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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Musical Interlude

Enjoy "Stayin' Inside" - Coronavirus Bee Gees Parody:

Takes me back to my disco dancing days. Yes, I got up and danced to this!


  1. Cute! Clever! Very much to the point!

    Thank God for humor.

    Too bad the Left is incapable of anything but dour expressions splenetic indignation over their own doggedly literalistic interpretations of what others –– far smarter, far wiser, far wittier and far more sanguine, optimistic, congenial and creative than they –– have to say.

    Literalistic humorlessness is a Hallmark of the Leftist appoach to Life. They are far more concerned that somone might have the temerity to SAY OUT LOUD in violation of their prissy, petty, self-righteous, suffocatingly insular notions of what's right, good and proper than they are with dealing EFFECTIVELY with REALITY on a blood and guts level.

    I can't help but wonder how clumsily and ineptly they'd be likely to respond to great satirists of the past such as Charles Lamb (Dissertation on Roast Pig) or Jonathan Swift (A Modest Proposal).

    Decades of Cultural Marxist conditioning has already rendered too many members of what's left of Western Society dull, lifeless, witless, compliant, "ignorantized" automata. A word peopled by Intellectual EUNUCHS.

  2. Here is another parody ("My Shiroga" becomes "My Corona").

    1. Don't look up the Cheech and Chong parody of My Sharona!

  3. Thanks for the memory...... they did a nice job with it....

  4. lol. I like how they are all in separate frames with their instruments. Like Hollywood Squares.

  5. The dog with his chewie is a nice touch. I played this until my wife made me stop.

  6. Bing Crosby sang this Song of Prophecy back in the 1940's, though we didn't reognize its far reaching implications at the time, –– and neither did he:

    I'd like to get you on a slow boat to China
    ___ All to myself alone
    Get you and keep you in my arms evermore
    Leave all your lovers weeping on the faraway shore.

    Out on the briny with the moon big and shiny
    ___ Melting your heart of stone
    I'd love to get you on a slow boat to China
    ___ All to myself alone

    Out on the briny with the moon big and shiny
    ___ Melting your heart of stone
    I'd love to get you on a slow boat to China
    ___ All to myself alone
    On a slow boat to China,
    ___ All to myself alone.

    Once a dream becomes a reality it often loses most of its appeal, and ain' DAT de TROOF?


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