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Monday, June 27, 2016

Bill Maher On Islam And Islamophobia

I am not fan of Bill Maher. And I never watch Real Time, which airs on HBO, a cable channel to which I do not subscribe.

That said, Maher appears to be one of the few liberals who "gets it" about Islam (The first video below is quite short, so if you don't have time to watch both videos, please watch the first one):

Why is it that Bill Maher is one of the few liberal celebrities to recognize and name the Islamic threat?

Related reading: Islamophobes (which offers an abbreviated list of the ranks of the world’s greatest political leaders, military leaders, writers, philosophers, historians, researchers and intellectuals; the movers and shakers of history).


  1. I like watching Maher. Don't like all of his positions, but I like many of them, such as on Islam......and his general irreverence.

    - CI

  2. The fatal consequences of Islamophilia!

    From Blood-smeared floors where Swedish social worker was stabbed to death in ‘frenzied attack':

    BLOOD smeared across floors and splattered up walls, these shocking pictures reveal the horrifying last moments of a Swedish social worker murdered in a “frenzied attack” in a CHILD asylum centre.

    Alexandra Mezher, 22, left a trail of blood as she desperately tried to pull herself to safety and begged for her life.

    The graduate bled to death from a severed artery in her thigh after she was stabbed repeatedly in the vicious attack.

    Asylum seeker Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, who claimed to be a minor in order to stay in the children’s centre, has been charged with Miss Mezher’s murder.

    The Ethiopian, who is at least 21 years old, claims he can’t remember the incident which took place on January 25.

    The gruesome pictures reveal how Miss Mezher desperately fought for her life after being stabbed as she tried to break up a fight before two young migrants she was caring for....

    More at the above link.

    I wonder how many other Westerners have been killed by "migrant refugees" in these various centers throughout Europe.

    1. I anxiously await the rebuttal from Ducky is Here.

    2. I doubt that you wait in all that much anticipation, Freethinke.

      I don't know why you expect a "rebuttal" when the occurrence of the stabbing is a fact.
      It naturally raises questions:

      1. Why did a facility housing only young unaccompanied minors have a lone woman on evening staff?

      2. If we are to accept your belief that all Muslims are evil why did other Muslims attempt to stop him.

      3. Is this an isolated incident?

      4. What was his mental condition. He is now in a psychiatric hospital.

      5. Do you express as much outrage when an American drone obliterates a child?

      Circle within circles, Freethinke.
      The effort of American to see themselves as clean in all this is truly pathetic.

    3. We could all write his response by now...

    4. Oh, he'd DONE it while I was typing! And he never lets us down.
      "the effort of Americans to see themselves as clean.."
      This stabbing is OUR FAULT?
      Please tell us more!

      But, Ducky is totally fair in #2....I think I'm the only conservative who (gasp) does agree with him on this. Those good stories of Muslims trying to help are rarely in the news. And while there aren't enough, they do exist and should be reported on.

    5. Don't be silly, Z.

      The stabbing is the fault of the assailant, pure and simple.
      Trying to find record of other stabbing incidents in Sweden I came up empty.
      They get a large influx of migrants and for the year can't even match the stabbing deaths in NYC.

    6. "Don't be silly?"
      "The effort of American to see themselves as clean in all this is truly pathetic." And you think I"M silly?
      Did WE cause the stabbing?

      Of COURSE the stabbing is the fault of the assailant.

      And the fact that other stabbings have NOT occurred is a perfect highlight that Swedes don't usually stab other Swedes. Thanks.

    7. 1. Why did a facility housing only young unaccompanied minors have a lone woman on evening staff?

      Another good question; which clearly indicates nobody had to worry about Swedes being alone on the evening duty caring for other Swedes. It's only NOW that everyone has to change all their precautions...
      is it because of CHristians? Swedes? Hindus?
      Oh, WAIT! it's MUSLIMS! The BAD ones...
      Let's hear more from the millions of GOOD ONES...I can only hope.

  3. Either you get it or you don't. He gets it.

    1. Bunkerville,
      There is no excuse for not getting it! We live in the Information Age, and objective research is easily employed.

  4. He gets it, which should scare the hell out of any liberal with common sense... They 'should' pay attention to him, since he is one of their 'darlings'!

    1. Old NFO,
      Liberals are notorious for ignoring anything that doesn't fit into their worldview. They wish to believe that Islam is a religion of peace and, as a result, cannot examine evidence to the contrary.

