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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Consistent Clintons

Let's give 'em their due: the Clintons can look straight into the camera and lie convincingly.

The results of the California 2016 Democratic Party Primary may not matter, after all....U.S. ELECTION WRAP: N.J. Results Could Clinch Clinton Nomination.


  1. Bill was slipperier than Old Nick himself, but Hellary's success puzzles me. She has Bill's Ethics combined with the charm and appeal of Richard Nixon, she can't think on her feet, and kids running for 6th Grade Class President display better political instincts and skills.

    Hellary is like a Political killbot, designed to look human, but the outer skin has come off, and you can see the scary inner workings.

    At what point does the programming go whacky and cause her to start killing critics with a lethal laser stare, a crushing blow from one of those tree trunk cankles, or deadly flames shooting from some orifice...

    1. She's a reliable supporter of the financial industry, the arms industry, private insurance and all the other forces bankrupting the nation.

  2. Corrupt Democratic politicians believe they don't have to follow the law, that they are above the law. both of the Clinton's come to mind

  3. Funny how Hillary declared victory mere hours before the California primary...

    Word to Bernie Supporters, "Jill Stein in November!"

    1. I can't imagine that the declaration will motivate Bernie supporters to support Hillary.

    2. An International News Organization now crowns our presidential nominees. Who needs to vote?

      ps - I agree!

    3. The support may be very lukewarm but you forget one thing.


    4. I heard more than one Bernie supporter on CSPAN this morning swearing that they were going to vote for Trump. About twice as many said they'd vote for Jill Stein. They REALLY disliked Hillary.

      Hillary is toast.

    5. The dislike for Clinton is palpable, Farmer and she did little to dilute it by having her little dog Debbie announce that Hillary is the nominee before the California polls opened.

      To me, proof she new Sanders was far too close.

      I'll vote for Stein but it's different in Massachusetts where Trump has no chance.

    6. My sweat socks could beat Hillary.

      Unfortunately she's facing Trump instead of my sweat socks.

  4. [holding my head in agony] Will these deadbeat thugs never go away!? We've been dealing with those people since the late '80s. Earlier than that in Arkansas. They all deserve to be in jail and executed. (Sorry, in one of those moods today ... too much news, I guess.) ~:)

    1. Sparky,
      Law enforcement should have opened fire on these anarchistic thugs!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Bummer! I accidentally deleted your comment, Duck. It was about eliminating Shakespeare from the curriculum, I think. Will check my email comment notification.

      Again, my apologies. Damn iPad has small buttons.

    2. Try again, off topic but I thought this might make your day.

      Today's SJW news

      Really just stunning in its ignorance.

    3. Off.



      And English majors at Yale, too!

    4. Duck,
      Did you read that petition? Sheesh.

    5. AOW; They've been taught to hate anything white and male....we have the profs to 'thank.'
      Think they're conservative profs? :-)

    6. If they can blacklist Shakespeare now, you KNOW that the Trump U judge if after Donald's head..

    7. Well z, the SJW's just make themselves look dumber every day.
      I can assure you that many on the left would like them to exit.

      The REAL problem comes if Yale actually acts on this inanity.
      Say tosses Wordsworth for Snoop Dogg.

      Ain't likely to happen.

    8. Ducky, I hope you're right. I hope enough profs get a grip and start talking GOOD LITERATURE instead of DIVERSITY LITERATURE.....this is truly NUTS.

  6. __ Hillary’s Acrostic Confession __

    I’ve always had ambition to gain power.
    My motives frankly, I’ve not understood.
    At times I know that others think me sour.
    For me that’s not a problem. I’m no good.

    Unusual if not unique it must
    Cause many to perceive my style as vile.
    Kicking at the pricks adds to my lust
    Inspiring me to spew more and more bile.

    No one can stop me, I am positive,
    Because I am The Designated Choice
    In whom the Powers see a Factor Causative
    To silence soon forever Freedom’s Voice.

    Crushing, then discarding the Old Rules
    Happily I of all my fans make fools.

    ~ Hillary Rotten Clinton

    1. Oh, Dear! You cad!

    2. Cad? I think HRC's confession is spot on, myself.

      ... Lamentatia P. Nosebleed ...

  7. I no care what any you racist say. I vota Hillary!

    1. You're voting Hillary, Freethinke?

      Please don't. The Earth might fly out of its orbit.

  8. We are on the same page. What Trump has in mind remains to be seen. Does he really want to be President? Not sure. But this is the other option. Pick your poison.

  9. Sicilians are the best liars btw. youtube - true romance

  10. The Clintons? Sociopaths in the White House? Why not? We have one now.

  11. Try to think of the house in the following poem as a stand-in for this year's presidential campaign. The utter bleakness and aura of failure, despair and decay clearly define what ever aware citizen ought to be feeling right now.

    __ The House on the Hill __

    They are all gone away,
    The House is shut and still,
    There is nothing more to say.

    Through broken walls and gray
    The winds blow bleak and shrill:
    They are all gone away.

    Nor is there one to-day
    To speak them good or ill:
    There is nothing more to say.

    Why is it then we stray
    Around the sunken sill?
    They are all gone away,

    And our poor fancy-play
    For them is wasted skill:
    There is nothing more to say.

    There is ruin and decay
    In the House on the Hill:
    They are all gone away,
    There is nothing more to say.

    ~ Edwin Arlington Robinson

  12. Hillary Clinton is unlikeable, untrustworthy, a liar who lies about telling lies, and is 100% self-centered. An indictment that should preclude her deeply flawed candidate from the Presidency of the United States.

  13. "Hillary Clinton is unlikeable, untrustworthy, a liar........................."

    YES! So what does that say for a sizable number of potential voters? They must defecate where they eat!

  14. Replies
    1. FT,
      Treat this thread as an open thread until further notice.

  15. May God bless you and take care of you, in your need.
    A Proud Progressive,

    1. The first kind, decent thing I've ever seen you publish.

      Thank you for that.


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