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Thursday, January 19, 2017

A New American Holiday

With a hat tip to Cube:

...[T]he Obamas aren’t going away. Despite her current bout of self-pity with Oprah, Michelle and her husband inevitably will be offering a counterpoint to the Trump presidency....
Related and worth a few moments of your time (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):

Trump’s Victory Is a Pivotal Turning Point in Human History.

Excerpt below the fold.
Donald Trump’s victory in November was not only the most important election result of our lifetimes, but ranks as one of the most significant events in recorded history, on par with the French Revolution or the fall of the Berlin Wall. And I’ll tell you why.

Western society is super-saturated with leftist propaganda. Politically astute non-leftists see it everywhere and complain about it incessantly — because it is ubiquitous. In fact, most of our waking hours are spent noticing, commenting upon, getting outraged by and then futilely combatting the endless, relentless leftist slant to everything in modern culture.

Every news broadcast. Every movie. Every lesson in every classroom. Every social signifier in public. Every poll. Every TV show. Every tribal shibboleth. In ways large and small, overt and covert, subtle and blatant, the society around us is infused with progressive ideals and agendas, whether you realize it or not.

And it’s not just the entire preschool-through-PhD educational system, the entire media/entertainment complex, and most interpersonal environments; increasingly, under Obama especially, the federal government itself has become an inescapable agent of coercive progressive propaganda imposed on us with the full force of the state.

But what is the purpose of all this propaganda?...
Read the rest HERE.

Meanwhile, we see __________________ [Fill in the blank as the numbers keep growing] Democratic Party Congress critters boycotting the Inauguration.

Question: Is this "mass boycott" of the 2017 Inauguration setting an even worse precedent for partisan bitterness than we already have in our political system?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I look at the boycott crowd and ask, "Who are they, again?".
    If I'd seen them at the inauguration I might have asked, "Who are they, again?".

  3. Interesting article, but one that harkens back to the tenor of 2008, when "hope and change" was in the air. Now, here we are again....but this time with the opposing party cranking their propaganda into high gear. Much like climate patterns, political correctness is cyclical...and it rains shit from all sides. I hope they realize that it will be more difficult to pursue victim status for the next 4-8 years....and that something is eventually going to have to be their fault.

    How long will the honeymoon last?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mr. Trump has not been give even so much as SEVENTEEN SECONDS to prove himself one way or the other.

      Then he should stop taking credit for things that clearly weren't due to his actions, no?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Huh....now why would FT purge all of his posts? Curious.

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    1. He will send your kids and grandkids off to die in corporate wars....

      Unlike Obama....oh, wait...

    2. Warren,
      Thanks for taking out the trash.

    3. Yes, but why not remove every trace of its presence? It ain't hard to do.

    4. Anonymous,
      Sometimes it's fun to leave a trace. Shows that he/she/it got deleted.

  6. A rather superficial article. As significant as the French revolution? Please.

    What struck me was his superficial understanding of Gramsci with no realization that the right wing is just as likely to employ Gramsci's theories and in fact, is doing just that.

    The lack of self awareness on the right is stunning. What will be a concern is their reaction when Trump delivers nothing.

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  10. The last time this many Democrats missed an inauguration it was Abraham Lincoln's... once again on the wrong side of history.

  11. As I said over at Z's blog....

    I have three bottles of champagne, and I've been hoarding those bottles for an Election Day that warmed my heart. Damn! I'm not allowed even one drop of alcohol these days. Post-op restrictions.


    The Merry Widow has planned a celebratory day with food: chips and guacamole dip, barbecued ribs, potato salad, cole slaw, and chocolate cheesecake. And we're having bacon and waffles for breakfast, which she is fixing right now.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm SO GLAD this eight year nightmare is coming to an end at Noon today. It will take YEARS to clean up the mess and begin restoring America. Expect Obama and his supporters to fight America's rebirth every step of the way!

    1. David Brooks

      "The real fear should be that Trump is Captain Chaos, the ignorant dauphin of disorder. All the standard practices, norms, ways of speaking and interacting will be degraded and shredded. The political system and the economy will grind to a battered crawl."

      Dauphin of Disorder.
      I remember the chaos under the last dauphin.
      Buckle up.

    2. David Brooks is a Canadian Jewish milksop hired by the NYT to play the role of a "reasonable" conservative. In other words a tool, a milquetoast, a mollycoddle, a nebbish, a cypher, a pot of pap to placate the masses and lend an aura of evenhandedness to the filthy communist propaganda machine the NYT is and always has been.

    3. Also, David Brooks is admired by many of the neocons in the establishment GOP.

  15. If Congress will work with him, Donald Trump could be the est president wince George Washington based solely on handing the government back to the people.

    He has a majority Congress. We'll find out quick how many of those clowns like McLame have sold their soul.
    The speech today must have put the fear of God into them because it was all good for Us, and if they oppose progress on the items he listed, I don't think it will go well for them.

    1. (sigh) Best President Since...

    2. @Kid,

      EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE SAID! Why do some get it and some not, I'll never understand????

    3. Kid,
      If Congress will work with him

      And an if, IMO. We'll find out soon enough.

