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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Slide Into Rigging Our Elections

Reading for the above graphic: Roberts Helps Dems Rig Elections: The Supreme Court temporarily blocked Trump's citizenship question on the 2020 census. First paragraph:
With the amount of information the U.S. Census gathers every decade, it seems logical that one of the questions asked would be simply, “Are you a citizen of the United States?” Yet the very idea of asking this simple “yes” or “no” question outraged the Left — which is in a headlong rush to offer free stuff to anyone who arrives. And leftists found a judge and a Supreme Court willing to stop the Trump administration from adding this longstanding question back into the 2020 census.
Read the rest HERE.

This wrong-headed SCOTUS decision came just a few days before America's 243rd birthday. Our Founders must be writhing in their graves.


  1. Roberts knows the Establishmentarian Infotainment Media Complex will write his legacy, and he doesn't want to be banished from the DC cocktail circuit.

  2. The Trump Admin did look like shady liars. I don't know why they didn't play it straight up.

    It is an indictment of our morbidly obese and criminally incompetent government that it cannot tell us how many illegal immigrants are here, and that it can do nothing about it.

    1. The ruling seems reasonable

      I notice there is no right wing objection to the ruling giving the green light to state gerrymandering.
      The intent is pretty clear, keep minority count down and dilute the vote further through gerrymandering. Ross's statement that it's being used to enhance the voting rights act after SCOTUS crippled the law is laughable.

      There's a move to cripple elections but any honest citizen can see it's the right wing authoritarians running a game.

    2. Ducky says:
      Whaaa, Whaaa, Waaa. -Followed by standard, boilerplate, agitprop accusations.-

      Why don't you grow up or run away and join the "Progressive" circus. Oh! Wait a minute...

    3. Gerrymandering is a State's right... as is everything to do with it's election system.

    4. Immigration is a federal responsibility. Knowing how many non-citizens are in the country is a federal responsibility. Taking a census is also a federal responsibility. The judiciary, through it's ruling, has prevented the Executive from obtaining information critical to performing it's Constitutionally mandated responsibilities.

    5. The federal government only gets involved in State's Rights issues if the States are violating its' citizens civil rights. And "Political Party" affiliation-based gerrymandering has thus far not been deemed a violation of any individual's civil rights.

    6. ...for evidence, just look to tech company discrimination and censorship on the internet against Conservative opinion and its' subsequent classification as "hate speech".

    7. Joe,
      Up votes for your comment of 9:09 AM today:

      Immigration is a federal responsibility. Knowing how many non-citizens are in the country is a federal responsibility. Taking a census is also a federal responsibility. The judiciary, through it's ruling, has prevented the Executive from obtaining information critical to performing it's Constitutionally mandated responsibilities.

    8. It may be, Farmer, that we have a struggle in states that don't have a state constitutional proscription of gerrymandering (twenty or so do) or a citizens initiative law that can install independent redistricting commissions. Pennsylvania's redistricting got thrown out by the state court for violating the state constitution.
      The egregious redistricting in North Carolina was originally struck down by the courts but the rethugs are going to try again with Hofelller data they claim isn't racial. Redistricting by race is a violation of civil rights which SCOTUS is happy to duck. Read justice Kagan's dissent.

      The tech company "discrimination" does no impact federal civil rights,

  3. Once more we have Roberts ruling based, not on the legality of the act, but on the motives of the perpetrator. He ruled that Trump could not rescind an Obama executive order regarding "dreamers" because he did not offer a sufficient reason for doing so. Now he rules that adding the citizenship question to the census cannot be done because, while the act is lawful, the motives of the person doing it are impure. The absurdity is beyond belief.

    Somebody knows where Roberts buried a body. They know the blackmail must be applied judiciously (so to speak) or the blackmail will become obvious, but someone has something on him and is using it on a case by case basis to get him to apply these absurd rulings.

    A lawful act may be rendered unlawful by impure motives. Give me a break.

    1. Roberts has become a mind-reader... just like all those other progressive liberals who claim that every Republican is a heartless racist. Nothing that ANY Republican ever does can pass the progressive liberal's "motive test".

