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Friday, July 15, 2022

Get it Off Your Chest 7/15/22

Open Comments 

Comments from trolls and rants against administrators will still be deleted.

 By Warren  


  1. Rioting in the Netherlands, Germans are burning coal, and people in poor countries are riding and protesting over high prices and inevitable shortages.

    Enjoy what's going on? It will be much worse this fall and winter. Germany may not have enough energy to heat their homes and to keep their factories running.

    Enjoy what's going on? Thank our stupid, idiotic, venal Western leaders and the global elites

  2. from CTH this am... British Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned. Days later, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated. A few days passed and both the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, resigned and fled the country. Today, with their ruling governments in a state of turmoil, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi have both tendered their resignations.

    Looks like the elites rats are abandoning their ships...

    1. Are they grabbing their gold and moving to Switzerland?

    2. As Marie Antoinette Pelosi once remarked from the back of a tumbril, "Let them dive Tesla's"

    3. Western elites are too sophisticated to pull an Ashraf Ghani and simply helicopter out with million$ in bags of loot.

    4. Too much experiential knowledge about how "social capital" trumps cash...

    5. How do you think that they went about gaining their positions of wealth and power? :)

    6. It's hard to break the habits of a lifetime.

  3. I have been saying for a couple of decades that at least the collapse of the United States will happen after I am dead. I am 79 years old now, and my fear is that I will live too long.

  4. Jayhawk... as I told a close friend the other day, for the first time ever, I'm truly unsettled about the US. Rebecca Costa in her book Watchman's Rattle tells the story of ppl who perish because they are unable to figure out a way to solve their problems.

    I'm wondering if that's where we are at now.

    Full of problems, unable to overcome our issues to come up with solutions.

    1. The social body with responsibilities for coming up with "solutions" (politicians) would have to hurt their "corporate sponsors", and we certainly CANNOT have any of THAT!

  5. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 9:31:00 AM CDT

    My cat will refuse to chase the red dot. Instead, he attacks the hand holding the laser pointer. Like father, like fur baby.

  6. On another note, does it bother any of the conservatives here that the US Secret Service somehow erased all their text messages from Jan 5-6 after they were ordered by the Inspector General to preserve them?

    1. Oh but wait, that would mean Jan. 6 wasn't all Trump's fault...

    2. “What Trump’s gonna do is just declare victory. Right? He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.”
      ---Steve Bannon, Trump chief strategist, Oct. 31, 2020

    3. Bannon's employment in the White House ended on August 18, 2017

    4. He had long ago stopped being "Trump's chief strategist"

    5. @Dave - Bureaucratic perfidy and malfeasance is only a problem when it doesn't benefits one's agenda.

    6. Yes Dave it bothers me that this CROOKED Administration of Biden’s has people in it WHO act on his CROOKED, CRIMINAL manor, snd that act, and list to whatever that delusional, Moron says. If he could possibly say something clearly enough!

    7. Bureaucratic perfidy and malfeasance is only a problem when it doesn't benefits one's agenda.

      Which is why we now have "Whistleblower Laws"... to screen out the potentially damaging perfidy that runs counter to Deep State's agenda. Every Gyges gotta have a cloak to throw over the embarrassing stuff.

    8. Not if they Epps'd the Capitol. It wouldn't be surprising at all.

      I'm fuzzy on some details. Did Ray Epps try to order the Defense Department and FBI to seize voting machines and announce election fraud? Did Epps send Rudy Giuliani to court over five dozen times to harass, delay, and stall election certifications? Did Epps impersonate Donald Trump on phone calls to Georgia election officials trying to get them to manufacture more votes for Trump from thin air? Did Epps persuade Republican lawmakers to submit faked slates of electors to Mike Pence and pressure Pence to violate the Constitution to honor them? Did Epps assault Secret Service security personnel and attempt to hijack a government vehicle to join an armed anti-Pence crowd seeking to execute the Vice-President and other elected officials? Did Epps tell an armed mob that injured over 150 police officers in their incited assault upon the Capitol that he "loves them" and that they're "special?"

