Silverfiddle Rant! |
I'm not a conservative anymore, nor am I a liberal. These words are meaningless now, they are used only for tribal identity, and I'm done with tribes.
Donald Trump was a threat to the Establishment, so they spied on him and sabotaged him. Props to our always-honest friend Jez for stating the obvious:
"Looks like intelligence agencies were monitoring the Trump '16 campaign, and continued to cast a weather eye on him thereafter. I don't have a problem with that, merely winning an election is no guarantee that you're not a criminal."
You and What Army?
Trump did himself no favors. He kicked in the door to the clubhouse of the dirtiest, nastiest most dangerous gang in the world and announced he was going to kick everybody's ass, but he didn't have the tough people behind him to make it happen. Also, he set himself on fire daily and routinely shipped truckloads of ammo to people wanting to destroy him.
Team Trump was full of outsiders and that made them a danger to institutions and special interests, if not to the US itself thanks to their having no experience steering the ship of state through very dangerous waters. I'm sure that's how the saboteurs, ratfinks, bedbugs and moles justified their actions.
Challenging China was itself enough to rally his enemies. Too many people and businesses make too many billions selling out our nation and our workers to China. There is an interlocking global cartel of billionaires, powerful people, governments and bureaucrats, and their one focus is protecting the franchise. The US citizens in that cartel don't give a shit about Democrat or Republican. They don't give a shit about the United States of America and her people, either, unless it increases their bank accounts or gives them more power over others.
Global War on MAGA
John Brennan and Stan McChrystal are aiming insurgency and terrorism rhetoric at Trump supporters, and they need to back it down. Such talk is reckless and irresponsible, and its fueling even more irresponsible propaganda emanating from Establishment revanchists and their clueless leftwing handmaidens, hoping to drive a new Patriot Act to bring the War on Terror home to the US.
I understand the old adage that to Hammerin' Stan, every problem looks like an insurgency nail, but for all his and his fellow Establishmentarians' wisdom, Afghanistan is a lost cause and Iraq--instead of being the Germany of the Middle East--barely limps along.
All Stan and his fellow generals accomplished--at the behest of their Establishment masters--was wrecking nations, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and enflaming even more hatred against the US. Thanks for all your brilliance, Stan, but please don't bring your shitshow here to America.
A Time for Choosing
It's time to reject the old order. The "experts" have brought us nothing but failure. Winning WW II and paying off the enormous debt of that war was the Establishment's last achievement. Government has since developed an auto-immune disorder and is attacking We The People. The Establishment hollowed out American factory towns, selling it all lock, stock and barrel to China, leaving working people with no jobs and destroyed communities, all in the name of GOP "free market capitalism."
The Establishment starts wars it can't win, or even finish. We need to stop listening to Democrats and Republicans preaching us into wars, and we need to stop listening to hubristic generals selling us winning strategies that always end up losing.
Everybody over 50 needs to get the hell out of the way. I would take Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard over a GOP Establishmentarian any day. So, my penultimate piece of advice is to throw your support behind whoever vows--Trump-like--to dismantle the DC Criminal Cartel but--unlike Trump--actually has the rhetorical skills and a top-notch team of smart bureaucratic infighters to get it done. No more marginal revolutions.
My final piece of advice? Pray.
Tune in Tuesday...