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Monday, January 16, 2023

Dateline: [Islamic?] Terrorist Attack On Las Vegas Solar Plant

Photo credit

This attack happened on January 4, 2023, and was quite significant. It disabled the MGM Mega Solar Array facility, the solar plant activated in June 2021. 

Significant details about the January 4th attack and its effects HERE.

The FBI has officially joined the investigation.

Related video (about our power grid):

Additional information HERE as to the vulnerabilities of our power grid.


  1. They've warned about our grid for years and little to absolutely nothing's been done about it. Except adding more and more things that will put an even heavier load on it. "Buy electric cars! Oops! We don't have the power for them"?

    1. Z,
      adding more and more things that will put an even heavier load on it [the electrical grid]

      The stupidity is mind-blowing, isn't it?

      A few days ago, I saw that, apparently, there is or will be a push to eliminate gas stoves. Then, there was a backing off.

      Nevertheless, I heard almost nothing about the consequences of adding more electrical appliances to the power grid. Would have been a good time for our so-called leaders to start huddling over the grid situation. As far as I know, they do no such thing.

      "Buy electric cars! Oops! We don't have the power for them"?

      A way to keep the subjects from doing much traveling?

  2. The government and media have moved on. Sleepy Joe fell asleep at the wheel.

    1. Joe,
      They consistently ignore warning signs are their own peril -- while they are occupied with trivia or tyrannical steps.

    2. Like keeping a lid on all their Twitter censorship government informants and evading FoIA requests with their automatic secret information deleting Ap... https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/01/16/elon-highlights-concerning-process-to-destroy-secret-instructions-from-fbi-to-twitter-n689323

  3. A review of the perp dental practice:
    "Dr. Mohammad Reza Mesmarian is very disgusting and dirty. He has cavities and blackheads on his face! He has long fingernails and bad breath. "

    1. Ed,
      Ewwwww! I just read that he specializes in child dentistry.

      Maybe his method is either to scare the kids or gross 'em out!

  4. His physical appearance is relative how? To further other those not of white European descent?

    And exactly WHAT did tRumpy do about the grid? Bush?

    Ya don't get away with dumping years of neglect on one guy. Regardless of your illusions.

    1. Anonymous,
      You are deliberately missing the point about this jihadist dentist.

      As for POTUSES and the grid, I'm not dumping the blame on one guy. In fact, President Biden isn't even mentioned in this blog post.

      POTUSES and Congress have been ignoring the grid "elephant in the room" for decades.

    2. Anonymous,
      His physical appearance is relative how?

      Lack of personal hygiene can be a sign of mental illness -- or obsession with an ideology (Islam, environmentalism, etc.).

    3. It's a sign of a lot of stuff.
      As is Anonymous' statement. Moron.

  5. So... I live in Las Vegas. One of the most conservative papers in the country, the Las Vegas Review Journal simply calls this guy a terrorist. Perhaps he is a follower of Islam, perhaps not, but I've yet to see an article, including the one you cited, naming his religion.

    This is critical stuff. No one should be doing what he did, for any reason. But looking at his statements, we see nothing connecting his attack to religion, or any mention of any religion.

    How do we know he is an Islamic Terrorist or even a follower of Islam? Are we just to assume based on his name?

    Because if he was an Islamic Terrorist, I'm guessing that would be pretty big stuff for the LVCVA and Metro Police, but to date neither of them have equated his acts with that.


    1. Dave,
      How do we know he is an Islamic Terrorist or even a follower of Islam? Are we just to assume based on his name?

      Because if he was an Islamic Terrorist, I'm guessing that would be pretty big stuff for the LVCVA and Metro Police, but to date neither of them have equated his acts with that.

      Names like Mesmerian's matter the vast majority of the time. And the media are loathe to make any connection with Islam. Islamophobia, you know. Pffffft!

      I'll try to do some research on the man himself.

      When I can find the time to do so! I find that being retired (almost) is keeping me busy. The task at hand? Editing a formal student's doctoral thesis. Slow going!