      I'm a little iffy on Epps' role in the desperate attempts to cling to power made by the worst President America will ever have. Can you assist?

    9. Epps takes orders from the UniParty Dems and Never-Trumpers and was hired to create an uprising on Jan 6 so that we could all have an anti-Trump show trial and get him off the (R) ticket in 2024.

    10. You think Hillary was the only one with a dirty tricks department. Remember Ross Perot's daughters wedding fears?

    11. Epps is the Deep State/UniParty's new G. Gordon Liddy.

    12. It's why the NYTs made him a "victim of conspiracy theories" in yesterday's edition.... just like poor Ruby Freeman was a few weeks ago.

    13. It's why the Secret Service dumped its' phone data for the days before/during the Dirty the Donald "op".

    14. It's the "frame" for the Donald not giving up power, which he ACTUALLY did on Inauguration day.

    15. So, Team Trump's efforts to get Defense and Justice to illegally seize voting machines, efforts to tie up the election in courts, efforts to get state election officials to revise their certifications with manufactured votes, efforts to subvert the Electoral College with faked elector slates, efforts to threaten the VP and elected officials with a violent mob to reverse the results of an legitimate election - these were all a massive and efficient conspiracy by the Democrats to discredit Trump supporters and even Trump himself with what? Mind-control lasers?

      The real question, that pops out with resounding clarity, is why the Democrats would expend such a colossal, gargantuan effort of furtively concealed herculean manpower and secrecy to achieve such an overwhelming decisice effect when it's day-glo neon obvious that Trump supporters are dumber than bubbled-wrapped sawdust?

    16. Trump was trying to get the above done "legitimately" by dumping unConstitutionally accepted votes and correcting the Electoral voters. There's nothing illegal about that. As for seizing the machines, the much vaunted security of which has been now discounted by the voter integrity unit. Sounds like a seizure would have been the prudent thing to do.

    17. A "legitimate vote" that was pure "fruit of the poisoned tree" is hardly "legitimate" in anyone except a calendar watchers eyes (the current incumbents).

    18. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 1:03:00 PM CDT

      Isn't that like gearing up every special forces operator in the world in tactical gear to go pants the slowest kid in the special education class?

    19. The election was only made "legitimate" through the "exclusionary rule" which enabled the inauguration clock to run out.

    20. You tell me, beamish. You've been trying to pants him since November of 2016, and haven't succeeded yet.

    21. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 1:13:00 PM CDT

      Trump was trying to get the above done "legitimately"

      Facts don't care about your feelings. There was nothing "legitimate" about Trump protesting a loss that was fully and accurately foreseen by pilling data and his popularity being slightly less than that of a shit-clogged overflowing and broken public toilet. He had no case to take to court, and went to court anyway.

      The nothingburger has starved you to death.

    22. erratum "good faith exception" (done in BAD faith) to the exclusionary rule.

    23. The Wisconsin Supreme Court would beg to differ with your "assessment".

    24. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 1:25:00 PM CDT

      You've been trying to pants him since November of 2016, and haven't succeeded yet.

      Pretty sure I smoked a cigarette and knocked back a beer and giggled audibly during Biden's inauguration.

      What's Trump's 2024 plan to curb reckless spending and inflation, to move American trade into new and growing markets, to stabilize foreign relations, to improve America's decaying infrastructure, to restore the status quo ante with an increasingly belligerent Russia, to restore faith in civic institutions, to actually make America great again?

      Let me guess. Absolutely none of that is on Trump's mind or yours.

    25. @TC - I'm fuzzy on some details.

      Trying to pierce the fairy tale with reason is like pissing up a rope. The kool-aid is strong in the cult. But it's fun to watch.

