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Monday, November 16, 2020

COVID-19: The Long Term Effects?

I have long expressed concern about exactly what recovery from COVID-19 looks like.  What the medical profession considers recovery is really not a desirable recovery. 

After all, Mr. AOW is considered recovered from his stroke of September 15, 2009, but the recovery doesn't look good at all: hospital bed in the living room, bedside potty in the living room, mobility scooter, and totally dependent on me his caregiver for his ADL's (bathing, getting dressed, etc.), frenetic searches for a viable restroom when we're out, the occasional pit stop at the side of the road.  You get the picture, I'm sure: Mr. AOW's stroke recovery is one of total disability.
Also, the tragic case of Nick Cordero got me to wondering, "what does recovery from COVID-19 look like?"  
Apparently, the variables are many and even unknown.

Before weighing in, please watch the short video below and read the articles at the bottom of this blog post.

Mayo Clinic article (October 7, 2020) HERE.

From Harvard Medical School (October 8, 2020): The hidden long-term cognitive effects of COVID-19.

Questions, then, arise: 

What is the appropriate and Constitutional role of the government for COVID-19 prevention during this pandemic?  

Have certain state and local governments overstepped with the measures they are taking?  Two examples of recent measures, and there are many more recent clampdowns: (1) the mayor of Chicago has basically canceled Thanksgiving and Christmas and (2) the governor Virginia has limited all public gatherings to 25 people or fewer (previous limitation was 250).

Do we even know which measures work?


  1. I think the appropriate level of government response depends on local conditions. What's sensible in Chicago might not be necessary or justifiable in the middle of rural Montana. But I'm not the guy to comment on constitutionality. As for long-covid, how many times does Jayhawk need to explain that if he could simply get over it, then the whole so-called pandemic must be fake news?? Join the dots, sheeple.

    1. Jez,
      You pointed out that Jayhawk apparently could simply get over it. Well, if that's the case, then why bother at all with masks and lockdowns?


      Again, I point out that Mr. AOW "got over" his stroke. But look what we have to live with? That's hardly recovery in my book!

    2. My last two sentences were intended ironically. I'm pleased Jayhawk recovered relatively well, but I think he overestimates the statistical significance of his experience.

    3. That is not even close to what I said, Jez, and it borders in idiocy to claim that I did. In fact I have repeatedly said that the virus needs to be taken seriously, but that isolating people who are not sick and who are unlikely to be significantly harmed if they become sick is not the proper way to handle an epidemic.

    4. Some people get very sick and recover fully.
      Some people get very sick and never recover fully.
      Some people get somewhat sick and recover fully.
      It's said that the great killer in the "Spanish Flu" was wearing the mask itself.
      There are voices on the left that look forward to using the Coronadoom as an excuse for The Great Reset.
      My brother had it and never gave it to his wife or anyone else. and he's fine.
      Elon Musk may or may not have had it.

    5. https://twitter.com/i/status/1328020783596269568

  2. This really has me angry when checking out your links. PA governor Wolf is OK with sending positive Covid patients into nursing homes as I write this. I live in a "congregate" living situation...independent living that includes various levels of additional care if need be. We are now flooded with cases and back to quarantine. I can attest that hospital Covid patients are being shipped back still positive into our nursing facility. But who cares? And the media? Don't make me laugh.

    1. Bunkerville,
      Awful, just awful!

      And just what do the media care about? [rhetorical question]

    2. The President's task force on Covid-19 response is lead by an x-ray technician (not ane epidemiologist) pushing for "herd immunity" i.e. letting the virus infect and kill everybody that it can until only those less vulnerable to it survive. If the Trump administration could kill everyone vulnerable to Covid-19 any faster, it would.

  3. In a good for the goose, good for the gander thought, maybe should also ask if certain state and local governments did enough to help protect their people?

    The most interesting paradox I've seen during all of this have been state politicians who decry Washington one size fits all policies and argue for local control, overturning locally decided mask orders, stay at home orders and crowd restrictions.

    Why would mostly Republican governors not allow those decisions to be made at the local level?

    1. Maybe the government shouldn't do ANYTHING to "protect" the citizenry. Maybe the citizenry should look after themselves.