  16. It may take two more years to clean out the swamp in the Congress. But I am not worried.

  17. Redesigned White House website plugs Melania Trump’s QVC jewelry line

    Yup, making America great again.
    Strap in.

    1. Melania Trump's White House biography page mentions the following:

      Melania is also a successful entrepreneur. In April 2010, Melania Trump launched her own jewelry collection.

      Donald Trump's White House biography page mentions some of his business ventures and his book The Art of the Deal.

      Mike Pence's White House biography page mentions the talk show he hosted before he ran for office.

      So, no big deal about the mention of Melania Trump's jewelry line.

    2. BTW, the only jewelry I noticed Melania Trump wearing yesterday was rings on her hands at the Inaugural gowns -- and maybe earrings. No necklace, which surprised me.

    3. Ducky, why on earth do you care about a brief mention of selling jewelry? We had to hear about Obama being a "community organizer", ad nauseam.

    4. Why do I care?

      Because this shyster is trying to convince America that his family has a portfolio of achievement. His entire achievement seems to be bankruptcies and "branding" and the fools think this bozo is fit to govern.

      The whole family is just a bunch of cheap opportunists and he's going to use the office to enrich himself and his friends in a way that even Her Nibs wouldn't have imagined.

    5. Nostradumbass, Nostradumbass, what should we do with you?

      I know, perhaps a quote to cheer you up.

      "Moral indignation is a technique used to endow the idiot with dignity.
      ~~~Marshall McLuhan~~~

  18. Ducky, you're making me smile today..just KEEP TRYING. Your goal? You DO know you're dealing with a group of people here who know enough from both sides, who read and watch everything, to have seen all the negativity you can POSSIBLY conjure up, yes?
    Go back to worrying about Melania's jewelry....

    1. Must have been a minimum of 10,000 there today.

      As far as your reading and watching "everything", the fact that you say that is indicative of your need for a meta level which helps you become aware of what you don't know.

  19. Tee Hee! Good for thee!

    1. the White House blurb was removed and she hasn't sold on QVC in ages...but it was true...She had designed and sold there in the past. I just checked QVC and her line isn't even listed on their jewelry line-up. Hasn't been for a long time. But I saw no fault in that having been mentioned on her bio! (thanks! tee hee back :-)

  20. AOW and friends...I thought this might fascinate you:
    I'm unclear on why it is even called a "women's march". Unions & Islamic groups will be a big part of the event.
    Some of the Partners - Women's March on Washington:
    1199 SEIU
    Rutgers AAUP-AFT
    American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
    Arab American Association of New York
    Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (APALA)
    Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
    SEIU Healthcare PA
    NCLR (la Raza)
    New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA)
    Ontario Federation of Labour
    National Network for Arab American Communities
    Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
    Council on American Islamic Relations - Connecticut (CAIR-CT)
    Council on American Islamic Relations - San Francisco Bay Area


    1. Z,
      What a motley crew!

      Perhaps they're saying to themselves, "We're embracing diversity"?

    2. It's true, there were scary muslims on the commons today and I spotted a bunch in the march near Arlington St. All kinds of groups were there

      The Arlington Street carillon was playing "We Shall Overcome".
      Whether American social democracy can use this base to rise from the ashes remains to be seen.

      We indoctrinate them young here

  21. "Scary muslims?" What scary muslims? you HONESTLY don't see the point, Ducky,...honestly?

    I don't know that old picture's provenance but if you think that compares with what our kids are getting taught in public schools all over this country, you're sicker than I thought.

    By the way, the Yahoo homepage, though the Melania information was true, has that article back on the headline again. Truth be damned. QVC hasn't carried her line in about five years..maybe a bit more.

    1. I took that "old picture" at the Commons today.

      The march covered most of downtown and Back Bay. Estimates are now calling it the largest demonstration in Boston history.

    2. I'm sorry I said you were 'sicker than I thought'...that wasn't like me and unkind.

      That looks like an old picture, but I just NOW read the comments...clearly, it's not. and it's a good picture, technically.

      I think it's very sad that so MANY people have gone to this much trouble to show we do NOT have 'peaceful transitions,' something this country was proud of until the Left got hold of it.
      An Ethiopian dear friend of mine said the other night "Z, we're lucky here, in Ethiopia transitions come with guns." Then we see the protesters breaking glass and burning cars and look what the Left's showing the world.

      And no, I'm not mistakenly conflating the two groups...I believe they're all connected...
      If YOU don't find anything untoward in that list of groups and question it, something's wronger than I thought.

    3. May I point out Z, that the estimates for today's attendance is over a million and it was completely nonviolent. In several cities it was the largest demonstration on record.

      Other than the anarchist dodo's who caused some property damage at the inauguration the left has indeed shown the world.
      There is going to be resistance to the Grabber in Chief and the hope is that white working class America is sufficiently disaffected by his failure to deliver on anything he promises that the nightmare is over after the mid-terms.

    4. "David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog 16h16 hours ago

      "We're protesting fascism" - people dressed in all-black uniforms smashing windows and starting fires"

      Pretty much says it all.


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