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Monday, June 8, 2020

Recommended Reading

See The media will never understand the riots as long as they insist on calling them ‘protests' by Benny Huang at Liberty Unyielding (June 5, 2020). Excerpt:
As America presses through its second week of smoldering rage, the media continue to prove their abject uselessness. Round-the-clock coverage of our national mayhem has illuminated nothing and hidden quite a bit beneath hours of pointless chatter.

Journalists have gotten the story wrong since the moment a police officer killed George Floyd because journalists don’t understand it any better than we commoners — and perhaps worse than we commoners. Their Pavlovian conditioning simply won’t allow them to process what’s happening before their own eyes. Whereas normal people see rioting, looting, and mayhem, journalists see dispossessed people protesting peacefully. If the American Psychiatric Association hasn’t yet documented this inability to engage with reality in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it should really get on that posthaste....
Read the rest HERE.

The balkanization of America continues apace — with the mainstream media fueling the fire and pouring gasoline on it.

In the meantime, what else newsworthy is happening? Hmmmmmm?


  1. The legitimacy of the protests depends on how tolerable you judge the status quo to be. Obviously that judgement is dependent on which section of society we belong to... we've all got to exercise our empathy muscles.

    1. Jez,
      It's not really about which section of society, unless we call those committing nefarious deeds as a section of society.

      Consider this information:

      Most police killings occur for reasons unrelated to race. Most people killed by police in America are white — not African-Americans. For example, Daniel Shaver was white. He was shot and killed while sobbing and pleading for his life, and trying to comply with confusing orders from the police. The cop who killed him was terminated, but later reinstated just long enough to qualify for a taxpayer-provided pension.

      Most people killed by the police have a weapon and pose a threat to the police or innocent third parties. The number of unarmed people killed by the police is much smaller. In 2019, 9 unarmed black people were shot and killed by on-duty police officers, compared with 19 whites. Victims remain mostly white if you expand the tally to include off-duty police officers and deaths from causes other than gun shots. Mapping Police Violence recently counted 28 unarmed blacks and 51 unarmed whites who died at the hands of police in 2019.

      But the media, progressives and political activists often leave the misimpression that the problem is entirely racial....

      Please go HERE for embedded links and the entire essay "Jumping to Conclusions about Police Killings."

    2. Numerical comparisons above are meaningless without normalizing by population.

    3. "And don't start telling me that protestors are talking about all forms of violence, because the signs refer to George Floyd."

      Ah, see you knew what was coming didn't you? Why pre-emptively dismiss a perfectly reasonable point? Are you saying that brutality is tolerable as long as it isn't lethal?

      "normalized for population, black people commit crimes in percentages higher than their percentage of the population at large."

      a) What proportion of the excess conviction rate could be explained by extra police attention and inferior legal defence?
      b) Even so, I con't challenge the point and I believe that gang activity is responsible for a large amount of criminal activity. Gangs flourish in communities where the official services are not trusted. Isn't this how the Mafia became established?

      My prediction: set up a police service that folks in the Projects can have confidence in, and gang-related crime will fall.

    4. a) and what proportion of eggs can be explained by chickens?

    5. About 5% of bird eggs, dunno how that compares to reptiles but it's almost nothing compared to fish eggs.

  2. The writer seem to want readers to believe that it' been one long riot. That's nonsense and simply a tactic to assure that the true issues (brutality and militarization) aren't kept in focus.
    After the first night the protests have largely been non-violent and to say otherwise is an injustice.

    1. Duck,
      Don't you find it interesting that the demonstrations and the riots are occurring almost exclusively in deep blue cities in deep blue states?

      With the Dems (Progressives) long in charge of those cities, how is it that those cities persist in "institutional racism" and brutality and militarization?

      Could this be a huge part of the problem?

      Instead of downplaying the harms of looting, people concerned about saving black lives should push for reforms that actually save lives, like repealing state laws that make it hard to fire abusive police officers. Derek Chauvin, the police officer most responsible for killing George Floyd, remained a cop even after at least 18 citizens filed complaints against him alleging past misconduct. Minnesota has a union-backed law that makes it very hard to fire bad police officers.


    2. It should also be mentioned that, despite the media's references to "large demonstrations," these are pretty small crowds. They number 2,000 up to as much as 5,000. The Vietnam protests usually were in the tens of thousands at least and often hundreds of thousands.

      I believe more than 800,000 heard MLK in Washington. The civil rights movement years routinely had protests in excess of 100,000.

