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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Illegal Immigration And Crime

Despite the fact that many illegal aliens coming to America have good intentions and flee here for a better life and sometimes for their very survival, the fact remains that many illegal aliens do not have good intentions and, instead, have come here to plunder.

From the Washington Times (dated June 21, 2017):
Nearly 30 percent of the illegal immigrant children the U.S. is holding in its dormitories have ties to criminal gangs, the government revealed Wednesday, suggesting that the Obama-era surge of Central Americans has fed the country’s growing problem with MS-13 and other gangs.

Federal officials refused even to guess at the true scope of the problem, telling the Senate Judiciary Committee that they can give only small snapshots of what they see. But they said the devastation on communities across the country is clear: killings and chaos, particularly among other immigrants — both legal and illegal....
Read the rest HERE.

How much the above gang presence impacts you where you are living likely shapes your own views on illegal immigration.

Mr. AOW and I live in Northern Virginia, a de facto sanctuary city, and we have a least two no-go-after-dark areas within three miles of our home.  One of those no-go-after-dark areas includes a local strip mall in which sits a CVS Pharmacy, which used to be "our pharmacy" but is no longer, specifically because of the presence of MS-13 and other thugs.  That same no-go-after-dark area includes a middle school, one that has difficulty getting assigned teachers to stay employed there any longer than they must; most teachers there transfer out as soon as possible.
Are illegal aliens the cause of the trouble in the no-go-after-dark area mentioned above?  Neighborhood chatter has it that the problem there is illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America, but I don't know for certain.  What's more, it seems that nobody knows — because nobody keeps track of such data.

From Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch's Crooks, thieves, and fraudsters: You will never be told their immigration status (dated June 23, 2017):
I get questions almost daily from readers who would like statistics on immigrant criminals, specifically they want data on crimes committed by refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied alien children, other legals and illegals. As far as I know, no such data is available to the public and I doubt it is being maintained by law enforcement either.

Only in extreme cases, like the murder of that poor Muslim girl in Virginia will anyone report immigration status and in that case, although local media reported the alleged killer’s status, most mainstream media did not. Look, even the Washington Post (motto ‘Democracy dies in darkness’, no joke!) in this article called the alleged killer a “construction worker” without mentioning his illegal presence in the country.

So, although the media might name the perps, you are left to guess by their names how they might be here. Rarely ever do you hear about their immigration status.

This could be a great area for reform! The Trump Administration could go on the offense and send some legislative proposals to the Hill—require immigration status in arrest reports available to the public!

Let’s find out which avenues (legal and illegal) are available for criminals to enter the US....
Read the rest HERE.

I repeat...

Despite the fact that many illegal aliens coming to America have good intentions and flee here for a better life and sometimes for their very survival, the fact remains that many illegal aliens do not have good intentions and, instead, have come here to plunder.

Additional reading, also from Refugee Resettlement Watch...Guest commentary: What you can say, when they say _____.


  1. We need to bring the GWOT home to our own hemisphere. We have a conveyor belt of criminality running from the US down to Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. It is a regional problem of gangs, guns and drug trafficking.

    We also have domestic gangs. Domestic terrorists, imo.

    We need to go Eliot Ness on their asses. As FT often reminds us...

    "Mercy to the Guilty is Cruelty to the Innocent." -- Adam Smith

    1. Pardon my hopeless ignorance, but what is GWOT?

      Great War On Triviality?

      Good Wives of Toronto?

      God Wins Over Turmoil?

      Grace Will Overcome Trouble?

      Guess What's On Tap? ];^}>

    2. Global War On Terrorism.

      We have plenty of terrorism here in our own hemisphere, and we need to wage merciless war on it.

  2. We need to protect Kekistan against the relentless onslaught of Normie invaders!

    1. Is that near Gagistan, Retchstan and Upchukistan by any chance?

      That benighted region would best be called TRASHKANISTAN as far as I'm concerned.


    2. Sir. Osbert Greatwall of Trivialitat said

      You forgot tomention Pukistan, FT.

  3. We need to do more than deport them. To deport them after they do their time is not enough. These are soul less individuals If they wander back. lock them up for life. All one has to do is watch a couple of the "lockup" shows that appear on T.V. to know what we are up against. They will never be able to achieve gainful employment, nor do they have any interest.

