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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Famous Washington Post Obituaries

Silverfiddle Rant!

The election of President Donald J. Trump has driven Democrats batshite crazy, to include the 95% of the Infotainment Media Complex that shamelessly acts as a blaring propaganda outlet for the Democrat Party.

The Washington Post went full leftwing loon wackadoo and posted this headline:

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48

This demented idiocy launched a thousand parodies.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Charles Manson, noted family man, charismatic singer/songwriter and aspiring Hollywood socialite, passes away at 83.

11/28/94: Jeffrey Dahmer, who pushed the boundaries of culinary innovation, died today at the age of 34. Dahmer's murder makes him yet the latest victim of the rampant homophobia that transpires in Newt Gingrich's America

John Wilkes Booth, acclaimed actor, entrepreneur and Democrat Party activist, dies at 26.

Osama bin Laden, father of 23, killed in home invasion

Saddam Hussein, successful politician, oil baron and noted tough boss, dead at 69.

Adolph Hitler, humble artist turned passionate leader, Time Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year 1938, talented orator, animal lover and vegetarian, dies at the age of 56.


  1. One of the funniest parodies I saw, over at Lone Star Parson:

    Today we remember Vlad the Impaler. He spearheaded initiatives that touched the hearts of many.

  2. Another parody of Osama bin Laden:

    Osama bin Laden, some guy who did something, dead at 54.

    And this one, from the same source as above:

    Mohammed Atta, skilled aviator and leader of men, dies at 33.

  3. George Washington, a wealthy Virginia slaveowner and son of white privilege, renowned for cynically marrying a homely widow to icrease his already abundant store land and money, –– his grim, sour-faced toothless state, –– his rebellious, arrogant, imperious disposition –– and cruelly inept command of starving, shoeless, rags -clad soldiers in the dead of winter through snow-laden ground finally succumbs to the Grim Reaper at Mount Vernon, his vast, beautiful, slave-built, luxuriously appointed mansion overlooking the Potomac River at age 67. Not a moment too soon in our opinion.

  4. Thomas Jefferson, obscenely rich member of Virginia's landed gentry, a selfish tyrannical exploiter of African people of color cruelly held in bondage, was also a child rapist who ritually abused a defenseless back girl still in her early teens who bore him several children added to his abndant store of innocent souls held in penal servitude. Jefferson was a renowned Jack of All Trades but Master of None. Always the highly pretentious Consummate Amateur, Jefferson depended on the great skill and high intelligence of the helpless people he routinely abused and exploited to help him surround himself with inappropriate, unearned trappings of glory, grandeur and high importance. He was 83 when he died in the undeserved comfort of his home at Monticello. We hope he met an appropriately miserable fate in the afterlife. It would only be justice, if he did.

    1. FA + 1 (except poor Jefferson wasn't obscenely rich, alas, but a poor manager who was owned by the bank)

  5. Hi, Silverfiddle!

    This is a most enjoyable respite from the usual dreary litany and catalogue of depressing complaints about and ANAL-ISIS of the political outrages that dominate our national llandscape today.

    Kudos to you, if you CREATED these parodies –– they are brilliant as well as amusing, –– and Kudos to you even if you merely had the intelligence to find and share your appreciatin of this kind of delicious satirical humor.

    Good work all around! THANKS!

    And by theHAPPY HILLAWEEN!

    1. I didn't invent them, just passing them along.

      It gives me hope that millions are joining in the lampooning of that crapheap known as the Washington Post.

    2. While they're at it ask them to lampoon crap heaps like Breitfart, Lucienne, Fox "News" (State sanctuoned Propaganda), to name just a few.

      Democracy Dies In Darkness

      Something the trumpers are fully supportive of. Even if they can't OR WON'T acknowledge it.

    3. Democracy dies in dumbshittery. Our press is a national disgrace and a danger to our democratic republic.

    4. Democracy dies whenever and wherever we begin to tolerate the presence of obnoxious leftist trolls.

  6. And once again they cannot show us the body.

  7. Actual NYT headline for Stalin’s obit:

    “Stalin Rose From Czarist Oppression to Transform Russia Into Mighty Socialist State.”

    1. The New York Times is singularly unique in that it managed to both boost USSR communist totalitarianism and hide Hitler's hideous crimes against humanity.

