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Thursday, December 3, 2020

President Trump on December 2, 2020: "This may be the most important speech I've ever made"

Whether or not you respect our POTUS — and I know that several readers here detest President Trump — in my view, we should give him a hearing to decide for ourselves if he has any valid points about fraud allegations related to our 2020 General Election. What he is alleging matters for our republic's future elections.

Gateway Pundit has been compiling a great deal of material of which WE THE PEOPLE should be aware.  Please take 30 minutes to read and watch HERE

Graphic from the above:


  1. AOW wrote... "...we should give him a hearing to decide for ourselves if he has any valid points about fraud allegations related to our 2020 General Election."

    I for one have no problem at all giving President Trump, and his lawyers, a chance to make their case regarding fraud and the 2020 elections.

    I also think that has been done time and time again.

    His team has filed over 30 cases in court and each one has been dismissed for lack of evidence. A court room is not where you develop evidence. It is where you go when you have evidence. And so far, they have been unable to show any evidence. In fact, the president's lawyer Rudy Giuliani, has publicly said "We are not alleging fraud."

    AG Barr has stated that the DOJ has seen no fraud at the level that would overturn the election.

    President Trump insists he has seen it, and knows it was there.

    All he has to do is publicly show it, as even Tucker Carlson asked his Admin to do.

    I get the rub though...

    The problem is our "system" is built to handle election fraud, interference, etc., after the fact.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Four suitcases pulled out from under the a table in Fulton County Georgia after everyone is told to go home say all that needs be said...

    1. Ruby Freeman, your suitcases haven't registered to vote...

    2. -FJ... really? The Gateway Pundit as a credible source? But you could be right, if over three dozen courts challenges have been wrongly decided.

      As the saying goes and Jez distantly references lower in this thread...

      You throw enough stuff out there and sooner or later, something is bound to stick. The same way a broken clock is right twice a day too.

    3. Dave, It's on security camera video. It's real.

    4. How is where ballots were kept before being counted proof of fraud? According to election board member Matt Mashburn (a republican) "he knew that wasn't true because there was a board-appointed observer on site".

    5. Of course, the Fulton County allegation has been answered; if litigants don't believe the explanation, then it's incumbent upon them to disprove it.

      But only showing a snippet of the security camera video to try and prove an allegation, when the entirety shows otherwise....is laughably incompetent. I keep waiting for the "serious lawyering" I was told we'd see....

    6. You actually call that an answer?
      They weren't suitcases?
      They were hidden and pulled out after pool watchers were removed. That's a violation of the law if nothing else.

    7. You mean the 'suitcases' that were actually standard ballot containers"

      Yeah...they weren't suitcases.

      I agree with you that IF counting resumed after observers left, that is an election violation. Perhaps a recount could clear tha.....oh wait.

  4. Even after discounting the outright farcical fantasies involving references to mythical beasts from Scandinavian folklore.....this matter has been given multiple fair hearings in multiple States, and the cases have been found wsnting.

  5. I'm more than ever convinced that Trump is an America hating leftist. There is no way in God's fiery hell a right-winger could be this devoid of rational thought.

    1. Exactly...he says he's going to veto the NDAA due to the fact that it doesn't contain a provision to repeal Section 230. What a child.

    2. He's not a right winger. Never has been.

    3. Silver, I thought all along that of Trump got reelected but the Dems won the House and Senate, that suddenly we would have seen a "different" Trump, starting with the big infrastructure bill the Dems always wanted.

      He's not left, or right. He's Trump, a man who in the end, is mostly independent, only wanting to get a deal done.

    4. tRump is a liar and a huckster, NOT a deal maker. He is terrible at making deals. Not that I believe he ever wanted an infrastructure bill. He only pretended he did because (according to psychiatrist Justin Frank) tRump is a sadist. This explains tRump's mismanagement of the pandemic.

      Justin Frank: ...over time sadism has destroyed not only Trump's compassion but also his curiosity and ultimately, his ability to think. This results from the sadist's need to dehumanize victims, in order to protect the sadist from feeling guilt. First, the sadist discounts any possible suffering they endure. Soon all capacity for compassion disappears, followed by a loss of competence to deal with a situation that no longer has any meaning to the sadist.

    5. Justin Frank: [tRump expresses] cruelty by offering something that doesn’t exist (like his health-care plan and even sad old "Infrastructure Week") in order to inflict disappointment and hurt.

  6. Throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks is a dishonest tactic. It reflects badly on everyone involved, including those who observe it but fail to be repulsed by it.

