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Friday, July 26, 2019

Stay in the Game

Note from AOW: Such a wonderful story! I'm leaving this up through the weekend.

Silverfiddle Rant!

“But we all know this world needs a lot more positivity.”

“It just goes back to that saying - be nice to everybody because you don’t know what they’re going through."

Here's a story of hope, told by a father. If you want something heartwarming, please read on. It will only take you five minutes.

Stay in the Game

Related: Saving the Dog that Saved its Owner.


  1. Awesome story, thanks for posting it. Reinforces my belief that in almost every case, dogs are better than people.

    Kenny being a welcome exception.

  2. ...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

  3. Thanks for making it possible to share such a heartwarming story about the unconditional love our pets give us and how they also teach us how to love.

    Without the dark we cannot see the light.

    Thanks to Kenny and all the "heroes" who perform random acts of kindness.

    Have a great weekend everybody.

  4. In a program of life change was a single phrase that was the turning point for me. "This is the point," it said, "at which we turn, with humility as our guide, outward from self, toward others."

    Max turned outward from self toward Chica and was, himself, changed. Kenny turned outward from self, toward Max and Chica, and was changed. Powerful story.

  5. amazing story, and well told.

  6. Thanks for this gentle, kindhearted reminder of why Harry Truman said, "If you want to have a friend in Washington, D.C, get a dog."

    It's been my experience too that animals help more to get us in touch with our "better angels" than [most] people do.

    I'm glad I hardly ever leave the house anymore, because I've never been able to pass a stray kitten or a lost doggy without scooping it up, taking it to a vet, and doing my best to find it a good home.

    It's only by God's amazing Grace that I didn't wind up becoming one of those pathetic Animal Hoarders.

  7. Replies
    1. What race was Max's backpacking buddy in Costa Rica?

    2. Are writers required to practice affirmative action now in order to sell books? Welcome to the cultural capitalism era/genre...

  8. https://www.colts.com/news/kenny-moore-on-saving-the-dog-that-saved-its-owner-it-was-up-to-me

    1. Ed,
      That link, which is also at the bottom of the blog post, is a must read. And it has photos of Chica, too.

  9. I just read it to Scherie. I almost couldn't for crying.

    1. Ed,
      I know exactly what you mean. Same problem here when I tried to read this story aloud.

  10. It doesn't make headlines, but should. Wonderful story at so many levels.

  11. So easy to get cynical about so many things, then a story like this comes along. Thanks..


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