    1. Bunkerville wrote: They will never be able to achieve gainful employment, nor do they have any interest.

      Exactly ... so why lock them up at all? These people are so unredeemable that what they deserve is execution. This may not actually prevent others from engaging in horrific crimes, but once we put people to death we don't have to worry about them any longer.

    2. What you say may be true for SOME, guys, but it is by no means true for ALL.

      I realize the same argument may be applied against DIDADIN –– my persistent advocacy for the INTERNMENT and EXPULSION of ALL Muslims, and the outright BAN on the practice of their so-called religion in OUR country.

      I freely admit that is unfair to the "good" Muslims, –– if such there be ––, but it's as plain as the nose on Jimmy Durante's face that Islam is NOT a RELIGION at all. Instead, ISLAM is an AGGRESSIVE POLITICAL MOVEMENT bent on WORLD DOMINATION.

      At its most extreme ISLAM has no qualms about using VIOLENCE and EXTREME CRUELTY to gain its objectives. And ISLAM regards developing the ART of DECEIT and MENDACITY in order to get its way as a positive VIRTUE.

      The problem with mantaining a policy of tolerance toward ISLAM is that we have no way to determine which of its adherents advocate violence and the establishemnt of Shariah Law as a legitimate part of OUR system of governance, and which truly want to assimilate.


      With the exception of gangsters, drug dealers, and pregnant females who come here with the primary purpose of dropping Anchor Babies in order to get on The Dole and milk The System for all its worth, MOST Illegal immigrants from South of the Border come here ready, willing, able –– and EAGER –– to WORK uncomplainingly at hard, physically demanding jobs.

      What we would do without them I can't imagine. I know for sure that IF they were all made to vanish without a trace, they wuld be SORELY MISSED
      –– and not just because they are willing to work for low wages. They would be missed, because the QUALITY of their work is generally excellent, and their Work Ethic exemplary. In my experience they are amiable, unspoiled, obliging and truly conscientious –– and that is more than you could say about too many natural-born American goons who carelessly lurch and stumble through life, mindlessly seeking "pleasure" as they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

      Taking the paths of least resistance, doing everything they can to get by doing as little as possible,enjoying the dubious joys of SEX, DRUGS and ROCK 'n ROLL and while living hand-to-mouth largey at the expense of others does not make for good citizenship.

    3. FT,
      MOST Illegal immigrants from South of the Border come here ready, willing, able –– and EAGER –– to WORK uncomplainingly at hard, physically demanding jobs.

      We can't really say MOST because we don't have the statistic. Furthermore, the problem is complicated in that we don't know which illegal aliens are "the good ones" and which are "the bad ones."

      An illegal alien can be a very good worker -- as you mentioned -- by day, but assume a different identity off the job.

      Would they be SORELY MISSED?

      To some extent, certainly.

      In my experience they are amiable, unspoiled, obliging and truly conscientious...

      That was true of the illegal alien who was driving a cab and, until that fateful day for my life, slammed into me at a 4-way stop sign. Still, he ruined my life -- and the court officials of this sanctuary city took his side and denied me the pittance of a compensation for which I sued.

      And as I mentioned in the blog post, we have no-go-after-dark areas within two miles of our home. These areas are no-go because of the Latinos hanging out there and harassing those of us who aren't Latino.

      I've personally had that nasty experience -- one evening when I exited the hair salon, a scant four blocks from here, just after dusk. It was ugly for me to get back to my car, and once in the car, my hands were shaking so badly that it took me a while to get the key into the ignition! All the while, a Latino youths were hooting and hollering and circling my car. I've now changed hairdressers.

      BTW, dropping Anchor Babies isn't used only for The Dole. Those babies are also used to avoid deportation.

    4. FT,
      What we would do without them I can't imagine.

      Register for a green card!

      Those who have been here for a designated period AND who have not accessed public services and do have a clean police sheet should have a fair shot at getting that green card, IMO.

      NEVERTHELESS, the problem remains as to what is fair to those who have lined up for legal entry, yet have had their chances usurped my illegals, who have bypassed the correct want to immigrate here.


