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Monday, June 10, 2019

Recommended Reading

See 'Scorched Earth': Mueller's Targets Speak Out by Paul Sperry at RealClear Investigations.

The last two paragraphs therefrom:
Ex-Trump campaign official Michael Caputo, who went public earlier, complaining he had to remortgage his house after having to hire expensive Washington lawyers, wants Mueller and his team investigated for “prosecutorial abuses.” “Ruining lives was blood sport for them,” he said.

[Journalist Art] Moore agreed: “You look at the lives ruined — Corsi, Michael Flynn and others. That alone is enough to warrant a special investigation.”
Read the rest HERE.

Look. I understand that a lot of people don't like Donald Trump.  Disliking, even hating, any given President is an American tradition. But resorting to the methods as described in the RealClear Investigations essay cited above? 

Such measures are Kafka-esque. Orwellian.

Some say the methods of an attempted coup.


  1. The thing is, I'm fairly sure that a large part of Trump's "appeal" is the extent to which he cheeses off liberals. What if the American left refused to allow him to get their goat?

    1. Here in the US, in all corners of public life, its all goading and all trolling all the time.

      Dems have fallen to his level of public discourse. They obviously never read Nietzche's warning about fighting monsters.

  2. The Democrats are obsessed. They lost the election and Mueller's fishing expedition was a bust, but they can't let go.

    They will keep banging this tin drum all the way to election 2020. The voters will decide.

  3. If history is any indication, the American people react negatively to any president who abuses, or appears to abuse his authority/power. In my life, there have been three: FDR (not detested until much later, when we learned of his Gestapo-like remedies to political opposition), Nixon, and now Obama, who was clearly behind every effort to discredit Trump. Silverfiddle is correct to say that the American people will decide about this issue, but not even that will bring back any semblance of justice to those who became Mueller's pawns/victims. Prosecutorial abuse indeed.

    1. Mustang,
      Silverfiddle is correct to say that the American people will decide about this issue, but not even that will bring back any semblance of justice to those who became Mueller's pawns/victims.

      A tragedy for them, IMO.

    2. And a tragedy for our republic as well.

    3. This is why the DNC meme every day is "Say Trump abused power" say "No president is above the law," etc etc etc. And then John DEAN as a witness?? The purpose was so transparent.."Trump's just like NIXON!" Every single day it's a slightly different meme with the same basic message...drip, drip, drip. I'm afraid it'll have been very effective at the next election. Very smart on their part...brilliant, maybe. And very hateful and dangerous to our republic and every future president.

  4. I can't get what has happened to Manafort off my mind. Being sent to Rikers Island and put in solitary confinement is equal to any abuse the most vile corrupt governments have done. The Judge should be disbarred.

    1. I agree. Our "Justice" system is looking rotten. Manafort was found guilty of non-violent crimes and is charged in NY with more non-violent crimes. You don't lock him up with violent criminals.

      New York is charging him so they can stick state convictions to him that the President cannot pardon. They publicly stated that, and that in itself is an abuse, imo.

      But then, we had Mueller deploying platoons of swat teams to drag in non-violent people who are not a flight risk, rather than just notify their lawyer to have them come in, as is normally done.

      DOJ is off the rails and I hope Barr can restore sanity.

    2. SF,
      we had Mueller deploying platoons of swat teams to drag in non-violent people who are not a flight risk, rather than just notify their lawyer to have them come in, as is normally done

      Mueller, intentionally or otherwise, has sent the message that those who support(ed) Trump will have their lives forever ruined.

    3. Our Tea Party was practically ruined by the IRS. Without a non-profit 5013c status we could not get insurance. No one was willing to take personal liability for bus trips and for those meeting locations requiring insurance.


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