    2. AOW... I used to edit theological papers for non English speakers working on various degrees. I can't imagine the pressure to edit a doctoral thesis. Good luck.

      I'm just not a big fan of judging ppl by their names.

      My brother in law, working for the US DOJ came across a school district that had 90% of the Latino students in "Needs Extra Help" classes.

      How did the district determine this who should be in the class?

      Well, the 10% of Latino students who were not in those classes all had "typical" American family names like Smith, Jones and Miller.

      I'm sure you can figure it out.

  6. I did not deliberately miss the point. That you assume i did is unfortunate. But thank you nonetheless for your further explanation. I'll reread the article to see what i missed.

    1. Anonymous,
      You dragged out the old racism canard: To further other those not of white European descent.

      And you dragged out the anti-Trump canard: exactly WHAT did tRumpy do about the grid. This blog post has zero to do with Trump, Bush, Biden, etc.

    2. A good job of repositioning my comment. Which initially posted just below JC's comment above referencing President Biden. A comment which this thread shows you in full agreement with.

      Several past presidents have done little to address this issue. Another case of kicking the can down the road for the next guy.

      Dave expressed the same basic concern i have with your reference to the domestic terrorist as a jihadist. There is simply no proof he is that at this time. IMO your choice to use the term jihadist was misguided as it only adds fuel to the fire of those who, just because someone is Muslim, must be a jihadist because they did something bad. More evidence is needed to make that claim. Point, one shouldn't make that leap without verifiable evidence to support it..

      The video makes it clear that losing the power grid is a very significant danger to the human population should we do nothing to aggressively up date the grid with new technologies and security protocols. This video, or one lie it, ought to be aired across the planet so folks are fully aware of the potential result of dragging are feet. Or worse, doing nothing of real consequence.

      Appreciate your effort in getting this out there.

    3. Anonymous,
      A good job of repositioning my comment. Which initially posted just below JC's comment above referencing President Biden.

      I repositioned nothing. This blog was on comment moderation when you tried to post your comment. I approved your comment a few minutes ago, and Blogger placed your comment the way that Blogger "wants."

      I will address other portions of your comment later -- when I'm not so pressed for time.

  7. So now Farmer John wants to join George Santos. As a member of the tribe everyone tries to promote obscure ties into Judaism except John Gomer Kerry who has zero Irish DNA. When he made antisemitic statements his brother runs to the microphone we are Jews. Hopefully the farmer knows you cant make gefilte fish in via fish farming.

    Now who exactly has done the most to limit the production of energy.
    It certainly isnt those pickup driving rural folks. No these elitist imbeciles and their allies rape working class folks with expensive mandates that will cost 1700 per month to the average apartment in NYC.

    The same crew has led a war on fertilizer. Starve man in the name of the planet. Does anyone know what Bernie is smoking? How cone all the refugees come from his workers paradise. Maybe we should round up all the nicaraguans at the border and ship them to VT. How many can Ben and Jerry hire.

    Do note the very people that lecture you about hate speech never get around to left wing maniacal obsessions with Jews. It goes without saying Mayorkas, Garland and Klain are Jewish. Yet despite huge failures they get 1/10 of the crap Stephen Miller regularly gets from the corporate clowns. Jean Pierre talking about anyones antisemitism should be a SNL skit.

    Progressives are mathematically challenged airheads. Okay where does the electric come from for all these cars and if you live north of the Carolinas or in flyover country performance in cold weather is a serious issue. How do we bring down inflation when importing people lying about asylum. If I went to Canada and asked for asylum because of crime I would get laughed out of the country.

    Meanwhile despite the hysteria. Modern nuclear plants would easily fuel these delusions but once again progrssives are mathematically challenged. How is it they miss the actual chines record on the environment. Anyone seen the Aral sea on a milk carton.

  8. Such illusions and delusions on the right. There is no understanding their hate. The arc of history bends toward liberalism and liberty. The cons are terrified of a future they have no ability to comprehend.


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