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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Child Abuse

[Note from AOW: please scroll down.  Another active thread below]

From Infidel Bloggers Alliance's post Great Moments In The History of Leftism: 10-Year-Old Boy 'Drag Kid' Photographed With Naked Adult Drag Queen:

On Monday, 10-year-old Canadian boy Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden was featured in a troubling Huck Magazine piece highlighting the life of a so-called "child drag queen." Young Nemis, whose drag name is "Queen Lactacia," was shot by photographer Jonathan Frederick Turton for the spread. 

In one of the shots that did not make the magazine, Nemis, in full drag makeup and a black dress, is posing for a photo with the Season 7 winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race," Violet Chachki. In the shocking photo, Violet is wearing nothing but a pair of heels and a small piece of fabric covering his genitals, as seen in the screenshot below ...
Blog master Pastorius stated:
You can see the image by clicking here. I ain't posting it.

In what world is this kind of thing not child abuse?

Additional reading: about Huck Magazine.


  1. The most important job anyone can ever have is that of a parent. There’s no training for it, and there is no program for continuing certification. If we ever wanted to get to the root of what ails us in the USA, we’d not need to look any further than crappy parents ... people who had no business having children to begin with. One does wonder, in this case (I did not click on any of the links), where are the Child Protective Agencies?

    1. Sam,
      The linked photo was removed by Instagram. Child porn.

      If we ever wanted to get to the root of what ails us in the USA, we’d not need to look any further than crappy parents.

      I agree. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" -- including when that hand is incompetent.

    2. Noiw HERE'S a TRULY HIDEOUS item that REALLY ought to get us ALL STEAMED UP:


      Parents Arrested for Splitting 14-Month-Old Son´s Tongue with Scissors, Officials Say

      Fox News,

      by Amy Lieu

      The parents of a 14-month-old Indiana boy are accused of child abuse after investigators said someone likely used scissors to split the boy´s tongue, a report said Wednesday.

      Holly Cota, 28, and boyfriend Scott Edwards, 33, were arrested last Friday in connection with injuring the child, WTHI-TV reported.

      The boy was taken to the Union Hospital in Terre Haute, the New York Post reported, citing the Tribune Star. Edwards is facing charges of aggravated battery and neglect of a dependent. Officers said Cota lied about how the child´s injuries occurred, the station reported. ...

    3. "EDWARDS" should be facing FIRING SQUAD!

      His "'GIRL FRIEND" deserves nothing less than LIFE in PRISON at HARD LABOR with NO HOPE of PAROLE.

    4. Just round 'em up and MACHINE GUN ;em into a ditch you've made THEM dig. And even THAT would be too good for them.

  2. Grotesque and nonsensical to be sure, also distasteful, but I can think of dozens of other things that trouble me a great deal more than silly Masquerade Parties of this sort.

    I'm far more concerned about finding out precisely WHY such a large segment of the public has been persuaded to vote consistently for wretched creatures like Nanny Pelousy, Hairy Red, Gavin Gruesome, Mitt Romney, Adam Schitt, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Beto O'Rourke, Paul Ryan, the- late-ungreat pain-in-the-ass John McVain, Communist Bill di Blasio, and of course the near-fatal-bullet we managed to dodge thanks to President Trump, –– HILLAHOG ROTTEN CLINTON and her Creepy Consort in Corruption.

    How and WHY did SCOTUS ever even bother to LISTEN to Madelyn Murray O'Hair?

    How and WHY has the evil called Political Correctness been able to get such a deathtrap on our society?

    How and WHY has our use of ENGLISH degenerated to such abysmal levels in just fifty short years?

    Why do so few reaiize that RAGE fueled by SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS –– whether it comes from th Left OR the Right –– is probably THE greatest evil humanity ever has or ever will face?

    People just LOVE to find a "Good Reason" or a "Good Excuse" for giving way to FURY in such a way that they feel JUSTIIFIED in wreaking HAVOC and indulging in vicious campaigns of violent PERSECUTION.

    Let's examine our reasons for indulging in THOSE truly dreadful things, and try to CORRECT the ERROR of OUR WAYS before we go stomping off to form a MOB, rope in hand, to "GET" those really BAD GUYS –––– over THERE.

    Fear of the OTHER, and the ASSUMPTION that anyone who appears "different" MUST be EVIL –– and therefore DESERVING of SEVERE PUNISHMENT-if-not-outright ANNIHILATION –– may well be THE root of ALL the TRUE EVIL human beings have perpetrated in each other for countless millennia.

    ASSUMPTION fueling AGGRESSION is far more wicked than a pathetic show put on in celebratin of Drag Queens, who after all must be one of THE most minute and insignifi=cant of all the troublesome minorities confronting us.

    1. Franco,
      silly Masquerade Parties of this sort

      I think that these are much more dangerous to children's well being than you do. Children are so easily influenced -- as I see all the time with the students with whom I work.

      Are there more troublesome matters? Sure. But that is true of many things. Small things lead to bigger things.

      I'm far more concerned about finding out precisely WHY such a large segment of the public has been persuaded to vote consistently for wretched creatures...

      Sure, but we've hashed that matter over and over again. And, ultimately, I think that we do know why.

    2. Addenddum: I see that Instgram has removed the linked photo.

      Take my word for it -- it's child porn. That's probably why the photo was removed.

    3. We shall have to agree to disagree on this. I didn't say I APPROVED of the drag nonsense, but I –– well there's no point in repeating myself.

    4. In olden days a glimpse of stocking
      Was looked as something shocking
      Now heaven knows - ANYTHING GOES!

      Good authoors too
      Who once knew better words
      Now only use four-letter words
      Writing prose..

