to this MRNA nonsense... yet I read nothing.

    1. Bunkerville,
      Excellent point.

      More and more the MRNA COVID-19 "vaccines" are looking more and more dangerous. I'm sure that you've seen the data.

  25. Well, after receiving the vac and all boosts i've yet to contract Covid 19. Following the CDC prescribed protocols combined with the added protection of the vaccine has kept both the better half and me Covid free. Thank you science. Thank you CDC. And thank you tRump and President Biden for the vaccine and picking up the cost. My family thanks you as well.

    1. Even as one who reacted to the first vaccine -- and I'm still suffering the reaction (respiratory) -- I'm glad for you and your family.

      FYI: Not everyone suffers from a bad reaction. That said, more and more people are apparently reacting as a delayed reaction.

    Let me make my case!
    Lyin‘ Biden: said;” I marched with Martin Luther King.”

    Lyin‘ Biden: I drove an 18 Wheeler.

    Lyin‘ Biden: I finished in the TOP 5 of my Class in College.

    Lyin‘ Biden: I funded 700,000 construction jobs.

    CNN Factcheckers: It is 7,000

    Lyin‘ Biden: Only 3.5 million were vaccinated when I took office.

    CNN Factcheckers: It was 19,500,000

    Lyin‘ Biden: Billiinaires only pay 3% in taxes.

    CNN Factcheckers: It is over 8%

    Lyin’ Biden: I cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion.

    CNN Factcheckers: Biden had nothing to do with it. In fact, his proposals will increase the deficits going forward.

    Lyin‘ Biden also lied on the number of unemployed
    President Biden says the "Republican Criminals" killed police officer Brian Sicknick on Jan. 6th.

    Medical examiners determined Officer Brian Sicknick died of Natural


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