    5. Bunkerville & Mustang,
      I agree with both of you!

      Locking them up costs us decades of care in the penal system. They get medical and dental care there, too, while our own law-abiding citizens pay dearly for medical and dental care.

    6. @Bunker,

      "They will never be able to achieve gainful employment, nor do they have any interest."

      Mustang's solution is the only logical one that I see. If someone has a better idea let's hear it.

    7. Mustang; the refugees coming into Europe are the same...most of them; If history shows the future, they will not learn the host country language (and I do mean 'host') and, so, will never WORK.
      \What's left? CRIME.

      I had an installer here this week, Meixcan, born here....12 kids in his family, drunk parents, left home at 16...became gang banger heroin addict at 16. Then he stopped 5 years later. Totally clean, by himself...no gangs, no drugs. a rare story. And working to learn the appliance business. Could have hugged him. (practically did)

    8. Thank you, Z, your kind-hearted anecdotes are much appreciated by me. I think they show a "right spirit," which I frankly admire.


      Well, AOW, I have now officially given up hope of ever persuading you –– or anyone else devoted to legalistic thinking –– to see the situation from a more pragmatic, humanistic perspective.

      Please consider this: There is –– or was –– such a thing as "Squatters' Rights." I have no idea whether the concept is still respected or not. It may vary from location to location. I realize the idea originally applied to citizens who occuped property they didn't own –– often for decades, or even several generations –– but the SPIRIT behind "Squatters Rights" should certainly apply to the group or griups in question.

      At any rate the fault is OURS for remaining blind to the ramifications of drifting aimlessly with the current for many decades –– actually since the founding of the republic. This has allowed the situation which you so deplore and which aggravates us all to develop to epic proportions.

      However, the thought of uprooting and tossing out hundreds of thousands –– possibly millions –– who have established themselves here for many years, committed no crimes, performed useful services willingly, and gratefully, bought property in many instances, established successful businesses in some instances, some earning college degrees at times with distinction –– and even serving in the military ––, because they've been trapped in a legal morass largely of OUR making frankly makes my blood boil.

      As I've said at least a dozen times, I am very sorry about the injuries you sustained in that aitmobile accident, but your injuries would have been equally severe if the driver who ran into you had been a natural-born American citizen. That a stupid, liberal JUDGE decided to favor the perpetrator and forsake you, the victim, is NOT the fault of the PERPTRATOR. It is the fault of our corrupt, frankly insane system of governance run amok.

      You were a victim of circumstances NOT of "illegal immigration" per se.

      Having already said my piece on ths issue any number of times I hope never to have to address it again. We think DIFFERENTLY and have no choice but to agree to disagree and carry on as best we can.

    9. FT,
      You were a victim of circumstances NOT of "illegal immigration" per se.

      Furthermore, shrugging off what happened to me is fine for YOU to say. YOU are not living with this pain every day of your life.

      What happened to me should have some pragmatic, humanistic perspective consideration, IMO. It is not only illegal aliens who are deserving of pragmatic humanistic perspective.

      And I'm not the Lone Ranger as far as being the victims of cars driving by illegal aliens goes. How many others like me? Not dead, but disabled (in my case, partially disabled).

      As for circumstance, there were many points along the way that the illegal alien driving that cab should have been deported. He had been on the deportation list for at least 20 years. Why wasn't that dealt with? Why wasn't he carrying the required amount of insurance to drive a cab? Why didn't the cab company check his insurance certificate every year? Private schools have their insurance certificates checks.

      FT, I realize that you abhor legalistic thinking. But it is legalistic thinking that provides a great deal of safety for you personally -- and gives you the title your home, too, for that matter.



      We cannot assess all illegal aliens on the basis of my personal perspective nor on your personal perspective. Some sort of sensible sorting is required. And that sensible sorting must have some sort of legal basis.

      Surely, Kate's Law should be the first step. A no-brainer, in fact.

    10. FT,
      your injuries would have been equally severe if the driver who ran into you had been a natural-born American citizen.

      But if the driver HAD been a natural-born American citizen, he would have had to pay compensation.

      Think about these words uttered by the officer of the court:

      "The sympathies of the court lie with the poor immigrant. Had the situation been reversed, he'd be taking you to the cleaners."