  8. Jayhawk,
    Or at least his head. Word has it that his head popped off when he pulled the cord on his suicide vest. Pop! Goes the Weasel. Heh.

  9. I am not a fan of displaying corpses. Even that can be faked, anyway.

    I am also not a fan of us sharing so much information. We reveal way too much operational information.

    Don't believe we whacked him? Go find him provide proof of life.

  10. Some fun in an otherwise bleak looking future. Anyone want to bet with me that the perfect timing of the Horowitz report will suddenly be made available as soon as the vote for impeachment? Guess a Friday dump if the vote comes off. Who said Barr and Horowitz didn't have a sense of humor!

  11. Never Trumper Armchair General Max Boob also soiled himself over Baghdadi's death:

    "The Washington Post was forced to issue a correction after columnist Max Boot said Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was not a coward because he evaded capture by committing suicide."


    1. Max Boot is the moral equivalent of a small,round puckered orifice designed to expel waste matter from the human digestive system –– hopefully into an appropriate porcelain vessel from which it will eventually be tossed into a proper household waste disposal system.

      The man is –– to sum it up neatly in a single word –– FATUOUS..

  12. I am not a fan of displaying corpses......

    I am also not a fan of us sharing so much information. We reveal way too much operational information.


  13. Osama bin Laden died before the raid (kidney failure)?
    A look a like placed in the house (sucker)just so Obama could have the CREDIT. The body was thrown overboard - Burial at Sea - before verification.
    Get rid of the evidence.
    It was known - Saddam Hussein - had a look a like to attend public events---ya know, just in case.
    These people could have faked out Trump also.

    1. I noticed that you didn't include your proof. Must have been an easily corrected oversight, no?

  14. The Osama bin Laden body was thrown overboard - Burial at Sea - before verification.
    Get rid of the evidence.
    It was known - Saddam Hussein - had a look a like to attend public events---ya know, just in case.
    Any one can look this up. If ya know how.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow. Appreciate the entertainment though.

  15. Did the real Hitler die by US Soldiers?
    Sightings in Argentina ?
    Was Osama bin Laden in a bad way (Dialysis Machine)?
    A lot of people die during treatment on Dialysis Machines.
    Was the real Saddam Hussein Hanged? Probably.

    1. I know one thing for sure Saddam s not living in Jim Comey or Robert Mueller's basement. Neither has he been buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

      He MIGHT be hidden away in Valerie Jarrett's lair or in the Obama's guest room, but I doubt it.

      Like Amelia Earhart, Hitler and Elvis Saddam is irretrievbly DEAD. I'd bet the farm on it it.

  16. I don't know why this was deleted but I believe that Trump has a way of screwing up even the few good things he's capable of. Did he have to use the childish and ghoulish tenor in his press conference? Did he have to make asinine comparisons to bin Laden's demise? Did he have to give away tactical information? Yes. He's Trump.

  17. What tactical information did he give away that we have not given away in the past, and by what standard was he wrong to do it?

    For the record, I think our government has been releasing way too many operational details since 9/11.

  18. Thanks. I was beginning to wonder...

  19. Of course, he offered nothing in the way of classified or tactical information; though his ad libbing of Baghdadi’s demise cheapened the IO message.

  20. Business Insider:
    NatSec officials: Trump gave away US tactics describing ...


    4 days ago - President Trump announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been ... by the US valuable information on evading capture or death.

  21. quite a stretch. Rabid hatred just makes them look like the fools they are.

  22. SF,
    Yes, indeed.

    I grow weary of the rabid hatred.

  23. CNN Uncovers Evidence Hero Dog Sniffed Dozens Of Butts Back In College': Babylon Bee wins the internet https://bizpacreview.com/2019/10/29/cnn-uncovers-evidence-hero-dog-sniffed-dozens-of-butts-back-in-college-babylon-bee-wins-the-internet-845543… via

  24. Impeachment avalanche picking up steam and the last Republican standing is going to say...

    "Whoa whoa whoa! Turning our foreign relations and military aid authorizations into a partisan quid pro quo shakedown is no where near as bad as an extra-marital blow job!"

  25. Franco,
    Such trolls typically move on if we don't respond to them.

    Other times, they do get deleted on site.


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