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Monday, January 2, 2023

About mRNA Vaccines

Specifically, about the trial data:

A few comments made to the above video:

Thank you Dr. Campbell for sharing that information. The terrifying part is the fact that you have to choose carefully your words to convey a real threat to people's health in order not to be blocked by YouTube. There is no doubt in my mind that there are huge conflicts of interests of people in charge of our health and big pharma. Really sad!


I suspect a large % of adverse events have never been evaluated. My own being one of them. We live in dangerous times and not because of Pandemics.
Who is John Campbell, the man speaking in the video posted above? See this short video.  And HERE is his YouTube channel.

As one who has reacted to my first-and-only COVID "vaccine" (It appears to have triggered my childhood asthma to the point that my primary care physician will not now recommend even the annual flu vaccine!), I find myself doing research on the COVID "vaccines" and apparent reactions thereto.  The picture emerging is disturbing. To say the least!


  1. Anthony Fauci should be drawn, quartered, and then shot!

  2. Replies
    1. From the above:

      "Germany is now showing a spike in excess deaths. What is behind this? Doctors are calling for an investigation but will we get one?

      Separately, a new study from the Cleveland Clinic shows that the more Covid vaccines one gets, the higher the risk of Covid. Why is that? We look at that data too!"

  3. [Renowed cardiologist] ...Dr. [Angus] Dalgleish is a co-discoverer of the CD4 receptor as the major cellular receptor for HIV...! A real expert calling an end to the UK's COVID vaccine program!

    Meanwhile, here in the USA, "experts," celebs, and the Biden Administration as a whole are pushing the vaccinces. Enriching Big Pharma.

  4. I am one of the "unvaccinated" but have, for whatever it's worth, natural immunity due to surviving the disease in 2020. Interestingly, my wife did not catch it during the tree weeks (+) that it ran its course while I was sick at home, but has been a fanatic about getting vaccines and booster shots. I would prefer she didn't, but I don't run her life and will cheerfully take care of her whatever happens.

    Anyway, I knew that they would be much dishonesty about vaccines when they were initially released because they started by claiming an "94% effective" rate. The test on which that claim was based was to give the vaccine to one group and not to another and then compare results, without knowing how many of either group had actually been exposed to the virus. They made up some sort of voodoo math to come up with the percentage, but without knowing actual exposure, it was a bogus claim made as fact.

    1. Jayhawk,
      Hello! It's been a while. Glad to see you again.

      Both Warren and I got one jab -- because of the concern that the vaccine nazis would prevent my moving and also prevent air travel (which Warren had to have to get to Virginia to get married and to get me moved out of hardcore Left Northern Virginia.

      Two of my cousins got 4 jabs each and both had life-threatening complications (idiopathic blood clots, for him; idiopathic respiratory issues, for her, to the point that she needed a ventilator for 5 days).

      Another in my circle recently had an ischemic stroke, about which the hospital doctor actually said in my presence, "We cannot rule out the vaccine as the cause."

  5. We need a thorough, unbiased and data-driven scientific review of the past three years. Thanks to the politicization of everything, that will never happen.

    I'm a big fan of Drs Battacharya, Kulldorf, Makary and Atlas. They are very careful and non-inflammatory in their comments, and they are all very critical of our government's approach, led by Fauci, which was incredibly non-scientific.

    I really believe the rush to vaccinate the world with an untested formula, an unprecedented breaking with established testing protocols, was on purpose at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. MRNA has been around for over 20 years, mostly in experimental cancer drugs. This "emergency" was the first opportunity to test it on billions of people and gather data in a few years that would normally take them decades.

    1. SF,
      A huge bunch of guinea pigs driven to doing something foolish at the behest of our political leaders and various employers. And medical doctors, too!

      Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is guilty, but so are the above I mentioned.

      Whatever happened to "First, do no harm"?