      I sought justice and was told that I did not deserve justice because I as victim was an American citizen.


      Well, now Medicare is picking up the tab. I've previously shelled out 10s of 1000s of dollars in treatment.

    11. FT,
      hundreds of thousands –– possibly millions –– who have established themselves here for many years, committed no crimes, performed useful services willingly, and gratefully, bought property in many instances, established successful businesses in some instances, some earning college degrees at times with distinction –– and even serving in the military

      They need to be assessed and dealt with legally. Nobody that I know of supports willy-nilly deportation. If they have proven themselves, then there needs to be an adjudicated assessment.

      Before any such adjudication can occur, Congress needs to enact a law (or laws).

      Right now, we have existing immigration laws which should be followed -- as bad as that may be.

      Picking and choosing which laws to enforce is fraught with problems in that such picking and choosing could apply to other laws as well.

      At any rate the fault is OURS

      Not personally! The fault is our so-called elected public servants, but WE THE PEOPLE have not pressured them enough. Maybe. And, truly, both parties like having the availability of "cheap labor." In many respects, the illegal aliens among us are a slave class.

    12. Z,
      Totally clean, by himself...no gangs, no drugs. a rare story.

      Yes, a rare story. Sadly. Most, Mexican or otherwise, do not beat such drug addiction.

    13. @AOW,

      Think about these words uttered by the officer of the court:

      "The sympathies of the court lie with the poor immigrant. Had the situation been reversed, he'd be taking you to the cleaners."

      Well to me that exposes part of the overall problem; "the poor immigrant" OMG! Our liberal government invites this. I can't believe some of the "sympathies" for these criminals that I'm reading on this post!

    14. Jon,
      I don't worry about the differing opinions on this topic.

      But I am still FURIOUS about those words uttered by the officer of the court.

      You might be interested to know that I didn't sit there silently. I told off the court. I had, as they say, "an outburst."

      I'm not quite sure of the exact words I screamed. And I'm not also not sure if I uttered profanities.

      My words were to the effect of the following:

      "This is not justice. I didn't do anything wrong! He did! How many laws did he break?* I wish to God that I'd never stopped at that stop sign!"

      For the record, he plowed into me at 35 mph. Had I not been driving a police-suspension Crown Vic, I probably wouldn't be here now.

      *Laws he broke:

      1. In our country illegally.
      2. Let his insurance drop from the required value to lower coverage.
      3. Lied to the officer at the scene (Gave false insurance information).
      4. Didn't report the accident to his insurance company for several days, thereby putting my vehicle repair in limbo.
      5. Oh, and of course, he ran the stop sign.

    15. Addendum: my futile law suit didn't come to court for a full four years. Four years! A very wearisome process.

    16. YUP! I can. well understand your anger and frustration, AOW, and as I've already told you many times, I DO sympathize with your plight, believe me. NEVERTHELESS, the fact remains that the SYSTEM in the form of a hare-brained, leftist magistrate failed you. And there never was any GUARANTEE that a bona fide U.S. Citizen –– many of whom are shifless, worthless, irresponsible, drunken, drug-addicted BUMS, MORONS and LUNATICS –– would have been able to provide you with the just compensation you sought.

      I'm morallu certain the outcome of your terrible accident would have been IDENTICAL had the perpetrator been a poor NEGRO –– or an underage White Juvenile Delinquent –– driving while intoxicated WITH or WITHOUT a license.

      If I had MY way, goverment at every level would set up FUNDS to COMPENSATE the VICTIMS of CRIMES of every description.

      Unfortunately we are far from being so enlightened. We prefer to PUNISH and vent our spleen by wreaking vengeance on perpetrators, instead of finding ways to HELP victims and bring about as much RESTITUTION for their losses as may be possible.

      In my view our priorities as a society are BASSACKWARDS and have been since time immemorial.

  4. Members of two protected groups clash in a murderous confrontation....

    Man, 22, who' beat a Muslim girl, 17, to death with a metal baseball bat after he kidnapped her as she left a mosque' is an illegal immigrant:

    ...[Darwin Martinez Torres] got out of the car, assaulted the girl, and beat her with a metal baseball bat, her mother said. Police later found a body believed to be Hassanen's in a Sterling pond about 25 miles outside of Washington DC....