      The worlds gone mad today
      Good's bad today
      Black'swhite today,
      Day's night today,
      Most guys today
      That women prize today
      Are just silly gigolos...

      Cole Porter wrote that in NINETEEN THIRTY-FOUR

      So the old saying "The more things change, the more they remain the same" is really true.

      Noel Coward had a LOT to say on this subject when he wrote "What's Going to Happen to the Children When There Aren't Any More Grown Ups?"

      Coward wrote that in NINETEEN-TWENTY-SEVEN, and if you read the text, you'll be astonished at how remarkably up to date it seems right now.

  3. Adults have always gone crazy. The sick twist our modern society has put on it is to drag children into the insanity while others applaud.

  4. Another victory for the Nambla-Pizzagate Left.

  5. Creepy, but then I feel that way about all child pageants.

    1. Kiddie pageants creep me out too. Little Miss Sunshine is a great movie.


      __________ Marilynette _________

      Junior Jezebel who found applause
      Ostentatiously bedecked in plumes ––
      Nonesuch in your nonage –– groomed to cause
      Boys to have impure thoughts in their rooms ––
      Enticing in your gilded innocence ––
      Nullifying prudent –– decent –– thought,
      Evil overtook you. An immense
      Tragedy by foolishness was wrought.
      Refashioned –– coached –– to play the vain coquette ––
      An arsenal of artifice about you
      Mocked your childhood. This inane toilette
      Secured your doom, and gives some cause to doubt you.
      Enfante terrible with childhood stolen –– lost ––
      You lived to show us Blonde Ambition’s cost.

      ~ FreeThinke - The Sandpiper

  6. Speaking of child abuse. Time for these Indians to go back to their Reservation.

    1. Yes, at the National Shrine in D.C. -- on the grounds of Catholic University.

  7. Sadly this is no longer considered child abuse.... In fact it is supported. The nonsense regarding the use of pronouns.. No more he/she and we have now living in the twilight zone.
    This morning a Hollywood celeb proudly announced "they" child would chose their own identity, and would be raised "neutral."

  8. The satanic left is strangling our society

    1. SF,
      Yes. And the sheeple are going merrily along with their own destruction.

  9. Replies
    1. Yep, ready to run the country with Cortex ....now almost as popular as Trump. Their various groupies filling out the cabinet.

    2. Bunkerville,
      ready to run the country with Cortex

      Scary thought!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In what world? The world of the left.

    1. As usual, you GET It, and unlike me, can say it very well in the fewest possible words, Kid.

    2. How would you resolve this? It's being done with the parents approval or even orchestrated by them.

    3. Before I was born, my sister was removed from our home.
      My mom was a popular nightclub singer and was declared an unfit mother.
      Those were the days.

    4. DUCKY...you're joking, yes? "done with the parents' approval"....we've had parents get high with kids and were arrested for child abuse, we've had a LOT of problematic parents but when they allow a kid to do THIS, it's "how would you resolve this?"
      I was wondering how you'd get around condemning this nauseating situation.....you never let me down.

    5. Well Z, I wonder if separating him from his parents would do more harm than good.
      He seems quite comfortable with this identity.

      Where the kids whose parents got high any better off for being removed?

  11. I wonder when the day will finally arrive –– as surely it MUST –– when the latter-day equivalent of Bastille Day occurs, and we citizens get SO fed up, sick and tired we willingly walk en masse into hailstorms of machinegun fire, where the survivors finally WRENCH, TEAR, an;d DRAG the filthy devils who rule us from their privileged perches and literally HACK THEM TO PIECES on the Capitol Steps and other bastions of Immunity from Common Decency like their luxuriously appointed walled domiciles.

    It's time time to bring back the TUMBRILS, and start either DECAPTITATING the bastards, or SMASHING and STOMPING the LIFE out of these haughty, smugly vicious OPPRESSORS.

    They are TRASH,and deserve nothing less than ANNIHILATION.

    1. Be sure to wear kevlar and a MAGA cap.

    2. Hardly! My dream is to have you strapped down while I wield a RED HOT POKER, and shove it up your rosy red rectum, Canardo.

    3. Even the Catherine Wheel would be too good for you.

    4. The Pear of Anguish or the Judas Cradle would be acceptable alternatives to either of the above.

    5. Franco,
      Please try to avoid personal attacks.

      I know, I know. You’ve been personally attacked here at this blog. But sometimes it’s better to turn the other cheek (Sermon on the Mount).

    6. If you want ME to STOP POSTING HERE,all you have to do is say the word, and I'm GONE. Otherwise, I shall continue to DENOUNCE and EXCORIATE A$$HOLES whenever i see them. PERIOD!

      Why YOU tolerate the likes of Les Carpenter HERE I shall never understand.He's SCUM –– more toxic than DOG DIRT and less desirab;e than BAD BREATH. Creatures of hisobnoxious ilk should NOT be welcome in ANY decent venue, becuse ther presence automatically makes it INDECENT.. If you refuse to see that for yourself, i have no choice but to DEPART.

      I know damned well I WON'T be missed anyway.

    7. Franco,
      I think that you would certainly be missed. I would certainly miss you. So, I'm not saying the word.

      Look. I don't want more blogger feuding. And I run this blog according to a different set of rules than you use at your blog.

  12. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Or if you're bent to the Left, try this updated intersectional critique of capitalism... re-branded to contain Vitalimax Plus

  13. For Peyrone the Tent of Consent
    Was a threat 'cause his member was bent.
    His poor wife was frustrated ––
    Never got procreated ––
    'Cause instead of coming he went!

  14. "His fellow band members: another sheep, a rabbit, a nun. Their masks an external acknowledgement of societies absurdities, animals on stage, playing punk music."

    Haven't we seen this somewhere before?

    Don't say Wicker Man.


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