    2. Ed... maybe. But many see in the Preamble to the Constitution a charge to provide for the general welfare. I get that some see that solely in liberty, but others see in that more activism.

      I reckon the proper path lies somewhere in the middle.

    3. I reckon the proper path lies somewhere in the original intent.
      There were doctors back then, and nobody was suggesting they become government agents.

  4. The sweeping, total shutdowns are punitive and unreasonable. Cases, they say, are rising and so your business must be shut down, even though there is not even a scintilla of suspicion that your business has contributed to that rise in cases. How many cases originated on your business? As far as government knows, zero, and you they shut you down because cases SOMEWHERE are rising.

    But are cases actually rising? Or are the number of cases actually the same and we are simply detecting more of them because we are doing much more testing? Answer: we don't know, but we're going to shut your business down anyway.

  5. Or is the answer that we shouldn't do anymore testing because it gives a more clear picture of how widespread the disease is and that would embarrass Trump's X-Ray tech further?

  6. I have no basis for this suggestion, but might these Covid numbers be bogus, being merely a distraction from the ongoing disaster of the recent federal election?

    1. The timing is certainly convenient.

    2. It's more a disaster that people actually thought he would win. A little under half the country needs to relearn situational awareness skills, and there ain't time.

    3. He lost by just about the same margin he won last time. The map is in play.

    4. Libertarians are to blame in the close states. You're welcome Anerica!

    5. TC, Damn. You're right. In Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona, the Libtardarian vote was greater than Biden's margin of victory.

      They did to Trump what Jill Stein did to Hellary last time.

    6. That's presuming that the margins of Libertarian vote would have either voted at all....or voted for Trump. Past studies have shown that L votes have broken for both parties...but a slim majority wouldn't have even voted for POTUS. Neither candidate had much of substance to appeal to Libertarians.

    7. CI, Makes sense about the L's. I do believe the overwhelming number of Jill Stein voters took votes from Hellary.

    8. I don't think Jill Stein pulled enough votes anywhere it mattered in 2016 to spoil Hillary's election chances. There were no "too close to call" states in 2016 as there was this year.

      If the Republican Party is suicidal, it will refuse to shed Trumpism by 2024.

    9. Much of 2021 will be filled with Trump's journey to prison or a country with no extradition treaty.

  7. The following are examples of fundamental violations of basic human liberties. Governments that implement such rules are totalitarian, and a polity that accedes to them is conformist and fit only for dictatorial rule:

    # Forcing people to confine themselves to their homes and not go outdoors

    # Forcing people to wear masks outside

    # Forcing people to shut down their businesses

    # Canceling holidays

    # Dictating to people how many visitors they may host in their homes, and the manner in which they may conduct gatherings in their homes

    1. SF,
      Yes, that list is one of violations of our civil liberties.

      Mr. AOW and I feel like prisoners in our own homes. I have a major problem with wearing a mask: a phobia, I suppose, but it's miserable. I damn near have a panic attack when forced to wear a mask for over an hour (as I must do when having kidney scans).

    2. Ed,
      Nor should be we happy.

      But people today are such sheeple. Defies belief, doesn't it?

    3. Silver, does government ever have a right, or a duty, to curtail rights in a national emergency? I've thought a lot about a day years ago when I visited my dad and he brought out a can of WW II rationing coupons. He said the government denied citizens basic things like sugar and gas for "the war effort."

      It seems to me that we'd never stand for that today. We gave up our freedoms then, even in some cases, the freedom of mobility, for the good of the country. Some would say those freedoms were illegally taken.

      Where do you see us now, as it relates to those times?

    4. Define National Emergency, because that is not what we have right now.

    5. Ed... I don't know how we should define National Emergency. It's probably up to whoever is president... at least that's how we have done it in the past. As for whether the current crisis rises to the level of a national emergency, I leave ot to President Trump... here's his announcement.

      "NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020. "

    6. Dave,

      The national emergency is what panicked governments all over the US have done to our economy and people's well-being.

      Yes, there are rational public health standards. Telling a private citizen how to conduct her own affairs, and with whom, inside her own house is abhorrent. The fact that you don't think so is disturbing.