    According to the WaPo, the murderous illegal alien has a previous crime record (emphases mine):

    A week before Darwin Martinez Torres was arrested for allegedly abducting and killing a Muslim teenager near a Virginia mosque, a woman arrived at a hospital emergency room and reported that a man — later identified as Martinez Torres — had punched, choked and sexually assaulted her and was a member of the MS-13 street gang, according to two people familiar with the woman’s account.

    The acts allegedly occurred in the presence of a young child, which prompted a call to Loudoun County’s Child Protective Services agency, which in turn filed a report with the county sheriff, the two people said.

    But the woman told CPS that she did not want to pursue charges or accept any social-services help, and so no further action was taken. Days later, 17-year-old Nabra Hassanen was dead.

    The murderous illegal alien also has a four-year-old child. Was the child born here in the United States? It seems so.

    Here in Northern Virginia, the presence of MS-13 is increasing by leaps and bounds. That porous southern border -- combined with lax enforcement by local law enforcement in these de facto sanctuary cities!

  5. Replies
    1. The bill wouldn't have helped Kate Steinle as I se it. The perp had already been picked up and deported a few times so ICE had access to him. Why he wasn't held for illegal re-entry is another question but the bill wouldn't address that problem.

      As far as "sanctuary cities" and the topic of the day, well I live in "ground zero" alley for MS-13 in Boston. They don't have much of a sanctuary. Over 100 have been arrested over the last year and a half. That gave the East Side Money Gang a chance to move in and there have been a bunch of arrests there. The beat goes on.
      Police commissioner Evans, who has a good reputation, supports the sanctuary city concept as do the mayors of bordering cities.

      As long as there is so much money in drugs there will be the fight for control of distribution and there will be gangs to handle it.

    2. Ducky,

      There will always be "so much money in drugs," you fool, regardless. Pot is legal here, but we still have people busted every day for peddling. Competition against the government, dont'cha know... Libertarians would have simply decriminalized it, instead of giving the government cartel a monopoly on drug trafficking.

      Think before you speak.

    3. YES! Leftists are always huffing, puffing, and writhing wth indignation about the overbearing power and insatiable greed of PRIVATE INDUSTRY, but they never seem to realize that CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT is THE biggest BULLY, THE most ABUSIVE Tyrant, and THE Greediest, most Powerful ROBBER, RAPIST and MURDERER known to Man.

      Leftists almost invariably make the great mistake of assuming that Big Brother always has been and always will be on THEIR side. Ironically, the joke's on them, because, –– especially THESE days –– Big Brother is most apt to be in league with The Oligarchs who seek to concentrate CENTRALIZED POWER to utmost in the from of One World Government where every whim, caprice, and fancy of the Ruling Cabal could be imposed on and extracted from the Masses quite literally on Pain of Death.

      A ghastly scenario!

    4. As I said silverfiddle, "as long as there is so much money in drugs ...".
      Right now you have gangs buying up legal marijuana and selling it out of state fro terrific profits and selling it in stat undercutting the sales tax. The gangs are making good money and there has not been a serious reduction in gang activity in metropolitan Colorado.
      They are with us as long as big money is in drugs.
      My position was clear.

    5. @FreeThinke -- Leftists almost invariably make the great mistake of assuming that Big Brother always has been and always will be on THEIR side.

      Democracy is incompatible with capitalism and the threat to our freedom originates in capitalism.
      We have not been able to hold on to our democracy may not be able to get it back. That goal is certainly unachievable when people like yourself are touting a stone capitalist like Trump as an answer.

    6. Your position is far from clear. Like all leftist thinking, it is muddled.

      Gangs bootleg all kinds of licit product.

      What is your solution for "taking the money out" of drugs?

      Uncle Fidel's Free Government Choom Dispensary?

    7. "Mr. Internationalism" doesn't like the internationalism of capitalism?

      A "Communist International" would be fine (not a democracy) with Mr. ducky... but "capitalism" is incompatible with "democracy". Are you sure that democracy isn't incompatible with "internationalism" (especially of the COMINTERN variety) and not just "capitalism"?