    2. Joe, I'm not so sure Roberts had to be a mind reader. The court determined Sec Ross was lying even before considering the papers of one of the men who pushed for this question that basically said the Admin was doing this to dilute Latino Voter support.

      Now whether that's true or not, it shouldn't matter. We've had this question on our census forms in the past, and probably will in the future. Roberts gave the Admin an out. All they simply had to do was provide reasonable proof, under the Administrative Procedure Act , that they had thought this through and that they had a good reason, other than politics, for doing this.

      They can still do that today.

      The question is why they have chosen not to do so.

    3. Dave,
      All they simply had to do was provide reasonable proof, under the Administrative Procedure Act , that they had thought this through and that they had a good reason, other than politics, for doing this.

      They can still do that today.

      But not, as I understand it, in time for the printing deadline for the census.

    4. Jayhawk,
      Up votes for your excellent comment:

      Once more we have Roberts ruling based, not on the legality of the act, but on the motives of the perpetrator. He ruled that Trump could not rescind an Obama executive order regarding "dreamers" because he did not offer a sufficient reason for doing so. Now he rules that adding the citizenship question to the census cannot be done because, while the act is lawful, the motives of the person doing it are impure. The absurdity is beyond belief.

      Somebody knows where Roberts buried a body. They know the blackmail must be applied judiciously (so to speak) or the blackmail will become obvious, but someone has something on him and is using it on a case by case basis to get him to apply these absurd rulings.

      A lawful act may be rendered unlawful by impure motives. Give me a break.

    5. AOW... The Trump Admin probably cannot get this done in time for the 2020 census, since they themselves have argued for a July 1 drop dead date.

      They could work though to enshrine the question in future counts by working through Congress to pass a law on it. Then it doesn't look at nakedly political, there's time for everyone to prepare and it's all legal and on the up and up.

  4. Word on the street is that the left has found a way to extort Roberts based on some illegal activity of his. Seems reasonable.

    1. Kid,
      That wouldn't surprise me. I wonder if we will ever know for certain this side of eternity.

  5. The ruling was reasonable based upon the amateur manner in which the Administration went about trying to add the Census question; but it's absolutely asinine to oppose asking the question in the first place.....since one of the primary reasons for the Census if not the, is for apportionment of government representations and services for United States Citizens.

    1. CI,
      Was it really the manner that resulted in a ruling based on "rationale"?

      In dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas said the majority had done something extraordinary. “For the first time ever,” he wrote, “the court invalidates an agency action solely because it questions the sincerity of the agency’s otherwise adequate rationale.”

      Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh joined Justice Thomas’s partial dissent.

      Justice Thomas said the courts should give executive branch officials the benefit of the doubt. “I do not deny,” he wrote, “that a judge predisposed to distrust the secretary or the administration could arrange those facts on a corkboard and — with a jar of pins and a spool of string — create an eye-catching conspiracy web.”

      He said the consequences of the majority decision would be far-reaching. “Now that the court has opened up this avenue of attack,” he wrote, “opponents of executive actions have strong incentives to craft narratives that would derail them.”

      Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. filed his own partial dissent.

      “To put the point bluntly,” he wrote, “the federal judiciary has no authority to stick its nose into the question whether it is good policy to include a citizenship question on the census or whether the reasons given by Secretary Ross for that decision were his only reasons or his real reasons.”

  6. Having been the "lucky one" who received the long form Census form last time around, I can tell you there was nothing left to the imagination as to what I was about.... we hear little about this, but if all of this information is going to determine our future included now illegals we are indeed lost as to future planning.
    Its been too long since i received the form, but I do recall it was invasive.

  7. Honestly, not a good enough reason????? Citizenship question should be the First Required question on a census form.

    Man, Roberts needs to be impeached. I really do think he's being extorted based on past event in his life. He's on a par with Ruth Buzzard.

  8. I would be optimistic unless Howard Schultz or Bloomberg run as an independent.
    The nation is tired of the waves of illegal immigration. They want the nonsense to stop. Open borders and reparations are a ticket for Trump to win.
    The Democratic Party is away from the mainstream.


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