    7. SIlver... I'm not sure I said what you claim. I would say as a society, we've already determined that in fact, government does have a role in how we conduct our own affairs inside our own houses. We can't abuse our kids, we can't beat our spouses, we can't knowingly pass on the AIDS virus... there are all sorts of behaviors that we regulate in all sorts of places for the general welfare of our citizens.

      Whether I like those rules or not.

    8. Dave,
      You just made a case for the old, discredited sodomy laws.

    9. Silver... you know me better than that. No serious person would say that our "own house" is, or should be immune from all laws, regulations, etc.

      I think the key might be the term consenting adults, and whether the behavior can remain within the confines of our own house. Can the government make anyone make anyone wear a mask in their own home? No, but man, this has all got so ridiculous.

      Returning to my national emergency example, many people in their own homes were required to go lights out during WWII under order of the US Gov. Was that legal? Was it necessary? I don't know, but there wasn't a lot of push back then from the crowd that now says issuing a National Emergency Declaration isn't even Constitutional.

      Most of the folks taking the anti mask, Covid is not that bad, it's a plot to take away our rights stance, are the same folks who can't, or won't define anything on the right as extreme, for fear of naming themselves.

      It really is as someone once told me... Dave, their are no extreme views on the right [politically] because by definition, we are right [correct].

  8. Does anyone believe it was a coincidence that big pharma announced positive results of their vaccine five days after the election. Trump put a target on their backs with controlling costs and they needed to protect their profits so he had to go.

    Now that joey is at the helm they can sleep easier knowing they have protection from accountability because he has their backs. They will hire hunter as a consultant because he is so trustworthy and know nothing about their business.

    Forcing people to stay alive is funny. We should just send everyone to the gulag so they stay in line. 1984 is closer than we think.

    1. Skudrunner,
      Does anyone believe it was a coincidence that big pharma announced positive results of their vaccine five days after the election.

      I don't believe it was a coincidence.

    2. No way was it a coincidence! Trump wanted to bring drug manufacturing back here; let's face it, if COVID was planned by the Chinese, they're not going to believe putting something awful in our drugs is not nice. If it wasn't, they're clumsy and we need to be assured our drugs here (it's a HUGE majority of what we ALL take that's made there) are safe. So, if they came back here, pharma couldn't make the profit they make now on ANY drugs because Trump, as usual, was living up to his promise to make drug costs lower....they didn't like that.

  9. Scientist say, This Covid is man made. Yes Covid is real--
    but this strand is manipulated by man. The Scientist say that this strand will,DIE OUT.
    The Vaccine ready now for this strand - will be useless -
    when this Covid dies out. Then What?
    We all took the Vaccine for nothing and the side affect of the Vaccine may be more harmful to all who were tricked into following the Vaccine Heard.

    1. We have to have a new flu vaccine every year, and in a good year it is 40% effective. We now have not one but two Civid vaccines which are over 90% effective? I have a nice bridge for sale.

      Covid-19 is a corona virus, as is the common cold. How well does the vaccine for the common cold work? Oh, wait...

      Only two viral diseases have been effectively defeated by vaccines. One took 30 years, the other 35 years. Covid took just 11 months? And, again, I have a really nice bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

    2. Jayhawk,
      Only two viral diseases have been effectively defeated by vaccines.

      Only two?

      Please see THIS LIST, and tell me where/how the list is wrong.

    3. TS/WS,
      The Vaccine ready now for this strand - will be useless -
      when this Covid dies out.

      Even if COVID-19 is manmade (weaponized), a natural mutation is very normal for most viruses. But not all viruses mutate in a dangerous way; some mutate in a way so as to be rather harmless in comparison with the original version of the virus.

    4. Of that list only Smallpox and Polio are considered defeated. The rest are still live in the wild. Even Polio, due to relaxation of vaccination standards is regaining its threat, so actually only one remains on the "fully defeated" list.

  10. While I agree that Donald Trump hates America and wants us all to die, I think it stretches credulity that Trump would cover up China manufacturing the Coronavirus or at least not accuse them of stealing the design from us.


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