    8. Wait, Trump is an ardent nationalist opposed to international capitalism... dedicated to getting rid of corporate elitist pay-to-play international trade deals that favor moving factories from democracies to low-wage communist hell-holes. What if "internationalism" was the "true" threat to democracy (and not capitalism)?

      Capitalism is INDIFFERENT to political systems, mr. ducky. It works as well in Communist China as it does in democratic Switzerland. In fact, it actually works even "better" and "more efficiently" under centrally controlled communist systems (which can be seen as a threat to a national democracy if we must compete internationally with more efficient communist capitalist societies). The threat to democracy from capitalism is that we will, over time, morph our democratic system into a "more efficient" centralized communist bureaucracy to remain competitive in an ever-more-communist dominated international capitalist world order.

    9. ...because the "part" of democracy that is incompatible with capitalism is the part that universalizes (globalizes) the market.

    10. “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

      Thomas Jefferson

      This is why we are a republic.

    11. Jon,
      Jefferson was right!

      Now we have a sort of mob rule via "snowflakes." Strange that we allow this.

    12. In a democracy, the only "authorities" we accept (in the absence of a "nobility) are the "experts" who typically occupy academic chairs at major universities. Since these figures often contradict each other, our respect for "authority" weakens, and so "poll and vote results" become proxies for authority. The dimunation of authority is the resulting plague from post-modernism. There are no authorities to "disallow" the tyranny of the snowflakes, as the professors do naught but confirm the "virtue signalling" of the self-identified "oppressed".

    13. Modern professors confuse "historical oppression" and "sociL justice" for more historically traditional concepts of merit

    14. As Nietzsche said, "God (and other "Divine" sources of Authority) is dead!"

    15. Jefferson certainly did his part (declaration of independence) to discredit the concept of a "divine" right of kings. ;)

  6. Tommy Torquemada said

    After reading this entire thread it seems pbvious that most think deep down that the only viable solution to the Illegal Immigrant Problem would be a Final Solution.

    By all means let us start rounding up all Illegal Immigrants, house them in tents, feed them maggotty gruel, and force them at gunpoint to start building a series of Extermination Camps where their days will end as quicklyand as unpleasantly as possible. That ought to rid us this scourge once and for all.

    Pipe in the cyanide gas. Stoke the fires. Let the Totentanz begin! Pregnant invaders will the first to die.

    1. Tommy,
      Nobody here is advocating extermination camps.

      What this thread does indicate: immigration reform is a thorny issue. Perhaps that's why our so-called elected public servants can't come to terms with the matter.

    2. I think "Tommy" was pulling your leg, AOW. He said the same thing over at my place, and I asked him if his real name wasn't by any chance Jonathan Swift. ;-)

    3. FT,
      I know that he was joking -- a la Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal."

  7. Related, with two protected groups coming into conflict:

    Leftist Illegalophilia, Not Islamophobia, Killed a Muslim Teen.

    A big story here in Northern Virginia.

    One portion from the above:

    ... Fairfax County’s refusal to investigate illegal aliens made it a magnet for a rising illegal alien population. Its jails have nearly 2,000 illegal aliens and the area has become a magnet for the El Salvadoran MS-13 gang. It’s unknown whether Torres was an MS-13 member, but his behavior matches the extreme brutality and fearless savagery that the group, which has been lethally active in Fairfax, is known for.

    13 MS-13 gang members were convicted of dismembering and burying their own members in a park.

    “This problem is horrible,” Fairfax County Police Chief Ed Roessler had commented at the time. “This is four murders in this park.”

    This year, ICE busted 11 MS-13 members in Fairfax County for, among other things, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human smuggling and murder. Ten were arrested for the murder of a 15-year-old girl who had been threatened by MS-13 members. The adults in the case were illegal aliens....

    1. There's certainly enough of us like-minded folk in NoVa, that a hunting expedition could be mounted with little trouble.....

    2. Why AOW, that's against the law....let's just call it "neighborhood watch".....

      There should be a reward for eliminating domestic terrorists.

    3. Joe,
      Looks as if someone is in search of a fatwa.

    4. CI,
      Okay, neighborhood watch is fine with me.


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