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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Recommended Reading

With a hat tip to Z:

See Fox News Anchor Fears For Her Safety at SCOTUS Protests, Cancels Live Show (dated July 9, 2018).

This is America? In the heart of Capitol Hill?


  1. Just a few days ago, Warren and Mr. AOW and I were in the Vicinity of the SCOTUS. We were visiting the Library of Congress.

    At one point, Mr. AOW was tooling along outside, in front of the SCOTUS building while Warren and I were examining the WW1 exhibit.

    Normally, Capitol Hill is one of the safest areas in Washington, D.C.

    I hate to think what would have happened that day had the demonstrators [anarchists] been on site. Mr. AOW is very vulnerable on a mobility scooter. **sigh**

    1. It's a terrible thing to feel you must be afraid of having to withstand grievous bodily harm just to visit our nation's capital.

      I would say, however, that the news media is always more interested in "selling soap" than in presenting plain unvarnished truth. FOX News is as guilty as any of induging in blatant sensation mongering.

      I doubt if Mr. AOW has anything to fear, unless he goes out wearing a MAGA Tee-shirt, or a waves a pro-Trump flag.

      I still believe TR was right when he said, "Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

      That may seem to undercut President Trump's bombastic style, but I have long seen that the president's boisterous approach is a kind of smoke screen.

      His show of seemingly common, vulgar, simplistic rhetoric deftly accomplishes two great things:

      1. It enables the great mass of ordinary citizens who rightly have long felt left out to relate to Mr. Trump with a degree of comfort and familiarity. They like him, because at bottom he's made it possible for them to believe, despite his vast wealth, that he is one of them.

      2. It almost guarantees that his haughty, puffed up, belligerent opposition in both parties will continue to believe he is a clumsy, inept "doofus," because it pleases and flatters them to think that, while all the while President Trump, who is in reality a master strategist and extremely clever tactician, always stays three steps ahead of them.

    2. Franco,
      Mr. AOW is afraid to wear his MAGA hat in certain places. Even at the Smithsonian!

  2. There are no limits to anarchy. This is how it starts.


    We pray today for the well-being of Judge Brett Kavanaugh who just yesterday was nominated by President Trump to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by Justice Anthony Kennedy.

    We pray that he and his family will withstand with aplomb the incessant barrage of lies, snide, politically-motivated insults, barbed criticisms, vilification, and calumny to which he is sure to be subjected.

    We pray too that his nomination will be approved in the senate, and that he will be seated on the high court before the November election.

    Most of all we pray that Judge Kavanaugh, if he survives the barrage of dirty tricks and Kangaroo Court-like proceedings to which he is sure to be subjected by the pharisiaical, power mad hypocrites determined to badger and beleaguer him, that, unlike too many Republican appointees to the bench in the past, Judge Kavnaugh will prove to be the staunch, highly principled, reliably conservative presence on the court President Trump believes he will be.

    1. Franco,
      I do worry about Kavanaugh's family. They are vulnerable -- especially the children.

      What I like about Brett Kavanaugh: “A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written, and a judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent.”

  4. SF,
    An increase in violence is now inevitable.

    And what will happen IF Trump gets a third SCOTUS choice? YE, GODS!

  5. It will once again be time to "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."


    Thailand Cave Rescue: All 12 Boys and Coach Successfully Rescued

    The Guardian (live)

    by Matthew Weaver and Helen Davidson

    Michael Safi The last three navy seals and the medic, who were with the boys for the last few days, are still in the cave. It is unclear when they will emerge, but they are said to be on their way out. The weakest boys were the last to be taken out, sources have said. They are understood to include the youngest in the group – 11-year-old Chanin Wiboonrungrueng. The city of Chiang Rai is starting to party as drivers honk their horns, according to Reuters. “This is an important event in my life. It is something I will remember,” ...

  7. I'd like to point out that it's not the Right which has forced journalists to fear for their security like felt by Shannon Bream last night in front of the SCOTUS.....or the Right prohibiting leftwingers to speak at events... and we are the fascists? :-)

    And the HATE is just starting......

    VERY good news from Thailand....amazing.

    1. Z,
      Anyone who doesn't agree with these people is automatically labeled a Fascist. See Alinsky.

    2. Try to remember this at all times:

      "The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind drivrth away."

      It's in the Bible (Psalm One), so it must be true. And if it's true "we have nothing to fear, but fear itself."

    3. Alinsky has been a keystone of the right wing playbook ever since Limbaugh, Buchanan, Gingrich and the like.

      The left has used it much less comprehensively or effectively.

      I don't understan why the right feels it is making some point by mentioning Alinsky.

    4. Alinsky is yesterday. The left is now going full Mao.

  8. Rabid righties are openly hoping for Ruth Bader Meinhoff's death, and that is very bad juju. You just don't wish for something like that.

    That old commie has vinegar in her veins and is powered by Satan's smoke. She'll probably live to be 120, and fighting like hell all the way.

