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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Coronavirus Humor

(For politics, please scroll down. Siverfiddle posted a good 'un yesterday)

I'm way beyond the date I should have gone to the hair salon to prevent my gray from showing. **wince**  At least I can pluck out my gray eyebrows!

The earliest possible date for getting to the hair salon now appears to be June 9 — if Virginia's tyrannical governor Ralph Northam allows it even then.  And I wonder if hair salons will manage to survive at all!


  1. LOL. That's a good one. Barber shops opened here last week, I was getting pretty wooly, and I can't grow hair like I used to when I was younger. It ain't pretty

    1. SF,
      Mr. AOW's beard has become a fearsome thing!

    2. @AOW
      I have a beard battery powered trimmer, sort of a miniature hair trimmer, that I use to keep my beard under control. The wife habitually drives me to the barber by asking who that is following me which, of course, is out of bounds these days. She is mumbling about the issue but can't say she wants my barber shop to open because she supports the lockdown, so she's between a rock and a hard place.

      (That is a conversation we don't have because we care about each other a lot.) She can't help but say a little something once in a while, at which point I hold up my beard trimmer and tell her to whack away, but she doesn't have that much courage. Not yet, at least. We'll see, if the lockdown continues.

    3. Jayhawk,
      she supports the lockdown, so she's between a rock and a hard place

      Sounds problematic to me!

  2. The Owosso barber stayed open, got a judge to stay his closure, so the tyrant had his license lifted!
    Great now he must have forgotten everything her ever knew about haircutting since they lifted his license.
    I snuck Scherie to her friend who cuts her hair a couple weeks ago.
    Others found out. They went. Somehow she functions without a license.

    1. And I use a #3 guard on the scalp and am careful around the ears with he guard removed..
      #2 on the beard.
      Life is good. :)

    2. Ed,
      I just ordered THIS so as to attack Mr. AOW's beard. He looks like a lumberjack who has neglected grooming for ages!

    3. Ed,
      The Owosso barber stayed open, got a judge to stay his closure, so the tyrant had his license lifted!


    4. You gonna torture Mr. AOW with that! It looks scary!

  3. No problem with hair or beard so far..


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