[posted by Silverfiddle]
Conversation here in the Untied State of America suffers from a lack of candor. Not in Norway.
The country’s outspoken immigration minister, Sylvi Listhaug, on the best way to help genuine refugees...Integration
‘We have a big challenge now to integrate those with permission to stay in Norway to make sure they respect Norwegian values,’ she says. ‘Freedom to speak, to write, to believe or not to believe in a god, how to raise your children.’Understanding
‘Much of the Middle East and Africa is fragile. People have difficult lives but can see via mobile phones that life in the West and in Europe is quite different. So I understand why they would like our life, our kind of standards. But it’s not sustainable to integrate so many.’Morality
‘For me it’s a moral issue as well. You can’t just help the ones you see. You have to think about the millions you don’t see and that have a very difficult life in the world.’
'...for the price of helping 3,000 young people here, we could help 100,000 children in other parts of the world.’
‘But when people travel through 20 countries to come to a safe haven, I think people can see that this is not right. You could have a safe haven in your neighbouring country, so why go so far?’
‘Why should we have a system that works for the people who have money [to pay for the journey] while the rest of the refugees and people in need don’t have the money to go?’Much of the world is broken. What is the best way to help people?