    3. I agree with that quote you posted, AOW. Reform of the police is going to be les effective i it' ot seen as race neutral.
      The "thin blue line" pathology makes it difficult. Dems aren't in a position to challenge police union. It's a tough problem.

  3. Replies
    1. Or an exhortation to peace -- an un-erotic Lysistrata.

    2. Let me tell you, if I made such an "exhortation" to my wife it would not produce peace.

    3. Perhaps I should clarify. My wife is already inclined in favor of protests. We avoid discussion of the political realm because we value harmony in our relationship. But if I were to make a manipulative threat to withold affection in an feeort to bend her will, all hell would break loose. I love that about her.

    4. You could be right, Jayhawk... Lysistrata is a comedy, after all.

    5. FJ,
      Good Lord! In what world could Pelosi and her minions have thought what they staged was a good idea!

  4. This is not just an orchestrated event in the cities. This is a well planned orchestrated event that effected the little towns and 'burbs throughout the USA. We read about the cities, but this madness has infiltrated into the nooks and crannies of America which is even more disturbing.
    Our little town in Amish country had a military vehicle burned last week and a Black Lives Matter protest scheduled. just to try and put fear into us.. Our police - of course- kneeled before the one black person they could find. Of course we had to rig our police with cameras "just in case" and our retirement community went into full force security-- we already are in lock down due to the virus.
    Follow the money...if our government can keep track of Trump can't they figure out who is behind all of this?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Your another Putz who suffers from Trump derangement syndrome

  7. This is not about George Floyd anymore, how many more times are we go to see those pictures on TV? How many more memorials, and “peaceful protests” are we going to have? We get it! Buy these Thugs are trying to take down the government, with organized attacks by Antifa on the White House, and anyone that cant see that is Blind!


    ______________ DEFINING the ENEMY ______________


    When we insult, deride, hector, badger, lampoon and defame The Enemy, "IT" fully deserves every bit of Mockery, Derogation, Cruelty, and Nose-Thumbing Dismissal I can muster.

    HOWEVER, when The Enemy attempts to insult, bully, badger or LIE about US, "IT" fully deserves every bit of Mockery, Derogation, Cruelty, and Nose-Thumbing Dismissal we can muster. };^)>

    The Enemy is either The Great Deceiver, Himself, or One of His Ardent Disciples. Therefore, The Enemy deserves NO Consideration, and must be shown NO Indulgence, given NO Quarter, NO Mercy, NO Tolerance, WHATSOEVER.

    Never –– EVER –– forget what The Enemy did to Czar Nicholas and His family in the basement of "The House of Special Purpose."

    The ENEMY still eagerly makes EXCUSES for the Savage Bolshevik Beasts.

    The ENEMY is The BEAST –– the Servant, the Handmaiden, the Henchman, the Toady, the SLAVE and ASSKISSER to everything VILE.

    The Enemy is AWAYS on the attack –– no matter what. The Enemy NEVER approves, affirms, finds Satisfaction, or takes Delight in ANYTHING. The Enemy never Laughs, because “IT” is incapable of appreciating the HUMOROUS side of life. The Enemy can only MOCK, SCORN, DERIDE, COMPLAIN and ACCUSE.

    The Enemy cannot be treated diplomatically; "IT" must be DESTROYED.

    [Just be sure you identify "IT" correctly, and know who "IT" is before you start pumping bullets into "IT." };^]>


    The ENEMY is ever the one to sneer the loudest at every opportunity to denounce, magnify, distort, and condemn even the slightest flaw in others. His high and mighty insolence and perpetually sneering posture betrays a pathological penchant for placing his imaginarily august SELF high above US "The Common Crowd," doesn't it? His Sado-masochistic relationship with the rest of humanity reveals him to be a pathetic, very LITTLE person. Most Scoffers, Scorners, Debunkers, Deriders, Contrarians, Refutationists and other Devotees of Negativism are.

    People of this despicable ilk should be welcome to our pity, but should never hope to win our respect.


    1. After months of forcing businesses to close, arresting mothers who took their children to the park or forcing people off the beach suddenly it's OK to go out in large crowds again. Just days after the media condemned a pool party in the Ozarks mass social justice protests erupted. Not one of those who pointed fingers at the pool party participants gave a damn!

      Now they are out in the open. It's OK for mass gatherings, but ONLY those gatherings that advance a radical left wing agenda. Any other gatherings will be a grave threat to public health and immediately stamped out by Democrat governors and mayors.

    2. Don’t worry, the Trump campaign will soon gather large groups of people I close quarters. Because base adoration is the ambrosia of certain insecure parties.


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