  7. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/12/25-former-d-c-bar-presidents-can-be-wrong.php

  8. To those of you who voted for Biden & proudly support the suddenly discovered scores of 100% Biden votes...

    You had better own it for the next four years if he wins. I don't want to hear you complain about your taxes going up or gas prices doubling. I don't want to hear you to complain when your health insurance costs go up even further than they already are, or that your children are going to lose much of what you saved for them.

    Don't complain when you bring home less on your paycheck because you're being taxed for climate justice. Don't complain when you lose your job because 15 million illegal immigrants suddenly become legal & your employer decides to hire someone at a lower wage.

    Don't complain when your job is just out right eliminated because the minimum wage is too high and your employer can no longer afford to stay open or replaces you with a kiosk.

    Don't complain when your automotive or industrial job is eliminated because it gers shipped back to China or fossil fuels go away.

    Don't complain when interest rates double or even triple and homes/automobiles are not as affordable as they use to be.

    Don't complain when your stocks and 401k take a massive hit. BTW, if you didn't rock through the last 4 years to last a 4-year downturn, then find a real financial adviser.

    Don't complain when we are locked into more endless wars in the middle east. Remember - the elite thrive while funding wars while buying politicians to eliminate paying that 'fair share'.

    Don't complain when your otherwise safe communities are overrun by crime and start resembling Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Baltimore & Nashville.

    Don't complain when the educational system goes down further & higher education becomes unaffordable.

    You obviously didn't vote your paycheck or your future. You voted your hurt feelings. Unfortunately, facts don't care about your feelings & you will only learn this under a Biden/Harris administration while you chant their mantra. You already wear a mask.

    Just own it. Also when the new administration makes a play for all of our legally owned weapons, don't look to me for support, safety, or compliance...

    Darth Bacon a Passenger on the TRUMP TRAIN

    1. Darth Bacon, I’m reasonably sure the argument isn’t if Biden was the better candidate but if he was the elected candidate.

    2. Darth... as one who voted, this time for Biden, I can complain all day if I am not happy with his policies, or actions. What I won't do is blame them on Trump.

    3. What I won't do is blame them on Trump.
      C'mon Dave....reflexively blaming the "other guy", by default is the new American way. "My guy" is never to blame....

      But I do enjoy how some people come on right-wing blogs and ventilate about "you liberals".

    4. While we're chiding, don't bitch when less people are dying of Covid19 because the new President abandons the current "everybody needs to get infected to build herd immunity" policy.

      Yes, Trump voter, your attempt at genocide is over.

  9. Even with dead people votes and double counting there is no way there are not enough questionable votes to change the results.
    Hopefully GA will stay republican and we can survive two years of harris and obiden until both house and senate have GOP majorities.
    Is basement joe going to attend his inauguration or is obama going to accept the presidency for him because joey's staff is obama's in waiting.
    The GOP did what they do best, be nice and be run over. How the country allowed 30 million unsolicited ballots to be sent out to change the face of the country is amazing and disgraceful. People could not go to the polls but can go to the store and bars. The GOP rolled over and let it happen.

  10. And after DJT remains in the white house, I will really enjoy watching the libtards squirm like worms on hot cement without a blade of grass in sight for shade. LOL.
    Like vampires being drug into the sunlight but would be too quick for them. heehee

    1. Kid,
      I've been watching clips of the testimony about all the election fraud this year.

      If all this had been done to "The One" in 2008 or 2012, the screeches for the integrity of the ballot box would have reached outer space!

    2. AOW... I think you've been watching people talking about alleged fraud. No courts have televised any of this. Besides, the Trump campaign has testified in court, which we know from court filings, that they are not alleging fraud.

      In PA, the campaign before U.S. District Judge Matthew W. Brann, Giuliani admitted, “This is not a fraud case.” Other lawyers in case were asked if they were alleging fraud and they answered like this... “To my knowledge, at present, no,” said the lawyer, Jonathan Goldstein.

      In AZ another lawyer for Trump’s campaign, Kory Langhofer, made a similar comment in an Arizona court hearing... “We’re not alleging fraud in this lawsuit,” Langhofer said. “We’re not alleging that anyone is stealing the election.”

      Can someone square the reality of the Trump campaign saying one thing in court regarding fraud and stealing the election and something totally different in public forums?

    3. AOW, did you watch the clips of Melissa Carone and America's mayor at the Michigan voter fraud hearing?
      They saved the SNL writers the trouble of writing the cold open. The fart were a nice touch.