  5. Mr Z and I really liked Bill Maher until he became so close minded and witheringly insulting to Christianity. Neither of us cared if one was a person of faith or not but never slammed other religions and figured he should grow up and shut up,too.

    The left will say this incident in Sweden is "one off"...how many will it take until they learn those numbers are rising, and we're not hearing the majority of them. You wouldn't BELIEVE the stories I get from Germany about what they call the "invaders".

    I keep asking where people think those thousands of young men with no families but plenty of cell phones get their cell phone bill? I think we'd have a lot of good answers about the truth of that migration if we knew.

    1. So it's okay to mock Islam but not Christianity? Interesting.

      I keep finding that events in the Islamic world are so much more complicated than we realize.
      The New York Review of Books ran a terrific review this week of Joshua Hammer's, The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu . Unfortunately it's a subscriber only web page.

      The review was quite positive and the book recounts the struggle in Mali to retain a moderate scholarly Islam that we in the west will barely acknowledge.
      Most of the article concerns the efforts to save the great libraries of Timbuktu but also mentions the struggle to retain the music scene among other institutions in Mali (you really should check out The Super Rail Band of Bamako .

      The book is not short on criticism of superficial twits like Bono who has been a source of turmoil there nor on criticism of the Libyan fiasco.
      But the review presents its main thrust as presentation of a Muslim culture we don't even know exists let alone understand (but the French come off pretty well in this story).
      Are we at fault (I anticipate you)? Not exactly but we are guilty of incredible ignorance and arrogance.

    2. ...we are guilty of incredible ignorance and arrogance.

      Paybacks are hell, aren't they ducky...

      In those days Yahya al-Nahwi, who was known as Grammaticus in our language, enjoyed fame among Arabs. He was a resident of Alexandria and a Jacobite Christian who ascribed to the Savari (?) creed. In his last days he renounced the Christian faith, and all Christian scholars of Egypt gathered around him and advised him to recant, but he did not. When the scholars were disappointed they stripped him of all the offices that he held. He lived in that condition until Amr ibn al As (the Muslim commander of the army conquering Egypt) entered Egypt.

      One day Yahya went to see him. Amr came to know about his learning and scholarship and he paid him great respect. He began a discourse on philosophical issues which were unknown to Arabs: His speech made a deep impression on Amr and he became fond of him. As Amr was an intelligent, wise and thoughtful man, he made Yahyaa his companion, never parting his company.

      One day Yahya said to Amr, “Whatever there is in Alexandria is in your control. As to things that are useful for you we have nothing to do with them, but as to those which you may not need, my request is that you favour us by putting them at our disposal, for we deserve them more than anyone else.” Amr asked him what they were. He said: “They are the books on wisdom and philosophy that are stored in the state library”

      Amr replied that he could not decide the matter himself but had to seek the Caliph’s instructions in this regard. Accordingly, he informed the Caliph of the matter and asked for instructions. The Caliph wrote: “If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them.”

      After receiving the reply Amr began dismantling the library. At his orders, the books were distributed among the public baths of Alexandria. Thus in a period of complete six months all the books were burnt and destroyed. Believe it, and do not be amazed.

    3. [W]hen the enemy endeavored to cut off his communication by sea, he was forced to divert that danger by setting fire to his own ships, which, after burning the docks, thence spread on and destroyed the great library.

      — Plutarch, Life of Caesar

      Caesar seems to be the most frequently named perp although other Romans and even the Coptic pope have been named.

    4. That's ridiculous and you know it, Ducky.

      When comparing Islam with Christianity and finding both as faulty, yes, it's okay to mock terrorist Islam over Christianity. Absolutely. Our problem was HOW he criticized...as I said in my comment above.

      One HUGE fault of the West is the inability to even try to understand that all Muslims don't want us dead....That's just a fact; they DON'T.
      That more and more aren't marching against terrorism is troubling...I've been asking for that since 2011 "Where are they?" because there are plenty who want to leave peaceful lives, plenty trying to do reform. We never hear about them...it doesn't sell ads on TV.
      The French might come off well and look what happens in return. Bombings in rock concerts and Charlie Hebdo...I rest my case.
      We need to be vigilant, we need MUSLIMS to prove to US they're not dangerous..it's not OUR problem to show them WE are accepting and open.