    26. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 1:32:00 PM CDT

      Enough of the "Trump really won" nonsense. What will he do in the unlikely event that he wins ever again?

      "He's going full snowflake to cancel the Dems" is a non-starter.

    27. What's you candidate's plan? Oh, wait, you don't even have one yet...

    28. The Never-Trumper plan for 2024. Keep doing what we've been doing! The Dem's? Fail again, fail BIGGER!

    29. Dave,

      Secret Service has been taking notes from Obama's IRS and Hellary Clinton, looks like to me. And yeah, it disturbs me, but its chump change compared to the larger issues going on.

    30. Trump's plan is to make America's market accessible to Americans again and let the Ukrainians develop their own defense industry..

    31. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 1:45:00 PM CDT

      As I've been consistently pointing out for a good 10 to a dozen years now (since Tea Party "keep Mexico out of muh welfare state" became a thing)...

      Donald Trump is and always has been a leftist moron

    32. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 2:02:00 PM CDT

      Trump's plan is to make America's market accessible to Americans again

      ...by subsidizing away China's tariff costs...

      So, more of the lame, failed same. Hard pass.

    33. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 7:43:00 PM CDT

      Not sure how Biden removing tariffs on China (or even other countries - Trump was "tough on allies," heh) would make him "weak on China" or suffer much if any politically. It's not like the AFL-CIO is fickle with their conjoinment with the Democratic Party. And it's not like there's a fidget spinner makers union in the US of any level of clout. Biden came into office stating he was holding onto to tariffs on China as a bargaining chip. China has kept on keeping on, making that bargaining chip lose value. US manufacturers and farmers are making money via increased subsidies from the US government without producing or exporting a thing. Tariffs have not hurt China at all. In the US they are the largest cost of living increase ever imposed on the American people. So much for that "Trump tax cut" that went bye-bye when the prices of equity building materials went through the roof *before Covid and before inflation.*

      We need leadership that understands Economics 101 and the economic impact of left-wing government interventions into free trade (such as Comrade Trump's tariffs).

    34. There nothing "free" about "trade" in government subsidized corporate product monopolies.

    35. There's only "impose a new government regulation" to squeeze the small business owner out and steal the Dutch farmers land for a new container terminal.

    36. @ Dave Miller,
      That's not what the Secret Service says happened.
      But I don't really give a damn. As FJ has alluded, they are part of the Praetorian Guard and the Praetorian Guard will protect itself first.
      In view of Hillary's antics of destroying cell phones and computer hard drives, I don't see how any "Progressive" has room to even raise an eyebrow over the matter.
      Another thing is that nothing that goes through the Internet is ever truly destroyed, you just have to know where to look. I'd suggest the NSA, it seems as leaky as a sieve at this point in time.

    37. Noted FJ, Bannon left that titled role some time ago.

      From all appearances, he seems to be top dog on stirring the MAGAnuts on Jan 6.

      Looks like he’ll be behind bars by the end of the week on other charges.

    38. And what charges would those be, "debunking official propaganda"? Failure to yield at a Lib Crossing?

    39. btw - Will the Blue Terror and Show trials of Environmental dissidents begin before or after Democrats pass the "Green New Deal"? You certainly have your model in the Jan 6 Committee now. All you need is some gulags and Potemkin mental hospitals to put them all in.

  7. DT
    And Dave, do YOU really, and ACTUALLY. Believe that Trump LUNGED from the back seat of his Limo to grab the steering wheel of the riding limo? To you realize how stupid that sounds?

    1. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 8:11:00 PM CDT

      It wasn't a limo. It was an SUV.

      As for believing Trump assaulted law enforcement officers (Secret Service personnel are law enforcement) and tried to hijack their SUV to go attack the Capitol cops and trash offices and shit in the Rotunda... why not believe it? It's not like that is the most damning anecdote in the chain of more heavily documented and substantial occurrences in Trump's attempts to overthrow legitimate election results.