  9. Right wing snowflake feels threatened, nothing manifest mind you but the snowflake felt threatened so it must be real.

    Or it could be a meme the fringe right needs desperately to project.

    1. "Snowflake?" Have you been reading stale propaganda again? I'm surprised you didn't work in "triggered" and "safe space," as you opened the door to your 1956 Edsell.

    2. SF,
      You should have posted a spew alert with that!

    3. We should just start calling Ducky "Christmas Goose," because he's so full of it.

  10. Replies
    1. Addfison de Witt said

      You mean ANTIFA HILL, don't you?

      At least one of those is sure to crawl out of the woodwork any day now.

    2. Auntie Faw and her merry band of smashy-smashy street fascists.

    3. Mr. Addisn de Witt made a pointedly apt joke.

      Didn't you get it, or don't you care for trenchant satiical humor?

  11. Have you any thoughts pro or con about the nomination of Brett Kavanau;gh to the highl bench?

    I'm not the least intterested in discussing the barrage of mendacious, irresponsible negativity the Left and the RINO'S are sure to throw at him, but I would be interested in whatever initial impressions you may have at this time –– not of the words he said ––, but of how you feel about the man, himself, from what you've seen of him so far?

    1. I worry that Kavanaugh might be a wolf in sheep's clothing because he's so well liked by certain members of the GOPe (particularly the character assassins who are termed "journalists" or "pundits").

    2. Doesn't seem to be much cause for worry.

      He's big on a right wing interpretation of the 2nd.
      He has a solid record as a corporate pimp and has a history of dumping on workers.
      On social issues he can't be any further left than Kennedy. The court won't take on Roe directly but will continue to let the states chip at the edges.

      So you get most of what you want. Whether you will get your dream of repealing gay marriage ... well, like Roe the court probably doesn't want the heat.

      Nothing much changes except corporations tighten their grip, the wealth gap widens and poor people face more restrictions.

    3. He's an establishment pick. Meh.

      He's got a great record on the 2A, so huzzah!

      But he's going to be the NSA's favorite SCOTUS Justice. Not real jazzed about that. I wish the Right was as fervent about 4th Amendment protections as they are for Roe v. Wade.

    4. As someone said long ago:

      "Perfection is not attainable this side of heaven."

      We have no choice but to accept the best POSSIBLE choices we are given, or don't you agree?.

    5. Sure, but we also [not in this specific situation] have no choice but to accept the worst possible choices when likewise given.

    6. He's better than anything we would have gotten from Her Heinous, but I fear he has Souter written all over him.

    7. CI,
      I wish the Right was as fervent about 4th Amendment protections as they are for Roe v. Wade.

      I hear ya! Although I won't cry the blues if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

    8. SF,
      I fear he has Souter written all over him.

      Oh, I hope not! Grrrr.


    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


    I'm with CI on this. The importance of this amendment AS WRITTEN cannot be overestimated.

    Terrifying that our own DoJ, FBI and CIA violate this flagrantly with iapparent mpunity

    1. Even more terrifying that many of our allegedly 'Conservative' elected officials support this breach of our Constitution.

    2. Franco,
      Terrifying that our own DoJ, FBI and CIA violate this flagrantly with iapparent mpunity

      It's insanity -- and dangerous beyond words.

    3. The technological development of mass communication and super high speed personal communication is probably as much responsible for our present loss of privacy, decency and polite respect for one another as anything resembling a "communist plot."

      However, the leftist "anarchists," "activists" and would-be "revolutionaries" have certain,y not been above using these so-called advances to aid in their spread of seductive, irreverent, degenerate, pseudo-idealistic, obscene and highly destructive ideology.

      Our species's appetite for cheap sensationalism and the promise of "short cuts," "miracle cures" and other foms of "quick and easy fixes" is responsible at root for where we are today.

      "... [S]trait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

      ... Matthew 7:14 (KJV)

      The modern-post-modern world in love with "progress," debased forms of entertainment, and worshipful of techniogy has turned its back on godliness. The result is the troublesome spectacle we now fear and despise.

      Is there a solution?

      I think Soren Kierkgaard put his finger on it when he wrote: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

      We must make our own way in whatever environment we find
      ourselves. We must do this by cultivating faith in biblical precepts and reassurances and without any expectation of receiving help from worldliness.

      The world hasn't really changed. It has always been a wild, terribly dangerous place loaded with snares, pitalls, weapons of mass destruction, and now improvised explosive devices and the lure of drugs.

      We can achieve salvation as individuals through zealously determined cultivation of faith in the ultimate goodness that is God, but even though we might support and encourage one another in this lifelong endeavor, we could never hope to achieve salvation en masse. It never has been and never will be a collective thi[ng.

    4. All this technological convenience for socializing, communicating, and researching has come a terrible cost.

    5. The cost is even greater than Constitutional protections.....we literally hold in the palm of our hands, the means to be an educated species light years ahead of the last generation.

      And we squander it for gossip and games.


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