    5. But we keep up with the bombings and military destabilization and WE have no reason to establish that WE are not dangerous?
      I challenge how accepting and open the French have been to Algerians.


    6. This is an interesting project

      Unfortunately by the time something hits reputable news sites like Spencer/Geller, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart or WND it has become proo.
      Ever notice that there are never any revisions to the sensationalism at these so called "news" sites? Fact is we are not adequately informed (that includes schlock entertainer, Bill Maher)

    7. Re the German "project"...it's BULL S***...you should read the stories I'm getting from Germany.
      Am I suggesting every story against the hideous onslaught of people is true? Probably not 100%.
      Did this project also include the truthful stories? The thousands of people being told "No thanks, I don't want your old bike, I want a new one...i'm your guest in this country".. COUNTLESS sad stories like that one.
      How about demands for the gov't to build muslim schools?
      How about the thousands of Germans told to move from apartments to accomodate the migrants?
      How about the many stabbings over the years in UBahns, clubs, etc?
      Don't believe everything you read... you worship at the feet of what YOU want to believe then you you blast FOX and other sites? sad, really....like lumping Breitbart in with WND. Tho Breitbart has changed greatly for the worse since Andrew died, it's no WND. You reading FreeRepublic, too? WHY?

    8. 1. In regard to the article the French did act at some risk in Mali to prevent the destruction of an important site of Islamic culture.

      2. How did the Algerians "benefit" from being used as virtual slave labor after WW II?

      3. Why should your private correspondence take precedence over creditable news sources? Don't believe the world press but do believe your nephew and Breitbart? Please.

      4. I do not read Free Republic at all. The only time I read Breitbart is when it is mentioned on a right wing blog. I haven't found it edifying or often substantiated.

      "All I want is the truth
      Just gimme some truth"

      -- John Lennon

    9. Z,
      the German "project"...it's BULL S***...you should read the stories I'm getting from Germany.

      Orwell's Ministry of Truth only scratched the surface of the propaganda machines we face today.

    10. Ducky, first they were not slave labor...and they came for jobs...with Peugot and didn't work for free.... stop blaming the capitalists for every stupid thing that happens.

      OH, yes, I ALWAYS believe first-hand over news...you keep thinking our news is credible if it makes you feel better. You should know better.

      Breitbart is usually substantiated but has been going far into entertainment and shock value; not at all what Andrew had going. His loss is bad for Libs and Rightwingers...because he believed in AN HONEST MEDIA.

      Wouldn't he be horrified today. ....especially to hear people like you who think our news is credible only because people like you only believe what you want to hear and you're NOT hearing ALL THE NEWS, trust me.

  6. Bill Maher is not a typical progressive. I think most of what he says is utter trash, but occasionally (unlike progressives), he's correct in his analysis. Perhaps his indoctrination into progressive dogma was defective, so he has a few brain cells remaining?

    1. Euripides,
      Perhaps Maher has actually studied history. He attended Cornell University and majored in English and history.

      And maybe he's even read the Quran and the Haditha.

  7. Duck,
    Is this an isolated incident?

    I've read of other incidents of "migrant refugees" attacking those trying to help them.

  8. Z,
    Those good stories of Muslims trying to help are rarely in the news. And while there aren't enough, they do exist and should be reported on.

    If there are such stories, why aren't they featured front and center on the liberal news outlets? I regularly read the WaPo and CNN's web page. Stories about good Muslims are relatively rare.

    Why do so many of your conservative friends disagree with you about good Muslims? Because such Muslims have lapsed in their faith, as dictated by the Quran and the Haditha.

    1. I'm tired of people actually believing everyone born of Muslim parents wants us dead, AOW. It's insane.
      There were Muslims who helped the French and the Jews at the deli in the Paris shootings too, remember?
      There isn't much sex appeal in a good Muslim story from either side of the aisle....
      I won't talk more on this.

    2. Z,
      For the record, I have never stated that everyone born of Muslim parents wants us dead.

      I have stated that the doctrines of Islam are militant and seek destruction of "the other" -- or subjugation. Individual Muslims do not necessarily put into practice the doctrines of Islam.

  9. Yea, I've seen him a number of times on this. He gets it.

  10. AOW,,. I don't think anybody but Obama and his minions believe Islam is NOT the problem. EVen Muslims on TV tonight, after the Istanbul attacks, were saying "We MUST have reform, we MUST wake up,... etc etc"
    Ya, they MUST.


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