      A reporter asking Trump a question has many times proven sufficient enough to trigger that snowflake into blowing a gasket and running to a safe space to hyperventilate. Leslie freaking Stahl can make this guy have a meltdown. Why not the certification of his election loss?

  8. TOM... I'm not sure who or what DT is... as for the lunging, right now we have one person saying it happen, one SS officer with a history of struggles with the true saying it did not, and a Capitol Police cop saying he saw an pretty animated conversation in the vehicle.

    During Watergate, the Secret Service testified. We can clear this all up by having the Secret Service once again testify, under oath.

    Right now, I'd say it rings true, but I really have no opinion on the lunging, or even the ketchup on the walls.

    But none of this was part of my question. Silver just straight up answered it. I appreciate that.

    Can you? Will you?

    1. Dave Miller, Do YOU believe that could even happen? I certainly don't .
      After all, I do think that Donald Trump is very capable of many feats, but that one? Not on your life.

    2. But Dream On Dave like all Progressives do. say it often enough and "Maybe" someone will believe it.

    3. I still can't decide which is funnier...

      an enraged El Donaldo throwing ketchup laden hamberders against the wall

      or Hellary on election night, drunk on gin, heaving a sheet cake at the big screen tv

    4. The Political Chic asked... "Dave Miller, Do YOU believe that could even happen?"

      I never believed a president would sit idly by while the US Capitol was under attack, was vandalized, US officers were injured, and a woman was killed and not call in a federal response either. So anything I guess is possible.

      But what I believe doesn't determine whether something happened or not. As I said before, I really don't have an opinion on the alleged "lunging" in whatever vehicle Pres Trump was in.

    5. DO you believe it possible that Trump could have been heading to the Capitol to stop the breach and divert the protestors, but that the Secret Service wouldn't let him?

    6. Yeah, I thought he was the "Commander in Chief", too. Seems that in the Deep State, you do what the Praetorians tell you to do.

    7. DO you believe it possible that Trump could have been heading to the Capitol to stop the breach and divert the protestors, but that the Secret Service wouldn't let him?

      There's no indication Trump received orders from the Kremlin telling him to do that, no.

      There are plenty of indications (Trump's speech, Trump's attempt to subvert the certification process with faked slates of electors, Trump's attempts to badger state election officials into creating faked vote counts for him) to believe Trump thought being there among the insurrectionists combined with all of his behind the scenes perfidy would turn his ill-conceived coup attempt into a photo op.

    8. Yeah, I thought he was the "Commander in Chief", too. Seems that in the Deep State, you do what the Praetorians tell you to do.

      Tell us Trump supporters are mindless zombies without saying Trump supporters are mindless zombies.

      Totalitarian much?

    9. I still can't decide which is funnier...

      Trump throwing a tantrum and heaving his food against the wall has eyewitness veracity and the precedence of Trump having anger management issues going all the way back to when he used to slap his first wife around.

      Do we have a first hand eyewitness account of Hillary Clinton going apeshit?

    10. Upset I'm picking on your hero? The stories of her anger are legion.

      Also of her demanding imperiousness. Knowing what I know about handling classified information from my time in the military, that is what those classified documents on her clandestine toilet server were all about. As SecState, she needed to routinely review Top Secret documents but didn't want to haul her fat ass to a scif, so she made underlings break the law by air-gapping it and sending it over unclass e-mail.

      Before you blast back, none of this defends Trump's unhinged ranting and raving.

    11. At least back in the old days, Hellary had a sense of humor about it. From Snopes, referring to a Barbara Walters interview:

      Even so, the last word should go to Mrs. Clinton. As she said to Barbara Walters in a 1996 interview: “I mean, you know I have a pretty good arm. If I’d thrown a lamp at somebody, I think you would have known about it.”