  6. Glad to see Dr. John red pilled. He's come a long way. But he's always been careful and analytical.

    I have followed this carefully from cautious observation to harsh critic. I could write a book. At this point the best data shows if Mr. B were vaxed he'd be 155% MORE likely to die of covid. I 2nd everything AOW said with this:


    My favorite candidate for worst humanitarian lie was Rachelle Walensky looking earnestly into the camera and saying "safe for pregnant women." THEY knew (but we didn't until critics forced Pfizer to release trial data through a court order) that of the pregnant women they followed (they did not follow all) 83% lost their baby to miscarriage or fetal death. "Safe" for pregnant women? Tell me what we do with someone who claims that? They used to burn witches.

    And why did so many people who participated in the trial, had a terrible adverse event and withdrew before the 2nd dose, get removed from trial data? No category for people too ill to continue in the trial? Makes the numbers look better.

    All vaccines have issues. Some more than others. But this one is exponentially above and beyond all others combined. That's what the data show. Scary to see it charted out with that HUGE spike when the covax started.

    There's been data fiddling, but hard to cover up excess deaths. Edward Dowd nailed that in Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. "Insurance companies report a 40% increase in excess mortality among working-age adults during the fourth quarter of 2021. Millennials aged 25 to 44 had an 84% increase in excess mortality in that same timeframe."


  7. Sorry that image did not show up. Please visit the link - worth it!

  8. PS. Published articles on taurine to protect against pneumonia (2021, NIH - because of its effect on gut microbiome); colostrum for flu. (This came from Paul Saladino's podcast 2 years ago, and I did not write down the reference, damn! 400 mg. as effective as flu vax.)

  9. The biggest mistake I think was limiting this injection to those who were at very high risk until such time as it went through what would be considered clinical trials. Once committed to the program there were no efforts to embrace treatments in fact it was otherwise.
    In actuality it was a life saver for those in nursing homes - congregate living arrangements. Not to beat a dead horse for those who know my situation. I live in a retirement community. I have posted extensively on the topic. People were dying like flies until we got the MRNA... we had 30 die within a month or so and many hospitalized. Its a terrible death... suffocating to death. Since then we continue to have Covid cases however no hospitalizations or deaths. Take your pick at 70 years old.. once chance in 15000 or whatever number, of possible side effects or suffer possibly otherwise.
    No one should have ever been involved in this medical experiment unless at very high risk and not much to lose.

  10. "Once committed to the program there were no efforts to embrace treatments." Correcto! The emergency use authorizations that enabled the quick rollout of the mega billion dollar profit machine (and control mechanisms statists were slathering over) could not have happened if there were "treatments." So it was essential to deny treatment existed. Otherwise, the new vaccine would have to get in line in the usual 7-10 year rollout. More like 10-15 years for this novel product.

    Hence the aggressive media campaign to shut down so many good, mainstream doctors who had developed treatments. So thousands died while treatments were pretended to not exist. Dr. Kory, who treated many successfully at the ICU stage, estimates 800,000 died unnecessarily from the shut down of treatments that were being used and published starting in April-May 2020. His colleague Dr. Marik, an intensivist who headed an ICU, only saw patients at this late end stage and had 50% fewer deaths than colleagues offering 'standard of care' but none of the treatments that Dr. Fauci and the cabal pretended did not exist. Heartless. Criminal.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I will add:
    All vaccines come with risks and most can cause injuries.
    National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program’s payouts to vaccine-injured total more than $4.4 billion since 1989. Here are petition & compensation data.

    1. I recall the paperwork I signed to get my J&J shot on March 31, 2021. That paper certified that the vaccine was experimental. Absolving the pharmaceutical company, the federal government, and the clinic itself? I have no idea.

      I do know this: when I reported my immediate reaction to the vaccine (four days), my primary care doctor wrote to me in MyChart, "Your reaction was worse than many but not as bad as some." Hmmmm....

    2. AOW.. I agree with all of what you have posted and said. I hope I have not come across as unconcerned and uncaring. I am only trying to point out that at the beginning when we didn't understand much there was a place for the MRNA....Hardly anyone was dying who was under 75 and or compromised. Why inject those in that category for something that had not been tested? But those at high risk?
      It was a hellish experience here in my neck of the woods. I only point out that for many of us in the older category it was a prayer answered. The dying stopped after the second shot.
      I am so sorry you lost in this lottery. Truly.