      What a dumpster fire. But even this clown show is causing enough agitation on the right to threaten the important American tradition of the peaceful transition of power.

      Is it worth it?

    4. Since Democrats care little for preventing fraud or policing good voting practices Democracy, once thought too big to fail, has failed.

    5. AOW, Of course. Very lopsided we are.

    6. The failure of democracy has been narrowly averted. Biden's victory was too large for tRump's coup attempt to succeed.

  11. Foxes were accused of being in the hen house, so a hearing was held before a head Fox panel and the case was summarily dismissed.

  12. To not admit the massive fraud and illegal voting practices, chain of custody issues, poll watcher suppression, is to be either incredibly biased, uncaring or stupid.
    If you think the amount of fraud seen doesn't taint the results, mix some fecal matter in your kool-aid. You'll never taste it.

    1. Ed, you're usually a pretty reasonable guy on most issues, but surely even you can see that there are going to be a massive number of Citizens who will readily admit that voting fraud or irregularities have been found from this election, but that have been within normal parameters of those past; and that allegations do not equal proof by default. And when taken into consideration with the blusterous pronouncements by POTUS of having won all the swings States he lost, not by a margin, but by a 'landslide'....the current internal GOP strife and within Trump's own Administration, and the utter, abject clownshow of the Trump legal team, it's filings and the hearings....many people are not going to jump on the same train that you're on...just because allegations and exclamations fit a desired outcome.

      The kool-aid comment can be just as applicable to those who buy into the mythical firefight over servers in Germany and the nefarious Basic Training Battalion at Ft. Huachuca.......

    2. When you're a star you can just do it, grab them by the Trump supporter...

    3. I have friends who were poll watchers in Wayne County when Trump was ahead, until they were pushed back as the miraculous Biden votes appeared at 3am.
      Trump won Michigan until that happened.
      This is not marginal.
      But you TDS will never allow you to see otherwise.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Nope, no 'derangement' here...I don't even have a dog in this fight. I'm content to follow the litigation and the evidence, while you seem emotionally invested in the allegations [which have thus far been unfounded and unproven]. Is that 'deranged"?.....maybe...

    6. I try to check myself. I try to avoid confirmation bias.
      I have a dog in this fight. It's called America and the Constitution. A Biden victory will be a strike at both.
      " allegations [which have thus far been unfounded and unproven]". They are sworn affidavits of witnesses. Some friends of mine. Even if they never get to court, they are evidence.

    7. Sure, you're correct. Let's then go with evidence submitted....and evidence proven. You have plenty of the former...and precious little of the latter.

      And I appreciate avoiding confirmation bias....its sometimes difficult to see someone's objectivity when they publicly state that they will not criticize their political leader.

  13. After 4 years of a fake Russian collusion investigation, calling the President “A Russian Agent’, z fake, and ridiculous Impeachment trial, which the liberal mainstream media carried like water. Daily, attempting to convince the general public that President Trump was guilty of everything except for Benghazi , its no wonder that they didn’t accuse him of planting Hunter’s Laptop! All this plus much more, leaves me to believe. There was and IS ELECTION FRAUD. The high numbers of votes dumpted is impossible.

    Even the "No Evidence" Crowd Seems To Have Become Silent!

  14. I have over two decades of experience conducting or managing fraud investigations. Experience tells me you can present all the indisputable evidence - hard copies, statistics, even Benford's - but the determination if fraud occurred rests in the audience. Frankly, considering the extent of the evidence and "blinders on" actions of the stubborn and desperate left and bought "leadership", Martial Law has to be declared short of another 1776. Remember, damn Democrat FDR declared Martial Law after Pearl and promptly put my Dad into the WWII prisons because he was of Japanese genes.

    1. You're second sentence is spot on....except that the Trump Campaign's evidence has bee anything but 'indisputable'.

    2. Hello, Koji.

      Thank you for stopping by and and the time to comment.

      Do you believe that martial law will be declared?

      Should be declared?

  15. I have over two decades of experience conducting or managing fraud investigations. Experience tells me you can present all the indisputable evidence - hard copies, statistics, even Benford's - but the determination if fraud occurred rests in the audience. Frankly, considering the extent of the evidence and "blinders on" actions of the stubborn and desperate left and bought "leadership", Martial Law has to be declared short of another 1776. Remember, damn Democrat FDR declared Martial Law after Pearl and promptly put my Dad into the WWII prisons because he was of Japanese genes.


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