    12. (((Thought Criminal)))July 16, 2022 at 5:05:00 PM CDT

      I've heard all the urban legends about "Hillary's wrath" but nothing verifiable, and certainly nothing on record by an eyewitness or in sworn testimony subject to perjury charges and slander lawsuits.

      I just consider it part of the mythology.

  9. A GOP congresswoman--born in Ukraine and having visited there many times, including 6 times since the conflict began--is under withering attack from Repubelicons and Demoncraps.


    In statements and interviews, Spartz has pushed for better oversight of the U.S. weaponry flowing into Ukraine

    She called for immediate action when Russia invaded, and still supports Ukraine, but is concerned about corruption.

    Her gravest sin is attempting to stand athwart the frothy hysteria and yell, "Stop!"

    “Growing up in Ukraine and visiting six times since the war started, I have a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground,” Spartz said. “The stakes are too high to be reactive without deliberation — as intended for our institution.”


    1. They can get on my nerves sometimes, but I like Saager and Krystal

      Did you see this on Ray Epps?


    2. They have wrecked the world with their Ukraine misadventure, but will never pay a price.

      This is a bipartisan scourge with top cover from the Infotainment Media Complex

    3. No doubt. We let the US government take on way too much, get way too big, and placed no spending limits on their stupidity. They simply print money and do whatever they want.

    4. Weapons of war are much like oil, that is, they are fungible.

    5. Next time, instead of money and equipment, we should send them NFTs. ;)

  10. When Ukraine finally settles, and Vlad sits back with Donbas and Donetsk in his belly, imagine the billions in grift to be had from the reconstruction of what remains of Ukraine. US and global elites will rake in cash that makes Hunter Biden's rake look like bubble gum money.

    1. Yup. Manafort was just one of a huge gang of DC-approved grifters with their snouts in the Ukraine trough.

      Manafort's only crime was being on the wrong side, in DC and Ukraine.

    2. ...no, his "crime" was agreeing to manage DJT's campaign. Have you seen Lauren Southern's recent video (way too long) about the alt right? It's about all the self-seeking celebrities stabbing each other in the back and "holding blackmail" on each other. It's not a L->R thing. It's ego's and "human nature" and the world is filled with assholes who are just waiting for a chance to "get even" for some personal slight for a snub. In fact, DJT's entire presidency was just one huge example of it. Barack Obama should have never made it "personal" at that correspondent's dinner.

    3. In fact, I don't think DJT has that much in common with his followers except a need to destroy everything the BHO had set out to do in Washington 8 years earlier.

    4. It's "social capital", how to get it, and how to spend it. And it seems the more you get, the less "discerning" you become about how you "get more". Pure amour propre.

    5. And no one in America had more experience in playing the "social capital game" than DJT. He knew exactly what the "right" and "expected" notes were, and how "ring" the ones that both Uniparty teams were often missing.

  11. For Sale to the Highest Bidder. :
    My “Like New” White Privilege Card only a few years old, but in mint condition. Never been used.: It hasn't done any thing for me, therefor it is only wasting space in my wallet. Reason for Selling... It has been useless to me ! It was not helpful for free college, No free food, No free housing, No free Cell-Phone, in fact NO FREE ANYTHING. I've had to go to work every day of my life while paying a boatload of taxes to carry those who chose not to work!
    If interested, I prefer cash but willing to do an even trade for a Victim Card which seems much more widely accepted these days, and comes with a countless amount of benefits without even having to show the card, only the color of my face.!
    If interested contact me on my Cell Phone that I have to pay for every month.
    Serious Buyers Only, No Reasonable Offer Refused.!

  12. Warren, your picture of AOC and the mule is PRICELESS! Thanks for the good laugh you gave me - sure needed it! :)

    1. You're welcome.
      If I had personally captioned that mime I would have replaced the word mules with asses. ;^) HE HAW!

  13. Hey DAVE, You Flea Bag,
    Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen If He Wants To
    Don’t Forget…. This Is Still America, Although it doesn’t feel like it is.


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