    3. AOW: there is NO liability - for the maker, the clinic, an employer who mandates it to keep your job, nor any agency of government. Even trial participants, initially promised help if they had a problem, so overwhelmed the CDC needing medical help for injuries they were left to their own devices.

      Chances are your doctor did not report your reaction. It takes a lot of time and attention. One neurologist in San Francisco said she intended to report injury, and in her specialty she got a lot of them. She gave up after 3, and said "I have 2000 injury reports. At a half hour each it will take me 1000 hours just to make VAERS entries!"

    4. Bunkerville,
      I hope I have not come across as unconcerned and uncaring.

      Not at all. I understand what you were going through.

    5. Baysider,
      Chances are your doctor did not report your reaction....

      Yes, and I can understand why. Overwhelmed!

  13. All I can say about mRNA vaccines is "Damar Hamlin"... any more is a "censorable" offense.

    1. That thought crossed my mind, too, but I discarded it as unwarranted jumping to conclusion.

    2. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

    3. Joe,
      All I can say about mRNA vaccines is "Damar Hamlin"...

      I cannot imagine that Hamlin was not vaccinated. After all, the vaccine rate for NFL players exceeds 95%.

    4. Jayhawk,
      Understood. But the powers that be will do anything to cover up the vaccine reaction of an NFL player, particularly one in a playoff game.

    5. All I can say is you're jumping to absurd conclusions. The Bills are actually one of the least vaccinated team in the NFL. Google it. This includes Allen and Beasley some say are associated with members of Q.

    6. AOW,
      I agree entirely, the rise of death of healthy young men due to heart failure after the advent of the mRNA vaccine is not a coincidence. To make such an attribution in a single instance, however, is unwarranted.

    7. I should have said, "absent evidence."

    8. That's kinda the point of all the government censorship... to "absent evidence".

  14. Kooks seek kooks. It's the nature of the right.

  15. https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd16f6311-acc0-4bb8-b14c-87c8b244bbb9_2290x1236.png

    If this does not show, definitely go to the link. Hard data.

  16. I posted a video of Dr, Campbell's today... As of December 2022, his YouTube channel had 2.6 million subscribers and over 581 million views. and he was forced to take it down. It cited a study by the Cleveland Institute of the rate of Covid infections by number of vaccinations showing the more time you'd been vaccinated, the greater your chance of catching the current Covid variant... but it's gone now.

    1. Here's a link to the study he covered, but was forced by YouTube "strikes" to remove.

    2. ...and, to Jayhawk, Dr. Campbell's video is just another case of "absent evidence".

    3. FJ,
      was forced by YouTube "strikes" to remove

      How much of that kind of removal is going on?

    4. @ FJ and AOW.
      One YouTube channel user had a video removed because of "strikes". According to YouTube he was "building guns". (utter BS!). He was simply how to install a sound suppressor on your wild boar rifle, which is only a matter of screwing it on the end of the rifle barrel and tightening it with a wrench.
      Next will be shotgun chokes.

    5. The shot pattern must be getting too tight for the feds liking. Dr. Campbell makes about $200k/ year from his YouTubes, so when they threaten, he dumps the video. In today's posted video he apologized for taking it down, but was mum as to his "reasoning". And yes, this kind of removal happens all the time, which is why many YouTubers also post at Bitchute, and advertise their Bitchute videos in YouTube "teasers".

  17. Baysider,
    The "switch from spike-specific neutralizing IgG antibodies to IgG4 antibodies [that other kind] switches your body from tumor suppression mode to "tumor tolerant" as your immune system is no longer scavenging for and eliminating cancer cells."

    YIKES! We're going to have a lot of people who will be the walking dead!

    The COVD vaccines should never have been given on such a wide basis before completing longitudinal studies. A nurse friend of mine wared about the consequences when the COVID vaccines were first getting pushed on us guinea pigs!

  18. I'm so glad that Warren and I had only the one jab: J&J. We did so because we were concerned that we would not be allowed to fly and then move long distance (700 miles) without a vaccine card.


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