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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Remember When?

(For politics, please scroll down)

A little something for Father's Day Weekend for those of us of a certain age (or older or younger)....

When America — and the world — was a different place:

Have a good weekend.

Dad, I miss you.

Dad (1911-1998), circa 1930

Dad, left, in 1975


  1. LOVE the video! This really WERE the days. We were a kinder, gentler, friendlier people then, and life was slower-paced, less hectic., Open hostility was kept at a minimum –– at lest where I grew up –– in and arund New York City, if you would believe.

    You father was a great looking guy. You've often said he resembled Humphrey bogart, but I thnk your dad was better looking than Bogie, whom I LIKED very much as an ACTOR by the way thanks to Dark Victory, The Maltese falcon, The African Queen and those priceless pairings wih; Lauren Bacall of which Dark Passage is my all time favorite. (I saw it when i first came out in 1947, at the local drive-in with my Mom and Dad (!), and it made a deep impression on me even at the tender age of six. ;-)

    Wonderful times! A wonderful life! I'm very grateful I was born while it was still posdible to feel great joy and pride in being an American.

    All that was over for me, howver, when the Popular Music cnanged in 1955 the year we were beset with the hideous CURSE of Rock 'n Roll. The Se, Drugs an Protest CAZE soon followed, and we began the swift slide down into the muck and mire of Filt and Neo-Barbarism that continues to make life a HELL on EARTH to this very day.

    1. Franco,
      In addition to being handsome, my dad was a wonderful man and a great father. He came to marriage and fatherhood late in life -- to the former at the age of 39 and to the latter at the age of 41.

      I didn't realize how lucky I was to have had the parents I had until I was in my 30s.

      I'm glad that my parents are not here now to see what a mess America is today.

    2. Nothing can give a person as much pleasure as a child and nothing can give a parent as much pain; not even marriage. Blessings to parents.

  2. ________ A Father’s Prayer ________

    Ask not, my child, what I can do for you.
    Forgive what seems like stinginess today.
    A lot will be required to go through
    The process of discovering the right way.
    Help yourself. Don't wait for me, my child.
    Each one of us must learn to stand alone.
    Rich rewards like Love can't be beguiled,
    Seduced or bought. They must in toil be grown.
    Perhaps to you I sound a bit too stern?
    Remember that I've lived a longer time.
    A joy cannot exist until you earn
    Your way. To do it FOR you'd be a crime.
    Exacting though I seem, my little one,
    Respect me now, and –– later –– you'll have fun.

    ~ FreeThinke - The Sandpiper

  3. Good one AOW. Yea, compare 1960 to 2020. Things are not getting better.

  4. Great video! I think I saw my very first car in there, (1953 Ford Coupe). Thanks.

  5. Glad you had a real father. I'm a "boomer" as my generation was labeled; I could make book that 85% of us had military fathers. Mine was -to be polite- reprehensible. The overt actions being forced on us, because of the supposed "pandemic" are all in violation of our constitutional rights, yet too many are blindly obeying police state actions.
    Here is the covid fraud revealed:


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